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I WILL: The Art of Discovering Life's Riches
I WILL: The Art of Discovering Life's Riches
I WILL: The Art of Discovering Life's Riches
Ebook250 pages6 hours

I WILL: The Art of Discovering Life's Riches

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You are about to begin what can be the most important journey of your life. A venturing of the mind and the spirit, it will teach many priceless things full of wonder, of simplicity, value, and wisdom. There will be no real trains, ships or planes to be sure, yet this excursion discovering life's riches will be more vivid and real than any journey you have ever taken and one you will never forget.
A questionnaire sent to 1.134 men and women asked the simple question: "Is success a destination or a journey?"; 926 said it was a destination.
There in a single dramatic example is the reason why so few men and women have the courage to attempt the climb to success. Viewing success as a destination gives one the feeling that to reach it, he must ascend over tortuous paths and that the journey will be a long and trying one. This, of course, is not true. Success is not a destination. It is a journey.
Release dateJan 18, 2024
I WILL: The Art of Discovering Life's Riches

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    I WILL - Ben Sweetland


    You are about to begin what can be the most important journey of your life. A venturing of the mind and the spirit, it will teach many priceless things full of wonder, of simplicity, value, and wisdom. There will be no real trains, ships or planes to be sure, yet this excursion discovering life's riches will be more vivid and real than any journey you have ever taken and one you will never forget.

    A questionnaire sent to 1.134 men and women asked the simple question: Is success a destination or a journey?; 926 said it was a destination.

    There in a single dramatic example is the reason why so few men and women have the courage to attempt the climb to success. Viewing success as a destination gives one the feeling that to reach it, he must ascend over tortuous paths and that the journey will be a long and trying one. This, of course, is not true. Success is not a destination. It is a journey.

    If you are taking a trip to Hawaii, let us say does your enjoyment come only after you have arrived in the islands? Not by any means.

    Your joy comes the moment you decide to take the trip. As you go to a travel agency to get descriptive folders, you are happy in anticipation of the journey. Packing your bags gives you a thrill because, as you carefully insert each garment, you visualize yourself wearing it, either on shipboard or after arrival, on some festive occasion.

    On the day of sailing, you reach the ship early and with a group of well-wishing friends go to your cabin where you joyfully inspect your bon voyage remembrances.

    The ship sails, and each day is replete with a wide variety of fun packed activities, which keep up until the guy ropes are tossed ashore at Waikiki.

    And, does your enjoyment end as you reach your destination? Not a bit! It's not only the things you do in Hawaii which give you happiness but the return will be packed with pleasure.

    Upon arrival the chapter is not closed by any means. The memories, the conversations regarding your cruise, your increased knowledge of other places beside your own, all tend toward returning tangible dividends of satisfaction as a result of the trip.

    Attaining success is not a destination it is a journey. You start your journey the moment you determine to be a success. This means that it is not necessary to reach the pinnacle of success before you begin enjoying it. You gain happiness after taking the first step toward success.

    Here is a little understood fact. You are a success the moment you start on the road to success. Therefore, you do not have to wait until you have money in the bank, nor your bills all paid before you are a success. You can be a success right now.

    To Create Is to Live

    I have written many articles on hobbies and mostly from a psychological standpoint. I pointed out that creation is the foundation of our existence that we are creatures (the products of creation); and that unless we are continually creating, we are not conforming to the laws of nature.

    Success, in itself, is not soul satisfying. To arrive at the summit with a pot of gold might give temporary pleasure but, in no time at all, one would reach a state of boredom.

    Achieving through creating is the epitome of satisfaction. Therefore, to start on the road to success through creative efforts means that from the moment you set your plans in motion, your enjoyment begins.

    Do you now comprehend the significance of the statement: Success is a Journey? Do you understand that this journey can begin any time you say, meaningly, I WILL make the start?

    And need the day of starting be some time in the undetermined future?

    Reading this book can be considered as being preliminary to your departure into the realms of accomplishment, power, leadership Happiness.

    An Unusual Request?

    I want you to feel that reading I WILL is the greatest step you have ever taken in your life and, perhaps, the most important step you will ever take.

    This can be true and it will be true if and here is a most vital word IF if you accept the book in the spirit that it WILL be the most important step of your life.

    In just a moment, I am going to make a most unusual request. A good percentage of people read formulas for self-improvement, and while doing so will think of many Tom, Dick and Harry's who should read them but they seldom apply the thoughts to themselves.

    I want you to imagine that this book was written, specifically for you. Every chapter, every paragraph, every sentence and every word were intended for you. Forget about the other fellow. This is a session which you personally, are having with the author and every line your eyes follow will be fitted into your own life.

    Now, here's the unusual request! Unless you seriously intend applying the principles which will be given to you please do not read any further. Give the book to a friend, or, if you have purchased it with a return privilege, ask for your money back.

    Thousands of letters from readers of other books of mine clearly indicate that the books have been of great value. Many letters tell of revolutionary things happening in the lives of the writers. But I also have information to the effect that some have read the books without concentration in the same spirit they read novels. They might enjoy them, feeling they contain good sound common sense but they usually fail to grasp the motivating force of the messages given.

