1/11/13 continued: Just getting off the peninsula took the lives of all the mules. Rory met Georgia's first husband, liked him because he really cared 1/11/13 continued: Just getting off the peninsula took the lives of all the mules. Rory met Georgia's first husband, liked him because he really cared for the wounded and dying, and saved his life by getting him on a hospital ship bound for Alexandria.
Rory then headed to Ireland where he wasted no time reconnecting with the Larkin past and destiny. Women who knew Connor thought he had been reincarnated in Rory even though he was going by Landers. Rory was disabled somewhat but still managed to help the Irish cause after 'the Rising' which led Brodhead to sentence 90+ to death by firing squad. 80 were commuted to prison terms and later released (along with over 1,000 captured elsewhere) after Rory and Carolyn killed Brodhead whose body would never be found.
Rory returned to NZ, to his father, and to Georgia. 'had a daughter named Rory - conceived before the war in Europe and a son named for his dad, Liam after his return.
I will never see the Irish conflict the same again....more
When I started reading I thought I needed to read some more to make it worth reporting on. Then I realized that I had read too much to report details.When I started reading I thought I needed to read some more to make it worth reporting on. Then I realized that I had read too much to report details. I just have to conclude that it seems to be the true story of many lives that founded the west. At least I would hope that others who stood their ground for right living and for their lives held no malice for the men who lived there before them and loved the land as much as they.
L'Amour should be required reading for all young men. Sorry I never heard of him until I was grown....more
7/2 - cont'd John knew he was heading into the valley of the Doones but he keeps adventuring until he tops a hill and finds a beautiful 8 year old gir7/2 - cont'd John knew he was heading into the valley of the Doones but he keeps adventuring until he tops a hill and finds a beautiful 8 year old girl who notices how hurt he is from walking barefoot over sharp stones in frigid water. They are both smitten but part as she is sought by men from the Doones who would have killed him if caught.
The language is still difficult. I had to look up "lorch". Goldfish sized to 1 ft long scavengers prized for acquariums today.
7/12 oops. hit the ENTER key and didn't get to add a short comment. Well as Blackmore would say, let that pass. John Ridd has had quite a busy life these past 100 pages. 'been sought by an emissary of the King, 'traveled all the way to London, ' spoken with the Chief Justice, ' walked home to a wonderful homecoming, and learned at last the Lorna loves him but will not accept his gifts for the moment as a kindness to him.
7/16 Tom Faggus showed up for a visit and showed way too much interest in Lorna's diamond necklace for John Ridd's comfort but it remained safe. Then Jeremy Squires, the King's emissary, came for supper having just escaped three Doones. It is a wonderful tale!
7/20 John Ridd has gotten so close to the battle that he barely escapes being hanged by the intervention of Jeremy Squires who is then duty bound to take him into 'custody' and to London, when John finds Lorna in the very intimate circle of the Queen's friends. John saves Lorna's uncle/custodian's life and money and captures 2 thieves long sought by the king, gets knighted for his brave deed and earns a coat-of-arms to boot. Becoming 'Sir Ridd' still does not raise him into Lorna's status but still to a level of prestige.
Having been away from home a long time he goes home and right into local trouble with the Doones who have been taking off women and now have killed a nursing child. John, after much urging heads up a local effort to rid the valley of the Doones once for all. The plan they devise, getting a large part of the Doones to attach a 'shipment of gold' and entering the Doone valley from the lower end succeeded. They burned all the dwellings after getting all the women and children out. The only men to survive were Carver and his father 'The Councilor'. John allowed the old man to live and leave after he took back Lorna's necklace from his pocket but gave him one of the beautiful stones.
After some time John and Lorna's wedding was taking place when Carver Doone shot Lorna and finally John had more than he could take, following Carver on his own strong horse to the Wizzard's Slough and beat him in hand to hand combat but having no responsibility for Carver's death, who was sucked under by a black bog. Carver's son though present through part of this had chosen John as his father and he was sent to school when he was old enough and turned into a fine man.
John was badly hurt in his combat and took a long time to heal especially as the doctor kept 'bleeding' all the strength out of him but began to mend as soon as Ruth let him see that she had nursed Lorna back to life and health. They lived a nice long life together, occasionally remembering her dismal beginnings as Lorna Doone...more
'truth is, I read it in high school and don't remember much about it. It didn't make an impression. Just wasn't ready for serious literature. Date fin'truth is, I read it in high school and don't remember much about it. It didn't make an impression. Just wasn't ready for serious literature. Date finished is "Not Later Than"....more
This is perhaps a product of its time in that the action and the plot begin very unobtrusively. You meet the characters as though glimpsed through theThis is perhaps a product of its time in that the action and the plot begin very unobtrusively. You meet the characters as though glimpsed through the trees of the Appalachian forest. It is hard to believe the isolation of small homesteads or even townships in the mountains. While Einstein was proving the theory of relativity, the Hatfields were killing the McCoys over some slight or imagined slight. The nation makes mistakes and moves on, regions once prosperous die and people move out. Some of them do. A mountain girl child grows up and a young mine engineer grows too old for the young woman he discovered near her cabin but has the decency to let her live the life she chooses from the options he has shown her.
My copy was published in 1908. I've forgotten where I found it but I felt like it was worth reading and I was right....more
Take the "finished" date as meaning "before this date". This book describes the basis for the sectarian warfare that has inflamed Ireland for generatiTake the "finished" date as meaning "before this date". This book describes the basis for the sectarian warfare that has inflamed Ireland for generations. The crux of it is that England conquered Ireland and settled Scotch protestants in the north of Ireland as payment of sorts for their help in victory. The Irish are Catholic and resented any protestant presence in their land. So there it starts. I guess it didn't help that the scots had killed some of their kin before they settled into their new homes....more
Haphazard choice of stars but well worth the read. This was my introduction to Buck. I studied Mandarin and wish I had read Buck before the language tHaphazard choice of stars but well worth the read. This was my introduction to Buck. I studied Mandarin and wish I had read Buck before the language training. Buck shows how closely the people are tied to the land and to their families. As time rolls on, the land remains and continues to bless the people....more
I really should re-read this but don't feel drawn to do so now. My first reading was as an assignment in HS. While I really did read it, I didn't yet I really should re-read this but don't feel drawn to do so now. My first reading was as an assignment in HS. While I really did read it, I didn't yet possess the emotional maturity to understand the pathos involved. Date finished was earlier than my graduation date (approximated as date finished)....more
Imagine yourself as a child of mixed racial heritage, orphaned, at the mercy (which doesn't exist in that culture) of those in charge. You gradually uImagine yourself as a child of mixed racial heritage, orphaned, at the mercy (which doesn't exist in that culture) of those in charge. You gradually understand how to survive and in the process of growing up discover your place in the world. The background is India during the period of English dominance but during which the regional Maharajah's retain effective local power. Ancient customs, rivalries, and intrigues prevail. Human life has no value. Love still survives as Ash (main character) discovers.
Uncle Kakaji once told Ash "Do not look back. The past is the last refuge of the defeated." That's good advice but it is hard to apply when you ache for the losses you have suffered....more