Welcome. Have a seat. Let us tell you a story. But be warned. Home Sweet Horror isn't just any tale. This is a Scary Tale . Meet Liam Finn, who's just moved into a new home with his father and sister. But this old house that seems empty, isn't . . . Bloody Mary is here. Called back from the dead by a game, she's just dying to talk.
James Preller (born 1961) is the children's book author of the Jigsaw Jones Mysteries, which are published by Scholastic Corporation. He grew up in Wantagh, New York and went to college in Oneonta, New York. After graduating from college in 1983, James Preller was employed as a waiter for one year before being hired as a copywriter by Scholastic Corporation, where he was introduced (through their books) to many noatable children's authors. This inspired James Preller to try writing his own books. James Preller published his first book, entitled MAXX TRAX: Avalanche Rescue, in 1986. Since that time, James Preller has written a variety of books, and has written under a number of pen names, including Mitzy Kafka, James Patrick, and Izzy Bonkers. James Preller lives in Delmar, New York with his wife Lisa and their three children.
This is a quick, just spooky enough read aimed for young readers. Author James Preller's take on the classic scary story `Bloody Mary' is nicely balanced. When I first looked at this book in the store for my nephew, I thought it was a collection of stories, but it's a very short novel. It will probably take you less than an hour to read it. But that's part of its charm actually. Short and sweet. Additionally, Iacopo Bruno's black and white art suits the mood well.
To summarize, Liam's mom died two years ago. His Dad moves him and his sister, Kelly to a new home for a fresh start. The scares, thrills and chills start when Kelly's friend summons the ghost of Bloody Mary into the house.
I would recommend this book to any young Goosebumps fans out there.
The story is a little flat with random paranormal happenings that don't really connect. Had they connected, I think this could have been a strong story. But considering this is aimed at early readers, I can't be too picky. It does its job of entertaining and has some fantastic illustrations.
But then, I was reading along, and a new character was introduced, on page 68, who was described as "heavyset." There was a few pages of dialog, and then, in the last two sentences of the chapter, the character leaves the scene as follows:
He saluted them with a grin, pushed off with one foot, rose up stylishly on a pedal, and was gone. Pretty smooth for a big guy.
Pretty smooth for a big guy?!? SRSLY?
I'm not promoting a book to children with sizeist crap like that inside.
Definitely more for kids, though adults could find this interesting too I guess. It's a single story about a family who moves into a house, only to discover something lurking there. It wasn't the least bit scary for me, and the story is very run-of-the-mill, with exactly what you'd expect happening, happening. But the story does follow the conventional drama arc, and resolves properly.
“Mary, Mary, yang suka menentang, Bagaimana kebunmu tumbuh? Dengan lonceng perak dan cangkang tiram, Dan, gadis cantik berseling di baris-baris kebun.”
Liam Finn bersama ayah dan kakak perempuannya pindah dari Hopevile ke kota lain, untuk menempati sebuah rumah tua di puncak bukit. Sudah dua tahun rumah itu tak berpenghuni. Tapi, harganya yang murah serta pekerjaan baru Mr. Liam memaksa mereka untuk menempati rumah itu, mau tak mau. Ibu Liam sudah meninggal beberapa tahun sebelumnya, dan keluarga itu mengalami kondisi yang teramat sulit karena kehilangan yang berat tersebut, karenanya sebuah rumah tua yang angker tidak terlalu membuat Mr Liam pusing karena dia harus bekerja keras dari pagi sampai malam. Masalahanya adalah, Liam dan Kelly, kakak perempuannya, selalu di rumah sepanjang hari. Dan, mereka menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana setiap saat rumah tua itu berderit, mengeluarkan suara ganjil, dan menyembunyikan sesuatu yang jahat di sudut-sudut gelapnya.
“Liam kadang-kadang berpikir, dia mendengar suara yang teredam. Sebuah rintihan, sesuatu yang berbisik sehingga menyebabkan dia segera menghidupkan televisi keras-keras.” (hlm 13
Sesuatu yang aneh sedang menempati rumah tersebut, Liam tahu itu. Tetapi, dia tidak bisa memberitahukan kepada ayahnya. Sering kali, orang dewasa terlalu sibuk untuk bisa mendengar suara-suara ganjil dari dunia lain. Pekerjaan dan kesibukan telah membuat mereka kurang peka. Tetapi anak-anak, dengan keingintahuan mereka yang besar serta kepolosan jiwanya yang masih sensitif, sering kali mampu menangkap kisikan dari yang tak kasat mata. Sebagaimana Liam, yang terus menerus gelisah dalam tidurnya tanpa mengetahui apa yang sebenarnya bersembunyi di balik dinding-dinding kayu rumah tua itu. Sebuah insiden di ruang bawah tanah membuatnya semakin yakin, ada sesuatu yang menghuni rumah tua tersebut selain mereka. Sesuatu yang jahat, dan punya cakar serta tangan berbonggol-bonggol.
