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Applied Naval Architecture
Applied Naval Architecture
Applied Naval Architecture
Ebook586 pages6 hours

Applied Naval Architecture

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Applied Naval Architecture is intended for undergraduate students of many of the disciplines in maritime affairs, including marine engineering, marine transportation, nautical science, shipbuilding or ship production (shipyard apprentice schools), marine electrical engineering, meteorology, and oceanography. It could be used as an introduction to naval architecture for technical personnel of all types already employed in shipyards, for licensed officers as a general reference, and preparation for license upgrading examinations. It describes in detail what naval architects do, and how they do it, to all students and practitioners involved in the business of merchant ships and shipping, except for professional naval architects themselves. Students preparing for a degree in naval architecture would find the book useful as an introduction to their profession.
Release dateJun 30, 2009
Applied Naval Architecture

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    Applied Naval Architecture - Robert B Zubaly



    Since before the beginning of recorded history, man has been inventing ways to travel by sea. And for at least as long a time, he has had the urge to engage in trading goods with his fellow men in remote places. Thus the activity of moving goods by sea for the purpose of commerce has a very long history. For millennia men have been building and improving on the design of ships of commerce. Modem merchant ships, with their high level of technological development and their remarkable diversity of function and type, are the result of that long evolutionary process. Naval architects and marine engineers continue to develop new ways to design ships and their engines to move cargo more efficiently while maintaining the high standards of safety of cargo and crew demanded by national and international regulatory bodies.

    When mechanical propulsion replaced sails and steel replaced wood as a material for hull construction in the nineteenth century, merchant ships as we know them today had their modest beginnings. Those two technological developments made it possible to achieve vast increases in the size and speed of ships, and since the ships were no longer subject to the unpredictability of the winds for their propulsion, scheduled sailings and dependable arrivals were made possible. The establishment of regularly scheduled trade routes had a significant effect on ship design. A modem ship’s cargo capacity, speed, power, and bunker capacity (space allocated to carrying fuel) can be chosen to suit the annual amount of cargo a shipowner wants each ship or a fleet of sister ships to carry on a particular trade route, with ships calling at each port on the route on a regular published schedule. Ships operating in this kind of service are known as cargo liners. Cargo ships that do not operate on regular schedules and designated trade routes, but that are prepared to call at any port as needed and to transport any type of cargo to any other port within their operating range, are called tramp ships. Tramp ships tend to be somewhat smaller and slower than cargo liners.

    In the early days of self-propelled steel ships, virtually all cargo ships were general cargo ships or breakbulk ships, as they are also called. They were designed to carry any kind of dry cargo, lifting it aboard with their own cargo-handling gear. The modem trend in cargo ship design is toward specialization, either in regard to how the cargo is carried (in bulk, in containers, in barges, in vehicles) or to the type of cargo (oil, chemicals, ore, grain, lumber, liquefied gases). These special types have not supplanted the general cargo ship entirely, but for many trades they predominate because they are more efficient as part of an overall transportation system.

    In the ship descriptions that follow, the features of each special type that distinguish it from other types are emphasized. Differences will be found mostly in the size and arrangement of the cargo spaces which make them suitable for special kinds of cargo, in the type of cargo-handling gear installed, and in the nature of the provisions made for access to the cargo spaces for efficient loading and discharging of the cargo.


    General cargo ships transport all kinds of packaged goods. The cargo spaces, or holds, are separated by transverse bulkheads to limit flooding in case an accident should occur. A double bottom for protection against flooding caused by grounding also forms the main fuel oil tanks, called double bottom tanks. General cargo ships range from about 430 to 560 feet in length (130-170 meters), and their deadweight (total weight capacity of cargo, fuel, water, and stores) might be between 12,000 and 17,000 tons. Sea speeds of 14 to 25 knots are common, the lower speeds pertaining to tramps and the higher speeds to liner services. Commonly, the main spaces on the ship are arranged with from three to five cargo holds forward of the deckhouse and machinery spaces, and one or two holds aft. In some cases the machinery space is aft and all cargo spaces are forward of it.

