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Bring Me Success Please
Bring Me Success Please
Bring Me Success Please
Ebook352 pages1 hour

Bring Me Success Please

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About this ebook

As a result of witnessing project management resource and capability gaps within small medium-sized enterprises, Bring Me Success Please is created and written by Liza Lee for businesses without dedicated project managers and for individuals who want to develop and apply project management capability to their projects.
Bring Me Success Please lays out critical ingredients for taking control of your projects and makes it very clear that implementing projects without project management capability can be problematic.
Bring Me Success Please takes you on a journey to transform your project and accelerate your journey to bringing success to your project. It provides step-by-step guidance and knowledge in the practical application of project management principles to small medium-sized enterprises and individuals, so that you can successfully complete your projects from start to finish confidently.
Release dateMar 1, 2024
Bring Me Success Please

Liza Lee

Over the years, Liza Lee has been working in large organisations. However, through consulting in small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), she witnessed some business owners take on a project or program manager’s role on top of their business management function. Alternatively, the projects were run as Business As Usual (BAU). As a result of witnessing project management resource and capability gaps within small medium-sized enterprises, Liza decided to write this book for businesses without dedicated project managers and individuals who want to develop and apply project management capability to their projects. Liza initially worked at her family’s small hardware business in Surabaya, Indonesia prior to commencing her higher school education in Armidale, NSW, Australia. She completed her project management qualifications in Melbourne (AU) and London (UK) institutions; worked in various industries; practices project management in Melbourne; and is the author of Bring Me Wealth Please. A glimpse of Liza’s typical assignments other than managing projects and programs: Strategize and uplift business projects, programs, and portfolio management. Develop roadmaps. Provide guidance to staff. Customise business project management tool(s) to meet business needs. Craft project management templates and documents. Develop and deliver solutions for the business end-to-end process, innovative products, and services. Create a project management and operational process framework for the management of deliverables, dependencies, synchronicity, timeline, and risks and issues across all the Business’ functions/departments. Craft and deliver a thorough business report to explore an organisation’s strategic positioning in their industry for alignment with their innovative products and services.

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    Book preview

    Bring Me Success Please - Liza Lee

    About the Author

    Over the years, Liza Lee has been working in large organisations. However, through consulting in small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), she witnessed some business owners take on a project or program manager’s role on top of their business management function. Alternatively, the projects were run as Business As Usual (BAU).

    As a result of witnessing project management resource and capability gaps within small medium-sized enterprises, Liza decided to write this book for businesses without dedicated project managers and individuals who want to develop and apply project management capability to their projects.

    Liza initially worked at her family’s small hardware business in Surabaya, Indonesia prior to commencing her higher school education in Armidale, NSW, Australia. She completed her project management qualifications in Melbourne (AU) and London (UK) institutions; worked in various industries; practices project management in Melbourne; and is the author of Bring Me Wealth Please.

    A glimpse of Liza’s typical assignments other than managing projects and programs:

    Strategize and uplift business projects, programs, and portfolio management.

    Develop roadmaps.

    Provide guidance to staff.

    Customise business project management tool(s) to meet business needs.

    Craft project management templates and documents.

    Develop and deliver solutions for the business end-to-end process, innovative products, and services.

    Create a project management and operational process framework for the management of deliverables, dependencies, synchronicity, timeline, and risks and issues across all the Business’ functions/departments.

    Craft and deliver a thorough business report to explore an organisation’s strategic positioning in their industry for alignment with their innovative products and services.


    I dedicate this book to my son, and businesses without dedicated project managers and individuals who want to develop and apply project management capability to their projects. You are the inspiration behind

    Bring Me Success Please.

    Copyright Information ©

    Liza Lee 2024

    The right of Liza Lee to be identified as author of this work has been asserted by the author in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publishers.

    Any person who commits any unauthorised act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

    The story, experiences, and words are the author’s alone.

    A CIP catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library.

    ISBN 9781035844210 (Paperback)

    ISBN 9781035844227 (ePub e-book)


    First Published 2024

    Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd®

    1 Canada Square

    Canary Wharf


    E14 5AA


    In reaching this milestone, I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to the following organisations and people who have supported me throughout the journey.

    To Austin Macauley Publishers and their publishing team for dedicating their time to attend to my books. I feel fortunate and am grateful to have found Austin Macauley Publishers. Thank you for your warm hospitality, continuous support, invaluable feedback and partnership to publish Bring Me Success Please.

    To my husband and son, thank you for your endless love, care, support and being in my life.


    Why is it so important to take control of our own projects and how does it relate to project management capability?

    The Project Management Institute’s Pulse of the Profession 2020 survey revealed that 11.4% of investments are wasted due to poor project performance. In terms of investment, poor management is the highest factor that causes 90% of start-ups to fail (Statista, 2022; Patel, 2022). It leads to cash run out, product or service issues such as being unfit for purpose, delayed launches, poor go-to market execution, and others.

