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The Canine Collection
The Canine Collection
The Canine Collection
Ebook127 pages1 hour

The Canine Collection

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From a veterinary assistant and exciting rising author comes this fast-paced selection of four horror/paranormal stories featuring our beloved canines. In My Sister’s Keeper, a lonely woman worries that her vampire sister will turn her new best friend that just happens to be a dog. Will the vampire sister accept the canine as a pet, or as a source of nourishment? In The Shape of the Shift, a shapeshifter is surprised to learn that the people around him aren’t what they appear to be, including the love of his life. In Jinn or Jinx?, the wishes granted by an ancient Jinn not only come with bizarre consequences but also reveal dark family secrets. In Immortal Me, a woman discovers she is immortal after surviving a brutal beating. While she tries to keep her newfound persona a secret, her attacker learns the truth and comes after her for a second time, but she has a few surprises for him.

Release dateMar 14, 2024
The Canine Collection

Laura Shell

Laura Shell is a veterinary assistant and used her knowledge of canines to enrich these fast-paced horror/paranormal stories. The Canine Collection is her first published work, and expect much more from this exiting first-time author! For more information about the author, please visit or contact Black Bed Sheet Books at www.blackbedsheetbooks.com.

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    The Canine Collection - Laura Shell

    The Canine Collection

    Laura Shell

    The Canine Collection

    A Black Bed Sheet/Diverse Media Book

    March 2024

    Copyright © 2024 by Laura Shell

    All rights reserved.

    Cover art by Nicholas Grabowsky

    and copyright © 2024 Black Bed Sheet Books

    The selections in this book are works of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the author.

    ISBN-10: 1-946874-43-4

    ISBN-13: 978-1-946874-43-6

    The Canine Collection

    A Black Bed Sheet/Diverse Media Book

    Antelope, CA


    1. Immortal Me

    2. Jinn or Jinx

    3. My Sister’s Keeper

    4. The Shape of the Shift

    Immortal Me


    Annie Michaels didn’t have many friends or family in her life. She had an ex-husband who never spoke to her. She currently had a boyfriend...and he was beating the shit out of her.

    She’d met David in rehab. They’d been there voluntarily for alcoholism.

    Not supposed to develop a relationship with anyone you meet in rehab, but there had been an instant sexual connection between the two. Plus, they’d bonded over their shared love of dogs, movies, food and fiction, which had carried them through their 30-day stint and beyond.

    Both had been sober for five months. But David had lost his job on this day for insubordination, gone straight to the liquor store, purchased a bottle of 1800 Silver Tequila, downed quite a bit of it on the eight-minute drive over to Annie’s house, and was flying high by the time he’d gotten there.

    He’d rushed her as soon as she’d opened the front door.

    And he’d brought his gun.

    David sat on top of Annie, straddling her waist, punching her face, over and over...slowly, methodically, like a metronome.

    Annie had a stocky, muscular frame. David was a powerhouse. He worked out at least three times a week, so he had the physical advantage over her.

    The gun sat on one of the side tables in the living area.

    They were right next to that side table.

    Annie felt nothing but pain. She couldn’t move, she was in shock, and she was tired of putting her arms up to block his fists. Her nose felt crooked—the bones and cartilage not where they were supposed to be. Every time she tried to move her upper lip, she felt the separation of the flesh in a corner and a wicked stinging sensation.

    She could barely see through the bulging tissue surrounding her eyes. But she could hear just fine; David was crying.

    Were his tears supposed to make Annie feel sympathy toward him?

    Intoxicated people cried. Their tears usually signified guilt.

    As the metallic taste of blood coated Annie’s tongue, she experienced the heavy darkness of heartbreak. Not sympathy. Someone she loved. Someone she trusted. Turning out to be an abuser. Sure, she could blame it on the tequila. As a recovering alcoholic, she wasn’t going to do that. She wasn’t going to give him that excuse. David knew better.

    Annie heard her bullmastiff, Jack, in her bedroom, locked in, jumping on the door and barking. She willed Jack to bust through the door and attack David. It could happen.

    David grabbed the bottle of tequila that sat beside him. Through her blurred vision, she watched him take a long pull from it. She was thankful for the pause, but fearful of what that long pull was going to do to him—would it serve as further liquid courage? She blinked her swollen, goopy eyes and hoped he’d pass out instead.

