HTML dl Tag

Last Updated : 26 Aug, 2024
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The <dl> tag in HTML is used to represent the description list. This tag is used with <dt> and <dd> tag. In HTML4.1, it defines definition list and in HTML5, it defines description list.


<dl> Contents... </dl>

Example: In this example, we demonstrate the use of the <dl> (description list) tag. It defines the term <dt> and its description <dd>, showcasing “GeeksforGeeks” as a computer science portal.

<!DOCTYPE html>



    <h2>dl Tag</h2>
    <!-- HTML dl tag -->
        <dd>A Computer Science Portal For Geeks</dd>




Supported Browsers: 

  • Google Chrome
  • Edge 12
  • Internet Explorer
  • Firefox 1
  • Safari
  • Opera

HTML dl Tag – FAQs

Is the <dl> tag block-level or inline-level?

The <dl> tag is a block-level element, meaning it naturally takes up the full width available and starts on a new line.

Can I use the <dl> tag for a pricing table?

Yes, a <dl> tag can be used creatively for a simple pricing table, where the product names are <dt> elements and the prices are <dd> elements. However, a more complex pricing structure might be better handled with tables (<table>).

How do I control spacing between <dt> and <dd> elements?

You can control the spacing between <dt> and <dd> elements using CSS properties like margin and padding. Example: dd { margin-top: 5px; } can adjust the gap between the term and its description.

What happens if I have multiple <dd> tags after a single <dt> tag?

HTML allows you to have multiple <dd> tags for a single <dt> tag. This is useful if you want to provide multiple definitions or descriptions for a single term.

How do I handle long descriptions in a <dl> tag?

For long descriptions, you can style the <dd> tag using CSS for better readability, such as setting line-height, text-align, and controlling width to avoid overly wide text blocks.

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