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Asylum #1


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From Book 1: Adelaide Carmichael and Damien Allen couldn't have been more opposite.

Adelaide's mother abandoned her when she was ten years old, leaving her to be raised by her abusive and alcoholic father.

Damien on the other hand came from a wealthy family, was a local celebrity, and seemed to have a bright future ahead of him.

Despite their differences, Adelaide and Damien were young, wild, and fiercely in love.

And they had a plan.

They were going to run away together.

To live and love each other freely without restraints.

And their plan was set in motion, until tragedy struck and for some reason, Adelaide wound up in The Oakhill Institution for the insane.

Adelaide has no idea what she did to wind up at Oakhill, but she knows one thing for sure...

She wants out.

And after Damien follows her there to aid her in escaping, Adelaide slowly begins putting together the pieces of her missing memory.

And it doesn't take Adelaide long to figure out that sometimes...

That one true love never dies.

This is a mature New Adult Romance novel, intended for ages 17 and up.


There's a ringing in my ears that I can't shut out. There's a hand on my wrist that doesn't let go. Before exhaustion takes over I look up. Blue eyes is at the end of the bed. He releases my wrist and laces his fingers through mine. I squint as the sedative blurs my vision, begins to decapitate my mind, and then notice the painful look in those blue blue eyes.

On top of the pain in the two blue gems there's familiarity.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

How could I forget him? Him, of all people. The one person in the entire world who holds the key to my heart. The one and only person who has ever really loved me. Then I remind myself that they feed and inject me with so many drugs, that its a miracle I don't forget who I am.

I struggle to sound coherent, “Damien?”

He mouths something.

Six words.

Six words that seem too impossible to be true.

Six words that bleed hope into my soul.

Six words.

“You're not crazy. I love you.”

227 pages, Kindle Edition

First published May 6, 2012

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About the author

Lauren Hammond

29 books1,096 followers
Lauren Hammond knew from a young age that she was born to be a writer. After publishing her first novel in 2007, she then went on to write several screenplays and a few award winning poems.She aspires to be a positive role model for young people who have a pencil, a piece of paper, and a dream. Never give up on your dreams, you might wake up one day and regret not pursuing them.She has two more novels in the works, as well as some film projects

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 559 reviews
August 31, 2013

That's how I feel inside, cracked-no-shattered. It's like watching a mirror being blown up in front of you. There are so many pieces, but you have no idea how to put them together again. You have know idea where the pieces go.

For the longest time I felt like I was wandering aimlessly through my life. The only thing i could look forward to were my morning walks and dreams of getting out on my own someday . Then Damien came along.

Meet Addy, she lives with her father, her mother left when she was just a child. When her mother left her father was never the same again, everyday she walks on eggshells trying not to rouse his anger. But no matter what she does she always feels the wrong end of her father's fist. Her life is miserable and dark one, all she has are dreams of one day being able to leave. Until she meets Damien, then everything changes.

"Addy, living one day without you would never be for the best. I want you every minute of every day. Forever. I love you."

Damien and Addy's love is sweet and endearing, nothing could tear them apart. But life doesn't always take the direction we would like it to. Addy ends up in The Oakhill Institution for the insane, she's torn from her love just when she thought her life was finally getting better. She is unable to handle the loss and finds the deep dark place in her mind where nothing can break through.

He lowers his head, placing a soft kiss on my lips. "I just want you to know that you are my sun, my moon, and my stars. My heaven, my hell, and my earth. I'd do anything for you. I'd go anywhere for you. If you ever left me, I'd follow you."

Damien follows her to the institution in the guise of an orderly, his love for her is so deep that he is willing to go to any lengths to free her. While waiting for the perfect moment to escape, Addy's reality begins to crumble right before her eyes, taking everything she has ever cherished.

Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,180 reviews779 followers
February 24, 2018
3.5 Stars

I didn’t read any reviews before I started this book, I didn’t even read the blurb. I just saw the title and its cover and rating and then I read it! And, unfortunately, it was the most predictable book that I’ve read so far! I mean I knew the twists from the first chapter and it was a disappointment! Maybe two or three years ago, it could have been one of my best read but not now. Its predictability aside, the writing was good and I enjoyed it but not as much as I wanted to. Told in single POV, 1st person. It’s the first installment in the "Asylum" trilogy and ends with a cliffhanger. Overall, it was good and I hope you like it as well!
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,594 followers
February 9, 2017


Wow...what a mindfuck!! Really! If you are like me and love dark and twisted stories, you don’t want to miss “Insanity”. Well, I guess the title is perfect since the setting of the story is an asylum. Needless to say when I finished this, I questioned my insanity for a minute or two. This story fucked up with my head. It was confusing and twisted and I couldn’t put it down.

“…when everyone thinks you’re crazy, no one is going to listen to you.”

The story is set in 1958. We have the present, where, Adelaide (Addy) a 17 years old girl is committed to an insane asylum and we have the past where he find out about Addy’s past. The story starts with Adelaide who’s already a patient in Oak Hil Asylum.

She doesn’t know why she is there, she doesn’t know what she did to be sent in a place like Oak Hil Asylum. She doesn’t remember anything and she doesn’t have an answer for all her questions. She doesn’t think she is crazy, but she’s in an asylum because...maybe she is? We find out that Addy lived only with her father, who is an abusive alcoholic. Addy is a good girl, shy, who doesn’t have friends. She misses her mother who abandoned her when she was 10 years old and living with her father, a cruel man she fears, is a living hell. Also, we find out how she met her boyfriend Damien, how their love grew, how Damien finds out Abby’s father is abusive and wants to save her. They were planning to run, to be happy and free, but something happened and Addy was committed to this asylum where everyone tells her she is crazy.

“...if they kill people at this place, I hope they kill me soon.”

But Damien never forgot Abby, he never gave up, he never forgot his promises

“Addy, you are my sun, my moon, and my stars. You are my heaven, my hel , and my earth. I’d go anywhere with you. I’d follow you anywhere.”

And Damien fallows her in the asylum disguised as a worker. He is desperate to save her, to get her out. But Damien is really Damien? Is he real? What’s the reality? Maybe everything is just a dream?! Maybe...just maybe!

“I love you.”
Those words are no one else’s.
They belong to me.
No matter where he is now. “

She is in love with her boyfriend, Damien, so why she feels this strong attraction for her new doctor, Dr. Watson?

For some reason I didn’t expect it to enjoy this as much as I did, but damn, this was...well, insanity. Half of the time I didn’t know what’s going on! Is Addy insane? What happened with her to be there? At some point I was so confused that I was tempted to skip some pages to know more. I didn’t but I was so tempted.

