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The UFO Effect
The UFO Effect
The UFO Effect
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The UFO Effect

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About this ebook

The Mum Protector never lets Callum do anything other kids do. It's a miracle she's agreed he can attend his first ever school camp. He won't get to go if she finds out he's changing colour.

That's not the only weird thing happening since Callum found a strange object at the local quarry after their neighbour claimed a flying saucer chased him home. Lara, the oddball girl from school, is reading his mind, and now they have both been called on to help two stranded young aliens who want to get home.

Will Callum and Lara get their interplanetary visitors safely away from Earth before the Department of Off Planet Entries catches them?

Release dateJul 22, 2024
The UFO Effect

Teena Raffa-Mulligan

Teena Raffa-Mulligan looks like a responsible adult. Don’t be fooled—it’s a disguise. The real Teena is a kid who gets a kick out of playing with words and having adventures on the page. Her publications for children include poems, short stories, picture books, chapter books and middle grade novels. To find out about Teena’s books and author visits, go to her website: https://www.teenaraffamulligan.com Teena loves to hear from young readers and is happy to answer questions about writing. Email her at teenawriter@gmail.com

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    Book preview

    The UFO Effect - Teena Raffa-Mulligan

    Chapter 1

    Thursday evening

    Callum Jackson was halfway between awake and asleep when the world exploded. He shot out of bed like a rocket.

    What was that? Terrorists? Gang warfare? An enemy invasion? Chemical companies on the industrial estate exploding?

    Callum raced to the front door. Mum and his granddad Poppie Fields beat him there.

    What’s happened? he asked.

    Poppie scratched his stubbly chin. Don’t know. He hoisted the cricket bat he kept beside his bed over his shoulder. I’ll go outside and have a look.

    Mum shuddered and wrapped both arms around her chest. But Dad, we don’t know what’s out there.

    Poppie thrust open the screen door. Only one way to find out, lass.

    Callum was set to follow till Mum nabbed him by the collar of his pyjama jacket.

    Not you, love. It might be dangerous out there.

    He tried to jerk free but couldn’t. Callum groaned aloud. Just his luck to have a mum who never let him do anything other kids did. She was so darn scared of losing him like they’d lost Dad. Well, he wasn’t missing out on this.

    Callum unbuttoned his PJ jacket, twisted out of it and hurled himself through the front door. It took Mum by surprise. Before she could stop him, he was leaping down the steps.

    Callum! she called. You come back here this minute!

    And miss all the excitement? No way.

    The screen door slammed. She was coming out after him. Callum ramped up his speed. He hurdled the flower beds and skidded across the lawn to the street.

    A big crowd was gathered outside the Maloneys’ place two doors up. It looked like everyone in the street had dropped what they were doing and rushed outdoors. And what a commotion. Babies crying. Kids yelling. Dogs barking. Everyone yabbering at once.

    Callum hurried up to join them but was too short to see over the top of the crowd. He weaved through the mob till he reached the front, then gave a long, low whistle. No wonder it had sounded like the whole world exploding.

    The overhead street lamp and the blazing security lights on the Maloneys’ place lit up the scene of an accident. It looked like Hogey Maloney had skidded off the road and completely missed their driveway. He’d wiped out their letterbox, flattened the rose garden and steered his ute clear across the lawn to the porch. But he hadn’t stopped there. There was a gaping hole in the front of their house. Hogey was now parked in the living room in front of the big fish tank on the far wall. Imagine if he’d crashed into that too.

    Holy shmoley, breathed Callum.

    His mate Patrick ‘Spider’ Webb came up alongside him. Awesome, eh?

    He must’ve been going real fast to smash the place up like that.

    Their buddy Stefan ‘Jaws’ Kadjawlski stopped investigating the tyre tracks in the grass nearby and stood up. He wiped his hands on his karate jacket and said, Sure was. Could’ve won the Supercar Championship.

    Did you see it happen? asked Callum, unable to keep the envy out of his voice.

    Jaws patted his chest importantly. I’m a survivor, Jacko. It’s a miracle I’m standing here. Hogey nearly cleaned up the lot of us. We were just coming back from karate when he came burning round the corner on two wheels on the wrong side of the road. He was comin’ straight at us. Mum had to slam on the brakes and spin the wheel to miss him. She was amazing. And boy, did she want to give him what for once she knew we were all OK. If Hogey hadn’t smashed himself up, he would’ve had to deal with her. And she’s a black belt, so he got off easy.