    Many small medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) implement projects without dedicated project managers due to costs and limited budget. This results in businesses delivering and managing projects across internal and external teams without a project management framework and methodology in place. Moreover, lengthy lead times for projects to go-live allows competitors to gain an advantage.

    Project management capability provides a holistic view of your projects. This book takes you behind the scenes to give you an understanding of how to apply project management capability in a business environment and self-manage your projects from end-to-end (E2E), efficiently and strategically.


    Before reading this book, please make sure that you note the following important information:

    The content of this book is intended to be used and must be used for information and education purposes only.

    The information in this book has been prepared without taking into account your individual circumstances e.g., your particular project or investment objectives, and financial situation or needs. Although I am a project manager and the author of this book, I am not your project manager and am not responsible for your project.

    The project management strategies in this book should never be used without first assessing your own project situation.

    The information is not intended to be and should not be construed in any way, as investment, legal or financial advice. This book should not be used as a substitute for advice from any professionals who are admitted or authorised to take part in your business.

    All projects and organisations’ names in this book are fictional for the purpose of providing examples.

    As this book is not a project management textbook for certification purposes, you are encouraged to undertake further and in-depth project management study for certification or employment purposes.

    The publisher and the author make no guarantee of the financial results obtained by using this book.

    The publisher and the author will not be liable, whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise, in respect of any damage, expense or other loss you may suffer arising from any reliance you may place upon the provided information.

    Chapter 1: Awareness-Project Management

    Concepts and Principles


    To establish the first layer of the foundation in project management, there are two steps to build project management awareness:

    The first step is about the concepts; to understand what it is, why we need it and its practice guidelines.

    The second step is about the principles; to understand the methodology, framework, and continual improvement process in a project.

    Step 1: Understanding the Concepts

    There are three high-level concepts that form the foundation of project management awareness:

    1.What It Is?

    Project management covers the project and the management of the project.

    A project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. It has a start and an end, and is implemented within a defined set of requirements, scope, budget, time, and resources.

    Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to manage project activities to meet the project requirements (What is Project Management? n.d.).

    2.Why We Need It?

    Project management is valuable and important as it ties in with value delivery.

    The value of project management has been identified as the following:

    To enable strategic vision that drives value for investments.

    To consistently deliver business results (The value of project management, 2010).

    The importance of project management covers the following areas across your business:

    Strategic alignment

    Clear focus and goals

    Quality control

    Realistic project planning

    Leadership (Why is project management important?, 2020)

    By implementing project management in your business, it provides the business with fully aligned project, program, and portfolio management strategies for the entire business to deliver value consistently.

    3.Guides, Standards and Best Practice

    As in any industry, a governance framework and methodology has been established by a body, committee, or institution to ensure there are standards across the industry on how it should operate, and to assist the industry or profession to deliver outcomes successfully.

    The Project Management Institute (PMI) is the project management body that regulates and updates standards such as the well-known and proven Project Management Book of Knowledge (PMBOK) project framework. This is accompanied by the well-known project methodology Projects In Controlled Environments (PRINCE2) which assists project managers with planning and executing their projects in accordance to best practice.

    The PMBOK covers the areas of how a project should be managed, whilst PRINCE2 covers the area of how the project should be executed. Both PMBOK and PRINCE2 provide the solution for successfully controlling projects in any industry and need to be applied together.

    Step 2: Understanding the Principles

    The following are the three common project management principles.

    1.Project Management Framework

    The project needs to have a framework for how it will be managed. Listed below are the 10 project management areas as per PMBOK.

    Project Integration Management

    Project Scope Management

    Project Time Management

    Project Cost/Financial Management

    Project Quality Management

    Project Human Resources Management

    Project Communications Management

    Project Risk and Issue Management

    Project Procurement Management

    Project Stakeholder Management

    2.Project Management Methodology

    The project also needs to have a methodology to show how it will be executed. This is represented by the project’s life cycle as per PRINCE2. The project’s life cycle is also known as phases, with each phase containing specific development stages to be completed prior to advancement to the next phase. Outlined below are the phases and their specific development stages:

    Feasibility Phase: Contains an initiation development stage.

    Implementation Phase: Contains activities for the planning, product or solution design, build, test and validation, transition (e.g., change management for the businesses, end users and support teams) and deployment (also known as go-live) stages.

    Closure Phase: Contains post project go-live arrangements to ensure that the solution is operable by the support team prior to project closure and sign-off.

    3.Project Management Continual Improvement

    During the life of a project, especially during ‘Solution’, ‘Product’, or ‘Service Design’, ‘Build’, ‘Test and Validation’ stages, the Plan, Do, Check and Act (PDCA) cycle is often used. This framework helps with navigating solutions, improvements, and resolving issues for the purpose of control and continual improvement.

    A high-level overview of the project management principles applied to a project is shown in Figure 1 and explained below.

    Figure 1: Project Execution Methodology

    (Also Known as Phases and Their Stages)

    Let’s suppose you are launching an event, product, or service. The project to

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