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Book Resources & Recommendations > Classics that are really easy to get into

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message 1: by Jada (new)

Jada Stuart (JadasArtVision) | 30 comments I'm trying to read more classics but I am having trouble sticking to a book.
Do yall know any that were great from start to finish?

to help yall here is a list of my fav classics so far:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
The Hunchback of Notre-Dame by Victor Hugo
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams (play)
The Three Musketeers (The D'Artagnan Romances, #1) by Alexandre Dumas

message 2: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57306 comments I just downloaded The Three Musketeers for free on Kindle, and the audiobook for free on audible.com with the new Whispersinc program they have going. I love free books! :)

message 3: by Jada (new)

Jada Stuart (JadasArtVision) | 30 comments Janice wrote: "I just downloaded The Three Musketeers for free on Kindle, and the audiobook for free on audible.com with the new Whispersinc program they have going. I love free books! :)"

awesome! It's a good read. I like Milady. She's a great villain. :)

message 4: by Janice, Moderator (new)

Janice (jamasc) | 57306 comments I've seen the various movies but have never read the book.

message 5: by Rusalka, Moderator (last edited Oct 02, 2012 11:31PM) (new)

Rusalka (rusalkii) | 18912 comments Depends how "classic" you like your Classics. Some of my favourites are Jane Austen's stuff, The Picture of Dorian Gray, 1984, Brave New World, and Dracula.

STILL reading Anna Karenina at the moment because I keep putting it down for Topplers and Challenges, not because it's no good. I have to finish it by the end of the year as it's counting towards that damn Rainbow!!!

message 6: by Ava Catherine (last edited Oct 03, 2012 12:04AM) (new)

Ava Catherine | 4258 comments Rebecca Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier Daphne du Maurier is an easy classic to get drawn into. You just have to stick with it through the first 60 pages or so, then BAM!! the suspense hits and you cannot put it town until the very last page.

The vocabulary is easy, too.

message 7: by [deleted user] (new)

I read Herodotus's The Histories and found it rivetting. he starts out to tell the history of the Persian wars and gets sidetracked. It's not enough to say that the Persian's attacked, he wants to explore why they attachked and so spends quite a lot of the book exploring the known world, always asking what's over the horizon. He's called the father of history and the father of fiction - and in this you can really see why.
But I imagine some people would find it as dull as ditch water and hate every word of it - there's no such thing as a book that everyone will enjoy - even amongst the classics. Personally I spend most of a Jane Austen wanting to slap her heroines for being quite so insipid. Age is reducing the tendancy to want to scream and throw the book across the room, but I can't imagine ever reading one for fun.

message 9: by Dem (new)

Dem | 984 comments My favourite classic is To Kill a Mockingbird

message 10: by Jada (new)

Jada Stuart (JadasArtVision) | 30 comments Judy wrote: "OMG! Another reader who loves 3M. Jada, did you know that The Three Musketeers is the first in a series? I'm reading the second in the series right now: Twenty Years After. Also, have you tried rea..."

Yeah I knew it was a series but I haven't read the other books. I read an abridged version of the The Count of Monte Cristo. I want to eventually read the full version. I'm in another group on goodreads that reads only classics called Old Books, New Readers. You would like the group. We put our nominations for a Book of the Month to read and then vote on them. Right now we are reading The Picture of Dorian Gray for october. We are also reading Les Misérables from october-december since it's so long and everyone wants to read it for the movie that's coming out.

message 11: by April (new)

April | 970 comments Dem wrote: "My favourite classic is To Kill a Mockingbird"

One of my very favorite books!

message 12: by Ava Catherine (last edited Oct 25, 2012 06:27PM) (new)

Ava Catherine | 4258 comments Judy wrote: "OMG! Another reader who loves 3M. Jada, did you know that The Three Musketeers is the first in a series? I'm reading the second in the series right now: Twenty Years After. Also, have you tried rea..."

I adore The Count of Monte Cristo The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas Alexandre Dumas. Dumas is an excellent author! You can search high and low, but you won't find a better book than this one!

I agree with Dem and April...

To Kill a Mockingbird To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Harper Lee is an easy book to read and an excellent read!

message 13: by Julia (new)

Julia (juliace) Janice wrote: "I just downloaded The Three Musketeers for free on Kindle, and the audiobook for free on audible.com with the new Whispersinc program they have going. I love free books! :)"

I read this book years ago and loved it. It's something I've always wanted to re-read and have kept putting off.

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