Create a Weather app using Flask | Python

Last Updated : 17 Sep, 2019
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Prerequisite : Flask installation

Flask is a lightweight framework written in Python. It is lightweight because it does not require particular tools or libraries and allow rapid web development. today we will create a weather app using flask as a web framework. this weather web app will provide current weather updates of cities searched.

Basic setup :

Create a file and name it as

Linux command to create a file


Now, create a folder templates with a file name index.html

Linux command to create a folder and a file

 mkdir templates && cd templates && touch index.html 

The project folder will look like :

Editing files :
Use your own API key from Weather API and place it in API variable. Now edit file.

from flask import Flask, render_template, request
# import json to load JSON data to a python dictionary
import json
# urllib.request to make a request to api
import urllib.request
app = Flask(__name__)
@app.route('/', methods =['POST', 'GET'])
def weather():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        city = request.form['city']
        # for default name mathura
        city = 'mathura'
    # your API key will come here
    api = api_key_here
    # source contain json data from api
    source = urllib.request.urlopen(' =' + city + '&appid =' + api).read()
    # converting JSON data to a dictionary
    list_of_data = json.loads(source)
    # data for variable list_of_data
    data = {
        "country_code": str(list_of_data['sys']['country']),
        "coordinate": str(list_of_data['coord']['lon']) + ' ' 
                    + str(list_of_data['coord']['lat']),
        "temp": str(list_of_data['main']['temp']) + 'k',
        "pressure": str(list_of_data['main']['pressure']),
        "humidity": str(list_of_data['main']['humidity']),
    return render_template('index.html', data = data)
if __name__ == '__main__': = True)

Navigate to templates/index.html and edit it: link to the index file.

Now you can run the server to see the weather app –


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