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Long May She Reign
Long May She Reign
Long May She Reign
Ebook374 pages4 hours

Long May She Reign

Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars



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An aspiring scientist must suddenly take on the perilous role of queen in this YA standalone fantasy: “A thoughtful and thrilling tale” (Kirkus).

Twenty-third in line for the throne, Freya was never meant to become queen. Besides, she would rather perform experiments in her laboratory than participate in the intrigues of the court. But when the king and those closest to him are poisoned, Freya suddenly finds herself on the throne.

Freya may have escaped the massacre, but she is far from safe. The nobles don’t respect her, her councilors want to control her, and with the mass poisoning still unsolved, a single mistake could cost her the kingdom—and her life.

Until she solves the mystery, she can’t trust anyone. Not her advisers. Not the king’s dashing illegitimate son. Not even her own father. As Freya’s enemies close in and her loyalties are tested, she must decide if she is ready to rule and, if so, how far she is willing to go to keep the crown.
Release dateFeb 21, 2017

Rhiannon Thomas

Rhiannon Thomas is an English lit grad from Princeton University. She currently lives in York, England, in the shadow of a thirteenth-century Gothic cathedral. When she isn’t lost in YA fantasy, she writes about feminism and the media on her blog, www.feministfiction.com. Visit her online at www.rhiannonkthomas.com.

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  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I really enjoyed this mystery book, though I had waaaaaay too much internal conflict for the main character. A good mystery and a ton of fore shadowing that keeps you guessing of the villain to the bitter end- typical YA with a female main character that has a love interest that may or may not be the killer.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Received via HarperTeen and Edelweiss in exchange for an completely unbiased review.
    Also posted on Silk & Serif

    Long May She Reign is about a girl with crippling social anxiety who becomes queen. In an effort to handle the social pressures and constant presence of being queen, this girl obsesses over the question why. Why is she the one in line to have survived the massacre? Why would anyone massacre the king? And why doesn't anyone want to figure out who actually poisoned everyone?

    Freya doubts those around her, herself and the core morality of the court over which she is now reigning monarch. She struggles to change the injustice of her world, to overcome her preconceptions of the courtiers, and over come her anxiety spells. Pretty heavy stuff, all in all.

    Going into Long May She Reign I was cautious. I wasn't sure what to expect: a girl who is 23rd in line for the throne ends up Queen? Mass murder? I was honestly expecting magic and all the jazz that come with modern fantasy, but was delighted to end up with an non-magic fantasy novel with plenty of court politics and sketchy advisors. Long May She Reign is a plain fantasy novel with a who-dun-it twist which is obviously written for a younger generation. I am a bit biased in my desire for less magic and more gritty "by hand" work when it comes to fantasy - so this portion of this novel was a definite win for me.

    I feel like this novel is really going to be one of those titles that people either love or feel supremely "meh" about. I mean, Thomas has incorporated all the makings of a great novel: a believable main character, a stalwart best friend, an unlikely romance, some seriously scary circumstances and court politics..but in the end not a whole lot happened in this novel. Freya isn't present for the mass poisoning of the entire court, the mystery takes forever to solve with far too many unrelated events interspersed and Freya herself is far too much of an introvert to be an enthralling major player.

    Unfortunately, Freya is the type of person who spends a lot of time self-doubting and struggling confidence issues that sound more like an abused teenager than a spoiled court inhabitant. Her inner dialogue often detracted from the story for me and her social anxiety meant she wasn't present or focused enough for huge scenes to be really portrayed in the best light/detail. However, I feel it's important I point out I do not suffer from social anxiety or generalized anxiety so I cannot really understand what Freya's experiences were like for her.

    I felt like Long May She Reign is a YA novel written for older teens coming of age and dealing with issues of self identity and changing roles in life's own version of the court. Personally, this novel would have resonated strongly with me around that age. In addition, I feel like this novel is going to be huge hit with the young adult fantasy community because it meets all the expectations for a hard core, but contemporary-feeling fantasy novel. If you like this book, that's wonderful, but for myself personally (and this is an entirely personal feeling), Long May She Reign was not memorable and probably won't make any lists for the year. Sorry.

