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Hail Santa!
Hail Santa!
Hail Santa!
Ebook231 pages3 hours

Hail Santa!

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Drawing inspiration from the life stories of ExJW youths, Hail Santa! is a coming of age tale set in the restrictive boundaries imposed by the Jehovah's Witnesses.

Hezekiah "Kai" Whitman is an average teenage boy, with just a few exceptions. He's a second generation Jehovah's Witness, freshly baptized, and like so many others caught between religion and reality, he's struggling with his sexuality.

When his first job under a freedom-loving agnostic boss opens his world up to the truth about the truth, Kai realizes the decision he has to make; continue fighting for the faith he was born into, or give in to his heart and admit the feelings he harbors for his best friend Alan?

Release dateMar 18, 2024
Hail Santa!

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    Hail Santa! - Sullivan D. Cohen

    For Jonny

    For Marling

    And for everyone who loves someone.

    An Open Letter to Watchtower,

    I wish there was no need for books like Hail Santa to be written. I wish there was no need to constantly make an effort to expose the facts about CSA coverups, the mishandling of sexual assault cases, and the heartless discrimination of ex-members.

    But unfortunately, there is a need. There is a need for every voice who can to speak up and make it clear that we cannot, and will not, allow a corrupt, man-made organization to continue to abuse our children.

    Your indifference to true wrongdoing has led to the suffering of thousands, even millions, and we, the family and friends of your victims, refuse to stand by while you continue to tear lives apart.

    We cannot, and will not, take it any longer.

    This is not about God, it is not about the Bible, it is not about spirituality.

    This is about real people’s lives being played with and destroyed because of your misguided interpretations of ancient texts.

    My final prayer is that the tower falls with anything but grace.

    -Sullivan Cohen


    I watched my dad put pen to paper, bible by his side as he quoted scripture in the most nonchalant manner I could imagine, his tongue clicking with a voice I could hardly hear as he repeated every word under his breath.

    What’cha doin’? I asked, he paused, turned to me, and gave me a warm smile.

    He reached out for me, propped me on his lap and pointed to the pinkish page.

    You know how there’s a rainstorm today so we can’t go witnessing? Papa is witnessing right from this room by writing letters.

    How’s writing letters witnessing?

    "Well, you know how we go door to door and deliver the spiritual food to everyone that way? This is spiritual food delivery through the mail."

    Why don’t we just do it this way all the time? Then people can’t yell at us anymore.

    Well, this isn’t a replacement for spiritual food delivery, it’s just a short term solution so Papa can keep his hours up.

    Oh, ok, I didn’t want to admit that I had lost interest, but Dad had already popped me off of his lap and back onto the floor.

    This letter is going to a man named Earl McClaire, he just lost his wife Frannie.

    How do you know that?

    I read her obituary this morning. In lieu of flowers, I’m sending spiritual food, and a chance for him to see his loving wife again.

    I continued to watch as he carefully folded the paper up and grabbed a bright yellow envelope to slide the pink page into.

    I use these nice bright envelopes to catch their eye, so they know it’s personal and not a bill or an ad. That way, they open it first.

    How will you know if they read it?

    That’s not for me to know, but Jehovah will be watching. And Jehovah will take all the joy and glory from watching Mr. McClaire open this letter.

    He closed it up, sealed it with a clean lick, and set it atop a pile of twenty, maybe thirty or more, identical yellow envelopes, all filled with spiritual meals for the hungry, the grieving, and the suffering brothers and sisters-to-be.

    Chapter 1


    My palms were pouring sweat like I had fire hoses implanted in my pores. My heart was racing so fast it could put Secretariat to shame. My mouth felt dry, I wanted words to come out but they wouldn’t.

    Kai, my father’s voice sputtered out from beside me, is there a problem?

    No, I’ll say it, just-

    You’re baptized now, Kai. Can’t just be freezing up when asked to say a prayer.

    My sister rolled her eyes, her plate of chicken curry steaming up her glasses as she waited on me and grumbled, Can you hurry up? I’m starving.

    I gulped, sat up straight and bowed my head.

    Dear Jehovah God in heaven, we come before you, I huffed a quick sigh to relieve the swelling feeling in my chest. I hated this. Why did I have to do it at all? Why can’t they say their own damn prayers?

    We come before you, I repeated, gave myself some time to come up with more words to sacrifice on the altar of my tongue before God, to thank you for these meals you have provided us, and for the companionship you have provided us, and for, uhhh, I stammered, gulped again. Dad cleared his throat intentionally, like he was trying to get me to remember something.

    Oh yeah. I got baptized today.

    Thank you for bringing me closer to you today, Jehovah, for, um... I couldn’t find the words. Thank you for baptizing me? Thank you for letting me get baptized? Thank you for letting me sign over my life to your earthly organization?

    For being my shepherd, and guiding me to the waters in which I was baptized today. Amen.

