An epic, heartbreaking, and deeply reported history of the disastrous humanitarian crisis at the southern border told through the lives of the migrants forced to risk everything and the policymakers who determine their fate, by New Yorker staff writer Jonathan Blitzer
Everyone who makes the journey faces an impossible choice. Hundreds of thousands of people who arrive every year at the US-Mexico border travel far from their homes. An overwhelming share of them come from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, although many migrants come from farther away. Some are fleeing persecution, others crime or hunger. Very often it will not be their first attempt to cross. They may have already been deported from the United States, but it remains their only hope for safety and prosperity. Their homes have become uninhabitable. They will take their chances.
This vast and unremitting crisis did not spring up overnight. Indeed, as Blitzer dramatizes with forensic, unprecedented reporting, it is the result of decades of misguided policy and sweeping corruption. Brilliantly weaving the stories of Central Americans whose lives have been devastated by chronic political conflict and violence with those of American activists, government officials, and the politicians responsible for the country’s tragically tangled immigration policy, Blitzer reveals the full, layered picture for the first time.
Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here is an odyssey of struggle and resilience. With astonishing nuance and detail, Blitzer tells an epic story about the people whose lives ebb and flow across the border, and in doing so, he delves into the heart of American life itself. This vital and remarkable story has shaped the nation’s turbulent politics and culture in countless ways—and will almost certainly determine its future.
Jonathan Blitzer is a staff writer at The New Yorker. He has won a National Award for Education Reporting as well as an Edward R. Murrow Award, and was a 2021 Emerson Fellow at New America. He lives with his family in New York City.
This is the kind of book that wins Pulitzers. It is deeply researched and has great storytelling. It gives people who are normally ignored as individuals by media the full presidential treatment. It tells the story of humans, places, and policies. It is really good, but in all the detail it goes on too long.
I’ve just finished and am at a loss for words. In just shy of 500 pages Blizter has crafted such a cohesive look at the last 40 years of the US relationship with immigration and Central America (mainly El Salvador with later sections focusing on Guatemala and Honduras.) I learned something on every page, I laughed, I cried, I gasped aloud.
Weaving together the personal narratives of people seeking asylum and those creating asylum legislation, Blitzer attempts to show the intricate and ever-evolving relationship between the United States and Central America. After every chapter (written so accessible for the amount of detail and politics they contain) I would call my Dad or friends to ask if they knew about different policies, facts, or movements.
This is a great read for anyone who is trying to educate themselves on a topic that is at the forefront of our news cycle especially in an election year.
Thank you so much Penguin Press for sending this my way and to the author for documenting this so concisely.
This book provides a history of migration from Central America, the ways in which American foreign policy and deportation of gang members has made matters worse, and how American politics has been inflamed by migrants crossing the southern border. This history is made particularly real by profiling the lives various individuals who lived through the history being described.
The variety of people featured includes migrants, activists, and politicians. The following is a partial sampling of some of the individuals portrayed by this book’s narrative. The stories of these and other individuals are woven throughout the book's narrative.
Juan Romagoza Arce was a physician who was kidnapped and tortured by the military in El Salvador in the 1970s because he had treated rebels. He spent twenty-five years in USA involved with public health, but his maimed hands from the torture prevented practice as surgeon. He returned to El Salvador when political situation changed and was involved with Ministry of Health.
Keldy Mabel Gonzáles Brebe de Zúnig from Honduras had seen several of her brothers murdered and narrowly escaped assassination herself. She fled with her two sons in 2017 crossing into New Mexico and claiming asylum based on threats to her life. She ended up being one of the first of 5,600 cases where parents were separated from their children because of the Trump administration’s new policy. Border agents dragged her away from her sons, who cried and tried to clutch her clothing. She was deported and wasn’t reunited with her sons until four years later during the Biden administration.
Eddie Anzora brought to USA at age three grew up in South Los Angeles where he picked up a criminal record for drug possession. As an adult he straightened out his life and got involved in business setting up his own recording studio. Meanwhile there was a warrant for his deportation issued, and he was eventually caught and deported to El Salvador where he needed to dodge gang members deported from L.A.
