Batman, the Animated Series: Christmas with the Joker: An episode nobody wanted to see, but everyone will hear. Guests: Jay Ryan, Joey O. Find show notes at https://adventcalendar.house by Advent Calendar House - TV Holiday & Christmas SpecialsUNLIMITED
The Berenstain Bears’ Easter Surprise
The Berenstain Bears’ Easter Surprise
53 minutes
Jul 7, 2021
Podcast episode
? Hop, hop, hop with us back to 1981 for our first trip to Bear Country, which it turns out was built on top of the Easter Bunny’s industrial nightmare factory. **** ? Guests: Alan Johnson (Two Bad Neighbors – A Simpsons Podcast, Talespin Trivia, @AlanJ). Emily Rowley (smiling politely, @mlerowley). **** ? Topics & Tangents: 1. The Berenstain Bears’ Easter Surprise on the official YouTube channel. 2. Yes, we all collectively mispronounced “Berenstain.” 3. The VHS cover, for reference. 4. The Berenstain Bears: The Very First Easter, being the story of the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus, who is also a bear. 5. Inside the Berenstain Bears’ Tree House. 6. The widest tree in the world, for comparison. 7. Things this special has in common with Steel Magnolias: Knowl Johnson and dozens of broken Easter eggs. 8. An ode to the Bear Family’s tiny, antique, circular porthole TV set. 9. Today’s TV Trope: Packed Hero. 10. Mr. Mike’s Mondo Video, featuring young Zachary Danziger (Bill Bunny) and a host of way more familiar names. **** ? Retro Commercial Break: Kellogg’s Raisin Bran: Morgan the Mockingbird Commercial, 1981, preserved from the original airing of this special. **** ? And Now, These Messages: Mike on the Two Bad Neighbors podcast for Marge Be Not Proud and Monty Can’t Buy Me Love. Jingle Jank. “The Berenstain Bears’ Easter Surprise” © 1981 Joseph Cates Co., Inc. Say hi on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Full show notes with links at adventcalendar.house.
Jul 7, 2021
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 53 min listen