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Coderspeak: The language of computer programmers
Coderspeak: The language of computer programmers
Coderspeak: The language of computer programmers
Ebook299 pages6 hours

Coderspeak: The language of computer programmers

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Software applications have taken over our lives. We use and are used by software many times a day. Nevertheless, we know very little about the invisibly ubiquitous workers who write software. Who are they and how do they perceive their own practice? How does that shape the ways in which they collaborate to build the myriad of apps that we use every day?

Coderspeak provides a critical approach to the digital transformation of our world through an engaging and thoughtful analysis of the people who write software. It is a focused and in-depth look at one programming language and its community – Ruby - based on ethnographic research at a London company and conversations with members of the wider Ruby community in Europe, the Americas and Japan. This book shows that the place people write code, the language they write it in and the stories shared by that community are crucial in questioning and unpacking what it means to be a ‘coder’. Understanding this social group is essential if we are to grasp a future (and a present) in which computer programming increasingly dominates our lives.

Praise for Coderspeak

'Heurich perfectly captures the generous camaraderie, quirky spirit and intellectual curiosity at the heart of the Ruby world. Packed with tidbits of Ruby history, code snippets, and fascinating conversations, this book has something to teach every Rubyist.'
Jemma Issroff, Ruby Core Team

'This delightful book provides a fascinating window into the world and words of computer programmers. Beautifully written, engaging and insightful, Heurich's ethnography takes us on a journey through the story and life of Ruby programming, showing the joy, humour and poetry needed to bring code to life'.
Hannah Knox, Professor of Anthropology, UCL

PublisherUCL Press
Release dateApr 22, 2024
Coderspeak: The language of computer programmers

Guilherme Orlandini Heurich

Guilherme Orlandini Heurich is Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Anthropology, UCL.

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    Coderspeak - Guilherme Orlandini Heurich


    There is a deck of cards in your hands. You need to organise it. You pick the first card – it’s a Queen of Hearts – and you place it on the floor. (You should be sitting on an imaginary floor for this thought experiment to work.) You pick the second card, a Seven of Clubs. You put it on a separate column; you don’t want to mix Clubs and Hearts. The next card is a Four of Clubs. Easy: put it before the Seven, on the Clubs columns. You proceed until the deck is finished and there you are: you have sorted the cards. Each card is now in one of four columns, from the lowest to the highest value.

    Computer programs can implement this process of sorting cards (or anything else) in many ways. You did it by going over each element one by one and comparing them to the ones you had already seen. This process of going over each element and doing something with it, this action of picking a card and applying some thinking to it, is at the heart of one of the quintessential structures of the Ruby programming language: the ‘block’. One way of doing this, in Ruby, would be:

    card_deck.each do |card|

    hearts.push(card) if card.suit == 'Hearts'

    clubs.push(card) if card.suit == 'Clubs'


    A Ruby block is everything that happens between those two magic words: ‘do…end’. A block is like a mini tool that you can re-use as many times as you want. It is ‘ike one of those little Hello Kitty boxes they sell at the mall that’s stuffed with tiny pencils and microscopic paper’, as one Ruby programmer poignantly wrote.¹ In this analogy such boxes can be used in ‘covert stationery operations’, although ‘blocks don’t require so much squinting’. A block is thus a tool that implements what you wish to do to a group of things, be they deck cards or tiny pencils.

    A programming language is made of two things: the language itself and its community. When Yukihiro Matsumoto started working on the Ruby language in February 1993, he had full control over the first aspect. ‘Matz’ – the name that Matsumoto-san goes by – had been searching for a language that would make him happy, but failing to find one. He wanted an object-oriented scripting language, but was not happy with Perl. Object-oriented programming languages rely on digital objects called classes, able to send and receive messages to and from other classes. Object-oriented programs thus consist of many different classes interacting with each other. But Perl, thought Matz, did not explore this philosophy enough. It seemed like a toy-language to him. He wanted a programming language that was truly object-orientated – one in which ‘everything’ was an object. Python, another language that already existed at the time, didn’t work either. Python’s object-oriented features seemed like an after-thought, a kind of add-on to the language. Like many other programmers before and after him, Matz decided to build what he couldn’t find.²

    It was another developer, however, who came up with the name. Keiju Ishitsuka suggested ルビ in a private chat message. ‘Why Ruby (ルビ) ?’ asked Matz. ‘Because of Perl,’ Ishitsuka-san replied. After a brief chat about what kinds of shellfish actually generate pearls, both programmers agreed on a provisional codename for the language. ‘Indeed, Ruby is okay,’ wrote Keiju. ‘But Coral is also okay … tsk tsk,’ replied Matz. After a few days Keiju wrote again to say that he had remembered that Ruby was his birthstone. Matz, now convinced, replied ‘Ruby, then.’³