“Dia menunggu di bawah papan-papan lantai …. Dalam ruang bawah tanah yang dingin … Di belakang cermin kamar mandi.” (hlm 88)
Puncaknya terjadi ketika salah seorang kawan Kelly menginap, dan keduanya berencana mengadakan ritual pemanggilan arwah yang sangat terkenal di Amerika Serikat, yakni bloody Mary. Dengan menyalakan lilin di tengah malam, kemudian menatap ke dalam cermin dengan lampu dipadamkan, panggillah nama Bloody Mary sebanyak 13 kali. Ucapkan sambil berputar, dan semakin lama semakin lantang. Kemudian, tunggu dan saksikan. Sesuatu akan muncul dalam cermin. Dan, ketika sesuatu itu muncul, rumah tua itu menunjukkan siapa penghuninya yang asli. Tangan berbonggol-bonggol itu, dengan cakarnya yang tajam, matanya yang sewarna darah, serta cairah merah entah apa yang menetes-netes dari wajah pucatnya, Liam dan Kelly harus berjuang untuk menyelamatkan satu sama lain.
“Kurasa kita tidak seharusnya pergi dari Hopevile.” (hlm 84
Seri Scary Tales karya James Preller ini mengingatkan kita pada serial Goosebumps yang pernah populer sekali di tahun 1990-an. Membaca Home Sweet Horror ini, terutama endingnya yang khas, memang agak mirip dengan Goosebumps, hanya hanya seri ini ditulis dengan bahasa yang lebih kini dan gaya menulis yang tidak terlalu 80-an. Atau, sebut saja seri ini adalah Goosebums modern, yang mungkin lebih cocok untuk dibaca anak-anak generasi millennium. Masih tetap mempertahankan horor urban, hanya saja horor dalam seri ini lebih condong ke arah hantu-hantu exorcism yang menghuni rumah tua, yang model disukai pembaca remaja modern. Tetap saja, membaca di tengah malam akan membuat kita bergidik sambil lirik ke kiri dan ke kanan. Dan, apa itu yang menggaruk di pojok gelap kamarmu? Mungkinkah tikus? Tapi, bukankah tikus tidak memiliki cakar sepanjang itu?
Bagaimana Liam dan Kelly mempertahankan rumah angker itu? Siapakah yang akhirnya menang? Dan, apakah mereka berhasil mengusir hantu Bloody Mary yang menguasai rumah tua itu?
I loved this early chapter book--it's a classic ghost story featuring Bloody Mary. Here are 5 of my favorite things about it:
The art is dark and creepy and spectacular!
Even though this is clearly a plot-centric story, there are emotional elements, too, mostly centering on the grief of the loss of Mom two years before.
There’s nice foreshadowing in furnace problems and such that give leeway for various interpretations/explanations, but…
it’s really a ghost story. There is no easy answer, and the ghost is not satisfied and expunged. The family leaves, which is what I always think while watching scary movies—Get out! Now!
The voice is just distant enough that you can read it without being scarred for life:>)
A few nitpicks: Preller did the art, too, so there is no excuse for the art not matching the text. On page 23, it says, "Transfixed, Liam took one cautious step down the stairs. There was no railing, nothing to grip." But on pages 18-19, Liam is clearly gripping the railing going down the basement stairs. And then, when Kelly was sick, I had a hard time telling how much time was going by. At first, I thought perhaps weeks or even months were going by. It gradually became clear that just a day or two had gone by. I didn't like that momentary unmoored feeling.
But really, I just totally enjoyed the book. A truly creepy, scary story is SUCH a rarity for this age range. So many kids love scary stories, and I'm delighted to see this well-done offering for them!
A fast read. Liam Finn just moved into a haunted house and Bloody Mary lives in the walls. Will the Finn family survive the mysterious phone calls, noises in the basement, moving letters on the fridge, and their dog, well just...being gone? I liked the book but if you get scared easily, read this in day light.
This is a good introduction to horror for kids. The story is fast and good with just the right amount of creepy. I would have really enjoyed this book as a kid...I still enjoy horror now!
Lumayanlah bukunya, lumayan seram. Hahaha. "Home Sweet Horror," judulnya merusak image home sweet home selama ini banget kan, ya?
Ceritanya cukup umum sih, tentang sebuah keluarga yang pindah ke rumah baru yang reyot dan super menyeramkan. Tak hanya dari penampakan fisiknya, namun rumah itu juga dijauhi secara harafiah oleh warga sekitar.
