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The Legacy Titles
The Legacy Titles
The Legacy Titles
Ebook235 pages2 hours

The Legacy Titles

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About this ebook

"The Legacy Titles: 12 Proven Principles to Grow Your Business 800% - A Parable for Success" by Glenn is a transformative guide for anyone aspiring to elevate their business success. At its core, this book is an inspiring journey through the struggles and revelations of a middle-aged car dealer named Alfred, whose story unf

Publisher800 Elite LLC
Release dateFeb 11, 2024
The Legacy Titles

Glenn B Lundy

Glenn Lundy is a highly accomplished individual with a diverse range of skills and experiences. He is a devoted husband and a proud father of eight children.He has dedicated the past 25 years of his life to the automotive industry and has built a reputation as a respected professional in the field.As an author, Glenn has written several books sharing his knowledge and expertise and helping people unlock their full potential.He is a sought-after motivational speaker, using his experiences to inspire and encourage others to achieve their goals. He has also achieved the winner of the "Great American Speak Off"In addition to his successful career, Glenn is also the founder of the 800% Elite Automotive Club, a membership-based organization for people in the automotive space.He hosts a daily morning show called "#RiseAndGrind", where he shares his insights and knowledge to help people all around the world "Unlock Their Full Potential".

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    The Legacy Titles - Glenn B Lundy

    Praise for The

    Legacy Titles

    The Legacy Titles is a must read for business owners ready to play a bigger game and take their businesses to the next level!

    —Sharon Lechter, Author of Think and Grow Rich for Women; Co-author of Rich Dad Poor Dad, Three Feet from Gold, Outwitting the Devil and many others

    This is the book to read to help grow your business and obtain an amazing quality of life. The Legacy Titles is for every business owner and entrepreneur who wants to build a real business that generates real money and has the ability to exit for real wealth.

    Liza Borches, President and CEO, Carter Myers Automotive

    Glenn Lundy has once again brought his special brand of magic with his new book! This book will inspire you to be great! No mediocrity if you’re a fan of Glenn. He’s been my friend and mentor for over 10 years, and I know his readers will 800 percent their lives and business by following his tried-and-true principles!

    Lisa Copeland, Top 1% Realtor in US

    Add to cart folks, ADD TO CART, and get one for all your friends! Glenn Lundy, the legend behind The Morning 5 and all things Rise & Grind, has written a masterpiece for the soul and for your guaranteed progress.

    People often ask those in elevated places, if they could go back in time and advise their younger self, what would they say… well I would say to read Glenn’s book, right now. This is years of hindsight for your life’s foresight, a lifetime of lessons to help chart your course for success and the solid mentorship everyone needs to hear to never quit.

    Glenn, you are truly one in a billion, and your Legacy Titles are just that. Thank you for taking your success and using it to give back. This is the time it is most needed and I cannot wait to see this movement in full effect. May the whole world forever understand what it’s like to live life at 800%!

    Danelle Delgado, The Millionaire Maker TeamEngage.com

    I often talk about being around the right people at the right time, and Glenn Lundy is one of those people. In his new book, The Legacy Titles, he shares how leveraging 12 key principles allowed him to grow his business and, in fact, live a better life. Believe me, you will want this book in your library, and you’ll come back to it time and time again.

    Tim Storey, thought-leader, life strategist, author,

    speaker and counselor

    The Legacy Titles

    12 Proven Principles

    to Scale Your Business 800%

    A Parable for Success

    By Glenn Lundy

    Copyright 2024: 800 Elite Auto LLC

    ISBN: 979-8-9898479-0-7



    800eliteauto, LLC

    541 Darby Creek Road Suite 270

    Lexington, KY 40509


    Cover Design: Josh x7Judy Judy | X7Live

    Publishing Services: Book Your Brand LLC | David Lloyd Strauss

    To the most amazing, supportive, inspiring woman I know, and the eight beautiful children we are blessed to raise together.

    Thank You.

    To the most loyal, loving, determined parents I know, and the journey we went through to get to this point in life.

    Thank You.

