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The Mind as Nature
The Mind as Nature
The Mind as Nature
Ebook53 pages41 minutes

The Mind as Nature

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About this ebook

"The Mind as Nature" by Loren Eiseley is a profound and thought-provoking exploration of the intricate relationship between the human mind and the natural world. Eiseley, a renowned anthropologist, philosopher, and naturalist, combines his deep scientific knowledge with poetic prose to delve into the mysteries of consciousness, evolution, and our place in the cosmos.

In this compelling work, Eiseley reflects on the nature of human thought and its origins, drawing connections between the development of the mind and the evolutionary processes that have shaped life on Earth. He invites readers to consider how our cognitive abilities, creativity, and awareness are deeply intertwined with the natural environment and the broader tapestry of life.

Eiseley's essays blend personal anecdotes, scientific insights, and philosophical musings, creating a rich and layered narrative that challenges readers to see the world through a different lens. He explores themes such as the wonder of discovery, the beauty of the natural world, and the existential questions that have fascinated humans for centuries.

"The Mind as Nature" is not just a scientific treatise; it is a meditation on the human condition and our quest for meaning in an ever-changing universe. Eiseley's lyrical writing and profound observations encourage readers to reflect on their own place in the natural order and the interconnectedness of all living things.

This book is an essential read for anyone interested in the intersection of science, philosophy, and nature writing. Loren Eiseley's "The Mind as Nature" offers a timeless and inspiring perspective on the enduring mysteries of the mind and the natural world, leaving readers with a deeper appreciation for the complexity and beauty of life.
Release dateMay 30, 2024
The Mind as Nature

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    Book preview

    The Mind as Nature - Loren Eiseley


    © Porirua Publishing 2024, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means, electrical, mechanical or otherwise without the written permission of the copyright holder.

    Publisher’s Note

    Although in most cases we have retained the Author’s original spelling and grammar to authentically reproduce the work of the Author and the original intent of such material, some additional notes and clarifications have been added for the modern reader’s benefit.

    We have also made every effort to include all maps and illustrations of the original edition the limitations of formatting do not allow of including larger maps, we will upload as many of these maps as possible.





    Foreword 6

    The Mind as Nature 10

    I 11

    II 13

    III 16

    IV 19

    V 22

    VI 24

    VII 27

    VIII 29

    Bibliography 31

    About the Author 32

    The Mind as Nature




    The John Dewey Society Lecture is delivered annually under the sponsorship of the John Dewey Society at the annual meeting of the National Society of College Teachers of Education. Arrangements for the presentation and publication of the Lecture are under the direction of the John Dewey Society Commission on Publications.

    ARTHUR G. WIRTH, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri Chairman and Editor

    ARCHIBALD ANDERSON, University of Illinois

    R. FREEMAN BUTTS, Teachers College, Columbia University

    ROBERT E. MASON, University of Pittsburgh

    HAROLD SHANE, University of Indiana

    WILLIAM O. STANLEY, University of Illinois

    LINDLEY J. STILES, University of Wisconsin

    The John Dewey Society Lectureship——Number Five



    Loren Eiseley

    Foreword by


    Chairman, The John Dewey Society

    Commission on Publications



    Letta May Clark

    Former Supervisor of English, University of Nebraska

    High School

    In gratitude for counsel and encouragement in my youth


    by Arthur G. Wirth, Chairman, The John Dewey Society Commission on Publications

    In The Mind as Nature we are presented with an analysis of a drama in which the whole of nature as well as each of us are actors in the basic plot At issue is the process of creativity seeking to realize itself. The protagonists constitute, on the one hand, all that is involved in the creative potential to bring forth new forms and, on the other, all that inhibits the novel and fresh which might come into being.

    The drama is played out at many levels. The biosphere itself provides the nurture for life in its marvelous and varied forms, yet it also functions in ways to block or choke diverse modes which might have been. Human culture is an indispensable storehouse for sustaining and furthering growth of the human spirit, but it may function also an agent for atrophy. The peculiarities of our own individual histories similarly may provide access to resources that free us to produce, or close us off from, the rich and varied paths we might have opened for ourselves.

    Since the special concern of the essay is for the process of teaching, Dr. Eiseley points out that the teacher is part of the universal drama and plays, in fact, a peculiarly critical role. In the vivid phrase of the author, "The educator can

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