    David put down the bottle of booze, picked up the gun, racked it.

    I love you, Annie. But this is who I am.

    He pressed the gun to the middle of her forehead.

    Annie closed her damaged eyes. The cold steel of the gun’s barrel cooled her heated skin, and for a brief moment—just one, tiny moment—she thought, go ahead and do it. I want this night to end.

    And he did.


    Annie’s first realization was that she didn’t feel pain.

    She sat up, touched her face. No swelling. Nothing crooked or broken or torn.

    She ran her fingers over the middle of her forehead, where the bullet must have entered.

    It was smooth. It was normal.

    What the hell?

    Had it all been a dream?

    Then the smell hit her nostrils. That thick, damp, musty smell. She knew that smell. Professionally and personally.

    Professionally, as an EMT, that smell took her back to the multiple shootings, car wrecks, suicides, homicides...all the times she’d been around human tissue, when the tissue inside the body was unnaturally outside the body.

    Personally, that smell reminded her of the time she’d found her brother’s body.

    She turned her head to look behind her, thinking, no, no, no...not me. But, yes. On the area rug, she saw a smearing of blood, bone and brain tissue. And the spent bullet.

    Annie placed her trembling hands on the back of her head. No gaping hole. But she found clotted blood, small pieces of bone, and walnut-sized globs of brain tissue in her thick, brown hair.

    What the fuck is going on? she screamed. And then she began to cry. Too much to process. Jesus Christ. Her boyfriend had just gotten drunk and beaten the crap out of her. And then he’d shot her in the head. And now she was completely healed?!

    Annie wanted a drink.

    She squeezed her eyes shut and took long, deep breaths until the urge passed.

    Her dog, Jack, appeared before her. He had managed to push the bedroom door open. Finally. A little too late? Where had David gone?

    Panicked, she got up and looked around the large living/dining/kitchen area. Didn’t see him anywhere. No matter how many times she turned around. She kept expecting him to appear. But he wasn’t there.

    Annie experienced a mix of relief and anxiety as she made her way to the hall bathroom. She leaned against the counter and placed her face inches from the mirror. Every time she blinked, she kept expecting a different result. But it was true. No evidence of a beating. At all.

    Again, she put a hand on the back of her head, felt the dampness, the wetness, the chunks of flesh and bone.

    Something caught her attention. She looked down, noticed that at some point in the evening, she had pissed herself.

    Annie undressed and got into the shower.

    All during the bathing, during the drying off, and getting dressed in soft pajamas, Annie wondered how her body could have healed from such a traumatic experience. She was stunned by it. Then she wondered where David had gone, should she even care? Would he even remember what he had done to her? If so, was he going to be shocked at the fact that she hadn’t died and was completely healed?

    Fuck that prick, she muttered as she placed her wet towel over the brain stain on the living room rug. Didn’t have the wherewithal to clean it just yet.

    Annie then sat on the sofa with Jack, brushed her hair, and kept staring at the block of knives in the kitchen.


    Annie had just gotten brand new kitchen knives and they were as sharp as scalpels. Seemed the smallest knife could cut down the largest oak tree. If she no longer felt pain, she wondered what kind of damage she could endure.

    David had arrived at her house around 8:30 p.m. She figured he’d assaulted her and shot her around 8:45 p.m. She’d woken up at midnight.

    So how long did it take for her to heal from various wounds?

    Her curiosity spiraled into a direction she was not familiar with. She was trained to treat wounds, to stop the bleeding. But considering her new condition, she wanted to know more about what her body could endure.

    Annie grabbed the smallest knife from the block. The blade was four inches long. She then inspected the smooth flesh on the underside of her left arm. Pale skin. Easy to see the veins.

    She placed the tip of the blade into her skin, directly over one of the superficial veins. She pressed down and made a simple puncture. No pain at all.


    Blood dribbled. She grabbed the hand towel from the handle of the dishwasher and held it to the back of her arm to catch the blood, then waited.

    The small puncture began to close. It felt as if someone was gently pinching her skin together with their fingertips. But still...no pain.


    Annie stepped

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