The fact the story is set in 1958 was very interesting. We all know how patients were treated back then in insanity asylums. Even if I knew already, once again I was shocked. It was sad and terrifying to “see” how people were “treated”, how inhumane were people then, but it was captivating in a strange way to read about it.

Abby’s character is well developed I felt for her with all my heart. But Abby is a strong heroine. She never gave up. She is a smart girl, a survivor, a fighter and she only wants to be free and be happy with her Damien. But what happens when everything you think is real is not so real?

“Al I want is to forget the past ever existed, but there’s a part of me that’s afraid and the other part just wants to move on with my life and focus on getting out of this place.“

There are also some interesting characters in the asylum. I can’t say more, because I don’t want to give anything away about the plot, but I can guarantee in the end you will want to read more about Abby. The story is told from Abby’s POV and the entire time I felt like I was truly listening a 17 years old girl and a patient in a asylum. The twist and turns just blew my mind and left me wanting more. The twist in the end was interesting, but I can’t say I didn’t expect it. However it was a good, solid read for me and I can’t wait to read the second installment.

In the end what can I say? I have so many questions and I need some answers ASAP. Overall, a very captivating, dark and twisted read!

“We’re all fucked up here and fucked people have a way of making people believe things they wouldn’t normally believe.“

Profile Image for Marie.
504 reviews389 followers
June 16, 2013
This book left me in a blubbering mess by the end. Felt like I belonged in that mental institution with the way I was rocking back and forth sobbing like a baby.

It took me through such an emotional turmoil I don't know whether my heart was breaking or if it had just stopped.
I held the book for about an hour reading the last few pages over and over again. I just couldn't wrap my head around what I just read and my mind wasn't in the right state to comprehend that ending.
I went through being hopeful, to angry, to sad, to depressed until finally I was grieving. Grieving for the boy we only knew in a past tense.
This book was beautifully written and you can tell it was written with such raw emotion that I have never in all the hundreds of books I have read have ever witnessed in one book.
I have never been so emotional in my life. I felt like I was there in the book.
From the first page it had me enthralled and I believed from the beginning that Adelaide was just a normal person stuck in a place where she doesn't belong.
I admired her strength and courage she showed, her determination to get back to her soulmate. To her life.
To wake up in a place with no memory and where horrific things happen everyday I would eventually go insane. But she remains strong.
And then Damien.. How my heart flutters at how sweet and loveable he truly is. To follow a girl into a mental institution believing that that is where his heart is even though he should forget about her and adhere to his parents wishes. He has everything-money, parents, a place at Yale.
And then there's Dr Watson who we struggle to understand why he cares, and why he wants to help her and get her out of there.
The ending threw me for six.
It all happened with that one line Adelaide lying on the bed And dr Watson comes in and says get your hands off of my..
And that's where everything begins to make sense even though I had to read it 10000000 times so I would believe what I had read.
She picks up that picture in his office of his wife and baby and in the end..
Im still trying to wrap my head around the latest events!
I've never been so heartbroken and touched by a book in my life and I'm still in berievment after a whole day and a half. I finally sucked up and wrote this review even though my minds swirling with thoughts and questions.
Like why did Dr Watson allow her to be treated and left in that godforsaken place? Why hadn't he tried and helped her before? What happened to her to be taken there? Why happened after the day where he got shot and between then and her marriage?
I just don't know.
However this book was so damn good? Beautiful? Horrifying? Sad? So bad and so good, I don't have enough or know the right words to describe this read.
I'm going to re read it again and again and again and No-one will be able to relate to this review and understand my unhealthy infatuation with this book unless they pick it up and for god sake read it!!
It's brilliant and 5 stars ain't enough!
This author deserves all the praise she can get. The amount of time and work and effort thr has been put into this really does show. And I commend you for allowing us to read this beautiful and definitely emotional book.
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
March 20, 2013

4 - 4.5 stars.

Wow - I was looking for something unique and just "different" and this absolutely fit the bill!

The story was creative and original and honestly was just a total mind fuck that constantly had me questioning each theory I'd come up with.

The book was told from the perspective of a young woman, Adelaide, who was committed to an insane asylum. She didn't believe she was crazy, but everyone else seemed to think she was. So... who was right?

The story was instantly gripping - the kind that made me curious and desperate to find out more. But the more I found out, the more I wondered. Was she crazy? Was she broken? Was everything that I was reading imagined? Or did it really happen? Where was the line between illusion and reality?

As to whether this book is a romance, I'd say yes. Technically. Ish. Kinda? It wasn't your typical romance to be sure. There was sex and some hotness but I don't want to say TOO much about it for fear of spoilers. I do think though that over the course of the whole trilogy it'll be really really interesting to see where the author takes that part of the story. But the romance is a key part of the story.

The story was told in a mixture of both "before" and "after" she is committed. In the "before", you saw her abusive home life and the build up of what led her to where she was now. And the more you saw the pieces of her "before", you couldn't help but wonder... what the hell happened to her?

Even in the way Adelaide talked, I could sense that something just wasn't right with her. Or was I just looking for it because I was expecting it? I love books that make me question everything. That make me search for answers and where everything is not just black and white. There was just this constant feeling throughout the whole book of reality being JUST beyond my grasp.

The book was very well written. I enjoyed both the writing style and the pacing as well as the back-and-forth between the past and present story lines. I think I felt a tiny bit disconnected simply because I felt like I didn't have even one solid piece of reality to hold on to because EVERYTHING was in question, but at the same time, that really set the exact right tone for the story.

It was also fairly short (not a novella though) and could easily be read in a few hours.

There was a huge twist near the end. I suspected it about half way through the story but honestly was just really happy to be proven right because it was almost a bit of "proof" that despite the book being a mind fuck, I had still retained my sanity ;)

The ending is a cliffhanger and I definitely want to read book #2 (it is currently available for purchase). I feel quite invested in the story and can't wait to see where the author is going to take it.

The final book wont be released until fall, but I'm still glad I started them. I wanted something "outside the box" and this book most certainly delivered!

Here's a small teaser that might help you decide if you want to give this book a shot:

There's a ringing in my ears that I can't shut out. There's a hand on my wrist that doesn't let go. Before exhaustion takes over I look up. Blue eyes is at the end of the bed. He releases my wrist and laces his fingers through mine. I squint as the sedative blurs my vision, begins to decapitate my mind, and then notice the painful look in those blue blue eyes.

On top of the pain in the two blue gems there's familiarity.

Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

How could I forget him? Him, of all people. The one person in the entire world who holds the key to my heart. The one and only person who has ever really loved me. Then I remind myself that they feed and inject me with so many drugs, that its a miracle I don't forget who I am.

I struggle to sound coherent, “Damien?”

He mouths something.

Six words.

Six words that seem too impossible to be true.

Six words that bleed hope into my soul.

Six words.

“You're not crazy. I love you.”
Profile Image for Stacia (the 2010 club).
1,045 reviews4,059 followers
May 24, 2012
2.5 stars. I think the book gods must be laughing at me this week. It was all too apparent that my fabulous reading streak was going to have to end sometime, so of course they decided to shake things up by giving me a few books in a row which would test my limits of patience when it came to rating and reviewing them.

There had to have been at least 5 times when I was struck with the urge to slap a big DNF on this book. The first half was painfully terrible. The book's summary had me thinking that I'd be reading some sort of a cross between Sucker Punch and Shutter Island...not an insane asylum version of Fallen.

The pining and longing was killing me. I wanted to throw myself into the flames along with Addy and burn, burn, burn.
I love her son like he's the oxygen in my lungs, the plasma in my bloodstream, and the rapid pulsating beat of my heart.

Sometimes I feel like I love him so much it aches when I'm not near him. It's like tiny pricks from a sewing needle jabbing into me repeatedly.

I miss him so much that since yesterday my heart has felt like a towering inferno and there isn't any water or a fire extinguisher around to put it out.

I'm burning, burning, burning. I want to burn eternally.

I need to feel his touch, listen to his voice, see his beautiful face. I need it and if I don't have my chance, not seeing him will kill me.

We won't even go into the passages where she talked about her private parts throbbing with need. I probably might have even enjoyed those parts if I was reading an erotica. However, in this book, the phrasing felt strangely surreal and uncomfortable.

So, I think I summarized the first 2/3 of the book. Yep. Not much else happened.

I'm probably being way too generous with my rating when I loathed pretty much everything up until the end.

But of course...the last 50 or so pages had to come in and turn things around. We went from burn, burn, burn, to turn, turn, turn. I did guess what was coming, but I was honestly happy to see these events come into fruition. Hot damn, now we have a story to work with.

Some could say that the earlier character behavior did, in fact, lay excellent groundwork for the direction that the story took. Okay, I'll go with that. It might very well have been necessary to show Addy's intense feelings for Damien. We won't really know until book 2 how this is all going to play out. However...I will still argue that there are ways to show extreme love without having to resort to flowery sentiments. Or at the very least, just reign it in a bit. I didn't even include Damien's side of the faux-Shakespearean drivel.

Should you read Insanity? I would say it depends. If you're less likely to be upset over love ramblings, then I'd say go for it. There is a story hidden among the things that jump out at you. It just doesn't become obvious until little clues at the end start to pull out previous happenings.

1 star for first 2/3 of the book. 4 stars for the way it ended. I'll be checking out the second installment because I think the doors have been cracked wide open to all sorts of creepy possibilities.
Profile Image for JaHy☝Hold the Fairy Dust.
345 reviews619 followers
October 31, 2013

"I am not crazy"... "I am not crazy".. "I am not crazy".... YES, Adeleine you are... or are you?

UGH ! This "Insanity" is damn near impossible to explain without spoiling a pivotal plot twist...... or not.........maybe there's nothing to tell.... maybe I'm still confused.... maybe I think I know but I don't...... I know nothing..... I know E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.........Did I confuse you?.... Are you intrigued?.... Good, now go read the story and welcome to my world.

Its a phenomenal mindfuck. Trust me .

.........or maybe it SUCKS!!!!
Profile Image for Sylvia .
471 reviews117 followers
February 9, 2016
My heart is aching, my stomach hurts and my eyes are swollen from all the crying I have been doing while finishing up this book. I cannot believe how much I am hurting here. This book has affected me in more ways than I thought it ever would and I am floored and awed by the sheer brilliance of this poetic, haunting, tragic and ever so beautiful story of Addy and Damian. I am tearing up again while I try and type this review.

This book makes me sad in so many ways and I don't know where to start. I'm beyond trying to explain the story and I don't think I would be able to do it justice but I will try. First of all I want to say that Lauren Hammond really knows how to capture your heart and draw you in. I felt, I breathed, I feared, I loved and I definitely lost my mind completely. For a while I thought I was Addy and I was trying to figure out why I was in so much pain and why I couldn't remember certain events in my life and why for the love of God was I insane. I mean it was so real, and raw, and heartfelt, and sad, and honest, and tormented and tragic. OMG was it tragic *sobs hysterically again...excuse me while I take a minute to breathe* It was very painful to read and endure along with Addy. The things this poor girl went through would be enough to make you want to just curl up and die.

You see, before the age of 10 Addy had the perfect life and two parents that loved her. Then one day her mother left and never came back. It was then her alcoholic father began to abuse her both physically and emotionally. For almost 8 years he would beat her down just because she looked like her mother and he would call her "whore" because he thought she would turn out like her mother. I'm telling you Addy suffered terribly at the hands of her father. He was disgusting and despicable and he made me want to vomit every time he was mentioned in the story. I shudder every time I think of him, it totally creeps me out. Anyway, he put some much fear into Addy's that she would be scared to even talk to others. While she is on her early morning walks a red convertible cadillac drives past and in it was a boy who would change her life forever. A boy who had chin length black hair and piercing blue blue eyes and was called Damian. The moment he pulled up alongside Addy, was the moment you knew he was special. He would mean more to Addy than you ever thought.

The story is set in 1958 and starts off with Addy being in a insane asylum. Now we, along with Addy, are trying to discover why she is there in the first place. What brought her to this very moment and why hadn't Damian, who was disguised as a worker, trying not to spring her out? Assigned to her was Dr Elijah Watson. He was a mysterious man who really was a little to invested and attached to Addy, and this confused her quite a bit. Damian thought that the Doctor was secretly in love with Addy, who in turn thought nothing of it. Instead, he was desperately trying to help her remember and in doing so Addy began to relive everything through flashbacks. Addy endured this torturous journey and slowly the mystery unraveled.

