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Revelation of Messiah
Revelation of Messiah
Revelation of Messiah
Ebook295 pages3 hours

Revelation of Messiah

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The Messiah known to us as YAHUSHA HAMASHIACH fulfilled approximately 300 Old Testament prophecies. He told the Pharisees that Abraham wrote of him. On the road to Emmaus, after he was resurrected from the dead, he expounded upon those prophecies to his two traveling companions, beginning with Moses and continuing through the prophets. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Hebrews in chapter 5:12 that they needed one to teach them the rudiments of the beginning of the Oracles of YAH. In other words, we need to go to the beginning of the book, our Bible, to learn of our Messiah. To understand the back of the book, we must know what the front of the book contains, especially concerning Our Redeemer. This work attempts to point out our creator's different manifestations, the Most High ELOHIYM, beginning with Moses.

Release dateApr 17, 2024
Revelation of Messiah

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    Revelation of Messiah - Deloris Biocic


    These are the words of Agur, the son of Yaqeh, who prophesied and received power. He said to Ithliel, Surely, I am weak minded, and have not the understanding of men. I know not wisdom, nor have I learned the knowledge of the holy men. Tell me, who has ascended up into heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has bound the waters in a handkerchief? Who has established all the borders of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name, if you can tell? Every word of YAHUAH is pure; he is a shield to those who put their trust in him. Do not add to his words, lest he reprove you, and you be found a liar. Proverbs 30:1 – 6

    We will explore the nature of our Messiah, the Son of our ELOHIYM. The definition of Messiah is promised deliverer. We will see that not only did YAHUAH deliver his people throughout scripture, but he also promised to be the ultimate deliverer of his people in the last days, with the promise of raising us from death to eternal life, living in his presence. We will explore the various manifestations in the Old Testament scriptures of YAHUAH as our Savior. Besides our bibles the Messiah was also written of in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Scroll 4q 246 is an Aramaic apocalypse very fragmented, but the subject of the Messiah is clear. It says the spirit of ELOHIYM dwells on him and that he will be designated the Son Of ELOHIYM. Besides the son, in the following pages, I would like to demonstrate that YAHUSHA the Messiah is indeed on every page of the scriptures under other titles and manifestations, just as he told the Pharisees that he was before Abraham, as well as to his fellow travelers on the road to Emmaus, where he laid out the scriptures, starting with Moses, which pointed to him.

    Even the Samaritan woman at the well of Jacob on Mount Gerizim in John chapter 4 knew to be looking for a Messiah who would tell us all things. How did the Samaritans know to be looking for a Messiah? They only read the  Torah, which is the first five books of the Bible.

    Maybe they knew the Messiah would come from their reading of Genesis 49:8,10, which reads: Yehuda, you are he whom your brethren shall praise; your hand shall be in the neck of your enemies; your father's children shall bow down before you. The scepter shall not part from Yehuda, nor a Torah giver from between his feet until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the people be.

    Or maybe the Samaritans knew there would be a future Messiah from their reading of Numbers 24:7-9 and 17-19, which reads from the Septuagint: A person will come forth from his (Israel’s) offspring and he shall rule over many nations, and reign of him shall be exalted beyond Gog. And his reign shall be increased; a god guided him out of Egypt; like a unicorn’s glory, he was to him. He shall devour his enemies’ nations and de- marrow their stoutness and shall shoot down an enemy with his missiles. He lay down and rested like a lion and like a welp. Who will raise him up? Blessed are those who bless you, and cursed are those who curse you. Verses 17 through 19 again from the Septuagint reads: I will point to him, and not now; I deem him happy; but he is not at hand. A star shall dawn out of Jacob, and a person shall rise up out of Israel, and he shall crush the chiefs of Moab, and he shall plunder all Seth's sons. And Edom will be an inheritance, and Esau, his enemy, will be an inheritance, and Israel acted with strength. And one shall rise out of Jacob, and he shall destroy one being saved from a city. And maybe the Samaritans could see the Messiah or the coming Messiah in Deuteronomy 33:7, which reads from the Septuagint: And this of Yehuda: listen, oh Lord, to the voice of Yehuda, and you could enter into his people; his hands will decide for him, and you will be a helper from his enemies.

