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Breaking the Mirror: Understanding and Overcoming Narcissism, Manipulation and Abuse!
Breaking the Mirror: Understanding and Overcoming Narcissism, Manipulation and Abuse!
Breaking the Mirror: Understanding and Overcoming Narcissism, Manipulation and Abuse!
Ebook240 pages2 hours

Breaking the Mirror: Understanding and Overcoming Narcissism, Manipulation and Abuse!

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About this ebook

Welcome to "Breaking the Mirror: Understanding and Overcoming Narcissism, Manipulation and Abuse".
This book is not just a guide; it's a lifeline for those who have personally experienced the devastating effects of narcissism, manipulation or abuse.
As someone who has walked the painful path of narcissistic abuse, I understand the deep emotional scars it leaves behind. But I also know that healing and empowerment are possible.
Release dateJan 8, 2024
Breaking the Mirror: Understanding and Overcoming Narcissism, Manipulation and Abuse!

Nadine Simmerock

He escrito este libro para ti. Espero sinceramente que mis palabras y experiencias puedan ayudarte a encontrar tu propio camino, a liberarte y a sanar. Mi objetivo es animar a los demás y mostrarles que es posible encontrar la paz interior y crecer a pesar de las circunstancias difíciles. Tu interés por mi historia me llena de gratitud. Es un regalo saber que mis palabras han tenido un impacto positivo en ti. Si puedo hacer aunque sea una pequeña contribución a tu propio viaje, entonces me siento realizada. Gracias de nuevo por leer mi libro. Espero que te inspire y te abra nuevas perspectivas. Si tienes más preguntas o necesitas ayuda, no dudes en ponerte en contacto conmigo. Avancemos juntos por el camino de la curación y el crecimiento.

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    Book preview

    Breaking the Mirror - Nadine Simmerock



    The Power to Change

    The Story of Narcissus and Echo

    See and Find the Light in every Situation

    Red Flags

    Different types of disorder

    My Story

    Your Story

    Active and Passive Energies

    What can help?

    The Three Phases

    Global social cycle

    Future Faking



    Learned Helplessness



    Lack of empathy

    Trauma Bonding



    Releasing Toxic Shame


    Changing Guilt



    The Survival Mode

    The Chakras

    Balance Your Chakras



    Fear of death

    The Threat

    Vain Striving

    Heaviness and Immense Sadness


    Unfulfilled Longing…. and Bitterness



    Smiling Depression

    What is Emotional Intelligence

    The Power of Giving and Receiving

    The Balance of Giving and Receiving

    Forgiveness, The Transformative Power Within


    Your Needs



    You are worthy

    And now write your new Story

    What are your Protection Strategies?

    The Healing Process

    Love letter to YOU

    Closing and THANK YOU


    Dear reader,

    I want to share with you my book, my personal journey and exercises, that has been incredibly helpful on my own healing process and I hope it is helpful for you!

    However, it's important to remember that while this book can be a valuable resource, it does not substitute professional help.

    Healing from the wounds of a narcissistic, abusive relationship is a complex process that may require the guidance and support of a trained therapist or counselor. They have the expertise to provide personalized care and help you navigate the challenges you may face.

    So, as you explore the pages of this book and engage in the exercises, please keep in mind that it is meant to complement, not replace, the assistance of a qualified professional. If you find yourself in need of additional support, I encourage you to seek out the help of a therapist who can provide the guidance and care you deserve.

    Remember, you are not alone in this journey, and there are professionals who are ready to support you every step of the way.

    Wishing you strength, healing, and the support you need, I love you very much.


    Welcome to Breaking the Mirror: Understanding and Overcoming Narcissism, Manipulation and Abuse. This book is not just a guide; it's a lifeline for those who have personally experienced the devastating effects of narcissism, manipulation or abuse. As someone who has walked the painful path of narcissistic abuse, I understand the deep emotional scars it leaves behind. But I also know that healing and empowerment are possible.

    In the pages of this book, we will embark on a journey together—a journey of self-discovery, healing, and reclaiming our lives. We will unravel the complexities of narcissism, shining a light on the manipulation tactics and the distorted reality it creates. Through sharing my own experiences, my path to come out of a long abuse, we will find solace in knowing that we are not alone.