    Each main cargo hold space consists of a deep lower hold just above the double bottom space, plus one or two ’tween deck spaces above the hold, depending on the size of the ship and the number of decks. Access to the holds is through weathertight hatches in the decks. Hatches are made as large as possible without weakening the deck structure, so that the need for moving cargo longitudinally and laterally after it has been lowered through the hatch is minimized, thus making cargo handling as efficient as possible. The traditional arrangement of a single line of hatches, one centered on each hold, has been largely replaced by twin and three-across hatch arrangements to open more of the cargo space below to direct access by the cargo-handling gear. Even with the largest possible hatches, however, some of the cargo loaded into a general cargo ship has to be handled individually inside the hold space by manhandling or by forklift trucks, and all of it has to be secured to or wedged against the internal ship structure or to other cargo to prevent it from shifting and sustaining damage after the ship puts to sea. Cargo stowage of breakbulk cargo, which arrives in individual lots as opposed to being consolidated into larger units on pallets or in containers, is thus a process that requires considerable time, man-hours, and the skills of trained stevedores.

    General cargo ship. Photography by Granard Associates, F.J. Duffy

    General cargo ships are outfitted with shipboard cargo-handling gear capable of lifting aboard and lowering into the hatches a great variety of dry cargoes. The traditional gear consists of cargo derricks mounted on deck between the hatches. The derricks have stationary vertical posts (called masts if they are single and on centerline, kingposts or samson posts if they are in pairs) and movable booms pivoted to the masts or kingposts near their bottoms. Cargo booms rigged with wire ropes and hooks are positioned over the pier and over the hatch during cargo loading so that the cargo can be lifted aboard. Numerous patented pivoting cranes and gantry cranes that run on tracks along the sides of the deck are also employed on modem cargo ships instead of derricks. Compared to derricks, cranes require minimal rigging, and many designs have been shown to be superior to the traditional gear in cargo-handling efficiency. Cargo-loading efficiency is also improved on some ships by having cargo side ports in addition to the hatches in the deck.

    Flexibility and adaptability to all kinds of cargo are the hallmarks of the general cargo ship, so they usually have some provisions for cargoes other than packaged dry goods. For example, they are often equipped to carry liquid cargoes in cargo tanks, and they may have one or more insulated refrigerated holds or ’tween decks for foodstuffs requiring refrigeration.

    Refrigerated cargo ship. Photography by Granard Associates, F.J. Duffy


    If a group of small packages of general cargo is combined into a larger unit before being placed aboard ship, the cargo is said to be unitized. Various methods of unitizing cargo have been developed and special ships have evolved to take advantage of the increase in efficiency of cargo handling that unitization can achieve.

    Container ships

    The most ubiquitous of the unitized cargo ships are containerships, which are specially designed and outfitted to carry cargo that has been unitized by packing it into standard size containers. The advantages to be gained by containerization of cargo are numerous, for example:

    •Cargo-handling time and the manpower required for cargo handling are reduced significantly, especially in the vertical cellular type of containership, in which containers never have to be shifted athwartships or fore and aft after they are lowered into the ship, and lashing, packing, and tying down of cargo inside the holds are eliminated.

    •Containerized cargoes allow for the intermodal (road, rail, sea) transport of goods with minimum time spent in transferring cargo between modes.

    •Containerized cargo, if it is properly stowed in containers at the point of origin, is less prone to damage of goods during transit than breakbulk cargo is.

    •Since the containers can be locked and sealed at the point of origin and not opened except at the final destination point, containerized cargo is less subject to pilferage than breakbulk cargo is.

    •Containers keep the cargo inside protected against the weather, so a ship’s cargo capacity can be extended when carrying containers by stowing significant numbers of containers on the weather deck.

    Containership. Photography by Granard Associates, F.J. Duffy

    The concept of the containership arose in the 1950s out of the desire to reduce the time that a cargo ship spent in port, which was about 50 percent of its time for a typical breakbulk operation. Early containerships, which were converted from other types, soon gave way to the special designs of containerships that are so common in the major finished goods trade routes of the world today. In the pure containership, all cargo is unitized, and the containers are built to standard dimensions developed by international agreement so that they are compatible with the cell guides inside any containership and with the special fittings that are installed on the decks of the ships and on the flatbeds of trucks and railcars for transport over highways and railroads. The universally adopted container width is 8 feet (2.435 meters). Several modular lengths are provided for in the standards, the most common lengths in use being 20 feet (6.055 m) and 40 feet (12.190 m). Longer containers in the 45-foot range are coming into use in the 1990s. When container sizes were first standardized, a height of 8 feet (2.435 m) was adopted, but in fact, it is not necessary to standardize the height since it does not affect the design of any hardware or fittings, but only the height of a stack of containers, which may be variable. Dry cargo boxes of 8.5 feet height are common, and special-purpose boxes for liquid tanks, granular materials, refrigerated goods, and open-top boxes for odd-sized loads may have heights that vary considerably.