Janet Murguía is referenced in this book as the originator of the term “deporter-in-chief” to describe Barack Obama. I mention her here because she grew up in my neighborhood in Kansas City, Kansas. She went on to served in Bill Clinton’s administration and later became president of UnidosUS (formerly National Council of La Raza).
Cecilia Muñoz a former activist who reluctantly joined the Obama administration, and had to defend actions of the government with which she was uncomfortable.
Stephen Miller who became Trump’s most influential adviser on immigration.
One of the most depressing things about this book is that all the suffering experienced by migrants in the past is probably only the beginning. The stated goal of the incoming Trump administration is to enhance the scale of deportations in the future.
This was such an important, all-encompassing, fascinating and heartbreaking book. This whole region is such a mess, in large part thanks to us. There are no good answers as to how to fix anything, but it's clear from this book how much damage has been done.
I heard part of an interview with the author on NPR and thought the book sounded compelling, so I picked it up. The "old" history of Central America pre-2000s I already knew. But man, it's awful. The more recent stuff really shows how US foreign policy and immigration are intertwined. There were a lot of hard parts to read... I think one of the worst was when the US spread COVID around Central America via deportation flights 🙁
I absolutely and completely recommend this book as a must read. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to read an advanced copy, I have been blown away by this book!
Jonathan Blitzer so brilliantly and with great care shows the hows and whys that led to the US’s present immigration crisis. It’s such an in depth look with epic fact checking of history, great sources & such respect for the stories he presents to us.
Honestly, this book means so much to me as many of the stories mirror what so much of my family and friends have endured in migrating to the US from the Americas. This is so important and like Juan Romagoza says “una cucharita de justicia”, a spoonful of justice, is what I want for us too!
Please read this book! It’s so crucial in understanding where we are now!
A look at the US involvement in Central American politics, and how the crisis has developed and where it's going from there.
Whew. This was a heavy ass read.
I'm glad that I read Still Life With Bones before I read this, because it prepared me a bit for the genocide in Guatemala, but I had no idea about El Salvatore.
Anywho, a good read if you're interested in the policy, politics and practices of various central American governments and how the US's meddling has always always always made things worse, and how those policies (of genocide, of junta, of authoritarianism) might have made great bosom friends with US capitalists, but were devastatingly destructive for the people of those countries.
Blitzer also talks about the growing climate crisis, and how climate refuges are fleeing their homes for something better—and how Trump's (specifically Stephen Miller and Jeff Sessions) anti-immigrant policies created a human rights' violations of epic proportions, separating parents from their children for years and then losing those kids. And how Biden was blamed for it.
Something to think about and reread with this upcoming US presidency, and as the climate crisis spirals around us.
Reading this book made me ashamed. First, I was ashamed of my country. I was ashamed of the billions of dollars that have been taken out of our economy and put into the hands of murderers and dictators, money that has been willfully used to promote genocide. When money wasn't enough, those same murderers were given weapons, military training, and amnesty and legal residency in the U.S. I was ashamed of the arrogance of my government in repeatedly treating other countries as experiments, as if their actions wouldn't have consequences lasting decades or maybe even centuries. I was ashamed of the mass deportations that have taken place throughout history and will surely happen again; I had wrongfully assumed that these deportations were rarely parents with children who were citizens or adults who had been raised in the U.S. as children, individuals who had spent decades living and working in the U.S., but I now know that thousands of people with this profile have been deported, sometimes never to see their families again. I was ashamed at how these deportations were conducted with no thought to the well-being of the nations they were sending these individuals to: COVID being spread in Guatemala due to the arrivals of infected deportees, MS-13 members with long criminal records being sent to El Salvador fresh after a civil war, where they could immediately gain control. I was ashamed of all of the rejected amnesty applications, too many people murdered because of a complete disregard of the humanity of immigrants. I was ashamed of the persistent idea in this country that the deterrence of immigration is a worthy political cause.
