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A Librarian's Playboy
A Librarian's Playboy
A Librarian's Playboy
Ebook160 pages2 hours

A Librarian's Playboy

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About this ebook

To those who visit her library, Sadie is the outgoing, book-loving, fun librarian whom you can't help but love. But inside, she is lonely. For years, she has struggled with chronic headaches and migraines and can be so ill that she spends days in bed in a dark room. She realised a long time ago that people soon disappear when you often have to cancel plans and let them down. So, outside of work, she hides away, curls up with a good book and her faithful cat, and tries to ignore the growing loneliness that threatens to consume her.

Jayden lives for the fast life. Fast cars, fast-growing businesses, and most importantly, fast-ending relationships. Jayden doesn't stay with the same person for more than a few weeks; he's still young and carefree and has no intention of ever settling down. He can't think of anything worse than the idea of staying in every night with one person; settling down is like a curse word to him. One day, he has to look after his niece and takes her to the local library, and lays eyes on the gorgeous Sadie. Suddenly, finding every excuse to visit the library again just to see her.

Can Jayden allow things to start slowing down so he can have Sadie by his side and help her when she needs him? Can Sadie stop hiding behind her condition and let herself live a little? Both face big changes in their lives, but is it going to be enough for them to accept each other's faults as the librarian falls for a playboy?

PublisherD. E. Bartley
Release dateAug 5, 2024
A Librarian's Playboy

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    Book preview

    A Librarian's Playboy - D. E. Bartley

    A Librarian's Player

    Empowered Goddess Book One

    D. E. Bartley

    Copyright © 2023 D. E. Bartley

    All rights reserved

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    Cover design by: Creative Imaginings LLC


    This book is dedicated to the wonderful New Hope For Forgotten Cats Trust.

    Binx in the story is based on my kitten, who my children found whilst trick or treating on Halloween 2022.

    Binx, named after the cat in Hocus Pocus, had severe conjunctivitis and cat flu. He was only ten weeks old. Unfortunately due to the possibility of our other cat becoming ill, we had to send Binx to a foster family who took amazing care of him and looked after him whilst he had set back after setback due to the cat flu. They helped pay for all treatment, and eventually, in December 2022 Binx was well enough to return to us. Since then, he has slowly but surely improved and is now full of life.

    As a way to thank the charity for all they did for Binx and continue to do with other cats they foster/care for, 10% of all profit made from this book will be donated to the charity for the duration of the two-year series. It is the least I can do after they saved my little lovebug.

    If you would like to donate to the charity a link will be added to my website so donations can be sent straight to them.

    Chapter One


    Uncle Jay’s here! my six-year-old niece calls as the front door flies open, and she jumps into my waiting arms.

    Hey, Alice, have you missed me? I ask, kissing her cheek.

    Of course she has; it’s been a month, Jayden!

    I look to the doorway where my sister’s standing with her arms crossed over her chest.

    I’ve been busy, you know that. I step up and kiss her cheek. How are you, Trudy? I ask whilst placing my niece back on the floor.

    Fine, she sighs closing the door behind her. Thank you for watching, Alice. I’m sure it’s cutting into your busy schedule.

    Hey! What’s with the attitude? You know I’m happy to help.

    Yeah, I know, sorry. I’m just stressed, she squeezes my arm as she walks into the house. I follow her through the lounge and into the kitchen where she makes our coffees. I sit at the table and look through a pile of books.

    Alice wants to go to the summer book club this afternoon. Can you take those back for me as well, please?

    Really? The library? Can’t I take her somewhere fun? I sigh sitting back in my chair.

    The library is fun. You know how much she loves to read.

    But it’s always full of boring old librarians who shush you at the slightest noise, I moan running my hand through my hair. Trudy looks at me and laughs.

    When was the last time you went to the library? They’re nothing like that anymore. It’s Alice’s favourite place. Please don’t make her miss the book club, Jayden. She loves it. When she gives me the puppy dog eyes, I know I’ve lost.

    Fine, I’ll take her. But when I have her again Thursday we’re going to the zoo or something, I groan as I pick up my coffee.

    Thank you. You never know you might enjoy the library, Trudy smiles as she sits back and hugs her mug. I shake my head, look at the books, and turn my nose up.

     I doubt that very much.


    Come on, we’re going to be late!

    All right, Alice, hang on, I call as I rush around the car and take her hand before she drags me to the old-looking building. Just seeing the library makes me shudder. I’ve never liked this building. It’s always given me the creeps. It’s so dark and dingy inside. Mum used to bring us here every week until I was old enough to stand my ground and refuse.

    Are you sure you want to go inside? If you want new books, I’ll take you to the shop and buy you whatever you want, I offer, hoping to deter her from making me go in there.

    But Sadie isn’t in the bookshop, and I want to see her, she’s fun! Now come on!

    I sigh as she drags me through the door, and I stop in my tracks.

    The interior was grey, dull and faded when I was last here. What a contrast to how it looks now. Everything is bright and full of life. People are gathered, talking and laughing, and there is even a Costa coffee shop. I can also see a play area and … what is this? Alice sees me looking at the flooring and smiles.

    Is that what I think it is? I ask, amazed.