    From the very beginning, Matz thought the language should be open source. There was no point in keeping it to himself and not allowing other people to use it. If he hadn’t open sourced it, Ruby might have followed the path of many other languages that are now completely dead; languages that only lived in the machines of their creators. Thinking back on it, Matz says that Ruby only became widely used ‘because of the decision to go open source, along with a fair amount of luck’.⁴ That ‘fair amount of luck’ was the second thing that makes programming languages, the one over which Matz had little control: the Ruby community.

    Making software open source does not automatically guarantee its longevity. Many open-source projects perish. In fact, most of them do – because they don’t create a community around them. For an open-source programming language to thrive, it needs to generate daily interest and conversations around it. It needs to be picked up by developers, not just for personal projects but also for commercial products or academic experiments. A programming language without its community is just a collection of files destined to end up in the recycling bin. Still, the communal element of Ruby was outside of Matz’s hands. He had no way of knowing whether the language would have a community at all. In less than 15 years, however, the language that he created would generate one of the most vibrant, fun, quirky, weird and successful programming communities that the software industry has ever seen. Ruby’s success went way beyond Matz’s expectations. A language that he designed for himself, according to his own personal taste, resonated with many people in Japan and beyond. People who got involved in creating the Ruby community.

    One of the philosophies of the Ruby language (and of its community) is that there are many ways of doing something. Everything is open for modification in Ruby. Elements that most language designers wouldn’t allow programmers to change, Ruby allows. With Ruby you are free to add what you want – although, as we’ll see, not everyone agrees that’s a good idea. Being able to extend the language is key to Ruby’s philosophy, however, and blocks are a key structure for the programmer to exercise this freedom to extend the language. You can create your own way of operating repeatedly over data, just like you did with your card_deck. You can design blocks to iterate over things in any way you want. Blocks were even called iterators at some point, but they were soon freed from playing this relatively limited role. A block can do anything: that’s why it is the one mandatory structure in the Ruby language.⁵ If you think in blocks, then Ruby is for you. It fits your brain and it makes you happy.

    The world of programmers and programming is immense. There are around 24 million people working as software engineers, developers, programmers, coders or just ‘devs’ in the world today.⁶ How do you make sense of such a large and diverse population of people? As I’ve learned during the past few years of being in and among the people who inhabit the world of software, you have to cut the problem down to a manageable size. Reduce it to something that fits your brain, so you can describe it easily. You might not have the solution for that problem yet, but at least you know what it is. My way is the anthropological way. I’ve cut through the programming world with a conceptual knife that gives me a slice I can just about fit in my head: programmers who write code in Ruby. For almost two years I worked as part of a team of Ruby developers in a London company. I’ve learned from them and built things with them but, most of all, I’ve tried to listen to their stories. Through them and their connections, I was able to reach out to many other Ruby developers in the UK, Europe, the Americas and Japan. It is the combination of my experience as a Ruby dev and the individual trajectories of many other programmers that sits at the heart of this book.

    Anthropology and programming might seem like very different ways of engaging with the world, but they share one principle: you should learn things by doing. Just as programmers value tinkering and experimenting more than a bookish approach to technology, so anthropologists favour learning directly from the people they study, rather than sitting in an armchair and reading about it. That is why anthropology’s favoured method is ethnography. Ethnography is founded on the idea that to understand a particular group’s experiences of the world, you have to do things as they do them. In other words, ethnography is anthropology’s way of ‘learning by doing’ – which in the case of programming means embedding yourself in that practice. To do as programmers do, however, you need to program in a specific environment, given that the overall majority of programmers practise their craft as part of a team within a company. They build things together, share their knowledge and their differences, all the while creating a product. It is in this situation that an understanding of how programmers experience their world makes sense.

    In preparation for this research, I went into training and learned to program in one of London’s many coding boot camps. It was a tough, intensive, four-month long training course in which we not only learned the basics of programming, but also wrote real-world software applications. Ruby was the first language that we learned, followed by JavaScript, and most of us also explored other programming languages as well. From the very first moment Ruby became the natural choice as a research subject because of its easy to use qualities and its welcoming community. The boot camp experience not only gave me basic programming knowledge; it also allowed me to build the necessary connections to find a place to conduct my research. Through them I found Upstream⁷ (a pseudonym), the company where I conducted the fieldwork for this book. Although access to corporate environments is notoriously tricky to negotiate – because companies are often suspicious of research – presenting myself as a researcher who could actually program helped me to get my foot in the door. It allowed me to experience what other programmers in the company did, to gain access to internal communications and to explore different relationships between management and programmers.

