Now almost exclusively known as the author of the bestselling Millennium Trilogy, as a professional journalist Stieg Larsson was an untiring crusader for democracy and equality. As a reporter and editor-in-chief on the journal Expo he researched the extreme right both in Sweden and at an international level. Collected here for the first time are essays and articles on right-wing extremism and racism, on violence against women and women’s rights, on homophobia and honour killings.
His most important writings – perceptive, learned and committed texts – illustrate the breadth of his journalistic and political activities in connection with matters that were closest to his heart, and to which he devoted his life. Despite death threats and financial difficulties, Larsson never ceased to fight for and write about his most firmly held principles; it was his commitment to these which gave his bestselling novels their explosive force.
Stieg Larsson (born as Karl Stig-Erland Larsson) was a Swedish journalist and writer who passed away in 2004.
As a journalist and editor of the magazine Expo, Larsson was active in documenting and exposing Swedish extreme right and racist organisations. When he died at the age of 50, Larsson left three unpublished thrillers and unfinished manuscripts for more. The first three books (The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played With Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest) have since been printed as the Millenium series. These books are all bestsellers in Sweden and in several other countries, including the United States and Canada.
Witnessed a rape when he was 15, and was helpless to stop it. This event haunted him for the rest of his life. The girl being raped was named Lisbeth, which he later used as the name of the heroine on his Millenium trilogy. Sexual violence against women is also a recurring theme in his work.
Personal quote: To exact revenge for yourself or your friends is not only a right, it's an absolute duty.
I knew there was a reason I liked Stieg Larrson so much. It was much more than the creation of the greatest female heroine of all time (Lisbeth Salander), but rather his own experiences with injustices perpetuated in the world, most notably in this collection of articles on the rise and foul dissemination of the far right Neo-Nazi movement that has plagued our society for so long.
Εννοείται πως θα έπαιρνα οτιδήποτε με την υπογραφή του Λάρσον από κάτω. Πολύ περισσότερο μάλιστα όταν αυτό το οτιδήποτε είναι βιβλίο του με την ιδιότητα του δημοσιογράφου, σκέψεις γύρω από όλα τα θέματα που απασχολούν τον κόσμο σήμερα, την ξενοφοβία, το ρατσισμό, την ομοφοβία, το λαϊκισμό, σε μια συλλογή από άρθρα και κείμενα που έγραψε κυρίως κατά την πρώτη του δεκαετία στο περιοδικό EXPO. Έχει χρονογραφήματα, άρθρα, ρεπορτάζ και αλληλογραφία με αναγνώστες, ένα βιβλίο οδηγός όπως το χαρακτηρίζουν σε θέματα ρατσισμού και φεμινισμού, καθώς και μια σκιαγράφηση ανησυχητικών πολιτικών εξελίξεων.
Το αγόρασα με πάρα πολύ ενδιαφέρον και πάρα πολλές προσδοκίες. Αναμφίβολα ο Λάρσον ήταν εξαιρετικός δημοσιογράφος κι ερευνητής. Ήθελα πάρα πολύ να διαβάσω τις σκέψεις και τις θέσεις του πάνω σε όλα αυτά τα σημαντικά κοινωνικά θέματα. Όμως κατά κάποιον τρόπο η περιγραφή του βιβλίου είναι λιγάκι παραπλανητική. Ο Λάρσον μιλάει για όλα αυτά καταγράφοντας κάθε τι που συνέβη σε επίπεδο Σουηδίας και λιγότερο γενικεύοντας Σκανδιναβικά, έχει ενδιαφέρον να μάθεις τα διάφορα που έχουν γίνει και ειπωθεί κατά κείνη τη μεριά του κόσμου, όμως δε νομίζω ότι τελικά επεκτείνεται περισσότερο πάνω σε όλα αυτά ώστε να ενδιαφέρει αναγνώστες από οποιοδήποτε άλλο μέρος του κόσμου, κάνοντας τα κείμενά του «σκέψεις και θέσεις».
Είναι καθαρά κομμάτια της δουλειάς του, που αφορούν τον εκεί τόπο και το χρόνο που εκείνος έζησε και εργάστηκε. Σε καμία περίπτωση αυτό δε μειώνει τον ίδιο και όλα όσα υπήρξε κι έκανε, μάλλον η ευθύνη βαραίνει τον ελληνικό εκδοτικό.
A great collection of Stieg Larsson's articles at Expo over the years. He truly was a crusading journalist, always fighting for equality, for all minorities, especially against neo-nazis, and white supremacist parties in Sweden. In short, he was the real Mikael Blomkvist.