    Long May She Reign is a fun fantasy novel, void of magic, with an alluring murder mystery at it's core. A dash of scientific curiosity and a clever best friend..and an adorably feisty feline..make up a cast of interesting core characters who suss out the bad guy and save the day.

    Finally, I feel like its important to point out Long May She Reign is a fantasy novel with a not-so-hidden-meaning. The entire novel is about over coming social anxiety and learning to control it. Freya begins the novel with the inability to even sit at a banquet with all of court, but ends the novel able to lead an army to victory in a very theatrical way - a huge leap forward for a girl with crippling social anxiety. In the end, I think the best part of this novel (other than the cat!) was the slow evolution of Freya: terrified girl to strong leader. In a way, this is a wonderful story about facing your fears - even if the action sequences are a little far and few between.

    This novel will appeal to readers who enjoy fantasy without magic, political intrigue, and who-dun-it mysteries. This is a novel that is most definitely written for teens and hard core fantasy readers who want a light, but interesting read or for readers who want a novel that focuses on overcoming social anxiety in the face of extreme circumstances.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Do you want to read another royalty fantasy novel? If it’s Long May She Reign then you do!A gawky young girl who is distantly connected to the throne and who loves her laboratory and experiments suddenly finds herself as the next in line for the crown. With an overly ambitious father, a handsome and antagonistic illegitimate prince, and another girl vying to be queen, this is a fast-paced murder mystery that had me hooked from the very start.The strengths of this book were the ongoing mystery of whodunit along with the incredibly strong character development. Freya is not your typical crown princess in any sense but she is incredibly real and endearing to the reader. Written in the style of classic fairy tales with a magical twist, this is a book that won’t disappoint.
  • Rating: 3 out of 5 stars
    Freya is twenty-third in line for the throne and would much rather be experimenting in her lab than celebrating the king's birthday in the extravagant court. In fact, when she gets an idea for an experiment she and her best friend Naomi skip out early to try it out - and that's why Freya's still alive when most of the court is poisoned. Now queen, she has to learn the court rules that she once scorned, all the while figuring out who should be a trustworthy ally and who the murderer.I thought this book had a lot of potential but never quite delivered. I liked Freya's being a fish out of water and trying hard to do the right thing, her friendship with Naomi, and her dealing with anxiety attacks. But a lot more could have been done. The kingdom is barely sketched out and I was left with a vague idea of the extravagant court and then some sort of poorer town. "The Forgotten" are referenced as sort-of gods who became disenchanted and left the kingdom to its own devices when it became too corrupt, but little else is said about history or legend or religion in this town... or kingdom. And exactly how big is this kingdom? Where is the map? I did like how some of the characters turned out to be different from what Freya expected, and having such a scientifically-oriented fantasy heroine was interesting. Also, the book is a standalone and doesn't leave you with a cliffhanger.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    I liked this SO much. Great MC, one of my favorites. Incredible mystery, tough choices.

    Highly recommend.
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    I've never read a YA story before and thought to sample one with this story and author I've never read as well.

    What I found in it was intriguing, at times entertaining and part of the time slow moving, but all in all, not bad.

    I enjoyed the young heroine's character a lot and most of the characters in the tale, but I also liked the prose as well as the mythical Kingdom, but if you're looking for complex within the pages of this book, you'll not find it. But then again, sometimes less complexity within the pages is good. Once in a while, lighthearted stories can give you just as much satisfaction as the complex, heavy stories.

    In the end, I do recommended for its mystery and many interesting and entertaining characters.