    It’s a yellow brick road! Haven’t you ever read The Wizard of Oz? she asks, giggling.

    I’ve seen the film, I answer, grinning at her.

    The book’s better, Alice sighs, sounding just like her mother. I chuckle as we follow the yellow brick road together and find ourselves at a curtain which looks like a stone brick wall.

    Now, where? I ask, looking around as I play along.

    Through the wall, of course. Do you not know anything, Uncle Jay? Alice replies, rolling her eyes dramatically.

    What? I laugh.

    Have you never read Harry Potter?

    I’m just shaking my head when I hear a voice behind me.

    It’s better to do it at a bit of a run if you’re nervous, dear.

    I turn just in time to see a beautiful woman smile down at Alice as she holds out her hand. Shall we show him how it’s done? 

    Alice nods and takes her hand.

    Come on, Uncle Jay. Like this.

    I watch as Alice and the gorgeous lady walk through the curtain, grinning at each other. I can’t help smiling as I walk in behind them and find myself in the brightest room I have ever seen.

    The walls are painted with a mixture of princesses, princes, knights, castles and characters I recognise off the TV and some from films I watched as a kid. The whole room is filled with books of all colours and sizes, and even the carpet on the floor is bright and inviting.

    Wow, this place was not like this when I was last here, I exclaim as I look around. Alice smiles, let’s go of the lady’s hand and takes mine.

    Come and see my favourite bit! she giggles as she pulls me to a themed area.

    Of course, you would like it here, I laugh, looking at the Alice in Wonderland-themed corner. There is a giant mushroom to sit on, a white rabbit in a waistcoat soft toy and a large Cheshire cat painted on the wall.

    It’s the best part of the whole library, Alice says, grinning before someone claps and all the children go quiet.

    Who’s ready for today’s story?

    I turn to the sound of her voice and see the lady who had walked in with Alice.

    Who is that? I ask as Alice leads me to the carpeted area filled with bean bags. I watch the parents sit on the bean bags, and their kids sit on their laps or beside them. Alice points to where she wants us to sit and giggles as I lower myself to the floor. She drops down next to me and smiles.

    That’s Sadie, she’s amazing.

    Does Sadie work here? I ask, liking the way her name feels on my tongue. Alice nods as she gets comfortable.

    She does the different book clubs and is here every day unless she has a day off.

    I look back at Sadie and again get blown away by her beauty. She has dark brown hair, which is up in a messy bun. Her smile lights up her whole face as she chats with the children excitedly. She is breathtaking.

    Okay, everyone, let’s pick up from where we left off last week. Who remembers what we were reading?

    I watch, fascinated, as Sadie talks to the twenty children and their parents. She seems so bright and full of life, and I know I need a night with this woman. I want to feel those soft lips against mine and hear her scream my name as she orgasms. I want her, and I’m going to have her.

    Chapter Two


    Okay, that’s it for today. As usual, there are refreshments on the table and activity sheets in the arts and crafts section. Of course, don’t forget all our amazing books. I’ll be around if you want to talk to me about anything. If not, I will see you all next week.

    I smile whilst looking around at all the happy children and adults as I stand from my chair and straighten my long summer dress. I love my little children’s reading group. They are always so happy and excited to be here. I look to where Alice stands with the guy who brought her rather than her mum or usual childminder. I would remember if I'd seen him before; he's gorgeous. There's something about a man in a suit that always gets my heart racing. I love how it hugs his body and shows how well-built he is. You can tell he’s someone who dominates any room he’s in. Everything from his short black hair and broad shoulders to the way he holds himself screams power. Something tells me that when he wants something, he goes for it, and from how he's looking at me across the room, I have a feeling he wants me. Too bad I'm not on offer, but that doesn't mean I can't have some fun.

    I walk over to where Alice and the guy are standing with a smile on my face for one of my favourite girls.

    Hey, Alice where's Lizzie today? I ask as I approach them.

    Alice turns around with a smile that lights up her whole face.

    She’s on holiday for the next three weeks so Uncle Jay has brought me, she says excitedly as she grabs her uncle’s hand. I look at his deep green eyes, looking down at me with a one-sided grin that makes me almost swoon.  Now I have had a proper look at his face; I can’t miss the resemblance between his sister Trudy and him. The main difference between them is that this man screams danger. I can imagine he can get any woman he wants, and he looks like a player.

    Hello Uncle Jay, it's a pleasure to meet you, I say a little too politely holding out my hand which he takes in his and kisses my knuckles.

    The pleasure is all mine, I can assure you.

    I roll my eyes but cannot hide the smile on my face. Damn, this man’s smooth, and judging from the look on his face, he knows it.

    Alice, did you read the book I suggested last week? I ask, squatting down beside her. Alice's face lights up as she nods enthusiastically.

    Me and Mummy are still reading it. You were right; it's funny. We are going to try other books by him as soon as we finish that one, Alice says as she takes my hand. She's such an affectionate little girl. She loves nothing more than holding hands and cuddles. I smile back as I look into her bluey-green eyes and can't miss how they sparkle with excitement. You can’t be around Alice and not feel happy. She brings joy to any room she’s in.

    "I'm glad to hear

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