Later, I was ashamed of myself. I was ashamed of my complacency, of thinking that I could vote Democrat and relax. Over and over again, the Democratic party has supported and implemented conservative immigration policies, the only difference a difference in rhetoric. I was ashamed of my education, which left me ignorant of any history that didn't make the U.S. into the hero of the story.
Yesterday, Elijah and I got to hear Jonathan Blitzer speak at the Texas Book Festival. When the election came up, Blitzer distilled an incredibly important idea. Cities across the southern U.S. were in crisis because of the number of immigrants collecting at the border. When Biden's administration failed to respond to this crisis, leaving the responsibility to the states, Texas Governor Greg Abbott created a solution of his own - bussing immigrants to blue cities further north so that those cities could share the burden. This was a brilliant PR maneuver on Abbott's part, and Biden's response was again to do nothing, despite DHS devising a plan to assist cities. When the city of Denver received 5,000 Venezuelan immigrants via Abbott's busses, and no federal support, there was a huge public outcry and a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment, and the mayor of Denver responded by bussing those same immigrants to Salt Lake City. Now, even leaders on the left were overtly employing the tactics of the right. Blitzer's point was this: decade after decade, the U.S. has neglected to update its immigration policies, which is what has created the current immigration crisis. When Democrats, such as Biden, ignore the problem of the border because it's "bad politics," it opens the door for the stigmatization of immigrants by the right. Arguably, this is what lost Democrats the election - 30% of Harris voters support mass deportation.
Blitzer knows his subject matter. He shows the throughline of America's stance on various regimes and movements in Central America during the 1960's and beyond to the crisis we are witness to today.
The best part of the book is that he follow individual's stories impacted by military states, dwindling resources, gang violence and death threats. Humanizing the narrative of what some call an "invasion" is paramount.
One such individual is Juan, a man studying to be a doctor, when he is kidnapped and torturned by the military in El Salvador. Juan's hands are maimed to ensure he can never practice medicine - his passion and his calling. Juan ends up in the United States for twenty-five years before he returns home. He describes it as a cassette being put on pause. He had no intention of staying in the United States, but his presence here had purpose and created community. He built bridges between newly arrived Saladorans in the uncertain community of Baltimore where they were not just language barriers, but cultural barriers.
I guess my point is that it is important to know why people flee one area to another. The interesting part is how the government played God when determining who was allowed in and who wasn't. Most of those undocumented individuals from Central America were denied sanctuary and sent back to faminine and violence the likes America has not seen.
All in all, this one packed a real punch for me. It's one that will stay with me for a while. There is so much I learned when reading this one.
Good book overall. Longish review ahead because it is a work worthy of discussion.
We'll start with the good. I, like most Americans, am not really aware of the origin of the immigration crisis that has been a mainstay in American politics since ~2014. This book does a good job of explaining the origins of the evil governments of Central America in the 70s and 80s (major surprise to no one: American support holding up fascist dictators with death squads) causing the destabilization of the region. Once America started deporting people who fled from these evil governments to America back to their origin en masse, the systems in these countries collapse and we essentially have situation we have today. The sections of the book where the author is quoting government sources in both the United States and Central America while summarizing events is the strongest part of this book.
Now for the bad. This is written by a journalist and you can tell. The number of names and different people introduced in this book is astounding, and Blitzer expects you to remember and recall them all. The point of this is ostensibly to show the impact of the policies of the American government on individuals and to force you to empathize. The downside is that I was getting people confused as the deluge of names made different people indistinguishable from each other. Additionally, empathy is a finite resource. I simply didn't have it in me to care about very single one of the 150+ people that are in this book. The book really didn't need long sections about the activities of the activists working in the United States; I understand the Blitzer wants to recognize the people who helped him write this book but this book really could have been much much shorter. Finally, the characterization of several of the people in the book, both smaller and larger characters, made me say "stop the glazing" at times and was downright cringe in several spots.