    At Upstream, my week consisted of having two days entirely dedicated to programming – sometimes by myself, often with other programmers and always in conversations with engineers, testers and managers. I would spend the rest of the week chatting and interviewing programmers in the company, learning about the history of programming languages and studying Ruby code. It was a solid 18-month stretch in which I was able to expand the network of research participants, which started in London and ended up in Japan.

    Much of my fieldwork was done during the Covid-19 pandemic, and therefore remotely. The pandemic hit, the research was ongoing and there was no turning back. I was lucky to have already been part of the Ruby team at Upstream. Negotiating access from scratch, during a global pandemic while everyone adjusted to working from home, would have been tough. My colleagues at Upstream knew me, and they knew about my research already. Even so, when I recorded private conversations – as I did with almost everyone in the team – I made sure to explain the research one more time, and to share with them an information sheet and a consent form.

    Interestingly, Upstream’s team of programmers already included many remote workers, even before the pandemic. A good portion of Ruby developers were outsourced from the Ukraine, and having people joining remotely was already part of the company’s process. In this regard, adapting to WFH life was easier; we already had a constant ‘Zoom’ connection in our meetings, even before Covid. When some workers in the UK started returning to work, Upstream remained remote: there were no offices any more. As with many other companies, paying for office space made less sense, so the company decided to stay as it was. Although the pandemic certainly affected the interpersonal development of my relationships with people at Upstream, it was a reality that I couldn’t escape from. I chose to continue instead of pausing this experience. In research, we don’t get to pick the deck of cards: we only get to work on how we sort it.

    This book is not a technical book on the language – there are plenty of those out there. This is the story of Ruby on the ground, of how programmers write Ruby to build software that is used by millions of people every day. A story that has repeated itself many times over in the histories of hundreds of small and large companies that chose Ruby as their main language. They chose Ruby and tailored it to their specific uses. Twitter, Airbnb, GitHub and Shopify are just some of them. Because Ruby allows for things to be implemented in so many ways, it is said that each workplace creates its own unique Ruby style. And just as a solution can be implemented in various ways, this book is only one among many possible ways to understand Ruby and its community.

    Multiple, the Ruby way is.


    1_why. ‘why’s (poignant) guide to Ruby’, 19.

    2Matz. ‘[ruby-talk:00382] Re: history of ruby’.

    3Ishitsuka. ‘[ruby-dev:5173] Re: to_i,to_s の素朴な疑問’.

    4Matz. ‘The man who gave us Ruby’.

    5Venners. ‘A conversation with Yukihiro Matsumoto’, Part III.

    6/DATA. ‘Developer Nation Report 2020’.

    7The company’s name is fictional and does not refer to any current or past existing software companies in London or elsewhere.

    Part I

    Open source


    Principal engineer

    In July 2019 I took the London Overground train to Liverpool Street Station and walked for about 20 minutes towards the Old Street Roundabout. This is the centre of London’s Tech City, an area where many technology firms have their offices. The area has increasingly become one of the tech hotspots of Europe; developer numbers here have superseded other European capitals famous for their tech scenes, such as Helsinki, Berlin or Paris.¹ As I reached a small alley just off the main road, a smartly dressed 20-year-old walked past me. Blond beard, mustard and black North Face jumper, green trousers, white shoes. Yes, this must be the right place.

    I walked up four flights of stairs and saw the big logo drawn on top of a double door: ‘Upstream’. I rang the bell and said ‘Hi, my name is Guilherme and I’m here for an interview.’ I tend to use my full name in these circumstances, although I quickly change to Gui – pronounced Ghee, like clarified butter – as soon as possible. People have always called me Gui. Someone buzzed me in and came to greet me on the other side of the double doors. The sun was streaming through one of the windows and illuminating the floor in front of me. What a lovely summer’s day, I thought. Am I really in London?

    After a few minutes of waiting, a person with a long moustache and wavy short hair came over. ‘Hi, please come with me.’ I could barely make out what was said behind the enormous cookie sweeper, but followed along through a big, open-plan office. We walked past ten rows of long desks on either side. Three people on each desk, glued to their screens. It was about 11.00 a.m. and the working day was well on its way. As we veered left at the end of the rows of desks, I briefly glanced towards the back of the office in which a long table and a kitchen space were divided by a wall. We entered a small, enclosed office and sat down on two armchairs, facing each other. In the middle was a small table with a glass of water. The interview was about to start.