    The typical large containership has most or all of the container holds forward of the deckhouse and engine spaces, so that the engine room, deckhouse, and navigating bridge are in either the aft or nearly aft position. There are exceptions: some of the larger ships have been provided with a small house and navigating bridge forward to improve the forward visibility, which becomes a problem when many tiers of containers are stacked on the deck forward of the wheel-house. Most of the pure containerships have no shipboard container-handling gear, since they depend on the giant container-handling cranes located ashore at the container ports to which they trade. Many kinds of special vehicles and lifting devices have been developed to provide for efficient handling of containers within the terminal where the boxes are taken off trucks or railcars, stacked temporarily, and ultimately moved to and placed aboard the containership. The operation has become so efficient compared with the old breakbulk methods that containerships have supplanted almost all breakbulk cargo liners in the major trade routes for manufactured goods. Breakbulk ships remain essential, of course, to serve ports where container-handling equipment is not available, and to carry cargoes that are not suitable to be stowed in containers (steel rails, plates and shapes, and timber, for example).

    The cellular type of containership, which is the most common of the pure containership types, is characterized by the fact, mentioned among the advantages above, that no containers have to be moved or handled after they are lowered into the hold of the ship. To accomplish this, the holds are fitted with container cell guides made of steel angle bars standing vertically and positioned so that a standard size container fits into a cell without jamming, but securely enough against shifting that it needs no provisions for being tied down or otherwise secured. Each container in a given cell stacks on top of the one below until the cell is filled to the deck. Since the deck must be open above all cells, hatches of containerships are very large. They are made as wide as possible, but some space at the ship sides outboard of the container cells is necessary in order that there be adequate deck structure to provide for the required longitudinal structural strength of the ship. There are no lower decks, only the tank top above the double bottom tanks and the main or weather deck. After the holds or cells are filled, hatch covers are fitted, and special fixtures on the deck and on the hatch covers provide for stacking from two to four tiers of containers on the deck. The deck-stowed containers are secured by lashing or by specially designed buttress structures. The cargo capacity gained by stowing containers on the deck makes up for the inefficient utilization of the cubic space inside the ship that occurs be cause the box-shaped containers cannot be fitted neatly into curved, ship-shaped holds.

    Barge Carriers

    Barge-carrying cargo ships take the concept of unitization to the limit in terms of the size of the unit load placed aboard the ship. A fully loaded 40-foot container may weigh as much as 30 tons, but the largest of the barges carried by some barge carriers can contain as much as 834 tons of cargo and weigh as much as 1,000 tons when loaded to capacity. Thus the barge carriers have reduced port time to the minimum possible so far. What the barge carrier achieves is a sort of physical separation of the self-propelled ship from its cargo holds, each of which can float and be handled by a tugboat or pushboat in the port area and on inland navigable river routes as well. The barges are so large that they can be stowed with virtually any kind of cargo, even including loaded cargo containers.

    There are two methods of loading large barges onto the barge ships, and special ship designs have been created for each type. In one system, the loaded barges are lifted aboard the barge ship over the stem. This system is popularly known as the LASH system, which stands for Lighter Aboard Ship. Each barge, or lighter, can carry up to 370 tons of cargo. A shipboard gantry crane of 500-ton capacity rides on tracks that run along the edges of the deck and along cantilevered extensions of the deck that protrude from the stem of the ship. The barge to be loaded is floated up to the stem of the ship and lifted by the gantry crane; when it is clear of the deck, the crane transports it forward and lowers it into one of the holds of the ship. Additional barges are stowed on deck on top of the hatch covers. Several sizes of LASH ships have been built, the largest of which can carry 89 barges.

    LASH barge carrier. Photography by Granard Associates, F.J. Duffy

    The second principal barge-carrying ship system, called the Seabee (for sea barge), is designed to carry even larger barges—the 834-ton-capacity barges mentioned above. The loading system for these extremely heavy barges consists of a large elevator, the platform of which is large enough to carry two of the barges, each of which is 97.5 feet (29.7 m) long by 35 feet (10.7 m) wide. The elevator spans the stem of the ship and it can be submerged during loading so that the barge can be floated in place over the elevator platform. The Seabee ship has three decks with no hatches, since access to the decks is through the stem. After a pair of barges is lifted by the elevator to the level of the deck that is being loaded, rolling transporters engage each of the barges and move them forward to a stowed position on the deck.