Overall, don't want to take away from this achievement as I learned a lot and I truly think this is an essential book if you want to understand immigration at the Southern border today. You could probably put the book down after the Trump section though.
The issues of the infamous ‘Southern Border’ come to life through intimate portrayals of the lives of several who have been through the trials and tribulations both at their point of origin in Central America and their various journeys to the US. In all honesty I would rather have read more detail about the higher level political reasons in the US and the other American countries that have contributed to this hot button issue but the personal side of course lends itself to having a better affinity for those who are very personally affected by the vagaries of the US immigration system, such as it is.
Pulls on heartstrings for an open border policy. Just promotes bringing in illegals instead of an effective immigration policy and integration. Typical virtue signaling.
Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis, Jonathan Blitzer, 2024, 523 pages, Dewey 305.90691209728 B619e, ISBN 9781984880802
An outstanding book, based on hundreds of interviews in English and Spanish, 2016 through 2023. Puts a human face on the crisis, telling the stories of many individuals. pp. 465, 471.
The U.S. is propping up a war machine in El Salvador. Honduras is a U.S. military installation. The U.S. propped up a dictator in Nicaragua. The U.S. overthrew Guatemala's government at the behest of a U.S. corporation. The Guatemalan military murdered nearly all labor leaders and moderate politicians. A U.S. State Department official praised the Guatemalan military for its "successful use of terror" in disappearing "real and alleged communists." pp. 79-82. El Salvador is Spanish for Vietnam. All this as of 1980. p. 43. U.S. authorities arrest refugees and return them to be murdered by the El Salvadoran army, waiting for them at the airport. p. 70.
The business elite and army rule El Salvador, keeping people poor and murdering protesters, including Archbishop Óscar Romero, nuns, and anyone else opposed to brutal rule by wealth. pp. 9-36. Seventy-five people from 25 families controlled 90% of El Salvador's wealth, by 1964. p. 14. The U.S. trains and arms El Salvador's death squads, army, National Guard, National Police, and Treasury Police. p. 15, 23-24, 31, 62. 300,000 Salvadorans lived in Los Angeles by 1980, having fled the civil war. Each one had narrowly escaped murder, unlike many of their friends, relatives, and spouses. p. 121. 75,000 civilians were dead, and almost a quarter of El Salvador's surviving population was living in the U.S., by 1991. pp. 191-192. The U.S. government refused to recognize their legitimate claims to asylum. p. 120. Only 14 Guatemalans were granted asylum, of nearly 100,000 who arrived in the U.S., 1983-1986. p. 200. In Guatemala, 200,000 civilians were killed; there were 669 massacres; 83% of the victims were Maya; 93% of the crimes were committed by members of the military. See /Guatemala: Never Again/ by the Archdiocese of Guatemala. p. 247. The man who murdered Archbishop Óscar Romero emigrated to Modesto, California, where he sold used cars. p. 251.
Millions of Central Americans are fleeing violence and corruption. p. 394.
Migrants have to pay bribes to corrupt police officers. p. 399. Criminal cartels /and/ police brutalize Central American migrants. p. 409.
Much of El Salvador's farmland was still community-owned in the late 1870s; locals subsisted on it. With the rise of global coffee prices and need for exploitable labor, the government seized the land and auctioned it to plantation owners, who treated the hundreds of thousands of now-landless peasants as slaves, with a fiercely repressive national guard. A 1932 revolt of a few days brought weeks of slaughter: 30,000 were massacred, 2% of the population. p. 13-14.
The government removed the elected reformers in 1968 and 1972. This taught people that only violence could change the government. p. 15-17.
Guatemala's western highlands no longer have reliable rainfall. Drought and storms destroy crops. pp. 376-380.
Hurricane Mitch killed 11,000 Hondurans; 20% of Hondurans lost their homes; 70% of the country's crops were destroyed, in October 1998. p. 281.
"People say this caravan is about politics? Well, sure, if by politics you mean hunger." p. 392.
22% of the Salvadoran economy is remittances sent by relatives living in the U.S. p. 418.