    Melanie for b2b

    Complimentary copy provided by the publisher
  • Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
    LONG MAY SHE REIGN is a standalone, but I would happily read more in this world.Freya never expected to be queen and she never wanted to be queen, but after the banquet that she snuck out of early turns deadly that is exactly what she finds herself being. I found that I liked Freya from the very beginning. She has dreams and does everything possible to pursue them, but she also takes on her position head on and tries really hard to be the best queen possible even though those around her try everything to make her fail—or just try to use her to their advantage.LONG MAY SHE REIGN was full of mystery and it was really well done in my opinion. Although the ending was a bit anti-climatic, I still really enjoyed the way that everything leading up to the reveal played out. There is a bit of a romance, but it isn't a main part of the storyline. I really enjoyed the friendship between Freya and Naomi. She both really shine when they are in each others presence and the way she treats Naomi throughout the story makes it clear that just because she's now queen, she will never think herself higher than those that deserve her friendship.As I stated when I started this review, LONG MAY SHE REIGN is a standalone and I would love to read more, but it was still completely satisfied with the story when it ended.* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Book preview

Long May She Reign - Rhiannon Thomas



I don’t know why I was surprised. Of course there were a hundred doves in the pie. The king wouldn’t open his birthday celebration by actually feeding his guests. Not when he could amaze us all with his extravagance instead.

I just wished someone had considered what would happen to the doves after they were released. The king had skewered a couple in his enthusiasm to cut open the pastry, and the survivors were determined to get as far away from that knife-wielding maniac as possible. Many of them settled in the rafters of the banquet hall, forty feet above us. More crashed against the huge arched windows, their claws and beaks scraping the glass. One settled in the bell of a trumpet and refused to move, no matter how violently the player waved his hands.

I sank into my chair and kept watch on the doves overhead. I wasn’t afraid of them, not exactly, but I already felt on edge, with the entire court around me, with their judging eyes and vicious whispers, surrounded by gold and laughter and fountains of wine, and the doves were moving so erratically. Flapping and skittering. I knew they wouldn’t touch me, but I jumped every time they swooped either way.

If only the king would serve the first course. Then I’d be one step closer to leaving. My father usually allowed me to skip the king’s festivities—as the king’s fourth cousin once removed, I was hardly considered important—but this time my father had insisted I attend. To represent the family. To show we were people who mattered.

He couldn’t really have believed that would work. No one had spoken to me since I’d arrived. Even my father had abandoned me for necessary business conversations on the other side of the hall. So I sat at my table near the door, empty seats on either side of me, half wanting to join in the conversation of the people opposite, too scared to appear to be eavesdropping on them to try.

King Jorgen, for his part, looked completely relaxed, and completely unconcerned about his potentially starving guests. He lounged on his throne, legs thrown over one arm, his golden goblet full of wine, his golden plate free of food, while the golden paneling glittered on the wall behind him. He was talking to a girl about my age, whose smile was so wide that the corners might have been pinned to her cheeks.

The king raised his goblet to her lips. When she shook her head, still smiling that strained smile, he tossed the goblet over his shoulder, wine and all. This drink does not please my lady! he shouted. Bring us something better.

Queen Martha sat on his right. I’d always thought she looked like a praying mantis—tall, thin, and bug-eyed, with a ruthless personality to match. Her dress was the biggest in the room, with silk ribbon at the end of every layer like icing on a cake. Her hair reached up toward the ceiling, studded with berries. She held a peacock-feather fan in front of her mouth to hide her yawn, and pointedly avoided looking at her husband.

A dove landed next to my still-empty plate and fluffed its wings. It looked at the foodless platter, and then looked at me, as though blaming me for the lack of treats.

I know. I ran my fingers along the feathers at its neck. They were softer than I’d expected, and pristine white. Only the best could be baked in the king’s pies, I supposed. I’m hungry, too.

Freya, what are you doing? Sophia, the woman sitting opposite me, waved a ring-covered hand in my direction. She was in her forties, her hair a rich henna red. A black-silk moon and two stars had been stuck to her forehead, either as an affectation or to conceal any scars. Don’t encourage it. It’s filthy.

