Getting to Know Your Readers by Reading Teachers Loungeratings:
43 minutes
Feb 29, 2020
Podcast episode
Are you familiar with the FCRR? They have done incredible work making free effective research-based literacy activities. The centers include directions for teachers and all the necessary materials. They are mostly print and go activities requiring minimal teacher prep! In this episode, Shannon and Mary share their favorite FCRR reading center activities. They give ideas for storage and organization of the materials and ways to scaffold.RESOURCE LINKS:(General links are listed first, then below those you will see the links for the specific games mentioned.)FCRR homepageJill Shook loves FCRR too!SPECIFIC GAME DIRECT LINKS FOR ACTIVITIES CREATED BY FCRR or SHANNONFCRR: Vowel Picture SortFCRR: Phoneme SwapFCRR: Vowel StarsFCRR: Multiple Meaning MatchFCRR: Medial Phoneme DominoesFCRR: Speedy PhrasesFCRR: Word WebFCRR: Sandpaper WordsFCRR: Contraction BingoFCRR: Root-A-WordFCRR: Synonym and Antonym ConnectionsShannon's Soccer Goal DIGITAL Vowel Sound Sort on BoomShannon's Read Around the Shape on BoomCOME JOIN THE CONVERSATION!Our Website Facebook InstagramShannon's TpT StoreSupport the show (https://www.patreon.com/readingteacherslounge)
Feb 29, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 25 min listen