Dollars Flow to Me Easily by GoOD Mornings with CurlyNikkiratings:
9 minutes
Apr 20, 2022
Podcast episode
You are now a conscious expression of the All Attractive One, the Powerful One, the Opulent One. This is why you feel Go(o)d for no reason. This is why people are attracted to you. This is why your life is changing. This is real Beauty. And you finally woke up to It. I Love you, Nik nikki@curlynikki.com Bonus episodes every week:▶▶https://www.patreon.com/goodmorningsGo(o)d Mornings merch:▶▶https://www.patreon.com/goodmornings_______________________Today's Quotes:"Behind the beauty of the moon is the moon Maker."-Rumi"The universe and the Light of the world shines through me."-Rumi "If you think the art is beautiful, you should see the artist."-Srila Prabhupada "Remember you cannot hold Bliss in your fist. You can only hold Bliss in your open hand."-Osho"On this day, at this time, in this moment, claim your Infinite Worth."-Sarah Landan via IG "My child, you ask for service. Verily shall it be given. All about you shall you find it. You so little realize the Great Power flowing through you. You are like a mighty dynamo, and more and more shall you see miracles rise up as you pass on your way. Only Love much, bless, and give thanks, and know you serve Me day by day as I see fit. You cry out for light and understanding, and you cry not in vain. Great truths shall be revealed to you; listen for My Voice, that these things shall not pass you by. You often feel a need to find Me in ceremonies, monies, in rituals. I feel a crying-out in your soul for some way to contact Me. But listen carefully and ponder much on this-a truth which many lose, and which keeps them from the companionship with Me which otherwise they might have. It is this: In simple ways and by simple means is the best contact made between man and his Maker. You need not seek out places where altar fires burn, or go through deeply impressive ceremonies. Light the altar fires in the throne room of your heart and there shall you find Me, and know Me, through the simple everyday things in life, all about you. Yes, I AM even now in the gentle breeze you hear through the rustling leaves. I AM in the shaft of sunlight slanting across the grass. I AM in the fragrance of the flowers, in the starry sky and the soft moonlight. Learn to know Me through these simple, lovely things of My Creation, and never shall you have need to seek Me out in complex ways. So blest art thou to hear My Voice in the inner thoughts and recesses of your soul, My child, as I bring you these truths. You can serve Me well, for they are as a foundation stone for a life lived in My Service."-Eva Bell Werber. Quiet Talks the Master (Kindle Locations 376-387). Kindle Edition. "I woke up like this. Flawless."-Beyonce "Peace is the first glimpse of the Inner Kingdom of God."-Yogananda Support the show (https://cash.app/$NikWalton)
Apr 20, 2022
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 9 min listen