Pigeons all over the tables, Sophia’s neighbor, Claire, said. She was in her forties, too, and rather portly, with a silk heart placed to the right of her pink lips. I suppose the pie was entertaining, but—

Doves, I said, without thinking.

Claire raised a single, perfectly arched eyebrow. What was that?

Doves, I repeated, a little louder, forcing the word out. They’re not pigeons, they’re doves.

Claire laughed. Oh, Freya, you are strange. She waved carelessly at the bird. Pigeon, dove, whatever it is. We really don’t want it on the table.

I pulled my hand back and stared at my plate as she shooed the bird away.

People had been calling me strange since I learned how to talk, although usually they only said it when they thought I couldn’t hear. When I was younger, I had chattered constantly, stumbling over the words in my eagerness to express them, asking question after question until I was at least five explanations deep. People commented on my strangeness to my mother, as though she had somehow missed it and would surely take action now it was revealed to her, but she would just laugh and say, Isn’t it wonderful? like my strangeness was my greatest strength.

Even then I’d known what it meant. That something was wrong with me. That I didn’t belong.

Then my mother had died, and my strangeness had become far more concerning. An insult to her memory. An accusation: "Why can’t you be more like your mother, and less like you?"

It was fine, I told myself. Claire should have been the one embarrassed, for making such a stupid mistake about the birds. It was fine.

But whenever I tried to convince myself my worries were all imaginary, that no one judged me, I remembered every scrap of evidence I’d ever gathered to the contrary. Every time someone had sniggered after I spoke. Every sideways glance shared by friends when I approached. The moment I had walked away from Rosaline Hayes and her friends and heard them repeating my words in high-pitched, laughing voices.

I’d been reluctant to say anything to anyone after that.

At first, my father had comforted me—Court is an odd place, but you’ll get used to it, you’ll make friends, you’ll figure it out—but I continued to stumble, and You’ll make friends became You’ll survive became Freya, could you at least try, for my sake?

Five years later, I still had no place here. Or, I did, but it was sitting by the wall, practically invisible, the butt of jokes if I was mentioned at all. Awkward Freya, strange Freya, silent stuttering Freya who said rude things by accident and was so very, very plain. Did you hear she does experiments in her cellar? Did you hear she nearly burned her house to the ground? What was she even doing in court, behaving like that?

Or that’s what I assumed. No one gossiped about me in front of my face. No one said much to or about me at all.

I’d decided long ago that I didn’t care. I was going to escape this court as soon as I could. My father insisted I had to try and find a good match, to get married and play a role in court life, but no one had ever shown any interest in me. I’d never found anyone who interested me, either. As soon as my father accepted that, I’d be gone. I’d travel to the continent, perhaps, where research was taken far more seriously, and conduct my experiments there. One day soon.

Because, it turned out, I did care. I cared what people thought of me. I cared what they were saying. And I needed to get out, before their judgment changed me.

Hi, Freya.

I turned toward the voice, smiling. I’d only ever had one good friend, but Naomi was so wonderful that I couldn’t imagine needing anyone else. She’d been drawn to me, somehow, when she first moved to the capital with her brother, Jacob, joining me in the corner of awkwardness and pulling me into quiet conversation. We had little in common as far as interests went—she loved novels, stories, romance, and adventure, while I was much happier with equations and research—but our souls clicked.

She looked pretty tonight. She always looked pretty—not the court’s version of beauty, but something softer and sweeter. She had large brown eyes, a tiny pug nose, and ever-present dimples. Her black hair was piled in a dome on top of her head, every twist studded with a gem, and her dark skin shimmered with whichever crushed-jewel powder was currently in fashion.

Hi, I said. She slipped onto the chair beside me, wobbling slightly as she maneuvered her massive skirts into place.

Should you be sitting here, Naomi? Sophia said. "Not that we aren’t delighted to have your company, but His Majesty worked so hard on the seating arrangements . . ."

His Majesty won’t mind if I sit here for two minutes, I don’t think, Naomi said, although she looked down as she said it, her expression unsure. She ducked closer to me. The people at my table are horrid, she murmured.