    I really want to help you to find your way out, forever. I try to show and explain my way, to help you to find your way. I show you totally openhearted what really helped me. My whole life I tried to find my way out. As a child I only asked myself, how can I get out. How can I escape. It’s my deepest soul wish, that I can give you a hand, that my long way helps you sincerely. Thank you for your trust. And don’t forget- YOU ARE NOT ALONE!

    Throughout our exploration, you will learn to recognize the red flags and warning signs of narcissistic behavior. You will gain the clarity and strength to navigate toxic relationships with a newfound sense of self-preservation. Together, we will set boundaries, rebuild your shattered self-esteem, and develop healthier patterns of communication.

    Please understand, that this book is not just about understanding narcissism, manipulation or abuse; it's about reclaiming YOUR power. Everybody has his story, you, me, everybody, but with this book you will embark on a transformative journey of self-awareness, guided by exercises and reflective prompts. We both, together, will learn to embrace self-care, practice self-compassion, and surround ourselves with positive influences that foster personal growth.

    You will discover practical strategies and techniques for healing. You will find the courage to rebuild your life, forge healthier relationships, and create a future filled with authenticity and joy.

    Remember, this is not just my story—it's your story— it’s our story. Together, we will break free from the chains of narcissism, abuse or manipulation and you can heal your wounds, and emerge stronger than ever before. This book is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the power of reclaiming our lives.

    Are you ready to embark on this transformative journey? Let's take the first step together.

    In deep love


    The Power to Change

    I want to say thank you to everybody of you who has the strength and the size to change your narcissistic and abusive behavior. I love you too. I love your soul and I know that you have experienced something that shaped you into what you are in this moment. I want to welcome you to break free from your old being and find your way out of bad, unhealthy habits into a lovable being. I really want to commend you for picking up this book and taking the first step towards change. It takes a great deal of courage to recognize and admit that you have habits and behaviors that may be causing harm to others and yourself. It's even more courageous to decide to do something about it.

    You may have recognized narcissistic tendencies within yourself, and that's okay. We are all human, and we all have the capacity for change. The fact that you're here, ready to learn and grow, is a testament to your strength and your desire for a better life.

    Remember, change is a journey, not a destination. It's about progress, not perfection. There will be times when you stumble, and that's okay. What matters is that you pick yourself up, learn from your mistakes, and keep moving forward. The worst thing in life is, if somebody doesn’t want to change, can’t see itself in the mirror or can’t recognize how wrong his/ her actions are!


    As you embark on this journey, I want you to remember one thing: You are worthy of love, too! Of true love not disguised love, full of hate. Everybody is worthy of love. Not just from others, but from yourself. Self-love is not about vanity or self-obsession. It's about treating yourself with kindness and respect, so you can treat other with kindness, humility and respect. It's about acknowledging your worth and believing in your potential.

    Breaking free from narcissistic habits is not just about changing your behavior. It's about changing your mindset. It's about shifting from a mindset of 'me' to a mindset of 'we'. It's about learning to value the feelings and needs of others just as much as your own.

    In this journey, you are not alone. There are many others who have walked this path and come out stronger on the other side. And remember, it's okay to ask for help. Whether it's from a trusted friend, a family member, or a professional, don't hesitate to reach out to others for support, or contact me.

    Finally, remember that this journey is about love. Love for others, love for the world, and most importantly, love for yourself. Because at the end of the day, love is what truly matters and ONLY matters.

    So, dear soul, as you turn the pages of this book, I hope you find the courage to change, the strength to love, and the wisdom to live a life that is true to who you are.

    The Story of Narcissus and Echo

    First of all, I want to share the story of Narcissus and Echo, two characters from Greek mythology.

    If you understand this story, you understand the dynamic power, between two persons who are in this. Once upon a time, there was a young man named Narcissus. He was incredibly handsome, and his beauty was known far and wide. However, Narcissus was also very proud and disdained those who loved him.

    Echo was a beautiful nymph. She was very talkative, and she had been cursed by Hera, the wife of Zeus, to only repeat the last words spoken to her. One day, Echo saw Narcissus in the forest and fell deeply in love with him. She followed him quietly, longing to speak to him but unable to say the first words.

    One day, Narcissus heard a rustling in the bushes and called out, Who's there? Echo could only respond with Who's there? This went on for a while until finally, Echo showed herself and rushed to embrace the handsome youth. Narcissus, however, rejected Echo's love and pushed her away.