The 1996 U.S. immigration law trapped immigrants in the U.S.: An unauthorized migrant couldn't get on a path to legal status through marriage or sponsorship by a family member. If she had been in the U.S. without documentation for six months, she'd have to leave the U.S. for 3 full years before reapplying for entry; if she'd been here a year, she'd have to leave for 10 years. Many immigrants used to travel back and forth across the border, but now they were stuck. The unauthorized population increased from 5 million to 12 million as a result of the law. p. 229.
American fear of the spread of leftism morphed into fear of the spread of people, in the decades since 1980. p. 5.
U.S. officials arrested one million migrants at the southern border in 2019. p. 3. Including 270,000 Guatemalans, 261,000 Hondurans, and 92,000 Salvadorans. p. 416. Twenty-four months was the average amount of time to resolve an asylum claim, almost all denied. p. 4. Obama's immigration enforcement budget was $18 billion: more than the funding for all other federal law enforcement agencies combined. p. 290.
Trump separated more than 5,600 children from their parents, with no attempt to track where they each were sent. p. 442.
"Don't do the same thing twice. They'll know you're coming." --Cesar Chavez. p. 56.
"In our brothers and sisters we encounter God. It is toward them that our true pilgrimage should move." --Sergio Méndez de Arceo, bishop of Cuernavaca. p. 89.
p. 245: "Guatemala was as close as it had ever been to peace" in 1993, should specify, "since the CIA overthrew the Árbenz government in 1954."
p. 239: "Indigenous dialects" should be "indigenous languages."
p. 353: Tapachula, Mexico is /west/ of the Guatemalan border, not north.
p. 392: Arriaga, Mexico is at the /western/ tip of Chiapas, not northern.
I was let down by this book. It was poorly organized and at times bordered on historical-fiction. I appreciate the lengths the author went to in interview the migrants featured in the book but there are details included that no one could possibly remember which detracts from the overall picture. In the closing chapters, the author does acknowledge this by saying he had to ask the same question to Juan several times because he would give different answers each time. Removing the discrepancies instead of adding them would have helped reduce the length of this book which at times was a slog to get through. Regarding organization, there are historical events scattered throughout but the dates are not always followed in a linear path and do not make clear connections to the migrants stories.
The overall tone of the book seems to push all blame for the migrant crisis on decades of US policy. I agree that US policies have been awful for Central America but there were large gaps in the policy vs reaction. Perhaps my biggest frustration is that the book tries to frame the US as having an unfounded hardline stance on immigration. For example, Eddie is deported from California for being a gang associate and the book frames the US's deportation policy as a bad thing. When Eddie arrives back in his home country, the country is overrun with deported gang members who are extorting and killing the countries citizens. The book frames deporting Eddie who was a gang associate as unjust, however, the other gang members who were also deported were destroying their home country. I understand that migrants need to be humanized but there was a heavy bias that detracted from the overall messaging for me.
In summary, the U.S., dealing with an issue of its own creation that fucked people over, continues to fuck people over. This book resonates more post-election, given that Trump's immigration policy drives the last quarter of the novel. Blitzer issues a warning for the cruelty that asylum seekers fleeing climate disasters (exacerbated by the U.S. failure to address climate change adequately), political violence (as many nations in the region continue dealing with the fallout from mid-20th-century-era aid to mass-murdering military governments in El Salvador and Guatemala that America supported for being "not communist"), and gang violence (that the U.S. exported to these countries after immigrants in LA started gangs to protect themselves from existing American gangs) will face.
Jonathan Blitzer here with another master class in journalism, intentionally and artfully conveying the human toll of wreckless American foreign policy by focusing on real stories. At times, I felt inundated with acronyms and legislative jargon that he could have used more sparingly but were also a testament to his reporting and the situation's complexity. Through these facts and stories, Blitzer illuminates how America's ad-hoc "immigration policy" reaches different populations with jarring differences; in the mid-80s, 14 of nearly 100,000 El Salvadorians fleeing mass murder were granted asylum. Blitzer's reporting is strongest when it focuses on children and the consequences they face for existing in systems they have no say in.