And you’re surprised?

I guess not. But then my brother abandoned me, so it was just me thrown to the wolves. How are you coping?

I’m alive. That’s something, isn’t it?

Here? Definitely.

What are you girls whispering about? Claire said. It’s awfully rude to have secrets, you know. We’ll be thinking you’re talking about us next.

We’d never gossip about you, Naomi said. She glanced at the table again, then quickly back at Claire, correcting her gaze. What would we even say?

Lots of things, I thought. But Naomi probably meant it. She made fun of the court, but she was always eager to forgive the courtiers themselves for their cruelty and vanity. Every insult became a harmless misunderstanding or good people having a bad day if you allowed Naomi to sit with the story long enough.

"Well, I hope I’m not that boring," Claire said.

Tell us, Sophia said, leaning forward slightly. How is your brother, Jacob?

He’s—well. Thank you.

What a handsome young man. I suppose he’ll be finding a girl soon? Or is he enjoying life too much to settle down?

I don’t know, Naomi said. You’d have to ask him.

"But surely, as his sister, you must have some inkling. Women’s intuition, no? Young men so rarely know what they want, but you must have a feeling—"

What about Madeleine Wolff? Claire said. She’s not connected to anyone, is she? They would be a wonderful couple. Think how beautiful their children would be!

Yes! Sophia said. Is your brother close to her, Naomi? We should arrange an introduction, when she returns from her estate. Something so adorable they can’t help but fall in love.

Naomi was saved from answering by a hush that descended on the room. The king had stood, arms swept out toward the crowd. Before we enjoy our next course, he said, I’ve arranged a little entertainment.

Other rulers probably had entertainments arranged for them on their birthday. But the king would never leave anything to chance. He had to show how extravagant and benevolent he was, and that meant planning every detail himself.

A troupe of performers ran into the hall through its rear doors. One woman backflipped her way along the hall, passing just behind my and Naomi’s chairs. She shot us a sideways grin as she went. She was followed by more acrobats, people cartwheeling, a man walking on his hands, and jugglers, too, rings flying through the air. Their outfits sparkled, catching the light as they danced, so it almost hurt to look at them.

When they reached the front of the room, they bowed to the king before continuing their performance. One of the jugglers clapped, the sound chasing through the room like thunder, and their rings seemed to transform into knives.

I looked past them to the high table. The king’s best friend, Torsten Wolff, sat two seats to the king’s left. He looked distinctly unamused. But Torsten Wolff always looked distinctly unamused. If he ever smiled, his face would probably shatter. He was much younger than the king, probably in his early twenties, but they were inseparable. It often seemed as though the king gave Sten all of his worries to carry, leaving himself as the carefree side of the pair.

For once, I felt a connection with Sten. He looked as uncomfortable as I felt.

One of the performers clapped her hands, and the juggling knives burst into flame. The court gasped and applauded as the group continued to juggle, continued to dance and contort, the flames flying through the air so fast they became a blur. More performers ran in from the sides, holding torches aloft. They threw them into the paths of the burning knives, so they caught fire, too, and then the performers bent back, faces to the ceiling, mouths open wide, as they seemed to swallow the fire.

Then they started to breathe fire, shooting streams into the air. It caught on ribbon hung across the ceiling, too thin to be visible before, and raced along it, spelling out the king’s name.

The crowd applauded again, and the king grinned. Ah, now, our performers need a volunteer. He glanced up and down the high table in faux contemplation. Torsten Wolff looked like he had swallowed a lemon, and I thought the king would choose him, a punishment for his lack of enthusiasm. But then: Fitzroy! Why don’t you come up here?

Fitzroy. Even I heard the danger in that word. William Fitzroy was the king’s bastard son, and although most people referred to him by his surname, the king’s name for him changed with his mood. He was my son when Fitzroy was in favor, or William if a name was really needed. Fitzroy was a hint of dismissal, a reminder of his place in court. A surname they invented for the bastard son, the boy who wasn’t supposed to exist.

