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Know Thy Sound
Know Thy Sound
Know Thy Sound
Ebook277 pages2 hours

Know Thy Sound

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"Know Thy Sound" is a comprehensive guide to mastering the art of using crystal singing bowls, tailored for both novices and seasoned practitioners. Learn expert playing techniques, understand energy centers, and seamlessly integrate music theory into your practice.

Learn to facilitate healing sessions and craft unforgettable sound healin

Release dateJun 8, 2024
Know Thy Sound

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    Know Thy Sound - Jay Gibson

    Know Thy


    Jay Gibson

    Copyright © 2024 by Jay Gibson

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. This book was printed in the United States of America

    ISBN: 979-8-9908969-0-1 (Paperback)

    ISBN: 979-8-9908969-1-8 (eBook)

    Cover design: Marta Šušić (Obućina)

    Editing: Michelle Gean (michelle@bookwritingaccelerator.com)

    Illustration: Marta Šušić (Obućina)

    Interior design and formatting: Nonon Tech & Design

    Available on and other retail outlets.

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1: A Journey into the World of Sound Healing







    Chapter 2: Exploring the past/Coloring book



    Ancient Greece









    Modern Times

    Oldest Instrument



    Weaponized Sound

    Chapter 3: Singing Bowl Differences

    Ancient Bowls and Metals

    Bon Culture of Tibet

    Crystal Alchemy Bowls™


    Super Grades™

    The Rise of the Quartz Bowl

    Chapter 5: Energy Centers


    Brief History

    Singing bowls

    Root Chakra

    Sacral Chakra

    Solar Plexus Chakra

    Heart Chakra

    Throat Chakra

    Third Eye Chakra

    Crown Chakra

    Chakra Frequencies

    Chakra Cleansing and Purification Exercise

    Endocrine System

    The Reproductive Glands (ovaries and testes) C#

    The Adrenal Glands D#

    Thyroid Gland G#

    The Pineal Gland A#

    High Crown


    Chapter 6: Sounds of Theory


    Frequencies and Notes

    Sharps and Flats



    Triads and Chords

    Chord Progressions

    Tuning Standards

    Building the Ideal Set for You




    Chapter 7: Crating sets

    What are Sets

    Why is Building Sets Important

    Types of Sets

    Set Building Strategies

    Guidelines to Follow While Building

    3 Bowl Sets

    5 Bowl Sets Following the Pentatonic Scale.

    7 Bowl Sets



    Cultural Pentatonic Scales

    Zodiac Sign Pentatonic Scales

    Deity Pentatonic Scales

    Pentatonic Scales for the Seasons

    Singing Bowls with World Melodies


    Brahms' Lullaby (Wiegenlied: Guten Abend, gute Nacht)


    Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram

    Folk Songs

    Scarborough Fair


    Durin's Song

    How to Play a Crystal Bowl

    Chapter 8: Safety, Consent, and Post-Session Support



    Clear Intention



    Mount Shasta

    My First Sound Bath


    About the Author


    Despite all the miraculous things witnessed with sound healing and Singing bowls. The content within this book is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

    The information provided here is for educational and for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a replacement for consultation with a qualified healthcare professional.

    The use of Singing bowls and related practices should be approached with care and caution, and individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or those who are currently under medical treatment should seek guidance from their healthcare providers before incorporating these practices into their wellness routines.

    The author and publisher of this book do not assume responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of the information presented herein.

    By reading this book, you acknowledge and agree to the terms of this disclaimer and understand that it is your responsibility to make informed choices regarding your health and wellness.


    A deserved thank you to Crystal Tones®, without the opportunity they provided, this book would not exist. From a young age, I was drawn to Eastern philosophy, chakras, metaphysics, and all things esoteric and holistic, exploring different techniques and lifestyle choices to incorporate and teach. However, my journey with Crystal Tones® ignited the flame and compelled me to go deeper and create this body of work. Working with Crystal Tones® was always a test and a blessing. The challenges and hurdles that could arise internally and externally pushed me to grow and evolve. The owners didn’t always give me easy answers, transforming me further into a seeker and deepening my knowledge and understanding. This book is not just a personal endeavor but a testament to the countless individuals I continue to interact with daily who seek practical answers that can now be found within these pages. I also want to express my heartfelt gratitude and dedicate this book to all the writers who have paved the way in this subject. Their contributions and insights have been invaluable, shaping the landscape of knowledge and understanding. Throughout this book, I mention various works I have enjoyed reading that left a lasting impression on me. The diversity of perspectives and the many specific techniques covered in these books have greatly enriched my understanding. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to my brother Cody. His honesty, genuine support, and unconditional love has always been a constant source of strength and encouragement throughout this endeavor. I am incredibly grateful to the team I managed at Crystal Tones®. Their inquisitive minds, thought-provoking questions, and eagerness to learn fueled my passion and enriched the content of this book. I also want to acknowledge and thank Quorra, who stands as one of the world’s finest Singing bowl set builders. Their exceptional talent and dedication provided me with healthy competition, driving to push beyond any self-limiting beliefs. Last but certainly not least, I want to express my deepest gratitude to the caretakers of my son. Your selflessness, dedication, and support have been instrumental in allowing me the availability for this creative journey.