Liam, seorang anak lelaki dan tokoh utama dalam buku ini, merasakan sejak awal, bahwa ada sesuatu yang salah dengan rumah barunya. Siang dan malam, rumah itu mengeluarkan banyak suara aneh. Menurut ayahnya, Mr. Finn, itu adalah suara rumah tua. Yah, jawaban yang tidak menenangkan Liam.
Keadaan semakin memburuk dan menjadi misteri ketika Kelly, kakaknya, iseng bermain Bloody Mary bersama sahabatnya, Mitali. Tahu kan permainannya? Matikan lampu rumahmu, berputarlah 13 kali sambil membisikkan "Bloody Mary" semakin lama semakin keras. Lalu lihat apa yang terjadi.
Benarkah Bloody Mary akan datang dalam permainan yang dilakukan Kelly, Liam, dan Mitali? Mampukah Liam dan keluarganya bertahan di rumah-baru-super-seram mereka?
Buku ini memang cocok untuk anak-anak, mungkin SD kelas atas ya, yang hobi dengan kisah hantu-hantuan. Selain bahasa yang digunakannya sederhana sehingga mudah dipahami, alurnya pun sederhana cenderung cepat. Meski konflik cerita tidak terlalu rumit, pembaca akan mendapat ketegangan tambahan (menurut saya) dari gambar ilustrasi yang realis dan hitam putih. Lumayan menyeramkan. Beberapa kali, saya memicingkan mata saat membalik halaman demi tidak melihat langsung ilustrasi seramnya. Haha. Ya, pengecut sih memang...tapi apa boleh buat, penasaran sama ceritanya.
A spooky tale for young horror fans. The story follows the Finn family. Having recently lost their mother, Liam and Kelly aren't thrilled about moving to Upstate New York. Then odd things start happening around their new home and they quickly learn its more than just a fixer upper.
Some great lines and general spookiness. The book combines a lot of eerie elements of haunted house horror (Bloody Mary, mirrors, noises in the night, unexplained happenings, creepy warnings, etc.) along with trademarks of children's adventures (absentminded parent). Not all that unique of a story but nice for young readers looking for a quick scare. Kind of wanted the elements to connect more or at least for them to be more fleshed out. There are bits and pieces but I needed it to go a bit deeper for a more haunting experience.
Interesting start to the series. Enjoyed the creepy illustrations and eerie aesthetic. Nothing too graphic or gory. Nice fit for those who enjoy dark reads, ghost stories, and general oddities.
Setelah kematian ibu mereka, Mr. Finn memutuskan pindah. Mengajak serta anaknya Liam dan Kelly. Rumah yang mereka tempati lebih mirip rumah hantu. Dan benar saja, di malam pertama Liam menempati kamarnya, ada sesuatu yang misterius. Sesuatu yang mengincar dirinya dan keluarganya.
Kalau kemarin aku baca bukunya yang ke-2 kali ini aku mundur ke buku 1. Dan cerita yang ke- 1 ini lebih seru. Mungkin karena settingnya lebih sempit di sebuah rumah, jadinya keanehan-keanehan bisa disesuaikan dengan rumah tersebut. Berbeda dengan buku ke-2 yang settingnya di wahana bermain.
Teror-teror yang diciptakan cukup mencekam. Untuk porsi dewasa mungkin kurang, tapi menurutku kalau dibaca anak-anak bisa bikin merinding juga. Lagian ceritanya padat dan jelas, meski terkesan buru-buru tapi sesuai lah untuk bacaan anak-anak. Toh tokoh utamanya juga adalah anak-anak (setingkat SD)
Paling bagus, dan paling aku suka dari buku ini adalah ilustrasinya yang super cakep. Setipe kayak A Monster Calls - Patrick Ness terasa horornya.
Yah, aku menikmati buku ini. Nggak sampai 1 jam udah bisa selesai.
I picked this up years ago when I still worked with Barnes and Noble as an ARC. It has always sat on my shelf and for some reason I never got around to it (I think it's because based on the cover it looked like it was a poor ripoff of Scary Tales to Tell in the Dark). I thought it was a collection of short stories and I was going to read it this October between other books, but when I opened it to the first page, I was surprised to notice that it was a slow pace for a seven page short story. It was only when I got halfway through the first chapter that I realized it was a whole book, so what better than to just read the entire thing? This was a pretty fun little story, but it resolves too quickly and cleanly for my liking (literally has no resolution till the last page and then it's a happy conclusion). There are elements that are keep vague and dont really make any kind of sense as a part of the whole story. The tale is a great scary story for kids though, and now that I know there are six books in the series, I highly recommend it as a Halloween read for your kiddos.
Looking back at the first of James Preller's "Scary Tales" series from 2013, as this is the "season" for fun reading like this...