But Fitzroy sauntered forward without hesitation. His blond hair fell across his eyes, giving him an air of casual confidence, and he was smiling, like he couldn’t wait to suffer what his father had planned.

Whatever my adoring fans demand, he said. People laughed, and danger flashed in the king’s eyes. The performers positioned Fitzroy in the middle of their group, and then began their show again, tossing flaming rings to one another over Fitzroy’s head, sending knives spinning inches from his arms, breathing fire so close that his hair must have been singed.

Fitzroy did not flinch. He mugged for the audience as the flames flew past, like nothing was more fun than nearly dying for everyone’s entertainment.

Fitzroy, I decided, was an idiot.

The performance ended, Fitzroy bowed, and his father flicked a hand to send him back to his seat without a word.

The performers departed the way they’d come, tumbling and dancing. The backflipper passed behind us again, and as she did, her foot caught on my shoulder. She didn’t pause to apologize—she probably hadn’t even noticed, so focused on her performance—but I jerked, shoved forward by her momentum, and my heart sputtered into triple time.

The conversation in the hall started again, and Sophia and Claire leaped straight back into interrogating Naomi about her brother. I couldn’t concentrate on the words. They were at once too loud and too far away to understand. My hands began to shake.

The kick had triggered something in me, the awareness that people were too close. There were too many of them, and I couldn’t leave, couldn’t escape, couldn’t do anything.

No, I thought. Not here. I was safe. I was fine.

It was too late. There were too many bodies, too much breath and too many eyes. It was so loud, so crowded, and I couldn’t leave.

No, I told myself again. I would be calm. I tugged at the pins in my hair, and looked around the room again, searching for something to ground me. The fountains of wine, the cascading flowers, the doves that still seemed confused about their inability to fly through the windows. Everything was safe. I’d be all right.

I tugged at another hairpin, my hand shaking, and it slipped free, sending a section of hair tumbling to my shoulder. I grabbed it and tried to shove it back in place.


I pressed my palms against my knees, willing my hands to still. I tried to force air to the bottom of my lungs.

Freya? Naomi said again. Are you all right?

I nodded, up and down and up. The world had turned fuzzy, and all the sounds were too loud, and people were so close, even those far away seemed to loom and press toward me, and I couldn’t breathe, and—

Come on, Naomi said. Let’s get some air.

I couldn’t leave the table, it wasn’t allowed, but Naomi was already standing, not touching me, just standing and waiting, and I felt myself standing, too.

Naomi led the way to the doors at the back of the hall. They hadn’t seemed far away before, twenty feet at most, but the distance stretched out now. Everyone was watching us leave, I knew, thinking about how odd we were behaving, and my father would be watching, too, glowering . . .

The doors stood slightly open, and we stepped out into the gardens beyond. An October chill was in the air, and I gulped it in, stumbling farther from the palace. Calm. I was calm.

The world slowly came back into focus. The vast lawn had been decorated with floating lanterns and glistening ice statues, and couples walked between them, hands entwined, faces close.

The river meandered through the garden at the bottom of a slight incline, reflecting the lanterns and the stars. I staggered toward it, listening to the gurgle, looking at the lights. I was calm. I was calm.

Naomi hovered about a foot away, watching me closely. Are you all right?

I nodded. Yes. Yes, I’m fine. If I said it enough, it had to be true.

You don’t have to be fine, you know. If you’re not.

Naomi said that every time this happened, and I always nodded, like I actually believed her. It was one thing to be uncomfortable in court, to hate all the pretenses and be desperate to leave. It was quite another to panic, to become so frightened of the people around me that I forgot how to breathe.

But she understood. She said her father reacted the same way to court, or to anything too crowded. That was why her parents lived out in the country, while she and her brother represented the family in the capital. Whenever I panicked, she would appear beside me, ready to talk me back to reality.

She swept her thirty-six layers of skirts forward and sank onto the grass. It must have been cold, but she simply looked up at me with a smile until I settled beside her.