There is so many twists and turns and surprises my head was spinning and the last 20% of the story just killed me. It had me sobbing in pain and I could not stop. I really could not fathom the shock of what happened and I don't think I ever will *shakes head this is not true* But through all the pain and suffering, there is a story about love. The love between Addy and Damian was so tender and beautiful and full of hope and so much passion I thought I would burst at the seams. The flame that was ignited within these two when they were together consumed them and the heat was palpable. I'm talking scorching hot. There was nothing these two wouldn't do for one another, especially Damian. He would do anything for her *sniff sniff* literally anything. They had to steal moments away from her father, away from the doctors and nurses and patients and away from the world so they could just be together. And those moments left you wanting so much more. It was breathtaking beautifully to read. The hope in those moments were just glimpses at what they deserved! *sighs sighs sighs*

Ok enough said. If I don't stop now I will reveal too much but I'm bursting with so many emotions as I sit here and I want to share them all with you. I feel like a desperate woman trying to convince you all that this book is a MUST READ. AN ABSOLUTELY, OMG IF YOU DON'T READ THIS YOU ARE TOTALLY MISSING OUT KIND OF READ! If that doesn't convince you then nothing will. That's all I'm going to say!
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
Want to read
February 28, 2015

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FREE on Amazon US today (2/27/2015)

Adelaide Carmichael and Damien Allen couldn’t be more opposite.

Adelaide’s mother abandoned her when she was ten years old, leaving her to be raised by her abusive and alcoholic father.

Damien on the other hand came from a wealthy family, was a local celebrity, and seemed to have a bright future ahead of him.

Despite their differences, Adelaide and Damien were young, wild, and fiercely in love.

And they had a plan.

They were going to run away.

Be together forever.

And their plan was set in motion, until tragedy struck and for some reason, Adelaide wound up in The Oakhill Institution for the insane.

Adelaide has no idea what she did to wind up at Oakhill, but she knows one thing for sure...

She wants out.

And after Damien follows her there to aid her in escaping, Adelaide slowly begins putting together the pieces of her memory that are missing.

And it doesn’t take Adelaide long to figure out that sometimes...

That one true love never dies.

Warning: Do not read if you have a weak heart.

Profile Image for Tough Critic Book Reviews.
308 reviews2,187 followers
July 4, 2012
Reviewed at http://toughcriticbookreviews.blogspo...

Insanity is totally full of WTF!! Seriously...WHAT! THE! F--K! You totaly think you have it figured out, (which you do) but then you DON'T. While you're stuck figuring out the things you think you know, Lauren Hammond sneaks up from behind and slaps you with WHAT THE HELL!!! It's like a really screwed up game of "mother may I". Just when you think you're at the end, HA! Think again, you're not! There's a reason I had to go back and re-read the book after being sucker punched in the gut with that ending! The reason is I didn't see it coming! How did I not see it coming!? I saw something coming, but that definitely was NOT it!!!! I am completely salivating for the sequel! There is so much I need to know! NOW!!

I know I'm not saying much about the plot, but I can't. It's on a need to read basis and you need to read! I will say that the love scenes were totally hot, talk about insanity. What totally blows (ha, I said blows) the lid off hot is when you realize the little (big) thing about Damien. Did she--with a--she was?!?! Who the hell was she with!! Either way, totally screwed up in a kinky sort of way!!!

You know how I love me a good mind f--k! With Insanity, I should have worn protection!
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews355 followers
July 28, 2015
I have no idea...really no idea what the hell is going on here!

This is the story of Adelaide or "Addy" and she is in an asylum...or is she? She came from nothing and lived a poor life where she bounced between a world of harsh abuse from her father and sweet loving from a rich boy across town. Her life was lived with stolen kisses and sweet whispers of a bright future with Damian Allen...or was it?

Spending the present fighting against the institution she resides, she is fighting everything. She wants to go back to her love. Her Damian is coming for her. He will get her out of this place...after all he made promises. He is the only thing keeping her sane!

Oh, but wait, isn't Dr. Watson helping her get better? Making her remember? Is he an enemy or an ally. Always protecting her. Always gentle. Always pushing her. Why?

I would love to help another reader out and say, YES read this. But, It is a mess of crazy. Bouncing between past and present all while leaving the reader to feel as is nothing is real. People, places, things...everything is fragmented and warped in a mind of a Woman who is so strong and so wrong. I finished the read with a knowing of the past...a mild grasp of the present...no idea as to the future. Hell, Im not even sure if any of it was even happening at all! I suppose I should jump to book 2!
Profile Image for Debra.
474 reviews2,448 followers
August 28, 2016
"No, I am not crazy.
I can't be.
But if I wasn't I wouldn't be here, right?
So maybe...I am."

One of the most confusing books I've ever read!!! The story goes back and forth between present and past and it kept surprising me until the very last page… Need to start the next book ASAP!

Profile Image for Lauren Hammond.
Author 29 books1,096 followers
September 26, 2012
If you've enjoyed He Loves Me, If I Can't Have You, and A Whisper To A Scream, this is another one you'll like. :D

I keep wanting to SQUEE!!! SQUEEE I TELL YOU!


Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,667 followers
July 10, 2012
Spoiler Free Review
4 STARS out of 5
Genre: Mature YA-Romance/Mystery
Series: Book #1 in Asylum Series
I don't care what the staff tells me.
I. Am. Not. Crazy."
-Adelaide in Insanity

Reading this book truly felt like reading the diary of a "Mad-Woman". You start off with a question "Ok, why is she in the asylum?" Then you think "Damn, what happen to her she seems cool." But just as suddenly that thought evaporates and you realize things are not what they seem.

The book starts off with Adelaide Carmichael trying to come to terms with how and why she is in The Oakhill Institution for the insane. The facts are slowly put together through her memories and as they come back Addy remembers Damien Allen. Her Boyfriend. Addy was raised in a single parent home by her father after both are abandoned by her mother when Addy was ten. Her Father soon takes his frustration out on her by becoming very controlling and abusive.

The Allen's are a whealthy family known by everyone in town. They have two sons who are both popular with the ladies. When Damian Allen and Addy meet and start to see eachother they inevitably fall in love. They then devise a plan to runaway together.

But something happens, something so bad that it puts Addy in the worse place she can imagine. The Oakhill Institution.

CRAZY times 100 with a mix of being eerie. That's exactly what this book was. And i thought i was reading YA the sex caught me off guard. Altho i did not mind it one bit;)
It did not take very long for me to figure out that Adelaide has recently suffered from a psychotic break. And the twist at the end was a nice SHOCKER even though i must admit i peiced it together early on while reading. However reading how Addy finds out added shock volume for sure.
Adelaide- Has lost her memories and is being treated at the Oakhill Institution for the insane. She has a hole in her memory and she does not understand why she is there. I soon begin to think that she is indeed crazy but then her memories slowly come back and we learn a few things.
Damian-Is a sweetheart he clearly loves Addy and wants to get her away from her abusive father.
Dr.Watson-Is trying to help Addy remember what happened and why she is at the institution. He is also described as very handsome by Addy.
Dr Morrow-EVIL
Aurora-Special.lol!! She is Addy's roomate and the girl is hilarious!