Ενδιαφέρον, ιδιαίτερα με τις σύγχρονες εξελίξεις στην ακροδεξιά στην ελλάδα και γενικά στην ευρώπη. Όντως προφητικός. Το πρώτο μισό του βιβλίου ασχολείται με το ακροδεξιό κόμμα στην Σουηδία, και το δεύτερο μισό με τη βία κατά των ομοφυλόφιλων και των γυναικών. Τα επιχειρήματα του Λάρσον είναι ορισμένες φορές αφοπλιστικά. Έχει έναν σύνθετο, και μερικές φορές δύσκολο να τον ακολουθήσεις ειρμό, μια που οι πληροφορίες που παραθέτει και τα ονόματα είναι ορισμένες φορές δαιδαλώδη. Εντούτοις δε λείπει το χιούμορ και ο σαρκασμός. Το τελευταίο κεφάλαιο με τον Υπερσιβηρικό μου έφερε ναυτία. Κυριολεκτικά. Αλλά μπορεί να φταίει και το ότι είμαι νηστική όλη μέρα. Αν και παλιό, είναι επίκαιρο. Το συστήνω.
El crimen de Fadime Sahindal se centraba en el concepto del asesinato por honor: ese sistema que afirma que el honor del hombre está entre las piernas de la mujer.
A bit dated, but a nice insight into Swedish politics and a really great excerpt from "The Debate on Honor Killings." Larsson rightly points out the hypocrisy in far right outrage over the killing of an immigrant woman in Sweden by her father and says every year Swedish men abuse and kill Swedish women. But when Swedish men kill Swedish women, they are not subjected to "cultural-anthropological scrutiny." He said that "instead of focusing on men's need to control situations, the violent treatment of women and the absence of justice for women," the debate after the killing was just focused on immigration. Larsson also notes how the media (in Sweden but elsewhere, too) refers to murdered women by their first name only, like a child or a pet, but if a man is killed he is never called by just his first name.
OK. I understand Larsson was an ardent crusader against the right wing. I'm with you, dude.
But ten consecutive essays tilting against the same windmills? OK, they are inded Neo Nazis, to be sure really repugnants, but one or two exemplary essays would do just dandy.
But his chronology of the development of this disturbing political subset in Europe is eerily parallel to the rise of the USA's Tea Party. Their world view scares me to death.
Larsson hits his stride when he hits the topics of women's and homosexual's rights, along about Chapter 17. Now we're talking! This hits the mark on investigative and Op-Ed journalism. Nailed it.
Finally, his essay on riding the Trans-Siberian Railway to China, which ends the book, is just flat-out fun.
Me di cuenta de lo poco que sé de política europea y recomiendo mucho este libro. Para mí arroja muchas luces de cómo actúa la ultra derecha y que incluso puede llegar a resultar bastantes predecibles las artimañas que utilizan para manipular a la gente. Creo que es importante resaltar que es una compilación de artículos que fueron publicados en la revista Expo e inevitablemente a muchos les resultará repetitivo varias cosas, pero es por la misma naturaleza de los textos (no fueron pensados como un libro).
Stieg Larsson, creador de la trilogía millenium, fue un periodista reconocido por la franqueza e imparcialidad con que abordaba un hecho y daba su punto de vista sobre el mismo; su lucha por la desigualdad y la discriminación hacia la mujer lo hizo resaltar entre el gremio. Muchos de sus artículos los firmó bajo el pseudónimo de "Severin". La voz y la furia es una compilación de varios de sus artículos dónde Larsson hace una crítica contra el movimiento antisemita y grupos nacionales ultraderechistas, expresa su preocupación por la limitación de derechos en las comunidades de minorias y los judíos, pone en contexto la realidad con respecto a la xenofobia y el racismo, expone el uso de la violencia para acabar con la libre expresión y plantea la violencia hacia la mujer como un acto machista universal y no como una acción multicultural.
Es un libro que vale la pena leer y darnos cuenta que el panorama, aunque pasen décadas, sigue casi igual , las oportunidades y beneficios siguen siendo para unos pocos y el concepto de "igualdad" es inexistente.
comparative: p122:It is of course impossible to compare the violent treatment of women and suggest that one murder is more cruel than another.
typo: p123: In such cases, men's violence toward's women must be regarded as something that is annoying, to be sure, but nevertheless a socially acceptable pattern of behavior--we can't interfere in what is happening in people's private lives, and if she doesn't enjoy being beaten up then shecan always move out.
Excellent book which reveals the intricacies of Stieg Larsson's mind and creativity. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the real-life crimes and the analysis (or otherwise harsh critique) of far-right ideology and propaganda. Stieg does us proud and approaches such violence and murders from clear disappointment in mankind in their logical errors or dangerous prejudicial weakness.
Given the current political climate in the world and more specifically in my country, Colombia, Stieg Larsson hits close to home in many statements about fascism and women's rights. Yes, his investigations are specific to swedish politics, but are completely relatable, given that fascism works the same ways in Stockholm as it does anywhere else.
A book of articles written by Larson, mainly from Expo magazine from 1987 to 2004, the year of his death. Principally his analyses of right wing organisations in Sweden, sometimes drawing international parallels, and highlighting anti-immigration, anti-jewish and anti-gay policies. One can wee where the Mikael Blomkwist character came from.
