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Meet Carole and Sylvii; together they research their own new fresh truths. Carole, a recent widow, suffers financial and personal family betrayals with her husband’s death. Sylvii, their suburban friend, stays beside Carole and assists with reporting to the police and agencies.
Traveling interstate Carole returns to familiar places to replenish her optimism, and while keeping in touch with Sylvii defines themselves with loyalty. News of her friend’s husband’s death and experiences with their friends’ children become known to Sylvii, who brings Carole’s details to others throughout Missouri. Carole’s nightmare awaits in her return to her native state, Nebraska, and for memories of family, past hopes and her future. Finding abandoned acreage creates an opportunity for Carole with previous financial planning. Her venture onto her new land Carole referred to as the Olde Homestead, while clearing up this abandoned property Carole writes in her diary of details for July’s Dream, and Carole begins to design with planning to create her own future.
Release dateNov 23, 2023

Maureen Armstrong

Irish, born in Saskatchewan, Canada, Maureen found abilities after high school to bicycle across Edmonton, Alberta’s High Level Bridge to begin career in post-secondary education and was awarded degree in Social Work in five years in Calgary, Alberta at University of Calgary. After moving to British Columbia, Maureen studied mediation at Justice Institute of British Columbia, completed Certificate in Family Mediation to continue work in criminal justice and public schools. Writing is affinity while daily walking often in nature and lead Maureen to teaching conversational English at Tongcheng Teachers College. With luck and good fortune to depart to China in 2016, Maureen searched and discovered living-well in smaller city. Two years of coming and going to Tongcheng developed with generosity and patience into long-term relationships. Simply said on being Irish, Maureen is always Irish enjoying travel across Western Canada.

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    JULY’S DREAM BOOK 1 - Maureen Armstrong

    © 2023 Maureen Armstrong. All rights reserved.

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    transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  11/20/2023

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-1628-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-1627-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2023919718

    The novel is a work of fiction. The characters, names, incidents, dialogue,

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    Chapter 1     Onus

    Chapter 2     Faith and Robert

    Chapter 3     Being Mom

    Chapter 4     Glimpsing Nebraska

    Chapter 5     Alain and Carole

    Chapter 6     Carole’s Diary

    Chapter 7     Dolorousness Crimes of Pasts

    Chapter 8     Relocating

    Chapter 9     Natural Events

    Chapter 10   Saturday Night

    Chapter 11   Fine Print With Poetry

    Olde Homestead Diaries



    August 1994 Point of View

    At home in my neighborhood decide on plans to travel far enough away from home but familiar enough to reassure myself of well-being. For past few years, struggling with making money-ends-meet and expenses with theft of life’s savings, financial duress plagues plans for day-to-day security of health and keeping my apartment, or changing locations and looking for new place to live. Now, I know for sure to turn towards establishing a new home.

    During my first trip to view land and buildings ambitions of relocating seem ominous few weeks ago. Weather drains surroundings of easy times with heavy fierce winds collapsing tent, or rain falls in buckets and deterring plan for trying to stay few days more. Now location decisions for more permanence descend into planning. In next days coming to decisions to choose alternatives to establish daily-living and being here or to relocate anywhere else, even overseas, varies between abilities to manage and refurbish buildings on land and other future options.

    Though car trip through country roads seems different to weeks ago to find previous gas station, decide to pull over car on corner where busy truck stop sits in rural setting of ranching and hay crops. Stopping car and getting out to look at map in parking lot helps remove confusion of repeating trip to find identical gas station before becoming further disoriented and lost from driving to look further down highway for turnoff north to Sagebrush. After scanning state map for interstate highways from small rural community, find state highway north to Sagebrush in map and return to car. Turning car around go back down same paved interstate highway to turn right onto road driving north down the highway on interstate highway traveling from Missouri.

    Familiar roads return to my view and community visited weeks ago emerging from vast country plains. Nearby, in large Nebraska prairie town amenities include good gas station and fastfood restaurant, and making stop in cartrip worthwhile. Staff allow sitting nearby at messy table beside magazine racks, and hamburger tastes great while taking break to rest from car trip. Though one hour later, and after feeling rested from driving, begin road trip quest driving several more hours. Country roads wind through Nebraska’s spanning flat lands opening to vast blue skies and find interchange to state highway to Sagebrush and community closer to land and destination. As driving through east-west interchange up ahead emerge onto corner to franchise sign for popular gas station reststop for meal in late afternoon. Sagebrush community population attracts enough work and rural business in ranching, tourists or farming to be host to many services like hospitals or stores. After ordering coffee and sandwich make phone call outside restaurant.

    Sylvii, Carole calling from payphone at diner. I have arrived in Sagebrush, Nebraska from road trip from Missouri, Carole said.

    Thanks for calling, Carole. Nothing new here. Faith and Robert have not been in touch. Police have not called with any report of returning your money to your account. I am well, and glad you had a good trip, Sylvii said.

    I receive letter from Internal Revenue Service last week, Sylvii, with phone number for supportive help to file annual taxes by phone and set-up recurring payments of pensions to our bank account. I made this phone call to IRS before leaving and filed taxes. The account will pay expenses for apartment until we settle-up for new changes. My things still remain in apartment, and may have to be packed up at some point. I took couple stops along the trip for breaks and gasoline fill-ups. I am few miles away and close to final destination but felt I need to begin to call in to you to check on our progress with our complaint to police and let you know I am fine and safe.

