About this series
Understanding Poka Yoke, knowing when and where to use Poka Yoke, and selecting Poka Yoke approaches and devices has never been easier!
Have you ever wanted to implement Poka Yoke in your company's workplace?
Have you ever wanted to implement Poka Yoke for your customer's workplace?
Have you ever wanted to identify wastes, achieve cost savings, cost reductions, and cost leadership in your company?
If the anwer to any of these questions is yes, you need look no further.
Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Mentor and Coach, Sumeet Savant, with more than a decade of experience in executing, leading, and mentoring hundreds of Lean Six Sigma improvement projects brings to you a simple, straight forward, no nonsense book which will enable you understand Poka Yoke, understand its various approaches, and its various devices, and achieve the cost reductions you have always dreamt of, quickly, effectively, and efficiently.
He shares his belief: "Your customers can experience value from your products, services, and processes, only when they are free of errors, defects, and failures"
Do Act Now and have a LOOK INSIDE the short book to have a brief experience of the immensely valuable information it has in store for you.
With this book, you will get to,
- Know what is Poka Yoke.
- Know, undestand, and appreciate the need for Poka Yoke.
- Know and understand Errors, Defects, and Failures actually mean.
- Know and understand how Errors, Defects, and Failures are related.
- Know and understand Poka Yoke principles.
- Know and understand various Poka Yoke approaches.
- Know and understand various Poka Yoke devices.
- And know all these in the least number of words possible – to help you lean your processes and achieve cost reductions faster.
This may very well be the last book you will ever need to learn Poka Yoke, its approaches and devices and achieve overall cost reductions by error proofing your processes, serices, and products.
We are sure about it! And, so will you be!
Titles in the series (5)
- Eight Wastes: Lean Thinking, #1
Identifying wastes, eliminating wastes, and achieving cost reductions has never been easier! Have you ever wanted to reduce wastes from your company's processes? Have you ever wanted to reduce wastes from your customer's processes? Have you ever wanted to achieve cost savings, cost reductions, and cost leadership in your company? If the anwer to any of these questions is yes, you need look no further. Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Mentor and Coach, Sumeet Savant, with more than a decade of experience in executing, leading, and mentoring hundreds of Lean Six Sigma improvement projects brings to you a simple, straight forward, no nonsense book which will enable you identify wastes, eliminate wastes, and achieve the cost reductions you have always dreamt of, quickly, effectively, and efficiently. He shares his belief: "Identification of wastes is the first step towards going lean in any business" Do Act Now and have a LOOK INSIDE the short book to have a brief experience of the immensely valuable information it has in store for you. With this book, you will get to, - Know the eight types of wastes in detail. - Know the examples of each of the eight wastes. - Know the causes behind each of the eight wastes types. - Know the possible solutions to reduce each of the eight wastes types from your processes. - Try out two activities that will help you easily get used to identification and elimination of wastes. - And know all these in the least number of words possible – to help you lean your processes and achieve cost reductions faster. This may very well be the last book you will ever need to identify, and eliminate wastes from your process and achieve overall cost effectiveness. We are sure about it! And, so will you be!
- Value Stream Mapping: Lean Thinking, #2
Understanding value streams, mapping current and future state value streams, and performing end to end value stream mapping exercise has never been easier! Have you ever wanted to perform value stream mapping exercise on your company's processes? Have you ever wanted to perform value stream mapping exercise on your customer's processes? Have you ever wanted to identify wastes, achieve cost savings, cost reductions, and cost leadership in your company? If the anwer to any of these questions is yes, you need look no further. Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Mentor and Coach, Sumeet Savant, with more than a decade of experience in executing, leading, and mentoring hundreds of Lean Six Sigma improvement projects brings to you a simple, straight forward, no nonsense book which will enable you understand value streams, map current and future state value streams, perform end to end value stream mapping exercises, and achieve the cost reductions you have always dreamt of, quickly, effectively, and efficiently. He shares his belief: "Lean implementation is possible only when you know your business processes and value streams" Do Act Now and have a LOOK INSIDE the short book to have a brief experience of the immensely valuable information it has in store for you. With this book, you will get to, - Know the different types of value stream mapping. - Know and undestand the different elements that flow on the value stream maps. - Know and undestand the endless list of icons used in the value stream mapping. - Know the end to end value stream mapping exercise, covering all the necessary stages. - Know how to create both the current and future state value stream maps. - Check out one case study example that will help you easily get used to value stream mapping exercise. - And know all these in the least number of words possible – to help you lean your processes and achieve cost reductions faster. This may very well be the last book you will ever need to perform value stream mapping exercise on your process and achieve overall cost effectiveness. We are sure about it! And, so will you be!