    I looked up quickly, Loretta already had her fork in hand, her best friend Patricia was unfolding her roll of silverware right beside her. I looked to her side at a tall man, with the kindest brown eyes opening wide behind his black rimmed glasses.

    He gave me a sweet smile and tenderly spoke, That was beautiful, Kai.

    Thank you, I looked to my father, who was less impressed.

    When we get home, remind me to teach you how to say a proper prayer.

    Mom hushed him, It was his first time saying a prayer for a group, Tim, she turned to me, a soft grin on her lips, you did great, sweetheart.

    Thanks Mom, I slouched back down, started picking at my food.

    I glanced at my dad who was obnoxiously staring at our waitress. She was helping another table, her body facing ours as she handed a fist-full of straws to some thirsty patrons. Dad tsked, he had clearly found something objectionable about her, he always did.

    That little striped heart on her blouse, it’s the trans flag, isn’t it?

    I looked at her, Alan turned around too out of curiosity.

    I piped up a confirmation, Yeah, blue, pink and white.

    "So our waiter is a man masquerading as a woman? Lovely."

    Maybe she's just showing support.

    The more you change your body, the more you disgrace God, Hezekiah. Nobody should support that.

    How’s everything going over here?

    The waitress in question appeared before us, checking in with one of her hands holding a nearly empty pitcher of iced water.

    Everything is fantastic, thank you, Alan smiled at her, showing human decency, something Dad couldn’t afford regardless of the cost.

    The older man suddenly raised his hand, and my heart sunk believing it to be the start of a confrontation.

    I was right.

    Actually yes, could we get a basket of bread please?

    Right away!

    She walked off in the direction of the kitchen, and I gave dad a quizzical look.

    Dad, why do you want more bread?

    Shhh, this is a chance to leave a witness, son.

    Oh God, Dad please, don’t do what I think you’re gonna do.

    We’re Jehovah’s Witnesses, and we speak out in fearlessness, son.

    Dad, I just want to have a nice dinner with you guys, we’re supposed to be celebrating, not preaching to the public.

    If nobody knows we’re here on Jehovah’s behalf, then we may as well not be here at all, Kai.

    I turned to my mom, the slightly more level-headed one when it came to matters like these, and begged, Mom, stop him, please.

    She shook her head and whispered, You’re not actually going to do the bread thing to her, are you Tim?

    "Margret, it’s a fantastic analogy and it gets the point across. Ah, here he comes now."

    The waitress showed up with a brown woven basket full of freshly heated bread buns and cups of butter.

    What’s this? Dad looked to her with mocking irateness, I asked for bread!

    Her calm and professional demeanor quickly flashed into confusion as she whimpered out, I’m sorry?

    Well this is clearly a basket full of steak!

    I beg your pardon?

    Dad grabbed one of the buns and held it up as he bellowed, This, it’s a big juicy steak, is it not?

    Her eyes were wide as dinner plates as she crossed her palms over one another and tried to comprehend the situation. She subtly shook her head.

    What is it, then, if it’s not steak?

    It’s bread, sir.

    He smiled at her.

    Now you’re getting it, he put the bun back into the basket, when we see something differently from what is true, we are right to be called out on it, correct?

    She seemed to be getting the point my dad was getting at. And she didn’t look too flattered by it.

    Is this about my pin? she shrugged the shoulder that housed the offending object, furrowed her brow as she waited for Dad’s response.

    "Just remember this, God made you a man. Men are among the strongest and most intelligent of God’s creatures. Women were meant to subject themselves to men. Why would you choose subjection if it is not what was meant for you?"

    I was born a woman, she crossed her arms, her face flush with barely controlled anger, "I wear this pin in honor of my cousin, she passed away."

    She was nearly shaking, I could tell she wanted to slap him. Every part of me was wishing she would.

    Instead though, she stifled a tear and walked away quickly, making a beeline for the bathroom before chatting with another waiter and pointing in our direction. Handing off the torch to someone who could handle our table, it seemed.

    Dad, that was- I wanted to say unbearable, embarrassing, stupid, hateful. Dad was too much of a narcissist to fill in the gap with something accurate.

    Right, right. Remember, son, we all make mistakes. What counts is having the bravery to speak up for what’s right, whether it’s taken the right way or not.

    You made a woman cry for no reason.

    But Jehovah is smiling down, and a seed has therefore been planted.

    "Tim, could we just eat out once without you trying to teach moral lessons to random civilians?"

    "Margret, it is our duty to guide sheep towards Jehovah. No matter what that shepherding may look like in the moment. She could come to our Kingdom Hall one day and thank me for calling out her out from the darkness of her path and towards Jehovah’s guiding light."

    If that’s what you wanna think, Tim, go ahead.

    Mom, you don’t support what Dad did today, do you?

    She sighed, lifting up a pair of fluffy blue pajama pants out of the laundry basket beside her.