    To the most incredible humans in and out of the auto industry who I have had the honor of doing life with these last five years.

    Thank You.

    To the five best friends I have in my life. You know who you are.

    Thank You.

    And lastly, to the greatest mentor, coach, leader, and friend a man could’ve ever asked for in life. Though things are no longer what they used to be…

    Thank You.




    The Beginning of a Legacy

    A Moment of Truth

    Discovering Unexpected Treasure

    Changing the Way You Start Your Day

    A New Perspective

    Actually Doing the Work

    The Unveiling

    A Rare Moment of Execution

    What Do YOU Want?

    There Are Diamonds Right Beneath Your Feet

    Fail to Plan and You Plan to Fail

    The Success Formula

    Fischer Went Pee-Pee in the Potty

    Seeking Opportunities to Serve

    When Everything Falls Apart

    Champions Attracting Champions

    Books, books, and more books

    Here We Go Again


    Join the Community…

    Ready to Rise and Grind?


    For years I’ve always said Glenn Lundy is the most underutilized talent in America. I believe with this book, that will no longer be the case.

    When Glenn gave me the final draft of The Legacy Titles - 12 Proven Principles to Grow Your Business 800% - A Parable for Success, I was immediately struck by the profound simplicity and universal applicability of its teachings. In my journey as an entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker, I’ve always emphasized the importance of core values such as gratitude, empathy, and accountability. This book not only resonates with these values, but Glenn has managed to bring them to life through practical, actionable principles.

    In the fast-paced world of business and personal development, it’s easy to get lost in the complexities and forget the principles that drive true success and fulfillment. The Legacy Titles serves as a much-needed compass, guiding readers to many fundamentals that are too often overlooked in our quest for achievement and recognition.

    Each of the twelve titles in this book is a gem, providing insights that are both timeless and urgently relevant. From embracing the early hours in The Morning 5 to understanding the profound impact of being a servant leader, the principles in this book are universal keys to unlocking not just business success, but a life of meaningful achievement and personal satisfaction.

    What I particularly appreciate about this book is its approach to teaching these principles through a parable. Stories have a unique power to engage, inspire, and educate. They resonate on a level that direct advice often can’t reach. By weaving these principles into a narrative, the book not only makes them more relatable but also more memorable.

    As someone who has dedicated his life to empowering others to be happier, more successful, and more connected to their own values, I see The Legacy Titles as an invaluable resource. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a leader, a student, or just someone on a path of personal growth, the wisdom in these pages can help you build a foundation for a life filled with purpose, success, and, most importantly, happiness.

    Over the years it’s been incredible working with Glenn and watching him evolve and mature in both the business world, and his personal life. After you read this book, my guess is you’ll be able to do the same.

    Remember, the journey to success is not just about what we achieve, but who we become in the process. The Legacy Titles offers a roadmap for both.

    — David Meltzer


    Have you ever stood at the crossroads of ambition and uncertainty, wondering how to turn your grandest dreams into reality? This question haunted me as I embarked on the journey to write a book that could truly elevate the success and productivity of team leaders to levels never imagined.

    For years I wasn’t sure I could get this book done. For years I put together outlines, and concepts. I met with literary agents and created multiple rough drafts. I changed the theme, the topic, the title, everything. Dozens of times, if not more. For some reason it just never felt right. The timing was always off. The principles were not quite defined enough. The book seemed practical, but at the same time I wasn’t as excited about it as I thought I should be.

    So, I did what I always do when I have nowhere else to turn. I prayed about it, and in prayer I was led to think about the life of Jesus and the way he shared biblical principles through parables, and how those stories he told were so memorable and impactful, that they helped completely reshape the world that we lived in.

    I knew in an instant that a parable was exactly what this book needed. I began to write feverishly, and in creating a story about a middle-aged car dealer named Alfred, The Legacy Titles was born.

    On the following pages you will find 12 Proven Principles that if applied to your business will allow you to grow 800%. This is not a guess. 800% is not a random number pulled out of thin air. It is an actual mathematical formula that has been proven not only by me personally, but by many of my clients across North America.