With Mom gone, Liam Finn's Dad was in an emotional funk. He found a new job in another town, so moved the family into a rundown house - a "fixer-upper" in Upstate New York. Liam and his sister quickly learn that they are not the only ones in the house. It is up to them to find out more about Bloody Mary and what she wants from them.
This beginning chapter book does what others like R.L. Stine's "Goosebumps"have done: provide some chills for younger readers. Preller ratchets up the tension with the turn of each page, until the family are able to break free of the house, with the help of a guardian angel. While Stine's books often rely on cliffhanger chapters to build tension, Preller piles on the tension until the climax.
Still satisfying to read 10 years later... Hand one to your favorite ghoul or gal to enjoy a little spine-tingling fun.
lagi di masa reading slump, dan kepengen baca buku-buku tipis (ini aku bacanya di ipusnas) biar gak berat-berat amat. dan aku baru sadar kalau januari ini bacaanku dipenuhi sama genre horror.
di awal-awal, aku merasa kagok entah karena ini gaya penulisan atau terjemahan, yang menurutku agak kaku. tapi alur cerita ini menurutku cukup cepat jadi nyelesaiinnya juga cepat.
namun semakin ke belakang aku ngerasain kalau gaya penceritaannya agak enak dan aku bacanya juga gak se-kagok waktu di awal. cerita ini mungkin juga karena untuk anak-anak kali ya, jadi gak ada plot twist yang gimana banget gitu.
anyway aku suka ilustrasinya. simpel tapi jujur saja aku suka kaget pas liat ilustrasinya.
aku juga suka dengan "tester" yang diberikan penulis di bagian akhir buku ini untuk lanjutan serial ini. semacam sneak peek untuk isi buku selanjutnya (yang menurutku sebenarnya bisa kok dibaca sendiri-sendiri).
2.5 bintang, dinaikin jadi 3 deh, mempertimbangkan isinya yang dilengkapi ilustrasi yang lumayan bagus.
Sebagai generasi 90-an, baca seri Scary Tales ini bikin saya jadi teringat kesenangan zaman bocah pas baca seri Goosebumps, dan—mau ngga mau—jadi ngebanding-bandingin kedua serial horor anak ini. Dari segi cerita, mungkin Scary Tales lebih dapet horrornya, apalagi pembaca juga dimanjakan dengan banyak ilustrasi. Tapi tetep saya lebih suka Goosebumps series sih, yang lebih ketara unsur 'misteri'-nya dan bikin pembaca pemula—kayak saya dulu—jadi ikut menebak-nebak teka-teki ceritanya. Tetep seru meski tanpa dibumbui dengan ilustrasi.
Meski begitu, sepertinya saya bakal lanjut baca seri Scary Tales yang lainnya... selagi tersedia di iJak, hehehe.
*Dan entah cuma kebetulan saja, setelah saya inget-inget lagi, buku pertama dari kedua serial ini sama-sama soal 'rumah' ya...*
5/16/2021 ~ My elementary readers often ask for scary books (which are definitely not my thing!) So, I'm on a quest to find reasonable books for my younger readers. This series seems to suit. The books stand alone, with different characters and different scenarios. The illustrations, all in black & white, reminiscent of block print, are suitably creepy.
This volume definitely felt like horror/supernatural, unlike volume #2 which had a sci-fi/thriller aspect. When working with readers, be sure to figure out which type of "scary" they like!
Another one on my kid’s book shelf. Started it last night and finished it after work today.
It was alright. Again, reminds me of Are You Afraid of the Dark.
The characters are very generic, and nothing is too marked here. The stakes are low and the ending almost seems deus ex machina. At the very least it seems like the book was going to be longer, but the author just decided, “eh fuck it. We can just end it here . . . like THIS!”
It was still a fun, light read to keep the Halloween spirit alive during the fall season.
I hung out with my friend today and read this book while I was at her house, it's really short and a little childish but I read it in about 30 minutes. It was a fun little story about a house haunted by none other than Bloody Mary. However, the ending was very stupid and unresolved. It felt like it ended way too quickly and I just really didn't appreciate it. Loved the rest of the story, but hate the ending.
In this Scary book called Home Sweet Horror by James Preller, this boy named Liam and his sister is living with their dad because their mom died. They live in the house the BLOODY MARY lives in and there was message on the mirror that said Mine. Then they had some friends over and they knew that they were going to get in trouble and then Kelly Liam sister said BLOODY MARY 13 times and she was in the mirror. Will they make it out??
Liam and his family move into a new house in a new town for his dad's new job. The house is creepy AF, and everyone says it's haunted. Spoiler alert: it is. Luckily the dog doesn't die, and the ending is kind of sweet for such a creepy story.
Good easy chapter series for budding horror fans. It has the potential to by too scary though, so recommend with caution. Also the bloody mary business, would likely be a turnoff to more religious families.