- Kaizen: Lean Thinking, #3
Understanding Kaizen, when to use Kaizen, and performing end to end Kaizen project has never been easier! Have you ever wanted to perform Kaizen project, exercise, or event on your company's processes? Have you ever wanted to perform Kaizen project, exercise, or event on your customer's processes? Have you ever wanted to identify wastes, achieve cost savings, cost reductions, and cost leadership in your company? If the anwer to any of these questions is yes, you need look no further. Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Mentor and Coach, Sumeet Savant, with more than a decade of experience in executing, leading, and mentoring hundreds of Lean Six Sigma improvement projects brings to you a simple, straight forward, no nonsense book which will enable you understand Kaizen, know when to use Kaizen, perform end to end Kaizen projects, and achieve the cost reductions you have always dreamt of, quickly, effectively, and efficiently. He shares his belief: "Continuous Lean improvements is possible only when you know, appreciate, and perform Kaizen on your business processes and value streams" Do Act Now and have a LOOK INSIDE the short book to have a brief experience of the immensely valuable information it has in store for you. With this book, you will get to, - Know what is Kaizen. - Know, undestand, and appreciate the need for Kaizen. - Know the different classifications of Kaizen. - Know the different types of Kaizen activities. - Know and understand when you can use Kaizen. - Know and understand what is the Kaizen Suggestion System, and the Kaizen Circle. - Know what it means to have a Kaizen Mindset, and a Kaizen Culture. - Know how to execute end to end Kaizen project or event, covering all the necessary stages. - Check out one case study example that will help you easily get used to the Kaizen project or event exercise. - And know all these in the least number of words possible – to help you lean your processes and achieve cost reductions faster. This may very well be the last book you will ever need to perform Kaizen events or projects on your process and achieve overall cost effectiveness. We are sure about it! And, so will you be!
- 5S: Lean Thinking, #4
Understanding 5S, knowing when to use 5S, and implementing end to end 5S methodology has never been easier! Have you ever wanted to implement 5S in your company's workplace? Have you ever wanted to implement 5S for your customer's workplace? Have you ever wanted to identify wastes, achieve cost savings, cost reductions, and cost leadership in your company? If the anwer to any of these questions is yes, you need look no further. Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Mentor and Coach, Sumeet Savant, with more than a decade of experience in executing, leading, and mentoring hundreds of Lean Six Sigma improvement projects brings to you a simple, straight forward, no nonsense book which will enable you understand 5S, know when to use 5S, implement end to end 5S, and achieve the cost reductions you have always dreamt of, quickly, effectively, and efficiently. He shares his belief: "Continuous Lean improvements are possible only when you know, appreciate, and implement 5S in your workplace" Do Act Now and have a LOOK INSIDE the short book to have a brief experience of the immensely valuable information it has in store for you. With this book, you will get to, - Know what is 5S. - Know, undestand, and appreciate the need for 5S. - Know the different 'S' in the 5S. - Know and understand Seiri in detail, with an effective Red Tagging implementation strategy. - Know and understand Seiton in detail, with an effective Layout Optimization implementation strategy. - Know and understand Seiso in detail, with an effective Cleaning Schedule implementation strategy. - Know and understand Seiketsu in detail, with effective implementation strategies. - Know and understand Shitsuke in detail, with effective implementation strategies. - And know all these in the least number of words possible – to help you lean your processes and achieve cost reductions faster. This may very well be the last book you will ever need to implement 5S methodology on your workplace and achieve overall cost effectiveness. We are sure about it! And, so will you be!
- Poka Yoke Error Proofing: Lean Thinking, #5
Understanding Poka Yoke, knowing when and where to use Poka Yoke, and selecting Poka Yoke approaches and devices has never been easier! Have you ever wanted to implement Poka Yoke in your company's workplace? Have you ever wanted to implement Poka Yoke for your customer's workplace? Have you ever wanted to identify wastes, achieve cost savings, cost reductions, and cost leadership in your company? If the anwer to any of these questions is yes, you need look no further. Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Mentor and Coach, Sumeet Savant, with more than a decade of experience in executing, leading, and mentoring hundreds of Lean Six Sigma improvement projects brings to you a simple, straight forward, no nonsense book which will enable you understand Poka Yoke, understand its various approaches, and its various devices, and achieve the cost reductions you have always dreamt of, quickly, effectively, and efficiently. He shares his belief: "Your customers can experience value from your products, services, and processes, only when they are free of errors, defects, and failures" Do Act Now and have a LOOK INSIDE the short book to have a brief experience of the immensely valuable information it has in store for you. With this book, you will get to, - Know what is Poka Yoke. - Know, undestand, and appreciate the need for Poka Yoke. - Know and understand Errors, Defects, and Failures actually mean. - Know and understand how Errors, Defects, and Failures are related. - Know and understand Poka Yoke principles. - Know and understand various Poka Yoke approaches. - Know and understand various Poka Yoke devices. - And know all these in the least number of words possible – to help you lean your processes and achieve cost reductions faster. This may very well be the last book you will ever need to learn Poka Yoke, its approaches and devices and achieve overall cost reductions by error proofing your processes, serices, and products. We are sure about it! And, so will you be!
Sumeet Savant
Sumeet Savant is the Founder and Director of NinthSigma, the world's very first Generative AI Statistical Solution for Lean Six Sigma project execution. He is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt Mentor and Coach, with almost two decades of experience in executing, leading and mentoring Lean Six Sigma process improvement projects. He is a BTech, MBA, and MSc (Machine Learning and AI). He has facilitated hundreds of process improvement projects, and coached hundreds of professionals, Yellow, Green, and Black Belts over the years. He lives in Mumbai, India with his family.
Read more from Sumeet Savant
Statistics for Lean Six Sigma Simplified with GEN AI
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