    I don’t approve, no. I don’t like the way he goes about things like that. I think it does far more harm than good, she dropped them to her lap, looking around for a moment to find the words, but, he’s my husband. Whether I approve of his antics or not, I have to support him. All I can do is give him a push in the right direction.

    But, being so harsh like that is bound to turn people away from us. From God, right?

    She breathed in harsh, knowing this was the millionth time in her life that she was facing scrutiny on Dad’s behalf.

    If that woman is actually one of Jehovah’s future sheep, she’ll find her way to him. Remember that everyone has free will, Kai.

    But if Jehovah’s sheep will always find him eventually, why do we witness at all?

    Well, we witness to call the sheep towards God. It’s their choice if they want to follow.


    Kai, it’s past your bedtime. Go get some sleep, alright? she was speaking to me, facing my direction and giving me the command. But I knew in reality, she was talking to herself.

    Alan’s bedroom was always so immaculate compared to mine. Despite barely having room for his dresser, he had two simple bookshelves, one filled with JW literature, the other containing books of poetry and novels of the greats, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Alan Poe, Robert Frost, and dozens more.

    Alan loved reading, especially poetry and short stories. He loved writing too. He held his own work in a little blue book on his desk that he wrote in during his free time, what little of it he gave himself.

    I had always been tempted to take a peek inside and actually read the words of my best friend, but he never let me. He’d always snatch the book away when he caught me being nosy, and he’d change the subject.

    So how’s baptized life treating you, Kai?

    Don’t really know. Feels like nothing’s changed.

    Well, you can pioneer now.

    I know, I just, I thought it would be like being born again. I thought I’d physically feel my old self shedding away when I rose up out of the water, that I’d suddenly have the zeal and drive to do more for God.

    Alan shook his head and said softly, I could’ve told you that wasn’t going to happen. The change is gradual, not immediate.

    It was immediate for Jesus!

    "Jesus was a perfect manifestation of God’s love for mankind, not a teenager from Greenville."

    Good point. Well, least I got baptized at all, I was starting to think it’d never happen.

    Alan chuckled in his year-older wisdom, You’re only eighteen. Jesus was in his thirties!

    "Well, you got baptized at eleven. Dad always shoved that in my face, ‘you’re such good friends and yet you don’t even follow his example.’"

    You weren’t ready. Every flower blooms in its own time. Your dad should know that, didn’t he get baptized in his twenties?

    Well yeah, but to him it was different, his side of the family is all agnostic. He wasn’t raised a Witness, he said I should take advantage of the fact that I didn’t have to go looking for the truth, that I was born into it so I had more time to dedicate to God.

    You’re still your own person though.

    I don’t know, am I? I feel like I didn’t even do it for me. I feel like I just did it to get everyone off my back.

    If that were the case, Jehovah wouldn’t have let you get baptized.

    I shrugged.

    You really believe that?

    Of course. If you weren’t sincere, the elders would have picked up on that. They would have told you to wait. You’re here now, and you’re baptized, so that alone implies that you were ready for the plunge.

    I don’t know. If you can only get baptized when you’re ready, then why are there so many apostates?

    "Well, that’s the worst thing about apostates, Kai. They were ready, they had the truth, and they had God’s love. Then they allowed self-righteousness to bubble up within their hearts, they let Satan in. The Devil breeds his strongest warriors out of those who were once loyal to Jehovah. It’s a reminder to guard our hearts with vigor.

    You’re baptized now, Kai. You have to be careful, Satan is going to do his best to take you away. Temptations will soon latch onto you unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

    Heh, and what temptations did Satan latch onto you when you got baptized?

    He blushed, twiddled his thumbs and said, Well, you’re my best friend, so maybe it’s time I told you, he grasped his own arm and nodded to the side, like it was extremely uncomfortable to even consider what he was about to tell me, I, I struggle with homosexual tendencies.

    I blushed in return. Of all the things he could have told me, I really didn’t expect that.

    You’re gay?

    No! he corrected quickly, nearly shouting it before vigorously shaking his head. "I struggle, yes, but I won’t accept the label. I’m not gay. I’m... I’m straight with extra steps."

    Yeah, I mean, I think I get it. I’ve thought about other men too, before. Just never really thought it could be something I’d struggle with. I barely even think about girls that way.

    Don’t let it in, Kai, he shook his head, I let it in, and it’s been eating me alive ever since. There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t struggle with unclean thoughts about men. Never let that curiosity get the best of you.

    "Well, why is it wrong? Jesus really never talked about it."

    "Jesus never talked about a lot of things, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t wrong. We shouldn’t focus on what Jesus didn’t say. It’s been very clear since the dawn of man that homosexuality is wrong."

    But why is it wrong?

    "Well, the pieces don’t fit. When men... do things... with each other, they have to go through a whole process. They have to decide who’s going to pretend to be the woman, they have to have lubricant since their... entrances aren't meant to have anything go in there, they

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