    Before we continue, I want to establish that I am not a teacher. I am a student and a lover of YAHUAH. This is information I have learned during my studies over the years, and I thought I would share some of my discoveries with the people I love. Do not believe anything I have written here at face value. I encourage you to pick up the scriptures, verify what is written here, and discern the truth for yourself. If you think I am incorrect in anything I have written, open your scriptures and study it for yourself. I would ask that before proceeding, you pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into knowledge and understanding and to have an open mind to the truth. The truth will set you free.

    Before I proceed, I need to address a matter of housekeeping. I am sure you are curious about the name YAHUSHA that I use instead of the name Jesus. This name Jesus came into existence around 600 A.D. I choose to use the name given to the Messiah by his mother, which is identical to that of Joshua, son of Nun, as stated in Numbers 13:16: and Moshe called Husha the son of Nun, Yahusha. The name of the Messiah was replaced with Elizeus in the 1611 King James Version of the scripture so as not to confuse the Messiah with Yahusha, son of Nun (Joshua). Elizeus is a name that weds the pagan deity Zeus with the Elohim of Israel, so I will not use it unless it is used in a direct quote.

    As to the name of the creator of all, the Most High, YAHUAH, this name has been replaced in the scripture some 7,000 times with Lord or God. Jeremiah foretold the replacement of the NAME when he wrote in chapter 23:25-

    27 of the book of Jeremiah; I have heard what the prophets said that prophecy lies in my name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that prophesy lies? Yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own heart; which think to cause my people to forget my name by their dreams which they tell every man to his neighbor, as their fathers have forgotten my name for Ba'al.

    Besides being a Phoenician deity, the word ba'al also means lord. Also, notice how this verse admonishes against substituting another name for the Most High. You can't say to someone who worships Buddha that we are honoring the same Elohim because the Most High creator of all doesn't like being called by another name any more than he likes the worship practices established for and given to other gods attributed to him like tree worship which is traced to the worship of Ishtar in ancient Samaria found in tablets and cylinders from 2,500 BC.

    According to Roy Blizzard, Jr., in his book Understanding the Difficult Words of Jesus, By the time of the second temple, Jews had developed an aversion to using the name of God for fear of violating the third commandment. They substituted evasive synonyms for 'God' such as 'the name,' 'the place,' 'the power,' and 'Heaven' as in Matthew 21:25, which states: The baptism of John, where was it from, heaven, or from men?. In the phrase Kingdom of Heaven, this substitution is seen in Luke 15:18, when the prodigal son says, I have sinned against heaven." There, heaven is a clear substitute for the name of God. With this in mind, examining the scriptures takes on a different meaning.

    As to the pronunciation of the name of the Most High, many big brains have written and discussed how they believe the tetragrammaton (YHWH) should be pronounced. There are arguments for adding the ‘v’ sound or the ‘w’ sound. I am not dogmatic concerning the pronunciation of any of the names. I prefer to use the pronunciation of the tetragrammaton of an ear witness. Josephus (A.D. 37-100 A.D.), in his book The Wars of the Jews, book 5, chapter 5, section 7, hints as to how the name of the Most High ELOHIYM's name is pronounced in his description of the high priests' garments. He describes the High Priest’s headdress or miter as having a golden crown on which the sacred name is engraved. Josephus further states that that name consists of four vowels. YHWH should sound like ee, aa, oo, aa, much like taking a breath. YAHUAH, the father's name is in the son’s name, and you can see that YAHUSHA is similar. I will speak on it again, but I do not want to get too technical since there is plenty of information for anyone to read, study, and come to their own conclusions. It is essential because many verses tell us to praise the name of our creator. YAHUSHA stated that he did proclaim the father’s name. You need to know it.