    There are no principles in these pages which have not been proved and which cannot and will not be proved again. There is no conflict with any type of religious belief. Every suggestion given will be accompanied with a reason why you should accept it, and the results you have a right to expect from so doing.

    I Can Versus I Will

    It has been said that the basic difference between the success and the failure is that one man thinks in terms of I Can't and the other of I Can. This is partially true and, as I say this, I am not unmindful of the fact that I have used the expression countless times in my writings, my lectures and my radio and television programs.

    To be successful, you must know that you can be successful. This is important mighty important. In fact, it is absolutely necessary. But, knowing you can do a thing is no indication that you will do it.

    I maintain that you can do anything you make up your mind you want to do. You can climb high in your job. You can build a successful business of your own. You can become a great writer. You can become a famous painter. You can become an outstanding singer, or musician. You can climb to high levels as a lawyer, doctor or architect. But will you? This is the determining question.

    Using an understandable illustration, I might say that building an I CAN consciousness is the motivating force which loads the gun; an I WILL determination is the detonator which fires the gun. Both forces are necessary. The gun would be worthless without either of them.

    An acquaintance once called upon me to unload a tale of woe. He contemplated suicide.

    My family would be better off without me, he wailed. Were it not for the money my wife earns, we would starve. Should I die, they would have a little insurance money and would not have the responsibility of supporting me, he added mournfully. I sat this man down at an unused desk, gave him a pad and pencil, then suggested:

    John, suppose that some millionaire would make you this unusual proposition: He would tell you that if at the end of a year you had paid all of your bills and had a good income, he would give you a million dollars, what would you do?

    I told John to take his time and see what he would work out. Believe it or not, at the end of an hour this man had developed a most logical plan for reestablishing himself.

    Why don't you do it? I asked with elaborate casualness. John did. The last I heard of him, he had a good income and was not only out of debt, but had bought a most livable home for himself and his family.

    Here is a case where a man had an I CAN consciousness he proved that he knew what could be done but he had not built up an I WILL determination.

    I might relate another interesting story.

    Mary J. had a mind filled with ideas good ideas. During a visit, she told of case after case where her ideas had been successfully used by others. She had made nothing through these ideas. It was just that she had procrastinated in doing anything about them herself and later others had conceived the same things.

    I asked Mary why she had not acted upon her ideas at the time they were conceived. She gave me one reason after another none of which was valid.

    To prove of help to Mary, I took one specific idea of hers and used it as a subject for analysis.

    I asked this creative woman to name the reasons why she did not make use of the idea. I lacked sufficient money to develop it, she answered.

    All right, I ventured, how would you go about solving that problem?

    She reflected a moment, then came up with a most plausible solution. Mary could adjust her living budget so that she could lay aside about 10 per cent of her income. Also, she knew ways and means of making a tidy bit of money during her spare time.

    I asked questions as to the steps she would take in developing the idea; where she would take it after it had been developed, and many others. In every case, after thinking about the question for a few moments she would come up with logical answers.

    Now then, why had this lady permitted one idea after another to drift from her and eventually be used by others?

     She had the I CAN spirit, but not the I WILL determination. You might wonder how you would find all the answers regarding an objective, even if you did build up an I WILL determination. And this would be a good question.

    Once you have an objective and know you CAN accomplish it then determine you WILL and things begin to happen. First you study the obstacles standing between you and the attainment of your objective, and then you work out a plan of action which will enable you to hurdle those obstacles and attain your objective. We will go into this subject more specifically in a later chapter.

    Why Do People Fail?

    When giving formulas for success, the one who is a failure will invariably make all sorts of statements to justify his lack of success.

    In view of what I have given so far, a natural question from a mind which is inclined to be a bit skeptical would be: Those who have started out to accomplish something and then failed have disproved your theory. Didn't they first have an 'I WILL' determination before they started and, if so, why did they fail?

    Let's suppose you were going on a long motor trip. In order to assure its success, you would prepare yourself for every phase of the trip. You'd check your car thoroughly to make certain it was in first class condition: good tires, brakes, etc. You would want to know that your motor was properly tuned. You would determine to drive carefully so that there'd be no accidents. The clothing to wear, the amount of money to carry, all of these things would be carefully considered. At the end of the journey, you could look back over a happy, successful trip. You see? You not only had the I WILL attitude regarding going on the trip, but you took all of the steps necessary to assure it being a successful trip.

    There is a reason for every failure. It isn't because the wheel of fortune passed by a person's number, meaning that he wasn't destined to be a success. It is because, in some respect, he did not do the things essential for success.

    The Anatomy of Success

    So far, we have learned that the vital elements of success are:

    1. Know that I CAN be a success.

    2. Determine I WILL be a success.

    3. Develop a plan of action based upon an understanding of the obstacles standing between you and your objective.

    The rest of this volume will be devoted to a revelation of ways and means of (1) developing an I WILL attitude and, (2) learning what you must know and the things you must do to successfully back up your I WILL determination.