My Ratings
Characters- Likable, well most of them
Writing Style- Good
Plot/Storyline- Good and at times Eerie
Steam Factor- Medium/Moderately Steamy
Overall- I liked it!
Profile Image for Annie Brewer.
Author 14 books781 followers
May 25, 2012
Holy Fuck!!!! I can't think straight. This book fucked with my head and emotions so much. I have no energy to write my review. Not now. Review coming soon.

WOW....I'm not sure how to start this review. I read it a few days ago and I still can't get the events that unfolded out of my head. It was trippy. First of all, I don't really like books about insane asylums because they scare the shit out of me. Literally, they freak me out to the point of like insanity. LOL but after friends reviews and racve about this book I figured I would give it a shot. HOLY. SHIT.! This was a crazy, trippy, rollercoaster of emotions and it only got worse by the end. I was sobbing, screaming, panting, gauging my eyes out and yelling WHYYYYYYYYYYYYY??????????? My God, this was one fucked up story. But for some reason I could not put it down til I finished it. I read it in ONE DAY!!! I put off writing and reading and other things that needed to be done because this book had a pull of some sort and I could not function unless I was reading this. The author is definitely good at keeping you guessing and wanting more. I was at the edge of my seat and practically falling off the couch at some of the revelations. I was able to guess a couple of things but O.M.G. there were things that had me flipping out.

Adelaide was an abused girl. Her mother left her at age 10 and her father was a raging alcoholic. He hit her and always called her a whore because she looked like her mother. She wasn't allowed to do anything and didn't have any friends. It was a lonely life for Addy. Until she meets Damian, a sexy rich boy with blue blue eyes that are so captivating. They get to know each other over months and sneak out to be together when her dad is asleep and dead to the world. Damian's family doesn't really accept her because she's not a rich snobby bitch like his mother. But he doesn't care. He loves her and would do anything for her. He plans on going to college in Seattle, but once he meets the love of his life, things change. Although, he still plans on attending for the first half of school. Then they plan on running away together, he wants to get Addy away from her piece of shit father so they can start a new life together. It's a great plan, really the best plan they could ever wish for.

But things change and she ends up in an asylum instead. She's not sure how or why she ended up there. But one thing she knows for sure, the place for the insane is not for getting better....but for getting worse. Her doctor wants her to forget what happened....so she's got a new doctor who has other plans. His one priority is to help her piece together her past. And wow, she eventually remembers and comes head to head with the painful, horrifying events that brought her into this creepy place. And once she realizes what lead her, she's a changed person...and so are you.

Brace yourself for this epically told story that will haunt your dreams and become your nightmare for a long time to come. I guarentee you, this will stay in your brain and it will consume you. I seriously was so disturbed my mind was filled with the tragedy that struck this girl and it gave me headaches. I really liked Addy's character. She was such a lost and tortured soul. It was heartbreaking. I cried so much and when I started to piece things together, I started screaming in my head. Then there were a few times I guessed wrong but then I was right afterall. It was horrible, I wished I wasn't right. I was left screaming and sobbing at the same time. But one thing I knew for sure, I hated her God damn father with every fiber of my being. I wanted to beat that mother fucker with a ten foot pole then bury his fucking body in a ditch and burn that place down til there was nothing left but ashes. OMG. I really hate that son of a bitch. I mean the things he did, holy shit. Just thinking about it now makes me body tense in anger and he's a friggin fictional character. But those that have read this understand my anger and hatred for that dirty poor excuse of a man. You learn so much by the end, things that hit you like a ticking time bomb and it crushes your windpipe. You're left breathless. The author has a way of making you feel everything Addy is going through. It's so emotional and tragic and gutwrenching. You begin to wonder how the Hell a 17 year old girl could have so much to deal with in her life and still be sane. But then again, she's not really sane is she? I mean, well having Damian in her life is the only thing keeping her from putting a bullet in her head. I can't give too much away so this review is gonna be relatively short compared to my other reviews. But I will say....Damian. Oh Damian. I loved him so. *SOB SOB* Thinking about him makes my heart ache. So I'm gonna end my review before I give myself a migraine.

Go and buy this book...it really is amazing! Disturbing..but amazing nonetheless. There is a sequel coming soon which I thank God because I still have so many questions that need to be answered. All of the pain, heartache and anger I endured while reading this is worth the read because of how this story is told. I definitely recommend it. Just warning though, you might want to read it when you have a day to devote because once you start it you won't stop. You can't stop.
Profile Image for Vera.
146 reviews20 followers
March 3, 2014
*3.5 stars* As much as I really like this book I’m not continuing to read this series… Yeah… It took me a while to see how I would rate this book…

"I don't care what the staff tells me.
That's just ludicrous."

The story just hooks you in right away and made you feel for Adelaide.

“Life is pain. Life is chaos. It´s never easy. Always a struggle.”

This book is mind-boggling at its best. I love these kinds of books! I have some suspicions about Adelaide’s conditions and I was right! This book is certifiably cray-cray (pun-intended!). It will definitely twist your mind just like a beer pretzel, if not more.

Well, it’s titled “Insanity" after all!

This book ends in a cliffy. See, I was willing to stick it out till the end of this trilogy since all the books are out, to find out how this all ends… Unfortunately, come to find out that the last book of the trilogy does not hold the fucking answers! You would have to read the spin-off of the trilogy, if you want to know the-end! That doesn’t sound right!

So with that, I’m just going to say - I really like this book… But will I read the next books??? Hmmm… No.

Profile Image for Jess-i-ca .
796 reviews777 followers
June 17, 2013
5 Stars! If a book can shock me more than what I already expected than Bravo!
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I mean who is crazier than Marilyn Manson and the Joker? Lol! These people! No seriously though, I'm so glad I already have book 2 b/c I couldn't wait to start reading it!! Throughout this book I kept asking myself, is she really crazy?

At the end of this book:
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So while reading this book I kept thinking.....
crazy photo tumblr_mk4dorcYNX1rruv33o1_500_zps13947091.gif

And since the book is based in an insane asylum I guess that is correct!

