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Now you see it now you Don't.
Now you see it now you Don't.
Now you see it now you Don't.
Ebook166 pages2 hours

Now you see it now you Don't.

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Only a rare few could see it, and when they did, a second look proved it to be a mirage.  Now you see it now you don't.  But by definition a mirage is an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.  My eyes saw one thing, and that day it looked real and out of place.  That day I was out and about with my new camera taking landscape shots, and skyline shots.  By the naked eye, I saw in the near distant what appeared to be a large and by large I mean at least 8 floors high a radar disc down in the valley towering over the trees and houses.  In a spot where there shouldn't be a radar disc, as it was in my neighborhood I had been living in for some 15 years.  I raised my digital camera and by the display focused on the object.  It appeared on my display.  I focused my lens to a wide shot to get it in and snapped my shot.  When I lowered my camera and looked down the hill.  It was gone.  When I scrolled through my shots I discovered the pictured I had snapped was there, but there was no very large radar disc towering over the treetops in the shot.  Just houses, trees and a blue sky with a few white clouds and in the distance the nearest 15 floor apartment tower.  By the naked eye for just a moment was the large radar disc.  Now no disc, just the tallest building near my downtown residential neighborhood.  Minutes later, after walking down the hill into the valley to where I believed was a radar disc was just a large empty parking lot.  I shook my head in disbelief that it was real, that I had seen a mirage.  I dismissed it has a mirage, to which my digital camera did not record once I snapped the shot.  But why did it see it with the naked eye before I snapped the shot and not on the actual picture?  I went home and forgot all about the illusion chalking it up to tired eyes that day.

Release dateMar 22, 2024
Now you see it now you Don't.

Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III

Hello Readers: I am Rowlen Deleware Vanderstone III, my penname.  My real name is Robert D. Vergeson and I have since my childhood have always dreamed of writing.  I just had to get past my learning disabities and a physical handicapp since I was born premature 1951.  As early as I can remember my daydreams and night dreams was about adventures stories, being he hero who rescued the fair maiden.  It wasn't until after repeating 3 elementary grades over that at age 15 did I finally physically grasp my reading skills and since I became an avid reader of Sci-fi and fatansy, Teen adventure stories, and rite of passage stories of teen life in many circumstances in life.  And yes, I rooted for the hero who bested the bullies in his life.  I had my fair share of them in my life given my own circumstances.  I wrote my first story in my senior year in high school, then shelved it as worthless.  It wasn't until decades later that I had my poetry published in those anthologies.  Even won a few recognitions.  My my first real Sci-fi manuscipt was rejected by a publisher summarily and I gave up writing. To be honest I was lousy when it came to english grammer, but had a great imagination. curing Covid, at 70 years of age, I took out my dustiy manuscripts and went the Ebook route with Smashwords, and 46 published Ebooks later, I am still grinding away. I was certainly a late bloomer, like at age 47 I got a college degree, earned a 3.5 GPA, made the National Deans List, and was inducted into the PHI Thetta Kappa honor society.  My High school counscelor once told me that I was't college material.  Was told digging ditches was the best job for me.  I believed her, and dug ditches, and spend 27 years still believing her.  Bullies come in all kind of shapes and ages.  My first ebook is a bio about my bullies called "Walters and the Bullies" On Smashwords.com  I am still lousy at grammer and spelling and very thankful for spell and grammer check. At 72, I look forward to a few more books out of me.  I will pat myself on the back and say my Sci Fi fantasy are good reads,.  My rite of passages series even better, my chapbook, my mysteries, and my non-fiction revealing. 

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    Now you see it now you Don't. - Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III

    Now you see it now you Don’t.


    Rowlen Delaware Vanderstone III

    Copyright 03/22/2024

    License Note

    Thank you for downloading this ebook.  This book may not be reproduced, copied, and distributed for commercial purposes.  If you enjoyed this book, please return to your favorite ebook retailer to discover other works by this author. Other works may be priced for purchase or offered free and may have limitations to reproduction without Author’s permission or may need additional purchase from your ebook retailer.