    Origen of Alexandria (A.D. 185–253 A.D.) expounded on this idea of substituting names in his book, Against Celsus, book five, chapters 45 and 46, where he admits there is a mystical power in the use of names. I like his example of there being power in calling on the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, since even demons are vanquished and become submissive to him who pronounces these names, whereas, if we say, the god of the chosen father of the echo, the god of laughter, and the god of him who strikes with the heel, the mention of these names is attended with no result.

    In his commentary on the book of John, Origen admits the proper names have been mistranslated from Hebrew to Greek. In chapter 24, he is explicitly talking about proper place names but admits all Hebrew names contain a meaning of their own,  which contributes to the understanding of the text. Exodus 20:7 commands that the name of YAHUAH should not be taken in vain or brought to nothing. And it is to be proclaimed. Exodus 9:16 states: Indeed, for this cause have I raised you up, for to show in you my power; and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.

    Exodus 33:19 is an exciting passage concerning proclaiming the name, which is a good segue into the topic of this writing, which is the revelation of the Messiah. In verse 19 of Exodus 33, it is not clear whom YAHUAH is speaking when he tells Moses, I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of YAHUAH before you. Exodus 34:5-6 describes how YAHUAH appeared with Moses on Mount Sinai: And YAHUAH descended in the cloud and stood with him (Moses) there and proclaimed the name of YAHUAH. And YAHUAH passed by before him, and proclaimed, YAHUAH, YAHUAH EL. Who is this that YAHUAH passed before? Who is standing next to Moses? And who is passing by proclaiming the NAME?

    Who was in the cloud leading the Israelites through the wilderness? Exodus 13:21 tells us that YAHUAH went before them (Israel) by day in a pillar of cloud. Exodus 14:19 calls this entity in the cloud the Angel of ELOHIYM. This exact phrase is repeated in Exodus 23:20-23: YAHUAH tells Moses he will send his Angel before them. YAHUAH admits to appearing to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in Exodus 6:3, telling Moses they knew him as El Shaddai, but by my name YAHUAH was I not known to them. In the following pages, we will explore how YAHUAH manifested himself in his creation and by what names and titles. What is the father's name, and what is his son's name?

    Since there is power in the names, it is essential to know them. You cannot begin a relationship with someone if you do not know their name. What if someone you loved had a book about them explaining their likes and dislikes to you? You would read it often. It would be dog-eared and highlighted in places, and you would do your best to adhere to those likes and avoid doing the things they disliked. I would imagine the cover of the book would contain that person's name and that it would be repeated throughout the text.

    What if that same person you love had taken the trouble to buy flowers and strewn a path of petals leading to a room in your house? Wouldn't you follow it to see what you would find? Reading the scriptures is just that. It is the discovery of your creator. Reading it line by line, here a little, there a little, piecing together to come to the truth of who your creator is, that your creator loved you enough to save you from the penalty of death by making the ultimate sacrifice to pay that debt. It started in the Garden of Eden with our expulsion after Adam had adhered to his wife's advice. The WORD OF YAHUAH promised Adam that HE would come in the flesh and save him so that he and his descendants could return to the Garden.

    The Most High gave us an instruction book laying out how he is to be worshiped. Yes, there is no Temple made of bricks and mortar standing in Israel; however, we are now those stones that make up the temple of the Most High, and he still desires sacrifice daily as laid out in Leviticus chapters 1 through 7. Only now, animal blood is not required since YAHUSHA, the Messiah, shed his blood once and for all for us. We are to acknowledge everything belongs to him and offer thanks for what we have. We should praise him for the work he does in our lives. We should offer repentance and a contrite heart for our trespasses. Our Elohim the Most High wants these sacrifices from us, sacrifices of the heart. The Torah is now written on our hearts by the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit, once we accept it.

    Incredibly, our creator wants to have a personal relationship with us. He wants to live in the presence of his creation. He has left us a book of instruction, the Torah, detailing who he is, what he expects from us, and when he wants us to meet with him. Of course, I am speaking of the Bible, our book of instruction, which will bring us closer to the answers to our questions concerning our creator and his creation.

