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The Lost Son
The Lost Son
The Lost Son
Ebook122 pages1 hour

The Lost Son

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Paula stared out of the window; her gaze fixed on nothing in particular. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the quiet neighbourhood. Five years had passed since the day her world had shattered into a million pieces, and yet the ache in her heart was as raw as ever.

James had been just a little boy of eight, his laughter filling the air like a melody. He was her golden-haired boy, full of life and boundless energy. She could still remember the sound of his laughter, the way his small hand felt in hers as they walked to the park. But then, in the blink of an eye, he was gone.....

Release dateOct 21, 2023
The Lost Son

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    Book preview

    The Lost Son - Jagdish Arora

    Title Page

    The Lost Son


    Jagdish Arora


    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Chapter 1: Hope Amidst Loss

    Chapter 2: Serendipitous Encounter

    Chapter 3: The Enigmatic Alexander

    Chapter 4: The Resemblance

    Chapter 5: Torn Hearts

    Chapter 6: Memories Unveiled

    Chapter 7: Friend's Insight

    Chapter 8: Uncovering the Past

    Chapter 9: Revelation and Tension

    Chapter 10: Bonds Forming

    Chapter 11: Cryptic Message

    Chapter 12: Trails of Clues

    Chapter 13: Shared Sorrows

    Chapter 14: Hidden Connections

    Chapter 15: Confronting the Truth

    Chapter 16: Uniting Forces

    Chapter 17: Piecing the Puzzle

    Chapter 18: Shadows of the Past

    Chapter 19: The Hunt Intensifies

    Chapter 20: Climactic Showdown

    Chapter 21: Reunion and Revelations

    Chapter 22: A New Reality

    Chapter 23: Closure and Healing

    Chapter 24: A Journey Fulfilled

    Chapter 25: Echoes of Hope

    Chapter 26: The Day He Got Lost

    Chapter 27: Frantic Search

    Chapter 28: Lost and Found

    Chapter 29: Fateful Crossroads

    Chapter 30: Reunion of Hearts

    Chapter 1: Hope Amidst Loss

    Chapter 1: Hope Amidst Loss

    Paula stared out of the window; her gaze fixed on nothing in particular. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow over the quiet neighbourhood. Five years had passed since the day her world had shattered into a million pieces, and yet the ache in her heart was as raw as ever.

    James had been just a little boy of eight, his laughter filling the air like a melody. He was her golden-haired boy, full of life and boundless energy. She could still remember the sound of his laughter, the way his small hand felt in hers as they walked to the park. But then, in the blink of an eye, he was gone.

    Tears welled up in Paula's eyes as she traced the outline of a picture frame on the windowsill. The photo captured a moment frozen in time – James with his toothy grin, his innocent eyes radiating pure joy. It was taken on his last birthday, the last time she had held him close.

    She sighed, her breath quivering with a mixture of sorrow and determination. Her life had been divided into a before and an after. Before James disappeared, she had been a vibrant woman, full of dreams and plans for their future together. After... well, after was a world of pain, questions, and sleepless nights.

    With a heavy heart, Paula stood up and moved to the small table in her living room. The table was covered with newspaper clippings, maps, and photographs – a labyrinth of her ceaseless efforts to find any trace of her missing son. She had become a detective in her own right, scouring every corner of the city, attending support groups, and even collaborating with private investigators.

    A knock on the door pulled Paula out of her reverie. She wiped away her tears and took a deep breath before opening the door. It was Karen, her best friend since childhood, a steadfast presence in her life throughout the ordeal.

    Hey, Paula, Karen said softly, her eyes brimming with empathy. How are you holding up?

    Paula managed a weak smile. I'm here. That's about all I can say.

    Karen stepped inside, giving Paula a warm hug. I know it's been tough, but you're stronger than you realize.

    As they sat down, Paula poured her heart out to Karen, recounting the memories of James, the countless sleepless nights spent wondering where he was, and the constant gnawing feeling that she was missing a crucial piece of the puzzle.

    I can't give up, Karen, Paula said, her voice determined. I can't let go of the hope that someday I'll find him.

    Karen reached out and held Paula's hand. And you shouldn't, Paula. James is a part of you, and as long as you're looking, there's a chance.

    Paula nodded, grateful for Karen's unwavering support. After all these years, she still felt like a ship adrift in a storm, but she refused to let go of the lifeline of hope that kept her going.

    As the evening wore on, Paula and Karen reminisced about the good times – the laughter, the adventures, the moments that had defined their friendship. It was a bittersweet journey down memory lane, each memory intertwined with the absence of the little boy who had once been the centre of Paula's universe.

    Paula, Karen said gently, I know you've been searching tirelessly, but maybe it's time to take a break. Just for a little while. To take care of yourself.

    Paula looked at Karen, her eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and sadness. I appreciate that, Karen. But I can't stop. Not until I know the truth.

    As the night deepened, Paula and Karen remained seated, their voices a comforting presence in the quiet room. The stars began to twinkle in the dark sky, a reminder of the vastness of the universe and the mysteries it held. And somewhere, in that vastness, Paula hoped that the answers she sought were waiting to be uncovered.

    Chapter 2: Serendipitous Encounter

    Chapter 2: Serendipitous Encounter

    The city streets bustled with life, a cacophony of sounds and sights that seemed to blur together in Paula's mind. She walked with a sense of purpose, the wind tugging at her hair as if urging her forward. It had been a long day of meetings and errands, and all she wanted was to retreat to the solace of her home.

    Lost in her thoughts, Paula barely noticed the man who was about to collide with her. In the split second before impact, a strong hand reached out and steadied her, preventing an awkward stumble.

    Whoa there, careful, a deep voice chuckled.

    Startled, Paula looked up and found herself gazing into a pair of captivating blue eyes. The man who had saved her from a mishap had an air of confidence about him, his demeanour both commanding and approachable.

    I'm so sorry, Paula stammered, her cheeks flushing slightly. I wasn't paying attention.

    The man's lips curved into a warm smile. No harm done. It's a busy street.

    Paula felt her heart race, her pulse quickening at the unexpected encounter. She had seen handsome men before, but there was something different about this one – an aura of magnetism that seemed to draw her in.

    I'm Alexander, he said, extending his hand.

    Paula, she replied, shaking his hand with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue.

    As they talked, Paula discovered that Alexander was a successful businessman, known for his ventures in technology and philanthropy. He spoke with passion about his work, his eyes lighting up as he described his aspirations to make a positive impact on the world.

    I admire that, Paula said, her voice tinged with genuine admiration. It's not often you meet someone so committed to making a difference.

    Alexander's smile deepened, and he leaned in slightly, as if sharing a secret. Well, I believe life is too short not to leave a mark.

    As the conversation flowed effortlessly, Paula found herself captivated by Alexander's charm and charisma. He had a way of making her feel seen, heard, and valued – a stark contrast to the loneliness she often felt in the wake of James's disappearance.

    Before she knew it, hours had passed, and they were seated at a cozy café, lost in their

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