    He doesn’t think so right now, said Lara Moon, spookily appearing beside Callum as if from nowhere. Neither does Mrs M.

    He put some space between them. What would you know?

    She grinned. More than you think.

    And then she was gone.

    Callum shook his head. Loony. But she was right about Mrs Maloney. The old lady stood where their letterbox used to be, clutching her chihuahua. She wailed, He could’ve killed me, in between great gulping sobs.

    Callum watched Mum go to the older woman and put an arm around her shoulders. She handed her a wad of tissues. There, there, dear. You’ve had a terrible fright. Come home with me and I’ll make you a nice cup of tea.

    She spotted Callum and called, Come on, you too. Back inside.

    He shook his head and turned away. This was too good to miss. He’d probably be banned from screen time for a month for staying, but it’d be worth it.

    As Mum led her away, Callum heard Mrs Maloney sob, I was watching TV in there. If I hadn’t got up to let Blossom out to do her business, I’d be dead.

    Sure enough, when he screwed up his eyes Callum could see a lounge chair smashed beneath the wheels of the ute. Hogey was still behind the wheel. Poppie Fields and another man had made him stay in the ute to wait for the ambulance. He was waving his arms about and babbling. Callum caught a couple of words. Chased? Flying saucer? He edged closer.

    At that moment Poppie looked Callum’s way. He held up a warning hand. Uh uh. Back off, Cal. It’s too dangerous.

    Another brick crashed to the ground as he spoke. Callum was ready to risk his safety and a telling off from Poppie. He wasn’t about to argue with the law. Siren blaring and lights flashing, a police car pulled up opposite the Maloneys’ place. Two officers climbed out and got down to business.

    Stand back, stand back, ordered the tall one in a loud voice. He cleared a path through the crowd for the ambulance crew, who had also arrived. Let them through.

    His fellow police officer headed straight for Hogey’s car. She made her way carefully through the pile of rubble and ducked as she went through the gaping hole in the wall.

    Anyone else hurt aside from the driver? she asked.

    Poppie Fields shook his head and then they both moved out of Callum’s sight and hearing. Callum frowned. He needed a better spy spot to find out if Hogey really thought he’d been chased by a flying saucer. He took a quick look round.

    The tall police officer was talking to Jaws’ mum. Probably interrogating her. Callum’s mum had taken Mrs Maloney to their place. And his two mates had nicked off when Lara arrived. They were probably checking out the police car and the ambulance by now. Good. The coast was clear.

    Callum crouched low to the ground and crept towards the hole in the wall. If he could just get close enough to hear what Hogey was telling that police officer...

    Too late. Callum caught his breath as Poppie suddenly returned to view.

    I’ll leave you to do your job, he said. With a wave he headed right for where Callum was hiding behind a bushy shrub.

    You need better camouflage than that, lad, he said as he passed. Come on, time to go home.

    Callum stood up and flicked a dead leaf off his nose. But Pop, look, the TV mob’s just got here. It’s not over yet.

    For you it is.

    With a heavy sigh Callum trailed after him. Now he wouldn’t know what happened till everyone else did. Unless...

    He hurried to catch up with his granddad. Hey, Poppie, did Hogey see a flying saucer? Did it chase him home and that’s why he crashed into their lounge?

    Poppie hooted. Flying saucer my foot. He’d had a crack on his head. Didn’t have a clue what he was talking about.

    Oh. Callum’s voice was small with disappointment.

    He couldn’t help wishing Hogey was telling the truth. Imagine if an alien space ship was really hovering about Banksia Valley.

    Chapter 2

    Friday morning

    Callum was eating breakfast next morning when he heard the news announcer on the small TV in the kitchen ask, Have aliens arrived in Banksia Valley?

    He almost choked on his toast and Vegemite and had to swig down a quick gulp of apple juice.

    A local pensioner is claiming an alien encounter caused him to crash into his living room last night, she said. Some images from the accident came on the screen then Hogey being interviewed in his hospital bed.

    Callum dived

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