    ‘I’m Charles, I’m the Principal Engineer here at Upstream … Hmm, we’ve reviewed your code test … So, why do you want to work here?’

    I had rehearsed this question at home. Upstream is a start-up trying to change how people bought their groceries. It focused on organic and local produce made as close to London as possible. It sold exclusively online. I said I believed in the company’s mission and that it sounded like the perfect place to work as a Ruby programmer. He looked at me with a slight grin. He knew I had prepared that answer. He seemed nervous, constantly looking at his notes. His nervousness actually relaxed me. He looked at his notebook and, barely lifting his eyes from behind his glasses to look at me, he said ‘You have an unusual background … hm, why do you want to work in tech?’

    He was right, my background as an anthropologist with 15-odd years of experience working in Indigenous Amazonian societies was unusual. I explained that I needed a break from academia and that I hoped working as a programmer could give me the experience I needed to design projects that could help Indigenous peoples in the future. ‘Oh, so you don’t want to work at Upstream for a long time?’ he asked, grinning as he did so. Damn, wrong answer.

    Before I could try to reply, he moved on. He asked me about different programming languages and what kind of applications people usually built with each of them. Suddenly someone else walked into the room, greeted me, introduced themselves as Muneeb and sat down on a high bench a metre or so away from us. It was strange. I felt watched, which I guess was the game they were playing. Muneeb asked me about the boot camp I went to and wasn’t surprised when I said it was intense but amazing. I mentioned how there was a big focus on Test Driven Development (TDD), then I went off on a tangent. In very academic language I talked about TDD being counter-intuitive, making you write tests before the first lines of the actual program are on your screen. They looked puzzled. They were probably wondering why they ever let an anthropologist into the building.

    I think it was my bizarre answer that led Charles to ask his next question: ‘I notice you didn’t use Rails in your code test.’ Rails is the most popular Ruby ‘framework’ – a collection of software libraries that allows you to build applications by following an established pattern. Built on top of Ruby, Rails has a major influence in the community. Some say that the Ruby community and the Rails community are the same, which is probably going too far. ‘If I had to guess, I’d say that 80 per cent of us do Rails,’ a famous Rubyist and podcaster told me. But that depends on location: the Americas perhaps lead as the place with most Rails developers, followed by Europe, and then Japan probably at the bottom of the list. Japan, which is where Ruby was created, is perhaps the place where Rails is less influential and least used. ‘They use Ruby for everything in Japan,’ an American programmer who lives and works there told me. ‘They even use Ruby to launch rockets.’

    There have always been many alternatives to Rails – even if they never described themselves as such. Sinatra is one of them. A lightweight Ruby web framework, its logo is a drawing of Frank Sinatra’s hat. It is notoriously friendly when it comes to building an application because of its minimalistic syntax.

    Some people find that very beautiful.

    require 'sinatra'

    get 'index' do

    'Hello world!'


    Sinatra creates bespoke routing functions out of well-known ways of accessing a webpage, like ‘get’ and ‘post’. It uses that familiarity and merges it into Ruby’s block construction. In just four lines of code, you’ve got something running: ‘Hello world!’ appears on a browser.

    Things are different with Rails. Rather than creating the files yourself, Rails generates them for you. Quite a lot of them too. A simple, new application will generate 1,772 files. If you immediately spin up a server, the only thing those files will give you is the same ‘Hello world’ as the four lines of code of a Sinatra app. What’s the trade-off, then? Rails, of course, creates many important things that you will probably need anyway: test files, database configuration files, basic front-end skeleton files, etc. There is nothing wrong with a framework that creates hundreds of files – in a sense, that’s the whole point of using a framework such as Rails. You want the basic skeleton of things generated for you. However, you have to choose your tools carefully. Rails might be good if you are developing your company’s main app – again, that’s what frameworks are good for – but maybe Rails is too big a tool if you are only writing a small program for a job interview. I chose Sinatra for Upstream’s code test because of its minimalism. It did the job for what I needed, a simple program to shorten URLs. Now I had to explain my decision.

    ‘I notice you didn’t use Rails in your code test. Why?’

    ‘Because Rails would be overkill.’

    I realised I had made a mistake as soon as the words came out of my mouth. Upstream used Rails; they were probably expecting me to exalt Rails in some way or another. After all, they had chosen it as a framework and were (possibly) hiring me

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