... zurna was ex- cluded from most official settings , including folk music schools . However , even in Bulgaria there were long periods during socialism when zurna players performed with ensembles ; from 1964 to 1969 , for example , Man ...
... zurna ensemble playing at drinking tables during the annual Kırkpınar Traditional Wrestling Festival , Edirne . Standing musicians are Yaşar Çalgı ( zurna ) and Pompa ( The Pump ) Rahmi Yanyacı ( davul ) . Photograph by the author ...
... zurna or shawm. Evliya notes that he is the patron-saint of the military band musicians, even though they do not have a true patron-saint since the zurna was not played dur- ing the life of the Prophet but only became widespread under ...
... zurna in Ozlan's piece. However, when I asked her about her first days on the job, Lila highlights that the zurna was actually not part of her regular musical repertoire. She admitted that she basically had to learn the instrument 'from ...
... Zurna Ensembles Beginning with the seventeenth century , the music - iconographic details featured in the " Mocking of Christ " scene undergo modifications that are different in nature from those manifest heretofore . No new instruments ...
... zurna professionally without circular breathing . Then he was given a zurna , and he accompanied his father and the Turkish dauli player to jobs , taking in songs , places , customs , and protocol . Professional etiquette at the time ...
... zurna is a sister to the oboe and a cousin of the clarinet. While the pilot played, the worshipers looked on him as a priest giving a sermon: the zurna's voice ascended to the heavens, twisting and sweeping through the mountain air over ...
... zurna.player ' Until they ( almost ) came out , the zurna player with eyes popping out opened his mouth widely , the mouth full of spittle , and was wondering . ' ( 114 ) [ [ hibay bečedaw dawla = n such rich zurmaqan - zo b - ux - no ] ...
... zurna in 1984 from festivals, media, and even private parties. Zurna is a double reed conical-bore instrument played in pairs (one drones and one plays melody), and has been a Romani niche in the Balkans since the 1300s. The official ...