Getting to Know Lisa Warren (S5E10): Lisa Warren has an Inspiring Story Here's a conversation about resilience, creativity, overcoming hardship, and how to design a beautiful life. by The Self-Brain Surgery™ Podcast with Dr. Lee Warrenratings:
19 minutes
Sep 15, 2023
Podcast episode
It's Frontal Lobe Friday!The first episode in a new series about how to get the different parts of your brain working in the way they're designed to take control of your thinking, change your mind, and change your life!PLEASE Subscribe to the show wherever you listen to podcasts, and leave a rating or review! That helps new people find the show!Scripture: Philippians 4:5-8Click the link below to access the Hope Is the First Dose playlist of hopeful, healing songs!Hope PlaylistBe sure to check out my new book, Hope Is the First Dose!Here's a free 5-day Bible study on YouVersion/BibleApp based on my new book!
Sep 15, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 46 min listen