Talking with Kids About Difficult Topics - Revisited by Seek Wholly Living with Christa Svobodaratings:
42 minutes
Jan 9, 2023
Podcast episode
What a shame it would be if we were so busy doing all of the "good" things that we missed the great work that God had for us to do. I'm so glad to have Rachel Comfort Zwayne back with me today to talk about intentionally choosing simplicity.As a homeschooling mom of 5 grown children in Southern California, Rachel has personal experience with the blessings and struggles of maintaining a simple enough life to allow time for prioritizing home, discipleship, extra curricular opportunities, friendships etc. This is the PERFECT time for this conversation as we are moving into the new year as the wives and moms who desire to prioritize the Lord and all He has for our families above all else. Listen today and share it with a friend!You can find Rachel on Instagram @joyful_mothers or on Facebook at the Joyful Mothers group Visit the SEEK WHOLLY LIVING website (for Encouragement, Information, and Fun for all things Mom!)https://seekwhollyliving.comSIGN UP to receive updates & my free special printable:***THE 3 MOST IMPORTANT CHANGES YOU CAN MAKE TODAY TO BE A BETTER MOM*** ☕ CONNECT with US:INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/seekwhollylivingFACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/seekwhollylivingseek wholly living,christa svoboda,christian mom,christian mom vlog,mom,christian mom,christian moms,stay at home mom,christian wife,christmas,reflect and rejoice, new year,
Jan 9, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 29 min listen