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The Next Best Book Club discussion

Personal Reading Goals > Paul's 25 Books Project

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message 1: by Paul (new)

Paul (latepaul) Ok, so my reading has declined over the last few years, never seem to find time, so I decided to encourage myself with a challenge. I didn't want to make it too hard so I settled on 25 books in a year - not many for most of you I know but actually a step up for me.

The rules I invented are on my blog but the main point was to get me reading again and reading more widely.

Currently I'm on 6 points and my 6th book i.e. way behind but I am catching up.

Here's what I've read so far:

1 The Servants by Michael Marshall Smith
2 I Am Legend by Richard Matheson (1pt > 50years old)
3 Skellig by David Almond (1pt was a recommendation)
4 The Ascent of Rum Doodle by W.E. Bowman (2pts recommendation, >50yrs old)
5 The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson [2pts recommendation, genre I don't normally read)

Book 6 which I just started is [book:The Great Gatsby|4671] by F. Scott Fitzgerald

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