    Most everyone has a Bible on a shelf or a table in their homes. We may read a scripture or two, a passage or a chapter, but have you ever opened it up to the first page in Genesis and read it through to the last chapter of the book of Revelation? I know I certainly had not. For years, the only time I picked up my Bible was to go to church on Sundays and Wednesdays, where I opened it to the prescribed chapter and verse, and at the end of the sermon, I closed it, took it home, and put it back on the shelf or on the table where it stayed.

    As a Christian, most of my reading occurred in the New Testament, but mostly in Paul's letters. The front of the book only told stories I had learned as a child, such as the expulsion from the Garden, Noah’s flood, and Daniel in the Lion's Den: Children's tales I had learned in Sunday school. It was not until several years ago that I was compelled to sit down and open the book on the first page and read it through.

    I started with an old version of the Jerusalem Bible I had bought for $9.00 in 1978, which I had been schlepping around for years and never actually read. While reading several other versions, including a couple of editions of the Cepher, I started seeing the son of my ELOHIYM on every page of the Old Testament. I must say that now, the Old Testament is truly my favorite. I do love the New Testament very much, especially Andrew Gabriel Roth's translation from Aramaic, which is particularly informative, especially with all his footnotes and commentary.

    I was raised believing that YAHUSHA died for all my past sins and any future sins that I might think to commit and that all I needed to do was just say I am sorry and go on my merry way. However, in my readings, I realized that YAHUSHA sacrificed his life and spilled his blood to pay our debt, which we incur by sin, which is the death of our soul or an eternity of darkness outside his presence. We are under a death sentence because of our stubbornness not to follow the law that he had set forth on Mount Sinai, which was the same law that was in place when Adam and Eve were in the Garden.

    I realized that YAHUSHA paid our ticket, our debt, much like if I received a speeding ticket and someone stepped in and paid that ticket for me. It does not mean that I am free to continue to speed. If I get caught speeding again, I will get another ticket, which I will be obliged to pay. Also, if caught speeding down I-35, my daughter cannot tell the officer that her mother or father had perfectly driven down I-35 last week and expect to be let off the hook for her transgression of the speeding law.

    We are obligated to follow the law much like the laws we have in our communities, countries, and states. And I realized that the Covenant was only a renewed Covenant, not an old Covenant that had been nailed to the cross. The only thing nailed to the cross was my ticket of debt. I am now obligated not to incur any further debt. YAHUSHA told the woman accused of fornication in the Book of John chapter 8:11 to go and sin no more. He forgave her debt and instructed her to go and incur no further debt.

    There is an allegation against Christians made by the practitioners of Judaism concerning Christianity’s acceptance of a surrogate sent in YAH’s place to complete the Covenant made between himself and  Abraham.  The allegation is that since YAHUAH himself cut the Covenant and made the promises, he could not send someone in his place to pay the debt of death. This allegation would be true if you believe that YAHUSHA was in no way part of the Covenant cutting. However, you must conclude, and the evidence shows that YAHUSHA was engaged in these Covenants and promises. I intend to lay out the evidence that proves the manifestations YAHUAH used to interact with his creation.

    YAHUSHA tells us in the Book of John 14:6 that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life: no man comes unto the Father but by me. In verse 7, he says, If ye had known me, you should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him and have seen him. Psalms 119 instructs us that the Truth is the Torah. YAHUSHA is telling us he is the Torah, the living, breathing word of YAHUAH!

    YAHUSHA is also bringing to the mind of his listeners the third book of Ezra, Chapter 4:35-40, Micah 7:20, and The Wisdom of Solomon 5:7-6:25. That is the one purpose of this book: Learning the Way, the Truth and the Life to know YAHUAH, who sent his only begotten son to redeem us from the penalty of the death sentence we're under, by the shedding of his blood, the perfect sacrifice. During this journey, I pray you will see that it has been YAHUSHA all along who has been interacting with his creation, and if we have eyes to see, he is written on all the pages of our Bible.