More than a story about immigration policy, however, it is a story about the human cost of politics and how quickly everyday lives can turn on their heads. I would recommend this book to anyone looking to get a better sense of the outcome of the 2024 election and who wants to be more educated on one of the top issues gripping American politics today.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
It goes through the last ~4 decades of US immigration policy & history, and in parallel follows the lives of specific people that were affected.
The biggest wtf about the history is the US being absolute scumbags and interfering to pick and choose leaders in Central America for questionable reasons, then giving military aid to those governments who were in many cases committing terrible human rights abuses. Who knows how safe or non-corrupt those countries would be if we hadn’t done that, but we certainly made things worse.
Lost one star for being kind of a slog to get through despite being interesting.
I don’t remember exactly why this was on my Want to Read - I think it was from seeing it in the newspaper, a good title, a subject I didn’t know a lot about, and then lots of good reviews
this was excellent. i think the author made such a smart choice in tackling this complex, far-reaching topic through a very human lens, following individuals who have been most affected by US foreign policy and immigration policy in central america. i feel that this issue is widely misunderstood by the american public on both sides of the political aisle, and i highly recommend picking this book up if you want to educate yourself.
Well researched, well written, and it weaves together individual stories with the overarching narrative of how US involvement resulted in the destabilization of Central America and ultimately our current migrant crisis. Highly recommend
I often say required reading, but…for real required reading. Why did I know absolutely nothing about El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras?? The kind of o that changes how you look at your country and its history.
What I liked about this book is how he tells the personal stories of different individuals as he's telling the larger history of immigration from Central America and America's roles and policies. The result is very informative, but also full of humanity.
This book was gutting in how it laid bare the cyclical nature and incredible cruelty of the U.S. immigration system, and how callously people's lives have been upended for the sake of political calculus. It was also amazingly well-reported--Blitzer takes an issue that spans multiple decades, two continents and millions of people and and still manages to show the intimate details of individual people's lives.
As would be expected of a New Yorker writer, Blitzer tells this st, interspersing the stories of three focal individuals with the narrative of US policy engagement with Central America. The individuals give us reasons to care about the policy changes, humanising a big picture narrative, while the policy detail tries to explain the whole mess. The book is ambitious in scope - starting under Carter and finishing under Trump, and covering primarily El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, with Nicaragua always lurking in the wings. The scope is one of the best parts of the book - tight enough to detail what happened in these countries, but broad enough to give a glimpse of how the whole picture fits together. Blitzer also succintly covers the political weirdness of US immigration enforcement, making it easier to understand some of the Obama and Trump years. There are unfortunate gaps in Blitzer's analysis - while he certainly covers US decisions around the region, he tends to imply electoral needs and ideology primarily drive these - the book lacks a focus on the role of US/Canadian/Multinational exploitation of the region (or in fact any economic analysis, including the role of migration criminalisation in keeping a low-wage pool of workers in the US). But there is nevertheless plenty here to get angry about, and any writer seeking to connect the dots between US foreign policy and the desperate plight of Central American refugees is a welcome addition to reading lists.
Lately it seems like entire populations of Central American are arriving at the southern US border to request asylum. Most migrants have made a perilous trip through Mexico desperate to escape corruption, violence, and instability. Immigration is a hot political issue being discussed with rancor almost without any grasp of history. This book attempts to set the record straight.
The United States has much to atone for in its relations with Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras. During the Reagan years our government provided support to military death squads terrorizing and murdering civilians in those countries. Jonathan Blitzer not only reminds us of those US sponsored atrocities, he also tells the personal stories of four of its victims. The tales of torture are extremely difficult to read. They are the subject of nightmares.
Through the postwar years the US government has used central american states as though they were a personal fiefdom. No single administration has been without fault. United States political objectives have frequently interfered with central american sovereignty to the detriment of its ordinary citizens. And the most recent atrocity - committed by the Trump administration - was to separate migrant parents from their children. They even failed to keep documentation making it almost impossible to reunite families.