    I am relieved. Thank you for calling from payphone. I understand phoning impossibility from your location otherwise Carole. Let’s get together soon when you return home too, Sylvii said.

    Destination and camp set up with tent on new land purchase requires travel by car north from Sagebrush few miles away, and buildings appear usable but in need of lots of elbow grease for tons of clearing; though place seems charming in first visit to purchase three weeks ago, I am only able to do partial walk-through with land agent because of all debris laying about, Carole said.

    You, Carole, achieve many things with your suburban home in the garden and interior designing business. I believe in you, Sylvii said.

    My health care benefits came in letter last week, and insurance for health care extends into Nebraska, Sylvii. Doctors nearby in Sagebrush claim any of my health needs with continuing insurance policies, and local amenities include country doctor and small Medical Clinic. Sagebrush Pharmacy stays open on main street. I am feeling fine but trip through those roads seems a bit lonely. I miss your friendship, and am very grateful to you. Tell Wallace the same. Although first impressions of small Sagebrush community remain hopeful as a good place to start over, I believe overseas provides better security. Thanks. I must go now. Goodbye Sylvii.

    In addition, Carole walks back into restaurant for her meal, sits down for their daily special of hamburger steak sandwich, and then walks over to cash register, I will paying for coffee and food now, Carole said.

    Driving away minutes later and down main street buildings look abandoned and beaten up for lack of care or paint with closed storefronts. Colorful flags of local schools and sports stars line main street.

    Yet thoughts of wonderful times with Sylvii and Wallace interfere. Many months ago as Wallace guides set-up of second bookstore in resort community in upstate Missouri near popular lake and seasonal activities, Sylvii invited me to travel together to meet for few days and together determine choices for new locations as remedial relaxation. Disappointments with her own children, Faith and Robert, after Alain’s death seems to be progressive and reducing her to someone without authority in financial and personal daily life.

    Lunch with Wallace’s invitation to lakeside restaurant in picturesque location highlights my own shockful of events that contrast distraught and daunting experiences at banks and my apartment I had shared with Alain before he passed on three years ago. We sat on the patio at the round table with Wallace’s few colleagues in book sales business and Sylvii nearby.

    Although providing momentary relief from everything in recent days with sunshine streams and vast, still, blue lake nearby, almost feel loss of Alain in a natural way with supportive people about. At home going to Mass with Sylvii past weeks brought about mutual hopes with others who felt obliged to share some of their own personal losses and grateful to Sylvii for speaking out, bringing her friend to Mass, and being part of their community of compassionate people. Any regrets felt surround my Baptist upbringing and need for driving long distances of five miles to simply go to church instead of local church down the street or a few blocks away. Somehow attending church felt welcoming but then Sylvii’s community offers such depth of thought to include her friend in their local directory and offer her invitations to church picnics and holiday times. Sitting last Christmas with Sylvii and Wallace at Christmas Eve service with lighted candles, hold our candles sitting together praying for brighter days.

    One particular church attendee, Iris, even discusses some sort of fraud created by financial planner signing her name with her agreements to investments without even asking. After losing most of couple’s life savings, Iris’s husband experiences health issues, a stroke I recall, and then passes away leaving Iris a widow, penniless like me too.

    Can we meet for lunch after Mass, Iris said.

    Yes. Today? Iris paid for lunch at family-style restaurant where her story unfolds.

    Lost savings of cash with financial investments, Iris said, and my husband told me his financial planner said he did not require his wife’s signature to transfer our life’s savings into investment portfolios. Fraud reports to police have no results for money for cash refunds, and continue to be outstanding.

    Furthermore, Iris, like me, uses her monthly senior and pension incomes for keeping her apartment payments up to date, paying car insurance, and affording her few luxuries.

    Sagebrush is a good town, said neighbor from past in cottage country. Memories flood with thoughts for the well-beings of neighbors in cottages of beach community north of Sagebrush, and with trip to Nebraska. New awkwardness’s invade old memories with abandoning problems with children, Faith and Robert. Leaving Sagebrush without stopping car again must arrive in daylight and final destination.

    Exciting views develop glancing in distant horizons as spot property and leave the paved highway where oncoming traffic passes by. Turning left, drive onto gravel secondary road aching with thick mud ruts three inches deep and damp from recent summer rains. Crops ripening on either side of gravel road wait for harvesting season. Most often while driving few miles over gravel road billowing path of dust clouds develop visible behind vehicle rubbing raw memories of family with happier times in past years driving over similar roads. Optimism abounded for our comforts for family vacations or controversies amusing all with joyful exceptions.

    Only this past spring, a few weeks ago, Fern’s invitation to barbeque in park with Sylvii simplifies everything in our day-to-day relationship joys. Fern brought hotdogs and buns, and Sylvii picked up Dunkin Donuts and lawn chairs. Fern’s portable barbeque sat on picnic table as we drank cold soft drinks, ginger ale or cherry coke, and flipped large hotdogs on her small grill on a

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