No seriously my thoughts while reading this were:
why photo tumblr_inline_mhpqeoqX6l1qz4rgp_zps8b1ecc30.gif
shit photo tumblr_m6ywmrPrZI1rncp8a_zpsb237fdc8.gif
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I can't put any quotes because I don't want to give any of the story away but there were so many lines that moved me in the book...This is a quick read that will suck you right in....
Profile Image for Marielis.
319 reviews
January 10, 2015
”Addy, eres mi sol, mi luna y mis estrellas. Eres mi cielo, mi infierno y mi tierra. Iría a cualquier parte por ti. Te seguiré a cualquier parte.”

Insanity es un libro muy difícil de parar. Me ha dejado sin palabras y me alegra mucho haberlo encontrado. La intriga está presente en cada capítulo y aquí la palabra aburrimiento nunca llega. Fue increíble como Lauren Hammond nos transporto a la piel de Addy. Llegue a sentir estar en los muros de Oakhill y tener ese montón de pedazos sin resolver en tu cabeza (perdí la cuenta de todas las teorías que me formule). No saber que sucede a tu alrededor debe ser una sensación horrible.
"Nunca, ninguna cantidad de drogas podrá quitar el dolor que acompaña a un corazón roto."

No quiero incluir spoilers en esta reseña, lo que sí me gustaría agregar es que mantengan los ojos bien abiertos y que disfruten del talento de Lauren Hammond. La narración y la construcción del personaje principal estuvieron impecables.
Profile Image for Johanna.
212 reviews48 followers
November 9, 2013
HOLY EFFEN HELL!!! What a freakn roller coaster ride!!! This book has everything, love, tension, angst, heartache, and most importantly twist and turns in every corner.. My heart rate is pounding a mile a minute. I don't even know what to do with myself with all these new revelations. It's like I've been hit with a sledge hammer and all these stifling emotions are going through me.. I absolutely loved this book!! Cannot wait to see what the next book has in store.. I highly recommend this book and series..
Profile Image for Clarifina ~Books Are My Drugs~.
63 reviews93 followers
February 10, 2013
                    Woah, what a serious mind-f**k. Reading Insanity was like being in a mad woman's head. I didn't know what was real or what were hallucinations. It was confusing, it screwed with my head, there was torture-though it was not written in detail-and some parts just gave me the chills and yet I loved it? Yes, yes I did. Now, this is the part where some of you go like this:


You must be thinking that I myself might have gone crazy. Well, there is a possibility that I did but trust me, it was not because of this book and even if I weren't insane, I'd still love it.

             Insanity is written from Adelaide's POV. It switches times from when before she was put in the asylum and after so as to give us an insight as to what actually happened or what had played a part in her being there. So, Adelaide was part of a loving family up until her mom died all of a sudden. Left to fend for herself against her abusive dad, Adelaide survived on her hopes of being freed one day. That was until she met Damien-hot, rich, black-haired, blue-eyed hunk of the town whom every girl drools over. 

             They find comfort in each other, escaping reality, cocooned in their own little romantic love bubble.

 “I just want you to know that you are my sun, my moon, and my stars. My heaven, my hell, and my earth. I’d do anything for you. I’d go anywhere for you. If you ever left me, I’d follow you.” 

“Addy, living one day without you would never be for the best. I want you every minute of every day. Forever. I love you.”

But what happens when the bubble is popped and reality comes crashing down?  Will they still be able to have their forever or will promises and hearts be broken and the love that they share just be memories? And just how far are they willing to go to keep their true love? 

 “Addy, I’d steal the stars for you and serve them to you on a gold plate,” he murmurs against my lips. “I’d rip the sun from the heavens just so it would brighten your day.” Another soft brush of the lips. “I’d die for you." 

But then again, there's always a chance, the small sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, true love never really dies...

Now, it's time for me to go and start White Walls and for you to read Insanity. And trust me, Insanity stays true to its title. Do not be fooled by the first few chapters cuz soon, you'll be questioning yourself, wondering whether what you know is real or not. All the drama boils down to a shocking conclusion which could've been figured by the subtle hints which had gone unnoticed.
Profile Image for Kat.
283 reviews
June 30, 2013
Bien. Decir que este libro acaba de destruir mi cordura, es decir poco, ahora mismo no paro de llorar, y me estoy planteando
seriamente si me estoy desquiciando.

Un completo shock. Un maldito y jodido shock. Este libro escondía mucho mas de lo que pensaba, y aunque ahora este replanteandome mi cordura, no me arrepiento.

La escritora ha hecho que me desquicie buscando pistas, y entonces,
¡boom! Lo soltó todo al final, consiguiendo que mi cabeza diera mil
vueltas y palpitara del gran shock que ha quedado en mi conciencia.

Leí The Unbecoming Of Mara Dyer, y pensé que me volvería loca, pero, oh dios mio, creo que necesito urgentemente un psicologo
después de este libro..

Simplemente estará mentalmente desorientada hasta que por fin
aclaré mis dudas de una vez. Y estoy loca, nunca mejor dicho, por
que salga ya el segundo libro.

Y su merecido, y con creces, 5/5.
Profile Image for Alana ~ The Book Pimp.
857 reviews193 followers
April 8, 2013
What a frakkin' mindfuck. Seriously. Did I mention steamy? Steamier, WAY steamier than I anticipated. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this book.

To me, this is a very scary book. Those deep dark fears, that society will fail us. We'll find ourselves fallen through the cracks, that civilization has risen up against us in this, "What did I do to piss off Karma so bad?" Addy finds herself in an insane asylum... it's like a horror movie producer's wet dream. Young adult female, abused, in a 'star crossed' love affair with the rich boy next door. What is true? What is fantasy? Is Addy truly sane and trapped because of some mistake? Or is there something more, that she truly belongs there.

I'm having such a hard time coming up with the words to describe this book without giving spoilers, because learning most of it as you go is necessary to empathize with Addy. The mother in me wanted to protect her from her father and make her see that life like that is NOT right. It seemed like Daimon was starting to do that, we learn disjointedly... but he needed to hurry the f%ck up. Addy needs saving, from everything.

You may ask, why the 4 stars? Why not five? There were a few spots that dragged a little for me. Not nearly enough to slow me down, but there was more than one (or twenty) confusing moments. Obviously, due to this story, it's going to be puzzling- comes with the territory, but I guess I just got too frustrated at a few moments. Also, while it was steamier than I expected, somehow they left this awkward and almost dirty aftertaste. It's just my personal reaction, but it wasn't enough to really hinder my enjoyment. I might even go as far as 4½ stars on this.

It is SO successful how this book kept me so engaged, so focused trying to pick up every breadcrumb given to us to piece everything together. It totally warps your noodle. At the major revelation near the end, I felt like I got hit in the chest with a 2x4. Did NOT see that truck coming.