These actions are not compatible with a nation that considers itself to be lawful and just. It is painful and necessary to remember this shameful history.
DNF. The further I got in this book the more I wanted to like it, but I genuinely did not enjoy it after a while. The sections about real people and their stories were interesting, though the writing style didn't make them feel very human – it felt more like somebody writing a detached government report about them. The sections about politics and bills and diplomacy... SNORE. I genuinely wish the writing style had been more interesting and not so heavily scholarly. Every other sentence used words that I had no idea what they meant, and I like to think of myself as someone who's pretty well-read with a good vocabulary. Frankly, I shouldn't feel like I need to keep a thesaurus by my side when I'm reading a book for enjoyment.
All that being said, I think this book definitely has value and the stories in it need to be told and heard. I just wish they had been told in a more accessible way.
While I am interested in the topic, and the book had a lot of information, anecdotes and stories, the writing style leaves a little to be desired. I was expecting the book to dig a bit deeper in the causes and dynamics of the migration crisis and US influence in Central America, but instead it focused more on certain accounts and a few life stories development throughout the years.
A friend recommended this book after I read Solito. It is a very good book but it was intense and at times difficult to read. It is impossible to understand why people risk everything to reach the US from Central America without understanding the countries’ histories, our role in those histories, and the dire circumstances of those countries today. This is an important, well-written book and I’m glad I read it.
It is an election year so "everybody" is talking about the border! But...what do you actually know about this hot issue? Well, leave it to Jonathan Blitzer (staff writer at The New Yorker) to make this topic so intersting and more importantly readable! #Must Read
Blitzer’s book “Everyone who is Gone is Here” chronicles the evolution of immigration policy over the last 50 years through stories of individual migrants, activists, attorneys, and government officials. His journalistic approach was very successful in portraying human suffering, hypocrisy, corruption, and injustices. However, for me, it was a disappointment as a resource for understanding the details of immigration policy. Too many of the chapters focused on individual struggles, gang violence, and oppression in Central America and too few actually explained how the immigration system works. That major criticism aside, Blitzer does a very good job explaining how we got to the current border crisis and the plight of migrants seeking asylum.
Central American migrants currently present the biggest challenge at the border. This crisis apparently dates back to the Cold War. At that time, there was a perceived threat of communism spreading to the western hemisphere through Central America. The US used the CIA to topple left leaning governments and install their rulers of choice, most notably in 1973 with Pinochet taking over in Chile. In the name of fighting communism, ruthless authoritarian regimes in the “Northern Triangle”, such as Garcia in Guatemala, were propped up and funded aggressively despite the atrocities and human rights abuses. Reagan’s Iran Contra scandal to illegally support the contras in their fight against the Sandinistas was one of the more famous examples.
Corruption and inhumanity have been pervasive at the border and Blitzer spends a good deal of the book detailing this. Family separations, poor living accommodations at the holding facilities, lack of legal representation, and guard brutality all are examples that we as a country should be ashamed of. Likewise, the decisions for granting asylum or ruling for deportation have been inconsistent and based often on prejudices of independently acting district offices. In actuality, as Blitzer explains it, the concept of asylum does not really exist in a meaningful way for the vast majority of those who should qualify and risk their lives to attain it.
Instead of offering some profound insight on how to fix immigration, Blitzer chooses to end the book with an update on his featured migrant hero, Juan. Ironically, Juan has left the United States to successfully fulfill his dream of returning home to El Salvador. The message being that migrants don’t really desire to become American and live their lives in the United States. Can you blame them? Without exception, every migrant in the book found it incredibly difficult to assimilate; culture shock, language barriers, isolation from family, prejudices, and poverty await everyone “lucky” enough to be granted asylum. Yet, despite these deterrents, they still keep coming. The best immigration policy for the United States is to use its full might of influence and resources to curb oppression abroad.