    Heartbroken, Echo spent the rest of her life in lonely glens, pining away for the love she never knew, until only her voice remained. She dissolved- the pain of not being allowed to love him and be loved, dissolved her being. And that’s what happens to the victim, it dissolves until the true being disappears.

    As for Narcissus, his rejection of Echo angered the gods. They decided to punish him by making him fall in love with his own reflection in a pool of water. Narcissus, unable to leave the beauty of his own reflection, eventually withered away from his obsession, turning into a flower that now bears his name. And that happens to the abusive person- he/she is so self centered, that he/she cannot see or perceive anyone else.

    This tragic tale serves as a reminder of the dangers of excessive self-love and the pain of unrequited love.

    See and Find the Light in every Situation

    I delve deep into the complex world of narcissism, abuse and manipulation, offering a comprehensive guide to understanding and dealing with this challenging personality trait.

    Drawing from extensive research and my real-life story, this book provides a compassionate and insightful exploration of narcissism, abuse and manipulation, its origins, and its impact on individuals and relationships. It offers a roadmap for both those who exhibit narcissistic tendencies and those who find themselves entangled with narcissistic individuals.

    At this point I want to take a moment to share a deeply personal part of my life with you. Growing up, my family appeared to be picture-perfect to the outside world. However, behind closed doors, I experienced a childhood filled with unimaginable pain and suffering. I was subjected to sexual abuse, physical violence, manipulation, and a constant feeling of being trapped in a prison of fear.

    But here's the thing: I broke free and I learned to see and find the light in every situation. There is a light in everything, in everything.

    I will share more moments with you during our journey and I will explain my way and my darkest moments…I want you to know that no matter what you have been through, you have the power to rise above it. Your past does not define you. It may have shaped you, but it does not have to determine your future. You are stronger than you realize, and you have the ability to create a life filled with love, joy, and purpose. I did it- you will make it! Okay, you can do it, you are stronger than this.

    It's important to acknowledge the pain and trauma you have experienced. Healing takes time, and it's a way that looks different for everyone. Surround yourself with a support system of caring individuals who can uplift and guide you along the way. Seek professional help from therapists or support groups who specialize in trauma and abuse. Remember, you are not alone.

    I want to assure you that there is hope, there is light. There are countless individuals who have faced similar challenges and have found healing and happiness. You deserve to experience the same.

    Take small steps each day towards your healing and growth. Be patient and kind to yourself, and never hesitate to reach out for support when you need it.

    I believe in your strength and resilience. Your story is unique, and it has the power to inspire and empower others who may be going through their own struggles. By sharing your experiences, you can create a ripple effect of healing and change.

    My past made me to who I am, and I can ensure you that I won’t change. Every step I took, how painful it was, every tear I cried, every fear I felt and tried to stop me on my way, I am standing. I am standing stronger than before! I believe in love and that I am unbreakable. A lot of people tried to break me, but I am unstoppable and outstanding. Never give up- the Universe is FOR you! God is FOR you and I think they trying to take the BEST out of you!

    I believe in it and it made me stronger!

    Remember, you are not defined by your past. You have the power to create a better future for yourself. Embrace your journey and know that I am here to support you every step of the way.

    Every soul will gain a profound understanding of the various subtypes of narcissism and abuse, including grandiose and vulnerable narcissism, and how these traits manifest in different contexts. You will learn to recognize the red flags and warning signs of narcissistic behavior, enabling them to navigate toxic relationships with clarity and self-preservation.

    I will explain relationships and the truth is, that to live and be in a healthy relationship, took a long time for me, but I achieved it. So do you!

    I always was able to give real love, but with my childhood programs and my passive energies inside of me, I always found a narcissistic partner! I was able to love, but unable to receive love. But imagine, I could heal every single programed energy inside of me and I found real love.

    Breaking the Mirror goes beyond mere diagnosis and offers practical strategies and techniques for healing and growth, of BOTH SIDES! It provides step-by-step guidance on setting boundaries, building self-esteem, and developing healthier patterns of communication.

    Whether you are seeking to understand yourself as a victim, to understand your own narcissistic tendencies or looking to support someone affected by narcissism, this book serves as a compassionate and empowering resource. It offers hope and guidance for breaking free from the destructive patterns of narcissism and fostering healthier, more fulfilling relationships.

    Please understand that sometimes I am writing special, certain suggestions for the victim or for the narcissistic person or for both to improve their lives.

    Now let’s begin the journey towards healing and empowerment, I

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