At least I could breathe again. The chatter and music floated through the hall’s open door, but it felt safer now, farther away.

Want me to take your hair down? Naomi asked.

I nodded. Naomi moved behind me and began pulling the pins loose with quick fingers. With every tug, my lungs relaxed, just a little.

How’s the experiment going? she said. Any luck?

I shook my head. I’d been working on a way to create portable heat for weeks, something that could keep your hands warm and perhaps even banish the cold from my laboratory without fire. So far, all I had for my efforts were a whole lot of notes, and a whole lot of burns.

I plucked one of the loose hairpins from the grass and began to twist it between my fingers. The diamonds gleamed. I’ve been experimenting with different metals, I said. But nothing yet. I’ll figure it out. Naomi tugged the last of my hair free, and I leaned back, falling onto the grass beside her.

When you figure it out, you’ll be famous. She wrapped a loose strand of my hair around her fingers, moving it gently back and forth. Prickles ran across my scalp, and I closed my eyes.

Of course.

Cold hands are the worst, Freya. People’ll pay you a lot of money if you figure it out. You could do anything you wanted after that.

I shook my head. But secretly, I agreed. Not that I’d be famous, perhaps, but that this would work, that this was my solution. If I could solve this, and sell it, I’d have my own money. I could travel wherever I pleased. Travel to the continent, convince a scientist to teach me there. Stop living on the edge of other people’s lives and start living my own.

I couldn’t admit it, though. Not even to Naomi. The thought was too thrilling and terrifying to share. If I said it out loud, even nodded at Naomi’s suggestion, I felt, madly, irrationally, that it would be snatched away from me, just to punish me for believing.

Naomi tucked her legs underneath her. "Well, you can be boring and unromantic if you like. I believe it’ll happen. I’ll miss you, though. When you’re gone."

I won’t leave you. It was the one downside to the plan, the one detail that made me hesitate. I wouldn’t know what to do without Naomi beside me. You’ll come with me.

I knew she wouldn’t, she couldn’t, not with her parents’ approval, at least. But I wanted to pretend.

I suppose I would like to see the continent. But what would Jacob do without me? He gets into too much trouble as it is.

He’ll have to come and help you on your adventures, I said. Rescue you when that dashing rogue you meet turns out to like girl-bone soup.

Because of course that’ll happen to me.

It happens to all the best heroines. And if your brother doesn’t have to rush to your aid, how will he employ that handsome stranger to assist him who falls madly in love at the sight of you?

She laughed. Well, when you put it like that. She glanced toward the palace. Should we go back inside soon? They’ll be missing us.

They won’t miss us. Everyone had already seen us go, and my father was going to be furious about that, whatever I did. At this point, I might as well leave entirely.

I tapped my fingernail on the hairpin. Brand-new, special for the banquet. Made from aluminum, which was the stupidest thing I’d ever heard. Someone on the continent had discovered a new metal, and what did everyone here do? Rush to make it into jewelry, without a thought to what better uses it might have.

I’d be there soon. On the continent, with real intellectuals, with people who actually cared, rather than the vapid, fashion-hungry mob here. I just had to solve this one problem.

Another tap of the hairpin. Metal hadn’t worked. Not even close.

But I hadn’t tried aluminum.

I sat up.

What is it? Naomi said.

Aluminum. I haven’t tried it yet. For my experiment. My thoughts were racing. What if—what if I combined it with something? Maybe iodine? Yes. Yes. That would produce heat. Wouldn’t it?

There were carriages around the front of the palace, waiting until they were needed. Surely one of them could take me home. My father must have noticed me leaving the hall, but he hadn’t come looking for me. I could slip out for an hour or two, then come back, and say I’d been in the gardens all along. He’d be angry, but he wouldn’t be able to disprove it. The gardens were huge. He couldn’t search them while I was gone, not without leaving the ball for longer than he’d deem acceptable himself.

I could go back to the laboratory, try out my thoughts, and be back before the end of the feast.