    Only a rare few could see it, and when they did, a second look proved it to be a mirage.  Now you see it now you don’t.  But by definition a mirage is an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.  My eyes saw one thing, and that day it looked real and out of place.  That day I was out and about with my new camera taking landscape shots, and skyline shots.  By the naked eye, I saw in the near distant what appeared to be a large and by large I mean at least 8 floors high a radar disc down in the valley towering over the trees and houses.  In a spot where there shouldn’t be a radar disc, as it was in my neighborhood I had been living in for some 15 years.  I raised my digital camera and by the display focused on the object.  It appeared on my display.  I focused my lens to a wide shot to get it in and snapped my shot.  When I lowered my camera and looked down the hill.  It was gone.  When I scrolled through my shots I discovered the pictured I had snapped was there, but there was no very large radar disc towering over the treetops in the shot.  Just houses, trees and a blue sky with a few white clouds and in the distance the nearest 15 floor apartment tower.  By the naked eye for just a moment was the large radar disc.  Now no disc, just the tallest building near my downtown residential neighborhood.  Minutes later, after walking down the hill into the valley to where I believed was a radar disc was just a large empty parking lot.  I shook my head in disbelief that it was real, that I had seen a mirage.  I dismissed it has a mirage, to which my digital camera did not record once I snapped the shot.  But why did it see it with the naked eye before I snapped the shot and not on the actual picture?  I went home and forgot all about the illusion chalking it up to tired eyes that day.

    Chapter 1



    For many nights I played over in my mind the mirage in my sleep.  I couldn’t get past what my eyes saw was real at the time.  Each night more details emerged in my dreams that I thought it appeared at first to be a radar disc of enormous size.  It was in general the shape of a radar disc but with more definition to it.  More horseshoe shaped with the horseshoe standing up as if stuck in the earth.  I saw it had depth to it a front and back as the horseshoe was at an angle showing the front and the back.  The front appeared to be like the bowl of the radar disc, while the back was the bottom of the bowl sticking out.  But with depth to the thickness of the disc like it’s outer rim was some 50 plus feet thick.  Giving the appearance of a constructed building or sculpture with the shape of a radar disc.  A gray structure with gridwork, antennae sticking out here and there.

    It wouldn’t be out of place in today’s modern architecture, if it wasn’t an empty lot.  Even as I approached that empty lot that day.  I got the distinct feeling it wasn’t an empty lot I had passed by many times and took no notice of.  Nothing out of the ordinary stood out that said it wasn’t an empty lot I had seen so many times and even weeks later I take no notice of it.  Even the cyclone fencing was so normal around the lot a former parking it its pavement riddled with cracks and weeds growing out of the cracks.  The large padlocks on the two gates rusted.  It is like the tree’s on any street curb lawn they are familiar figures you see every day; unless one has fallen and been removed you notice the empty spot.  But after a few days, even that empty spot isn’t noticed anymore.  In time even my dreams faded, and I never gave it another thought, that that empty lot had a mystery about it.  That is until one day two years later, as I was instructing a group of neighborhood youths at the local youth center, our Digital Camera photography club.  That I had a question by Harold Culver my 15-year-old member, who ask me if digital cameras could pick up mirages.  I asked him to explain.

    You, know something you thought you saw with your naked eye, but when you took a digital photo of it.  It didn’t show up in the photo when you reviewed it.  Harold said.

    Then Mike Jones spoke up, he was 15 and a bright lad and a good friend of Harolds.  Harolds right, I was with him on that walk with Denny and Susy.  We took the same picture from on top of Blueberry Hill when he said he saw this large radar disc down below the hill off near that apartment complex.  We all saw it and raised our camera’s up and took a shot of it.  It was huge even from were we stood on Blueberry hill.  When Harold reviewed his display and said the radar disc didn’t appear in his digital picture, Denny, and I check our display and discovered the same problem.  When the four of us looked back down the hill the radar disc was gone.  We couldn’t believe our eyes, it had to be a mirage Harold said.

    Mr. Finny, I had my instant print camera that new polarized version.  Susy said.  "Here, take a look at what it showed.

    Susy handed me the picture, and sure enough the radar disc I saw two years ago was in plain sight with the apartment complex behind it.  The other boys showed me the date and time stamp on their digital photo print outs, and they matched Susy instant print date and time stamp.  Harold repeated his questions a different version of it.

    Mr. Finny, why wouldn’t a digital photo pick up a mirage, but an old instant print film would?

    Harold, Susy’s camera used a lens shutter system much like our naked eye letting light through the lens and the image is appears on the photo sensitive chemicals on the paper.  With the naked eye it’s that image being imprinted on our optic nerve to the brain.  By definition a mirage is an optical illusion caused by atmospheric conditions, especially the appearance of a sheet of water in a desert or on a hot road caused by the refraction of light from the sky by heated air.  An old-fashioned film camera would pick up that light and the illusion on the negative or in this case on instant camera’s light sensitive paper.  A digital camera works with a computer much like video camera do, the image is converted to digital pixels thousands and thousands of them and stored in its memory until you have it printed out on your computer printer.  The naked eye may see one thing, while the digital camera might not.  The naked eye can’t see a speeding bullet. But a digital video camera can slow down a speeding bullet and magnifying the image to the point of seeing a speeding bullet.  That is in its simplest term.  The naked eye can see that shimmering water vapor, but the closes you get to it, it vanishes thus a mirage.  Now Susy camera isn’t designed for telephoto shots, so the mirage appeared, while a digital camera can depending on your model of camera zoom in up to anywhere between 10 times to 100 times making an ant look like a giant.  The mirage disappears when you zoom into like a person walking up to a mirage.  I gave the group the best explanation I can as to why the digital camera’s failed to record the radar disc and Susy’s did not.