    Chapter 1:

    A Journey into the World of Sound Healing


    If there’s one thing I want everyone to take away from this book, it’s this: Using sound to heal has depth and layers but it’s not something that is only accessible to the rich, spiritually gifted, secret societies, people with degrees or that deeply study the subject. It’s actually a lot more simple and if practiced can easily be understood and applied to the daily lives of everyone. This book is intended to guide your journey into the world of sound; it’s to be used as a curriculum for new or seasoned practitioners.

    Let me give you a simple example.

    Imagine we’re conversing, sharing thoughts, I start yelling, banging something or even use a condescending tone. All those sounds produce certain emotions inside of you. In contrast, consider us having a positive dialogue beside a gentle, flowing river. It’s the soothing, restorative qualities of certain sounds that hold the key.

    Not all sounds possess a healing potential, just as not all foods contribute to our health. It’s the same with all of our senses and being mindful. The things we take in through all of our senses either work to help our systems or they work against them.

    The purpose of this book is to help educate and inform about sound and how it can help us find health, and balance in our lives.

    Sound as a healing modality dates back thousands of years, and its effectiveness has been documented across various cultures and religions. Sound possesses the ability to transcend the barriers of language and belief systems. It speaks directly to the core of our being, bypassing the limitations of words and cultural differences. Just as our other senses —sight, taste, touch, and smell—shape our perception of the world, the sounds we encounter have an impact.

    In contrast, exposure to discordant or harmful sounds can disrupt our equilibrium and lead to various forms of stress and disease. The negative impact of noise pollution on our physical, emotional, and mental well-being is also well-documented.

    All you have to do is walk around a city, and you can hear the chaos that we have normalized. Whether you realize it or not, it’s taking a toll.

    The use of sound for therapeutic purposes is not just a recent trend but has been documented in ancient texts, hieroglyphs, and mythology worldwide. From the mesmerizing chants of early Roman Gregorian monks to the rhythmic vibrations of didgeridoos and drums resonating in the Australian tribes and the enchanting descriptions of the sacred Indian Vedas, they understood that sound has the innate ability to harmonize, entrain, and restore balance within us.

    From the Bible to numerous early texts, schools of ancient Egypt, Masons, Rosicrucian’s etc have all delved deep into the realm of sound for spiritual and physical healing. These threads of wisdom, woven through time, bear witness to the universality of sound as a tool embraced by diverse cultures across the earth.

    Sound, throughout history, has been known not only for its healing properties but also for its capacity to bring destruction.

    I personally love quotes, movie one liners and any type of short sentence or statement that captures an idea and provokes one to think.

    Here are some early references from the bible and the vedas on regards to the power of sound:


    Praise him according to his excellent greatness! Praise him with trumpet sound; praise him with lute and harp! - Psalm 150:1-3

    And I will cause the noise of your songs to cease, and the sound of your lyres shall be heard no more. - Ezekiel 26:13

    And the Lord will cause his majestic voice to be heard and the descending blow of his arm to be seen, in furious anger and a flame of devouring fire, with a cloudburst and storm and hailstones. - Isaiah 30:30


    He who sings with melody measures the earth and heaven with his song. - Atharvaveda 6.13.1

    Through sound, speech, and hymns, may all beings be happy. - Atharvaveda 19.9.5

    Through the power of sound, the gods create and sustain the universe. - Rigveda 10.121.5

    As you can see, these selected references represent a glimpse of countless writings highlighting the power and significance of sound.

    With technological advancements and the spread of information, people are rediscovering the power of sound as a holistic approach to healing and therapy. Whether you are a fan of ancient myths and legends or a lover of science and innovation, sound healing offers something for everyone.


    Personally and professionally, I have had the privilege of witnessing and being a part of hundreds of sound baths, If you don’t know what a sound bath is, there is a variety of variations but typically what you see these days is a group of people laying down for a half hour to a hour while you have the host playing different instruments, a single instrument or even just using their voice. The host is using sound to facilitate an environment that will promote healing through relaxation, if you understand the body’s nervous system this makes more sense.

    Working for Crystal Tones® and Seeing thousands of Crystal Alchemy Singing Bowls find homes worldwide, and working with individuals from all walks of life, including esteemed NASA engineers, doctors, children, animals, the elderly, addicts, energy-sensitive individuals and people who have no experience whatsoever. Witnessing the effects of sound on individuals from diverse backgrounds, regardless of language, profession, or education, has been a truly remarkable experience to be a part of.

    Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy. - Ludwig van Beethoven.

    To explore sound healing, let’s start with a simple way to comprehend and understand what it is: Sound healing is a practice that uses the power of sound waves to support the restoration of our being back to a state of homeostasis. It works on the principle of entrainment, where the vibrations of specific sounds synchronize with our body’s natural rhythms. Just as certain sounds can induce a sense of relaxation and calmness, the jarring and intense beats of loud war drums etc can create chaos and unease. By continually and consciously surrounding ourselves with peaceful and harmonious sounds, we create an environment that promotes our health and rejuvenation. The Frequencies can help entrain our cells back to how they function optimally, versus other frequencies that can fragment the perfect geometry within us.

    By using various instruments and techniques, such as crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, gongs, and chanting, sound healers aim to stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms.

    This quote is overused, but it’s the truth and deserves a spotlight:

    To find the universe’s secrets, think about energy, frequency, and vibration.

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