Another warning, this is pretty much still cliffhanger city. Not so huge that I want to throw my Kindle, but enough where I'm not going to be satisfied until I get my hands on the next book in the series. If you're looking for something dark, and unconventional, then I'd highly recommend picking up this book!
Profile Image for Kelly Hashway.
Author 124 books489 followers
May 30, 2012
This book is insanely awesome! Lauren posted an excerpt from the first chapter on her blog and my reaction was, "Wow, that's freakin amazing!" I had to read this, like immediately. And I wasn't disappointed. I mean a love story set in an insane asylum? It doesn't get more awesome than that. Addy claims she shouldn't be in the asylum, but the reader can tell that's not exactly true. She's trying to piece together her lost memories with the help of Dr. Watson, who seems to really care for Addy. But Addy's not all the concerned with recovering. All she wants it to run away with Damien, the love of her life. He's all she can think about and their stolen moments in the asylum are what she lives for. But things aren't what they seem. I mean, when your narrator is in an asylum, you have to question everything. I'm not giving spoilers because this book is seriously awesome with the twists and turns Hammond throws at you. And once you have that OMG moment, you can see how Hammond has been leading you to it so subtly that it's genius.

One thing I really loved was the way the story is told. There are "Before" and "After" chapters. The "Before" chapters take place when Addy is 17 and she falls for Damien. They give great insight into their relationship and also Addy's relationship with her abusive father. The "After" chapters are when Addy is in her early 20s in the asylum (in the 50s). Hammond weaves the two seamlessly as you piece together Addy's story. It's seriously brilliant.

I could gush forever, but I'll just say, Go read it!
Profile Image for Scarlet.
507 reviews207 followers
August 9, 2013
This book takes mind-fuck to a whole new level!
And, you know me, I love mind-fucks, so I absolutely adore this book!!!
It reminded me a lot on American Horror Story Asylum TV-show so I simply devoured it. I was unable to stop thinking and questioning and wondering about every single thing that was going on in this book.


I'm now kicking myself for forgetting to read it sooner.

Sorry guys, I can´t write this review cause I must read the sequel like right now...
Profile Image for Zizz.
619 reviews
February 8, 2013
I went on a mind trip today and it looked like this...

50-85% - Puzzle pieces come into play. I started theorizing.
85% - I knew it! I'm so so sad.
Say what?!! WTF!
Ending - Just when you finally get something real, you're left with more mysteries.

I liked it. I like it enough to read the sequel. But I figure I'll wait until the final book is out. I'm guessing there will be more backstory in the 2nd book and before I get further invested in the story and the characters, I need to make sure that there is an ending in sight. Adelaide is/was/is (who knows?!) crazy but I'm not.
Profile Image for Stefanie.
142 reviews49 followers
January 22, 2015
Ok, este es un libro al cual le tenía muchas ganas principalmemte porque es de esos en el que tienes que ir uniendo las piezas para poder armar el rompecabezas, y obviamente es un poco complicado hacerlo ya que el libro en todo momento, a través de la escritura de la autora, juega con tu mente y no sabes que es realidad y qué es la imaginación de la protagonista.

Me recordó un poco a The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer en cuanto a lo qué era realidad y qué no, pero por otro lado me recordó a Veronika Decides to Die porque al igual que ese libro, Insanity tiene como escenario principal un sanatorio, el sanatorio mental de Oakhill (en otras palabras es un manicomio) así que si les gustaron esos libros, éste sin duda les va a encantar.

Yo. No. Estoy. Loca.
Eso es ridículo.
No, no estoy loca.
No puede ser.
Pero si no lo estuviera no estaría aquí, ¿verdad?
Así que tal vez...
Lo estoy.

Ahora vamos con la historia:

El libro está ambientado en el año de 1950 aproximadamente, y todos sabemos que las cosas en estos tiempos eran muy diferentes a lo de ahora, y una de estas cosas era al trato a la gente con problemas mentales. ¿Por qué les digo esto? Más adelante les diré...

Todo el libro está narrado por capítulos en donde te dan un vistazo del "Antes" y "Después". En el antes conocemos a nuestra protagonista, Adelaide Carmichel. Una chica de 17 años que ha tenido una vida muy dura. Su madre misteriosamente la abandonó cuando era una niña y a causa de esto su 'amoroso' padre se convierte en un alchólico monstruo y le hace la vida imposible a Adelaide. La golpea, la insulta, la tiene como una sirvienta, la trata inhumanamente...
Hasta que Damien Allen aparece en su vida. Él es tierno, dulce, compresivo, la ama y por primera vez siente que tal vez haya rayos de esperanza para ella. El problema es que ellos son totalmente diferentes, ella no tiene nada, no es nadie y él es todo. Tiene dinero y toda una vida por delante. ¿Por qué estaría alguien como el con una chica como ella?
Al problema hay que añadirle que los padres de Damien desaprueban su relación ya que ella 'no es una de ellos' (Ahí esta uno de los problemas de esta época, el prejuicio) y a raíz de esto, Adelaide y Damien deciden mantener su relación oculta para luego de esto escapar juntos y hacer una vida aparte.

¿Romántico no?

Pero luego tenemos los capítulos del "Después" que nos cuentan su estadía en esta institución mental. Pero ella no sabe cómo llegó ahí y qué fue lo que pasó. Lo único que sabe es que quiere salir de ahí antes de que la única cordura que le queda sea drenado de ella. Pero para sorpresa de ella, Damien está con ella. Claro, no como paciente de la institución sino más bien como ayudante (si se leyeron la trilogía de Mara Dyer, encontraran muchas similitudes en este hecho) y él le promete que la va a ayudar a salir de ahí. Tiene que salir de ahí antes de que la conviertan en un zombie sin pensamientos y sentimientos. ¿A qué me refiero? Bueno, en estos tiempos, los hospitales psiquiátricos utilizaban un método terrible para "arreglar" a las personas: La lobotomía y electroshock. El electroshock básicamente consiste en freirte el cerebro con electricidad y tiene como consecuencia daño cerebral, pérdida de memoria e inteligencia disminuida. ¿Suena horrible, no? Ahora vamos con la lobotomía: Se trata de una cirugia neurológica en la que se secciona un lóbulo o parte del tejido cerebral con el objetivo de corregir transtornos mentales, de la conducta o epilepsia. Y sí, en este hospital hacían eso a sus pacientes. Ahora en esta época era muy "común" y "normal" hacer esto. Comprenderan que por eso la protagonista quería huir de ese terrible lugar y no la culpo.

