Our system closely approaches the state-of-the-art in-domain while outperforming the best available frame identification system out-of-domain. We publish our ...
For the first time, we study the domain dependence of FrameNet SRL on a wide range of benchmark sets. We create a novel test set for FrameNet SRL based on user- ...
We use YAGS, along with other out-of-domain test sets, to perform a detailed analysis of the domain depen- dence of FrameNet SRL using Semafor (Das et al., 2014 ...
We use YAGS, along with other out-of-domain test sets, to perform a detailed analysis of the domain depen- dence of FrameNet SRL using Semafor (Das et al., 2014 ...
For the first time, we study the domain dependence of FrameNet SRL on a wide range of benchmark sets. We create a novel test set for FrameNet SRL based on user- ...
A simple, yet efficient system based on distributed word representations that closely approaches the state-of-the-art in-domain while outperforming the best ...
Connected Papers is a visual tool to help researchers and applied scientists find academic papers relevant to their field of work.
Domain Adaptation is a field of associated with machine learning and transfer learning. This scenario arises when we aim at learning from a source data ...
AbstractSemantic frames are formal structures describing situations, actions or events, e.g., Commerce buy, Kidnapping, or Exchange.
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