And if this worked—if it worked, I’d never have to go to a banquet like this again.

Naomi grinned back at me. All right, she said. Let’s go make your fortune.


IT WAS EASY ENOUGH TO FIND A CARRIAGE. NO ONE wanted to leave the social event of the year and miss whatever drunken gossip would fuel the next two months of court conversations, but the coachmen had to wait outside the gates with their horses, just in case.

The streets were jammed with people. The king would never pay for commoners to celebrate with him—that would be a waste of good gold, in his eyes—but if the taverns could use the king’s birthday as a way to make a profit, and the people could use it as a way to have fun, then little things like invitations weren’t going to deter them. It seemed I was the only one who wanted to hide at home tonight.

It made me nervous. All those people, filling the road, blocking our escape. They were just people, nothing more than that, people who didn’t even care who we were in the slightest, but knowing they were out there, all around us, that they had beating hearts and judging minds, that they might do anything and I couldn’t predict it, that I couldn’t run past them all . . .

I twitched the curtains closed, but the shouts and laughter cut through the window, so I gripped my hands together in my lap, trying to remember to breathe.

It must have taken half an hour or more to fight through the crowds, but finally, the carriage turned onto my street. Only nobles lived here, in black-beamed buildings from hundreds of years ago. Normally, that meant that anyone stepping out of the front door risked being accosted by nosy matriarchs and young social climbers, but the road was quieter now, and no lights flickered in the windows. Who would be here when they could be at the palace instead? Perhaps a few dedicated servants, an elderly relative telling the younger ones to have fun. And now us.

As soon as the carriage stopped, I shoved the door open, stumbling slightly as my heels hit the pavement. Naomi handed the driver a couple of coins, and I hurried to find the spare key tucked under the windowsill. The servants had been given the night off. Adviser to the king he might be, but my father remembered what working life was like before he married a noble, and he always thought about what the servants might want. He’d never admit to such improper behavior to any of his new peers, of course, but that didn’t make his concern any less genuine.

If only that concern stretched to his daughter. My happiness could never come before the expectations of the court. I had far too many supposed duties to fulfill.

He wouldn’t take it well when I finally left. He wouldn’t hate me for it, exactly, but he wouldn’t understand. So I couldn’t tell him about my plans. I couldn’t ask for any assistance. One day, I’d inform him that I was leaving, and then I’d be gone.

I wished things could be different. I wasn’t close to my father, but I didn’t want to hurt him. I wished he could understand, that he didn’t wish for any daughter other than me, but wishes didn’t mean anything in the end. This was how things had to be.

The front hall was dark, the chandelier looming above us. I strode underneath it, to a narrow staircase at the far side of the room. Anyone visiting the house would probably dismiss it as a servants’ passage, and one step into the run-down corridor at the bottom of the stairs would seem to confirm it. I didn’t want anyone interrupting my experiments, and my father didn’t want anyone to stumble across them.

My laboratory wasn’t perfect. The cellar room was cramped, for a start. A scarred wooden table took up most of the space, and I had personally fastened several sturdy but slightly lopsided cupboards to the walls. The only windows were high up, long rectangular panes of glass that looked straight on to the grass of our garden. They could be opened to let out smoke, but they were far less effective at letting in light. Books spilled off the shelves, and every spot of counter space was covered in bottles and vials and notes.

But the busyness was comforting to me. Everything had a system, even if it was one I couldn’t express in words. I knew where everything was. When I stepped into that room, all the doubt that defined my life in court melted away. I knew what I needed to do. I knew who I needed to be.

I’d been interested in science for as long as I could remember, for longer than I’d had a word for it. I’d driven my mother and father insane with endless questions—why is the sky blue? Why is fire hot? Why does food change when it’s cooked? Why do people in different kingdoms speak different languages from us? Why, why, why, why, about anything and everything. My mother always indulged me with some ridiculous answer. Food cooked because it had big dreams, and it wanted to be the best it could be. The sky was blue

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