Y bueno, eso resumiendo un poco la trama pero OJO, eso no es todo. El libro es muy complejo en cuanto a la historia, demasiado diría a yo, y el pequeño resumen que he hecho es tan solo la base de lo que es en realidad el libro.

Me gustó mucho la forma en la que está escrito. Utilizar el método del Antes y Después en algunos libros no queda muy bien y hace que la historia se torne un tanto aburrida (un ejemplo de eso sería Requiem de Lauren Oliver), pero en este caso Lauren Hammnod supo crear un ambiente de intriga y suspenso durante el avance del libro. Lo único que te preguntas es "¿QUÉ RAYOS PASÓ?, ¿CÓMO LLEGÓ AHÍ?, ¿ESTA ELLA LOCA O NO?"

Y esto es lo que hace que quieras seguir leyendo más y más. Ahora, el libro no me sorprendió. He visto muchas reseñas de este libro y el 95% de las personas afirman que el final las ha dejado en completo shock. Y por un lado así es, pero la clave de estos libros es estar atenta a cada detalle, por más diminuto que sea porque es en uno de estos detalles que se encuentra la respuesta a una parte de la historia y otra clave importante es tener una mente abierta y no pensar como la protagonista principal, ya que como mencioné al inicio es muy difícil distinguir lo que la protagonista esta pensando y lo que pasa en realidad. Y yo, en estos tipos de libros, soy muy observadora y a la mitad del libro ya sabía lo que había pasado con cierta parte de la historia y el final y esto para un libro así no es bueno porque le quita la parte interesante a la historia. Es como un spolier, cuando te cuentan el final de un libro y cuando vas a leer esa parte la sensación ya no va a ser la misma. Por un lado es muy interesante esto del misterio porque creanme que los hace pensar mucho. DEMASIADO.

Ahora vamos con los personajes.
Adelaide me estresó mucho. Se la pasa llorando el 70% del libro. Entiendo que ella haya pasado por mucho, por cosas que una chica de 17 años no debería pasar jamás, pero igual me estresó. No fue hasta que leí el último libro de la trilogía que la entendí y que les digo, me hizo llorar, A MARES, pero ese es otro tema que no voy a tocar.

Damien es el principe de brillante armadura con ojos azules de la historia. Esta decidido a rescatarla de esa oscuridad en la que se encuentra Adelaide y a hacerla feliz dándole amor y cariño. Hasta que las cosas se complican y tiene que seguir a Adelaide al instituto psquiátrico y tratar de sacarla de ahí.

Addy, robaría las estrellas para ti y te las serviría sobre una lamina de oro. Rasgaría el sol del cielo sólo para que iluminara tu día. Yo moriría por ti.

Los personajes del instituto son muy fríos y distantes. Y obvio están medios cucus, excepto Aurora, que es la compañera de cuarto de la protagonista.
También tenemos a alguien importante en la historia, el decidido, misterioso y sexy Dr. Watson. Es el asignado al caso de Adelaide y su único objetivo es lograr que ella recuerde todo pero no puede evitar que sus sentimientos salgan a flote. Lo que nos lleva a otro tema en la historia, la relación de Adelaide y su doctor. Ella no sabe porqué pero cuando está con él se siente en calma y segura. ¿Será porque intenta ayudarla a recuperar su memoria? o ¿será porque está teniendo sentimientos por él? Les dejo la interrogante para que lo averiguen ustedes mismos.
OJO, NO ES UN TRIÁNGULO AMOROSO. Lo digo porque yo odio estos libros y sé que a muchas tampoco les gusta eso. Al inicio parece que el romance es entre Damien, Adelaide y el Dr. Watson, pero es solo parte de los tan famosos juegos mentales del libro.

Ahora esto es importante para los que se quieran leer el libro y la trilogía en sí. Insanity es un libro de género New adult, lo cual quiere decir que contiene escenas de sexo, no tan fuertes como un libro erótico, pero si subiditas de tono. Lo digo y aclaro porque hay muchas personas a las que no le va esto. Otra cosa del libro es que tiene situaciones muy perturbantes y en algunos casos (muchos) traumantes. Por todo esto no es un libro que lo recomiendo a cualquier persona. Tiene que haber cierto nivel de madurez mental para poder leerlo.

Y vamos con lo último, el final. Como dije no me sorprendió porque logré adivinar qué estaba pasando pero estoy segura que a ustedes sí las va a dejar con la boca abierta, lágrimas en los ojos y un corazón roto. Como es obvio, todas las preguntas no son respondidas en el libro, sales con más interrogantes y te deja esperando por más. Y es por eso que les recomiendo totalmente el libro y la trilogía en sí. Yo ya terminé de leer los 3 libros pero solo hago esta reseña porque con los siguientes libros las reacciones y emociones que tuve son diferentes y no voy a mezlcarlos por miedo a soltar algún spoiler.

En conclusión, Insanity es un libro que literalmente hará que tu mente explote a tal punto en el que no sabrás que es verdad y qué no. Un libro con una historia de amor cruda y dura que te hará sentir como una montaña rusa. ¿Se los recomiendo? Absolutamente.
December 4, 2012
Um..... Want to know what it feels like to lose your mind? I mean, seriously, lose your mind? Read this book. It is a complete mind fuck. I'm a huge fan of dark, complicated, twisty mind boggling reads but this one takes it to a whole different level. I seriously had no idea what was happening in 90% of this book. Adelaide basically wakes up in an insane asylum. The entire book is a back and forth story of the present and the past that gradually tells you what put her in this psych hospital. But the end is a total "What the hell did I just read?" It's hard to review without giving stuff away. What I thought was lucidity was hallucinations....what I thought was hallucinations really were happening... Crazy book. If you're up for it, dive in. I downloaded the second book in the series early on in this read so I guess I'll be a glutton for punishment and push on......
Profile Image for Sally.
465 reviews2 followers
January 29, 2013
I know this isn’t going to make a whole lot of sense unless you have read Insanity. What a mind f*ck! I mean you know it’s meant to mess with you but then you actually start messing with yourself. You start thinking well maybe it’s a double whammy, & what I know can’t be ….actually is!! Then by the end you realize you are an ass & you have no clue! Yessssss a mind f*uck & I loved it!! Exactly what I needed & wanted. Thank you Johanna Luis for pushing me to read this you knew exactly what I was in the mood for.I say 4.5-5 star read.
Profile Image for Menna.
241 reviews8 followers
November 26, 2014
No, I am not crazy.

I can’t be.

But if I wasn’t I wouldn’t be here,


So maybe… I am.

Is she..? Is she not..?

That's for you to figure out...!

Not gonna say anything more. :D
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