Episode 2: The Room in The Tower by E F Benson by Classic Ghost Storiesratings:
62 minutes
Sep 22, 2023
Podcast episode
People have been asking for more of my own stories, so here's one. However, I have to warn you that I use the f-word in it and it is rather dark. It's possibly as dark as my Whitehaven Bodysnatcher, plus it has swearing (though it is necessary for the character I feel). So, if you prefer my sweeter stories, or don't like that word being used, I would avoid this one.It all starts with a man going walking in the Black Forest in Germany...New Patreon RequestBuzzsprout - Let's get your podcast launched! Start for FREESupport the showVisit us here: www.ghostpod.orgBuy me a coffee if you're glad I do this: https://ko-fi.com/tonywalkerIf you really want to help me, become a Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/barcudMusic by The Heartwood Institute: https://bit.ly/somecomeback
Sep 22, 2023
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 29 min listen