I’m not sure how to rate this book because it’s not really a story or such. Hopefully I don’t have to. I read it and it reinforced the need not to be prejudice and stereotype - no matter how much is read on social media, or even the mainstream media. Stieg was one of the good guys. This book shows it and that there are many bad guys out there.
I wanted to love this but found a lot of the articles heavy & hard to concentrate on. Possibly because the concept of Swedish politics is new to me. Easy to see how the writing style has developed & especially topics that came up within the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo series.
No me gustó lo abandoné en la mitad cuando descubrí que con tres artículos sobre el mismo tema era suficiente. Eso dsí, aseguro que lo que está pasando con Trump era un a "tragedia anunciada".
Pensar a Stieg Larsson como solo un escritor de novela negra es un error. Este libro nos muestra su faceta de periodista, de periodista militante claro esta. Es mucho el respeto que siento por quienes practican esta profesión de manera honesta y comprometida, Larsson es una de esas personas. En sus escritos no solo documentó los vaivenes de la extrema derecha sueca sino que también señaló los inumerables huecos de su discurso. Relacionó al pensamiento mágico con la personalidad autoritaria y advirtió de cómo el internet puede convertirse un nido de ideologías reaccionarias que atentan contra la democracia (a la luz del misticismo neonazi en la guerra de Ucrania y la teoría de conspiración QAnon surgida de 4chan, sus observaciones resultan casi proféticas). Una lectura obligada tanto para los fans de la trilogía Millenium como para todo quién esté interesado en combatir el fascismo. Mención de honor al texto que cierra este recopilatorio. Me cuesta creer que algo como el transiberiano exista.
This collection of articles from the author of the Millennium trilogy spans different decades of his work and touches on many of the same themes found in his fictional trilogy. While some stories are more compelling than others, overall I actually enjoyed reading these nonfiction articles more than his fiction.
Although it wasn't a book that made me want to stop everything to finish reading it, I did find his point of view interesting and still relevant decades after the original publication of these articles. The English translation impressed me, as the stories still flowed smoothly and weren't obviously written in a different language. Fans of Larsson's Millennium trilogy who want to read more of his work will find that this book provides a good cross-section of articles related to the issues that mattered most to the author.
**Advanced reader copy received free through Goodreads First Reads**
When Larrson wrote his fiction, it is obvious upon reading this book that he was writing from personal experience. His ant-racist, pro-women and pro-LBGT rights feelings are extremely clear in these essays, you can feel his passion on these subjects. There are several issues with this book, none of which are the author's fault, it's a posthumous collection. One problem is that the essays were written as individual articles, so that there is large amounts of repeated information. Secondly the articles are dated, I'm sure the guilty parties have changed their names or otherwise shuffled players around considering the amount of name changing covered in these articles.
Still, it gives one a peek into the author's mind set, you can read it before, during or after his trilogy, there are no spoilers. Compare this with the Mikael Blomkvist character. It's also a fast read.
Stieg Larsson's The Expo Files is a collection of selected articles from multiple sources, but mostly from his contributions to the Expo Magazine. He crusaded against or tried to expose various unhealthy elements of Swedish culture and society. He was outspokenly opposed to the right wing extremism. He was against any policy that was anti-immigrants, anti-women's rights and against any ethnic group. His logic was clear and concise and he never avoided identifying individuals or particular groups. When you read these articles, you realise that they are as relevant today as when they were written. A very thought provoking collection that needs to be digested slowly.
I received an advance reading copy from Goodreads and the Publisher.
This book is a series of articles/news stories Stieg Larsson wrote. If you are getting this book expecting something like the Millennium Trilogy, then you will be disappointed. But you can see that he must have based the character of Mikael Blomkvist from the trilogy somewhat on himself. I was worried the material would be boring and news like, but I found it very readable and interesting. Some of the articles are better than others, but overall enjoyable. The entire book was only 243 pages so it moved quickly from story to story and kept me interested throughout.
Qué puedo decir... ha sido un viaje muy educativo en muchos sentidos, aunque hubo ocasiones en las que fue difícil avanzar, y en mi opinión fue error del compilador más que del escritor. Sin embargo, puede volver a disfrutar de la pasión y el compromiso que caracterizó a Larsson y nuevamente me puso en perspectiva, no sólo los países del tercer mundo tenemos problemas de violencia, lo que realmente sucede es que nos dejamos cegar por lo que creemos que puede ser perfecto, pero que en realidad sólo se presenta de una manera distinta de la que estamos acostumbrados.
A collection of articles from EXPO written by Steig Larsson, predominantly about the rise of Neo-facisim in Sweden. Larsson's journalistic writing is superb. I knew virtually nothing about the far right in Sweden before reading this book and I felt this hampered my overall engagement with the articles. However, having read them I am certainly better informed.