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How Long Do I Stick With A Product That's Not Working?
How Long Do I Stick With A Product That's Not Working?
10 minutes
Feb 21, 2022
Podcast episode
In this episode, Russell and Alison answer the question "How long do you stick with a product that's not working?". Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at marketingsecrets.com ClubHouseWithRussell.com Magnetic Marketing ---Transcript--- Russell Brunson: Hey, good morning. Welcome back, everybody. We've got some more Q and A's from the e-com versus experts Smackdown today for the marketing speakers podcast. And today's question is one; I think a lot of you guys are probably wondering. My guess is if you created a product and you're trying to sell it, and no one's buying, when do you quit? We're always talking about don't be a quitter, but is there a time to quit? Is there a time to keep going? How does it work? The question is, how long do you stick with a product that's not working before you pivot and try something different? This is a great question from the Smackdown. I think you guys will enjoy the answer, and hopefully, you'll learn a ton from both Allison and I. So with that said, I'm queuing up the theme song, and then we come back. You're going to find out how long do you actually stick with a product that's not working? And if it's not working, do you just give up? Or if there're other things you can do, like maybe I'm close, maybe like an inch away from success. So that's what this episode and this question is all about. I hope you enjoy it and I will see you guys soon. Brent Coppieters: All right. The next question is from Denise Smith; she says, how long should I stick with a product or strategy that is not working before I should pivot to a different product? What are some things you do when a product isn't working for you before you move on? Russell: Ooh, that's a really good question. Alison Prince: So good. Russell: That's a good one. I'll give some of my thoughts, and then I'm going to open until I find out more of what your product is, but there's two sides of this. I've seen people who have a product they wanted to create. They were passionate about it, they were obsessed with it, and then they created it, and it wasn't what the market wanted. And they kept trying and trying and trying to the point where they ended up losing everything. I literally had a friend when I first got started, he'd written this ebook, and it wasn't a very good ebook, and the topic wasn't good. He spent two years trying to sell it, and I asked him, why don't you just try to try something else? And he's like, I invested so much time and energy into this, I can't try anything else. And he never made success, and I haven't seen him now in a decade and a half. But there's the other side too, where ClickFunnels like we built ClickFunnels. We launched it, and it was like crickets. Then I did it again and again, I spent… three or four, the sixth time is when it caught and started taking off. So there's kind of like that fine line of is this thing a dud? Marlon Sanders, if you guys know Marlin, he's one of the original OG's; he had a whole presentation. He did one time about dead ducks don't quack. He's like if you have a dead duck, it doesn't quack. You need to let it go. But you have to find out, is it a dead duck? Or is it just a duck that hasn't learned how to quack yet? So that's the question; I'd be curious to know, I don't know if you want to add anything to it, but I'm curious to know what the product is and where you are on the timeline because that might help us to give you very specific big feedback as opposed to. Denise Smith: I switched products, and I'm a big geek here. I switched products because I spent a year and a half doing exactly what your friend did. I put something out in the market I thought young people would need. It was, are you ready to be an entrepreneur? Millennials don't want us to tell them how to get organized. I kept saying they need it, and my husband kept saying, but they don't want help, but they need it. I spent so much time, and that was my problem is I spent a lot
Feb 21, 2022
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 15 min listen