    The rapid turnaround of barge carriers in port is attributed not only to the fact that relatively few units each of very large size need to be handled, but also because these ships do not require dock or pier space or any special handling equipment furnished by the port. Thus they are not subject to delays caused by port congestion that require other types of ships to line up and wait their turn at a loading facility. Barge carriers have been found to be most useful in trades that involve ports that give access to substantial navigable river networks. For example, the port of New Orleans in the United States is the principal barge ship port because it is the entrance to the vast Mississippi River system.

    Roll-on/Roll-off Ships

    Ships on which wheeled vehicles are loaded by driving them aboard using special ramps and doors for the purpose are called RO/RO ships, for roll-on/roll-off. Prior to the development of the containership, RO/RO ships (then usually called trailerships) were used to carry truck trailers loaded with high-value cargo. When cellular containerships came along, however, trailerships were not competitive with them, because the large amount of wasted space taken up by the wheels and chassis of the trailers made them inefficient as compared to the lift-on/lift-off arrangement of the containerships. In contrast to the inefficient use of cargo volume, however, RO/RO ships are extremely efficient in cargo-handling. They have faster cargo-handling rates and quicker turnaround times (shorter port time) than most other types of ships.

    To reduce wasted cargo space volume, many modem RO/RO ships employ special wheeled dollies carrying cargo-filled containers to move onto and about the ship, rather than the regular over-the-highway truck bodies carried by the original trailerships. Also, as the RO/RO ships evolved and were custom designed for particular trade routes, many of them have become combination carriers, perhaps with containers stacked on deck and RO/RO decks below. Today, the RO/RO feature is also used when the payload itself consists of vehicles—that is, for the transportation of automobiles, trucks, and military vehicles.

    A special type of RO/RO ship—the pure car carrier.

    Photography by Granard Associates, F.J. Duffy

    The particular configurations of RO/RO vessels are endless in the variety of types and locations of ramps and loading ports that they employ, but all of them must have some ramps or elevators that enable the cargo to be loaded by driving vehicles about the ship. Unlike a barge ship that can load and discharge barges far from a pier or roadstead, the RO/RO ship must be able to berth right next to a suitable shoreside facility. Those that employ only stem ramps, however, need only a minimal amount of berth space, if their anchoring gear is sufficient to keep them in position while loading and discharging cargo. Ramps carried aboard ship are unfolded and extended to the shore to make roadways from ship to shore on which the vehicles can be driven. Ramps and the doors into the ship may be located at the stem, on the side, and sometimes even through the bow. The ramps must be adjustable so that the ship can load at varying stages of the tide. Traffic lanes within the ship and ramps are usually sufficiently wide that loading and discharging of the vehicles can take place simultaneously. This capability contributes to the high cargo-handling efficiency of these ships.

    RO/RO ships usually have many decks, since only one layer of cargo can be placed on each deck. If some of the cargo spaces are dedicated exclusively to the carriage of ordinary passenger cars, they can be built with very low overhead clearance, or removable platform decks may be used to convert one deep hold space into two or more car decks. There are other special features of RO/RO ships that do not have to be contended with in other types of ships. Among them are the need for very large openings in the transverse bulkheads (the bulkheads are needed to limit flooding in the event of a collision) for the vehicles to pass through. The openings must be fitted with heavy watertight doors that must be gasketed and secured before the ship puts to sea. A substantial and reliable ventilation system must also be installed throughout the cargo holds to clear out the noxious exhaust fumes produced by the vehicles during loading and discharging operations. The deck structure requires special attention as well, since the decks must support very heavy vehicle loads.


    Crude Oil Tankers

    During the post-World War II time period when dry cargo ships were evolving in complexity, degree of specialization, and speed, a different sort of evolution was taking place in the design of oil tankers—an evolution in size. The growth of the crude oil tanker from the typical 20,000-deadweight-ton size of the 1940s was at first gradual, to about 100,000 tons by 1960 and 150,000 tons by 1965, but it became explosive during the time the Suez Canal was closed (for seven years, from 1967 to 1975), because the long route from the oilfields in the vicinity of the Persian Gulf around the Cape of Good Hope to Europe and North America made the smaller ships uneconomical. Since it was not necessary to limit their size to navigate the canal, economies of scale took over and the deadweight of the crude oil tankers increased to about 350,000 tons by 1970, and ultimately to 560,000 tons in 1981. Inventing new superlative terms to describe these giants became quite a challenge, as jumbo tankers were supplanted by super, mammoth, VLCC (very large crude carrier), and ULCC (ultra large crude carrier). While such enormous ships can transport massive quantities of oil economically, they are not without their problems. Since loaded ULCCs have drafts that exceed 90 feet, very few ports have water depths sufficient to accommodate them, so special offshore mooring stations connected to the mainland by pipeline have had to be built to off-load them. Furthermore, accidental spills of cargo can pollute large areas of the sea and shorelines because of the sheer quantity of oil that may be released. Another problem is that very few dry-docking facilities are available to handle the largest of the ULCCs.