    Our Messiah knocks on the door of our hearts; all we must do is open and accept the proposal. Our creator will not break down our door and drag us out, kicking and screaming. However, there is no atheist in a foxhole. So, if your house is on fire and you cry out to him, he will kick down the door and bring you out just like HE did for his bride, Israel. While they were in bondage in Egypt, they cried out to YAHUAH, and he brought them out. His bride had come of age, and they realized they needed Yeshu'ah (Yah's salvation). They called, and he went to their rescue. YAHUAH brought them to the wedding feast; the marriage conditions were agreed upon.

    The conditions are still in place: He is Holy, so we must be holy. YAHUAH is not going to force us to follow him as foretold in the book of Husha (Hosea) chapter 1, where the Word of YAHUAH tells Husha that He will have mercy upon the house of Yahuda and will save them by YAHUAH ELOHAYHEM and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horse, nor by horseman. Could this passage mean that he will not use force but will give us eyes to see and ears to hear, leading us by his spirit into his word, the truth? This knowledge, once accepted and acted upon, will put us on the path of righteousness.

    To be holy, we need to have YAHUAH’s instruction: his Torah. Paul tells us so in Galatians 3:24, where he says the Torah is our tutor. The word used there for a tutor is pedagogue. A pedagogue was a teacher who always accompanied his young pupil, instructing him in all things and would guard his safety even at the expense of his own life. I realize this work will rub some people the wrong way. However, Paul can in no way contradict the other disciples or YAHUSHA himself. Paul was a lawyer, and he spoke and wrote as one. I could never go away from reading the scriptures with the knowledge and understanding that Paul had. He was raised in the temple at the feet of Gamaliel. I was raised in a Baptist Church, reading a verse or two on Sunday and Wednesday and listening to someone else's interpretation of said verses. I depended on my pastor to know what he was talking about. We all come from somewhere along the path of righteousness, even if it is in the deep weeds along the side of the road. When trying to understand Paul's writings, it is essential to know what he read to understand what he wrote.

    Since Paul tells us that the Torah is our pedagogue, our elementary education, it is incumbent that we learn the basic information about our creator and what we must do to please him. If we do not have this basic information, anyone speaking false doctrine could easily lead us astray. If you do not know YAHUAH's doctrine, you can have no discernment concerning false doctrine. How was Eve deceived? Could Adam have been more precise in his instruction concerning the tree? The serpent told Eve that she would not die. She doubted YAHUAH. Eve wondered what YAHUAH really said. She did not seek confirmation of the information presented to her. Could she not have called out to YAHUAH or Adam to confirm the truth? Instead, she doubted the truth of YAHUAH's word and believed false information. We have the truth sitting on a shelf, or thanks to apps like Blueletterbible.org, we have all the answers in the palm of our hand and can quickly confirm the word.

    The first-century followers of YAHUSHA started their day hearing the word, and because the New Testament did not exist then, they were hearing Torah. Acts 15 tells of the Apostles' debate about what commandments new followers should be taught to follow. It was decided to instruct them to abstain from pollution of idols, from fornication, and from eating blood and strangled animals, and in verse 21, it says, for Moses of old time has in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogue. Yes, new believers attended synagogue, where they learned the laws of Moses, heard the exhortations and warnings of the prophets, and sang along to the Psalms. According to Christian Charles Josias von Bunsen (A.D. 1791-1860), the early churches, after the believers were expelled from the synagogues for their belief in YAHUSHA as their Messiah, held meetings consisting of sharing bread and wine: a small meal in which members brought as a sacrifice or offering. Other members offered praise, a contrite heart, a sin, a guilt offering, or a thank offering. They also continued to share the good news of Messiah and his works of salvation and continued to learn the books of Moses.

    The Kolbrin says, The purpose of the sacred scriptures is also to show man what life should be, how they should be governed, how they should conduct themselves, what they should keep and what they should discard (Kolbrin chapter 8 of Elidor). The key word there is 'also' because by learning Torah, they also knew who their Messiah was. Before we begin, let us clear up some of the difficult words

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