    Now I know that for some, 800% might seem crazy. Many of you are looking to grow 5%, 15%, maybe even 25%, but 800%? That’s a BIG number. Well, I assure you, continue to read along, and you’ll find that not only has Alfred and his story laid out the path for you, but it’s not as difficult or unachievable as you might think.

    There is one caveat though. At risk of sounding cliché, the principles only work if you do. I wish I could tell you there was some magic potion that you could drink, or some But wait there’s more gimmick that you can apply, walk away, and then, miraculously the skies part, the earth cracks open, and the riches and spoils of an 800% life come erupting from some volcano, and rain down from the sky.

    But that’s simply not how it works.

    The results you desire will not happen overnight; however, they can happen faster than you think. There is a well-known futurist by the name of Ross Dawson that recently was quoted as saying What used to take 2,000 years can now be done in one hundred. Do a little backwards math, and what used to take one hundred years…can now be done in five.

    We’ve seen this in action time and time again. Names like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Elon Musk have shot up to become the richest humans on earth in record time. Add in brands like Uber, Facebook, and Carvana and the pattern is seen again, and again, and again. Massive companies that are built in short order, and quickly become household names.

    What used to take 2,000 years can now be done in one hundred.

    Yes Ross Dawson, I agree sir, and to think he spoke those words BEFORE they released things like ChatGPT and other AI tools that have expanded possibilities even more.

    On that note, let’s get into the story. One last thing though, what would life look like for you if you increased your business 800%? 800% more clients. 800% more money. 800% more impact. Don’t glaze over this, really take a moment to think about what that means. 800%.

    Would it change your life? Your relationships? Would it affect your health both mentally and physically? Really think about what growing 800% could do for you, and once you have that image solidified in your mind, turn the page, and let your journey to 800% begin.

    Chapter 1

    The Beginning of a Legacy

    "Every New Beginning

    Comes from Another Beginnings End."

    —Lucius Anneus Seneca

    Alfred opened the door to his Midnight Edition Chevy Silverado for the thousandth time, a ritual that marked the beginning of another day in his life as the General Manager at Smith Chevrolet.

    The birds greeted him with their melodic chirping as the sun’s rays painted the eastern horizon with hues of orange and pink. There was a peculiar mix of sensations in the air—and a slight chill lingering from the fading summer, intermingled with the warm, stale embrace of the season’s final days.

    He climbed into the driver’s seat and started the engine. The low growl of the truck was music to his ears, a familiar soundtrack to his daily commute. A faint cloud of exhaust swirled around his Maryland dealer plate, a symbol of the dealership that had been a part of his family for generations. Alfred’s phone was in hand, and with a tap, he connected to the Bluetooth system. The soothing notes of the Bose stereo filled the cab with sound as he prepared for the 23-minute journey ahead.

    It was September 1st, a new day, a new month. August had drawn to a close on a positive note for Smith Chevrolet. They had managed to sell 131 cars, yielding a respectable profit. The entire team was riding a wave of enthusiasm as they embraced autumn. It had been a challenging year in many respects, but their effort had propelled them to fifth position in the zone, a top-30 ranking in their region, and an above-average standing within their Chevy Dealership twenty-group. For a dealership with a 56-year legacy, they were holding their ground, but nothing out of the ordinary.

    Alfred shifted his truck into drive, beginning his daily commute past rows of average-sized homes, their driveways filled with an array of different vehicles, each representing a slice of the automotive market. There were Ford Focuses, Kia Sorentos, Nissan Titans, and Toyota Tacomas, all within a few blocks of Alfred’s home. A vivid red Chevy Camaro occupied the corner house, while the cul-de-sac around the corner had a fleet of mid-sized SUVs.

    Every automotive brand seemed to have its presence in this neighborhood, and Alfred had no qualms about that. After all, Smith Chevrolet was more than just a Chevrolet dealership; they also sold a wide variety of used cars. What concerned Alfred, however, was the absence of his dealership’s license plate frames

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