    Crude oil tanker. Photography by Granard Associates, F.J. Duffy

    All tankers, whatever their size, have some characteristics in common. The standard arrangement has the engine room, deckhouse, and navigating bridge aft, even on the largest tankers. The cargo spaces are divided into three tanks athwartships by a pair of longitudinal oil-tight bulkheads. The number of such sets of three tanks within the cargo section of a tanker depends on the ship’s length, the structural need for transverse bulkheads, and tank size requirements to limit the amount of pollution that might result if the tank is damaged. Cargo tanks in most tankers extend from the bottom plating to the weather deck, there being no need for intermediate decks as in dry cargo ships. The traditional tanker has no double bottom tanks within the cargo tank section of the ship, but antipollution regulations in the 1990s are becoming ever more strict, and tankers with double bottoms and even with double side skins are being built and proposed to minimize the possible extent of pollution of the oceans following marine accidents. Antipollution regulations also require that tankers have segregated ballast arrangements—cargo tanks may not be used for seawater ballast during the ballasted voyages when no cargo is aboard. This procedure reduces the hazard of pollution caused by discharging oily ballast into the sea. It has the added advantage of reducing corrosion of the steel tank structures.

    Liquid cargo is loaded and discharged from tankers by high-capacity cargo pumps located in special pump rooms on board ship and connected to the tanks by a piping system. Special provision must be made to prevent explosive mixtures of air and oil vapor from developing during cargo-discharging and tank-cleaning operations. Inert gas systems, which replace discharged oil from a tank with a gas containing no oxygen, rather than with air, are typical of such special provisions.

    Although the extraordinarily large crude oil tankers mentioned above may be the most spectacular development in tanker design and construction in recent decades, they are not the only types worthy of mention. Crude oil tankers of about 80,000 tons deadweight, built to comply with strict antipollution regulations and with drafts and lengths restricted so that they can serve U.S. East Coast and Gulf Coast ports, are numerous, as are Suezmax tankers, the largest tankers that can transit the Suez Canal, which are up to about 160,000 tons deadweight.

    Parcel tanker. Photography by Granard Associates, F.J. Duffy

    Product Carriers and Parcel Tankers

    Smaller tankers (typically 15,000 to 40,000 tons deadweight) are also the norm for transporting refined petroleum products. Product carriers are tankers that are outfitted to carry several different grades of refined products simultaneously without ever having different products share the same pipelines or pumps, so that contamination of products cannot take place. If pump rooms and piping systems similar to single product tankers are fitted, the maximum number of different products is usually four, limited by the number of separate cargo pumps that can practically be installed. In some such tankers, often called parcel tankers, each tank is fitted with its own submerged cargo pump, and more products can be carried without fear of contamination. Special materials and tank coatings can be installed so that nonpetroleum products and edible oils and liquids can also be handled.

    Chemical Tankers

    The most complex pumping and piping systems are those on the chemical tankers. The deck of a chemical tanker is covered with an elaborate maze of pipes, fittings, and cylindrical tanks made of special materials to carry small quantities of hazardous liquid cargoes. Many different chemicals, including those that are noxious, poisonous, highly corrosive, caustic, or otherwise very hazardous, are carried by such ships. Needless to say, their tank materials and coatings must often be quite specialized, and the measures taken to prevent contamination and accidental discharge of such liquids are highly sophisticated.

    Chemical tanker. Photography by Granard Associates, F.J. Duffy


    Fuel gases that are transported by sea in bulk form as liquids are classed either as LPG (liquid petroleum gas) or LNG (liquid natural gas). LPG cargoes are principally either propane (C3H8) or butane (C4H10), two fuel gases that can be liquefied at ambient temperature by pressurizing them, or at atmospheric pressure by refrigeration to about –50°C (–58°F). When liquefied, LPG is a little heavier than water. LNG is a natural mixture of gases, its principal component being methane (CH4), which cannot be liquefied at normal temperatures by pressurizing. It requires the extremely low temperature of –162°C (–260°F) to liquefy it. As a liquid, it is quite light, weighing about half the weight of water. Although some of the characteristics of LNG and LPG are similar, because of the very different boiling temperatures and densities of the two materials, the ships designed to carry them are quite different from one another.