    Are You Contented with Your Life as Is?

    If your answer to this question is yes, you need read no further. I doubt, however, that this is true. If it were, there would be little reason for you to even consider reading this book. If you are not a financial success; if you have not done the things you would like to do; if you have not reached a position. of importance and respect; if every new day does not open with thrilling anticipation... then the very book you are holding in your hands will be as a magic wand poised to usher you into a land of dreams come true.

    Be happy even if your life has been disappointing. Rejoice if life's greatest objectives are still ahead of you. Give thanks for the past dreams which failed to come true. Why all this cheering for past failures? This cheering is because of the new and exciting experiences yet to come.

    My greatest success has been in my later years of life. Had my blessings come to me 30 or 40 years ago, they would be commonplace now. Now, each day, as something new comes into being, it is enjoyed to the fullest. In fact, I am kept young in anticipation of all of the wonderful things which are coming to me.

    Success a Journey

    In the beginning, you were told that success is not a destination, but a journey. This being true, you do not have to wait for the accumulation of wealth before gaining happiness, because your thrills begin the moment you start your journey.

    You are soon to make the start. In some respects, the journey will be an imaginary one, yet, in all your life, you have never been on a trip which has given you even a small fraction of the happiness and satisfaction you will get from this one.

    As I think about it, the journey you are about to take is not an imaginary one. It will be as real as life itself. Webster defines journey as going from one place to another. This is exactly what you are about to do. You will be journeying from the commonplace up and onward to the realm of joyous, carefree, abundance.

    Up to this point, I have been referring to the work you are-reading as a book. It is more than that. Think of it as a medium through which you are receiving the esoteric wisdom which will distinguish you from the average individual.

    Does this last statement sound egotistical? It is not meant to be. During the last several years of my life, I have risen from mediocrity to a place where I am enjoying luxuries I did not even dare to dream about in my younger days. My estate was not inherited. Every iota of it was acquired through the use of the principles now being given to you.

    As I write this, frequently gazing through the picture windows in my study looking out over our wide expanse of lawn toward the majestic oak trees which form a canopy over our driveway, I feel grateful and inspired. I feel as though a divine power is guiding my hands in expressing the thoughts which you can use to bring you the type of happiness with which I am so abundantly blessed.

    Perhaps one of the reasons why I am inspired is because of my love of people. Although I have probably never seen you and may never see you, I want to give you a new zest for life, a firm realization that life is what you make it and a determination that you WILL make it beautiful.

    It is your rightful heritage that you not only possess the necessities of life, but a generous share of the luxuries. It is intended that you have Peace of Mind, which is the Alpha and Omega of all objectives.

    Yes, my friend, you are going on a journey. It will be a glorious journey, because you will make it so.

    As this chapter comes to a close, may I make a suggestion? Before turning the page, will you read this chapter again? Here's why. You started reading with a mind of curiosity; interested, primarily, in learning what it is all about. By now you sense that in and between the lines is a dynamic force which can make all of your days from now on exciting and happy.

    After you re-read this chapter, relax and close your eyes for a few moments. Realize that you are about to start a journey. Visualize yourself moving into a new life where you are master of circumstances and not a slave to them. See yourself acquiring those things which will make you happy and which will enable you to make those near and dear to you happy.

    See yourself gaining the respect and admiration of those with whom you come in contact.

    Are you ready for the next chapter? Would it be better to wait a day before-reading it so that you can meditate and contemplate over what you have read? You be the judge, my friend. Remember, however, from this moment on, you and I are genuine friends. I am going with you on this journey. Hand in hand, and with hearts overflowing with joy, as our vehicle proceeds we will witness new vistas of grandeur opening up before us.

    Yes, you are going on a journey.


    For the next ten minutes, I want you to live in the land of make believe.

    When you were a child, do you remember the games of Make Believe you would play? For example, you'd Play House and imagine yourself as being an adult and do as an adult would do. For the time being, you would be an adult, at least so far as your imagination was concerned. You would see yourself fully grown and doing the things you might do, were you full grown. There were no limitations. You could experience anything within the limits of your powers of imagination. You could own and drive a fine car. You could have imaginary servants and give them commands.

    Right now you are to unshackle your imagination and give it full reign.

    Think of yourself as starting to plan a journey a trip to the land of Dreams Come True. Think of yourself as having been singled out by Fate as the recipient of an endowment in which you have fallen heir to everything you feel stands between you and your complete happiness and peace of mind.

    If you are a man, you might have envied those men who, through their success, are able to provide their wives and families with the comforts and luxuries of life. They live in fine homes with servants. They drive the latest and best automobiles. Their loved ones dress well. There is always plenty of money for travel and to put the children through fine schools and universities.

    If you are a woman, you may have cherished your dreams of being a career woman perhaps as a noted writer or a great designer. Or, your thoughts may have strayed toward the stage. screen or TV, giving you visions of yourself as an outstanding actress. Again, it could be that your ambition is to develop a personality, so radiantly magnetic that you will attract the type of a man who could and would provide you with the better things in life.

    Yes, for the moment you are to live in the land

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