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  • API Reference for older versions
  • All events

    Flexmonster Pivot Table & Charts offers many events to track different processes and user actions.

    There are two ways to subscribe to the events:

    1. Using the on() API call:
      pivot.on(<eventName>, function() {
      // Event handling
    2. When initializing the Flexmonster instance:
      new Flexmonster({
      <eventName>: function() {
      // Event handling
      // Other parameters

    Read more about how to use events.

    List of events:

    afterchartdrawTriggered after chart rendering.
    aftergriddrawTriggered after grid rendering.
    beforegriddrawTriggered before grid rendering.
    beforetoolbarcreatedTriggered before the creation of the Toolbar.
    cellclickTriggered when a cell is clicked on the grid.
    celldoubleclickTriggered when a cell is double-clicked on the grid.
    chartclickTriggered when a chart element is clicked.
    datachangedTriggered after the user edits data.
    dataerrorTriggered when an error occurred during the loading of data.
    datafilecancelledTriggered when the Open file dialog was opened and the user clicks the Cancel button.
    dataloadedTriggered when the component loaded data.
    drillthroughcloseTriggered when the drill-through view is closed.
    drillthroughopenTriggered when the drill-through view is opened.
    exportcompleteTriggered when the export is complete.
    exportstartTriggered when the export starts.
    fieldslistcloseTriggered when the built-in Field List is closed.
    fieldslistopenTriggered when the built-in Field List is opened.
    filtercloseTriggered when the filter pop-up window is closed.
    filteropenTriggered when the filter pop-up window is opened.
    loadingdataTriggered when data starts loading from a local or remote CSV or JSON file, or after the report was loaded.
    loadinglocalizationTriggered when a localization file starts loading.
    loadingolapstructureTriggered for Microsoft Analysis Services when the OLAP cube structure starts loading, and for the custom data source API when the component sends the /fields request.
    loadingreportfileTriggered when a report file started loading.
    localizationerrorTriggered when an error appeared while loading a localization file.
    localizationloadedTriggered when a localization file was loaded.
    olapstructureerrorTriggered for Microsoft Analysis Services when an error occurred while loading the OLAP structure, and for the custom data source API when the response to the /fields request was not received successfully.
    olapstructureloadedTriggered for Microsoft Analysis Services after loading the OLAP structure, and for the custom data source API after receiving the response to the /fields request.
    openingreportfileTriggered when a user selects Open -> Local report on the Toolbar or the open() method is called.
    printcompleteTriggered when the OS print manager is closed.
    printstartTriggered when the OS print manager is opened to start printing.
    querycompleteTriggered after the data query was complete.
    queryerrorTriggered if an error occurred while running the query.
    readyTriggered when the component’s initial configuration is completed and the component is ready to receive API calls.
    reportchangeTriggered when a report is changed in the component.
    reportcompleteTriggered when the operations can be performed with the component (data was loaded successfully from the data source and the grid/chart was rendered).
    reportfilecancelledTriggered when a user clicks the Cancel button while selecting a local report to open.
    reportfileerrorTriggered when an error occurred during the loading of the report file.
    runningqueryTriggered before a data query is started.
    unauthorizederrorTriggered when the Accelerator or the custom data source API server sends the 401 Unauthorized error in response to Flexmonster's request.
    updateTriggered when a change occurred in the component.