    LPG Ships

    Before the advent of the LPG tanker, pressurized tanks of LPG at ambient temperatures were transported by ships. Beginning in the late 1950s the demand for these fuels justified special ships that could carry them in bulk. Tank systems that controlled either the pressure or the temperature, or both, to maintain the cargo in the liquid state were developed. The majority of modem LPG ships employ fully refrigerated tanks, in which refrigeration alone is sufficient to liquefy the cargo. Special steel alloys must be used for the tanks, because ordinary structural steel would become brittle and crack at the –50°C temperature of the liquefied gas. The tanks are insulated, typically with polyurethane foam, to minimize boil-off. The gases that do boil off are usually reliquefied and returned to the tanks. A double skin or some other form of secondary barrier is installed to contain spilled cargo without allowing it to reach and fracture the ship hull in case a tank should fail.

    LNG Ships

    The design of LNG ships is vastly more difficult and the ships are far more costly than LPG ships because of the extremely low temperature of the liquefied cargo. Problems involving costly materials, differential expansion of cold and warmer structures, the extent of insulation required, secondary barriers, and the control of boil-off took many years of research before specially designed ships that could transport LNG safely became a reality in 1964.

    Because LNG is so light, having a density about half that of water, ship carrying capacity is designated in cubic meters rather than tons. The typical LNG ship has a cargo capacity of about 125,000 cubic meters. They are large ships, about the size of a 100,000-deadweight-ton conventional tanker—about 900 feet long (274 m). They operate at relatively light draft because of the low-density cargo, which makes them particularly vulnerable to problems of wind-induced heeling when beam winds blow against the large exposed area of the ship sides and tanks.

    A number of different kinds of tank systems have been developed. Self-supporting tanks that are spherical, cylindrical, or prismatic in shape have been tried, made of aluminum or very special nickel steel alloys. The tanks are very large—the spherical tanks in a 125,000 m³ ship are more than 120 feet (36.5 m) in diameter. Thick insulation layers of balsa wood or cork backed with or sandwiched between layers of plywood are used around the tanks, the plywood forming the secondary barrier. Elaborate systems of supporting the tanks in the ship hull while allowing for expansion and contraction of the tanks are essential. Boil-off of the cargo cannot be reliquefied, because the ships do not carry refrigerating equipment that can achieve the extremely low temperatures required. Instead, the boil-off, which can amount to up to 10 percent of the cargo on a long voyage, is usually piped to the boilers of the steam turbine main propulsion plant where it is useful as a very efficient and clean fuel.

    Another type of tank system that has been successful is the membrane tank, in which the containment tank is not structurally self-supporting. It consists of thin sheets of stainless steel, nickel, or aluminum deformed into wafflelike ridges that allow for expansion, backed and supported by insulation of balsa or perlite with plywood. Secondary barriers might be of plywood or a nickel steel alloy. Other containment systems that are variants of the two described above have also been developed.


    Second to tankers in the worldwide tonnage of cargoes carried each year are the dry bulk carriers. Their cargoes are contained in their holds without packaging, and they are usually loaded aboard and discharged by shoreside cargo-handling gear. Typical cargoes carried by dry bulk ships are iron ore, coal, bauxite (aluminum ore), phosphate (a rock used to make fertilizers), grains, and raw sugar. Forest products, steel products, and cement are also transported as bulk cargoes. Although shipowners try to engage their bulk carriers in trades in which some kind of bulk cargo is moving in both directions, this is not always possible, and many trades are one way, the return trip being made in ballast, like crude oil tankers.

    Ship characteristics typical of all bulk ships are that they tend to be large with a single deck, have machinery and deckhouse aft, large hatches, and no cargo gear. Although the densities of the various cargoes carried vary considerably, most bulk materials are more dense when stowed than typical packaged or general dry cargo. Therefore the cargo spaces need not be so voluminous. The result is that bulk ships, like tankers, have a considerable amount of void space inside the hull when they are fully loaded, and the actual volume of cargo occupies only a small amount of the available internal space. The cargo spaces are concentrated about the ship centerline, with wing tanks on both sides. The lower parts of the holds are often hopper-shaped with sloping sides, so that the cargo settles to a central location as it is discharged, making the discharging operation efficient. All structural stiffeners that strengthen the hold sides and bottom are welded on the outside of the plating, making each hold a smooth side inside space which facilitates the complete removal of all cargo.

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