    Mr. Finny it is definitely a mirage.  We four went down the hill over to that area and it was an empty parking lot fenced in.  No giant radar disc to be seen.  Yet that polarized instant shot made it look real with dimensions and depth like a horseshoe standing on end.  You could certainly see details even from on top of the hill.  Denny said.  I don’t think conditions where right for a mirage to appear.  It was a cool dry day that day.

    Lets pick up from here at our next meeting and we will rediscuss the F setting on camera’s and the ISO exposure settings where it controls the time factor for light exposure.  We will go over some textbook samples what all that means.  With the right settings you can get a field of stars at night to appear as if they moved streaking across the heavens.  Your digital cameras today take much of the guess work out with it many automatic settings like portrait, landscape, night shots, action shots, etc.  This photo club is more about the fun of photography as an amateur, hobbyist then being a professional photographer.  It may well lead you to taking college courses later to be a professional photographer, or just enjoying it has a hobby.  Remember your camera’s are the property of the Youth center so take care of them properly and keep them out of reach of younger siblings, or thieves.  Never leave them unattended.  Now scoot out of here.  See you next week.  Harold, Mike may I have a moment of your time.  Mr. Finny asked.

    Yes, Mr. Finny.  Both boys responded.

    Harold, Mike, what I am about to tell you can’t leave this room you understand.  This mirage business about seeing a giant radar disc then not seeing it isn’t the first time it has happened it that exact location and seen from the top of Blueberry Hill.  Two years, I also thought I say it and had my best camera with me.  What my naked eye saw my camera did not.  I also went down to that empty parking lot sure there was something there.  It was empty.  If it was a mirage it does not explain how two years later four teens saw it from the same advantage point on the hill top exactly from the same spot I did.  Like I said, digital camera’s may not actually pick up a mirage because of it being computerized electronic photography.  The fact Susy’s instant print camera did, had to be because the camera wasn’t digitally computerized.  The fact you four saw it with the naked eye, then it vanished after taking your picture is a mystery I can’t explain at this time.  I have been asking myself that question recently remembering that day two years ago.  Mike you’re the bright lad with a keen interest in technological science in general, and you Harold share my interest in Science-fiction movies and reading Sci-fi.  What would the two of you say could possibly explain why the naked eye could see something, but a digital camera could not.

    Mr. Finny...

    Harold, this is informal time remember, call me Bob.  That goes for you too Mike.  In front of others Youth Center members or staff, its Mr. Finny.  Mr. Finny explained.

    Bob, Mike and I had a long discussion about it last night when I spent a night at his place.  Mike suggested that a digital camera that has Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth could be blocked from taking a picture.  However, that would affect the whole picture, not just one item in the picture not appearing.  Since our brains are not wired for Wi-Fi, or Bluetooth it wouldn’t have affected our vision.  Except if that was true, then we would still see it, from the top of Blueberry Hill, or when we arrived at the empty parking lot.  There is no giant radar disc in that parking lot.  Harold told Bob.

    I would agree with you Harold, you can jam an electronic device that has a transceiver or transmitter in it like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, radio waves, and microwaves.  The mind and optical nerves have neither.  Bob agreed.

    Mr. Finny, I mean Bob, todays military science could prevent any satellite and digital surveillance of a military installation by some very sophisticated electronic scanners.  Maybe not to the naked eye unless it was an invisible shield the naked eye could see behind.  To make that happen it would have to be some very advance technology that even affected the human optical nerves from registering the installation.  Much like a mirage or mirror that showed it was an empty lot.  A small silver ball encased in a highly reflective surface could be invisible to the naked eye if that ball was either floating in the air with only a blue sky around it or floating in water.  To make that size of a radar disc disappear it would impossible as the refracted image from everything around it would be like seeing two of the same apartment building in the background.  Mike related to Bob.

    "Bob, Mike and I decided that to affect the human mind of one person or several persons, it would have to be along the lines of a psychic generator, or a very strong psychic person blocking the mind from seeing that radar disc. The problem with a very strong psychic person would be affecting our minds at that distance from top of Blueberry Hill, which might explain the mirage affect, here one moment gone the next.  The person would have to have sensed us on the hill with our camera’s taking pictures and tried to block our minds from seeing it again. I am not sure if such human psychic energy could affect a digital camera though.  On the other hand, in theory a psychic generator could blanket a whole

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