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BaseMirror: Automatic Reverse Engineering of Baseband Commands from Android’s Radio Interface Layer

Wenqiang Li li.14488@osu.edu The Ohio State UniversityUSA Haohuang Wen wen.423@osu.edu The Ohio State UniversityUSA  and  Zhiqiang Lin zlin@cse.ohio-state.edu The Ohio State UniversityUSA

In modern mobile devices, baseband is an integral component running on top of cellular processors to handle crucial radio communications. However, recent research reveals significant vulnerabilities in these basebands, posing serious security risks like remote code execution. Yet, effectively scrutinizing basebands remains a daunting task, as they run closed-source and proprietary software on vendor-specific chipsets. Existing analysis methods are limited by their dependence on manual processes and heuristic approaches, reducing their scalability. This paper introduces a novel approach to unveil security issues in basebands from a unique perspective: to uncover vendor-specific baseband commands from the Radio Interface Layer (RIL), a hardware abstraction layer interfacing with basebands. To demonstrate this concept, we have designed and developed BaseMirror, a static binary analysis tool to automatically reverse engineer baseband commands from vendor-specific RIL binaries. It utilizes a bidirectional taint analysis algorithm to adeptly identify baseband commands from an enhanced control flow graph enriched with reconstructed virtual function calls. Our methodology has been applied to 28 vendor RIL libraries, encompassing a wide range of Samsung Exynos smartphone models on the market. Remarkably, BaseMirror has uncovered 873 unique baseband commands undisclosed to the public. Based on these results, we develop an automated attack discovery framework to successfully derive and validate 8 zero-day vulnerabilities that trigger denial of cellular service and arbitrary file access on a Samsung Galaxy A53 device. These findings have been reported and confirmed by Samsung and a bug bounty was awarded to us.

Baseband, Android Radio Interface Layer, Reverse Engineering
journalyear: 2024copyright: acmlicensedconference: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security; October 14–18, 2024; Salt Lake City, UT, USAbooktitle: Proceedings of the 2024 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS ’24), October 14–18, 2024, Salt Lake City, UT, USAdoi: 10.1145/3658644.3690254isbn: 979-8-4007-0636-3/24/10ccs: Security and privacy Mobile and wireless security

1. Introduction

Baseband is a proprietary and mandatory component in mobile devices, responsible for overseeing all radio functions like voice calls, text messages (SMS), and cellular data connections. Essentially, the baseband serves as the primary interface enabling a smartphone to communicate with the external cellular network, specifically the base station towers. Consequently, the baseband firmware code is complicated, dealing with low-level signals and cellular states, which are transparent to end-users. To date, key manufacturers like Qualcomm, Samsung, and MediaTek have created closed-source software and integrated system-on-chips (SoCs) that are used by manufacturers such as Google and Apple to produce smartphones, tablets, and other cellular devices.

However, it is less known that the baseband operates as a self-contained and highly independent system with numerous undisclosed functionalities. Specifically, the baseband firmware runs on a dedicated Cellular Processor (CP) with a real-time operating system (RTOS), rendering it entirely separated from the mobile device’s main processor, commonly referred to as the Application Processor (AP) (Kim et al., 2021). While previous studies have identified various vendor-specific AT commands in smartphone firmware triggering unpublicized baseband functions (Tian et al., 2018; Karim et al., 2019), these AT commands are typically used in legacy Android phone models. In fact, we notice that most recent Android devices use proprietary inter-process communication (IPC) mechanisms to communicate with the baseband (Carikli, 2021; laforge, 2019). These baseband interfaces also have raised significant security concerns. For example, Samsung Galaxy devices’ baseband was reported to contain remote file access (RFS) backdoors, providing unauthorized access to read, write, or delete files on the smartphone’s local file system (K, 2014).

Even more concerning, recent demonstrations have revealed that mobile basebands are susceptible to exploitation, allowing the triggering of vulnerabilities like remote code execution (RCE) over the air (Grassi et al., 2018), even extending to the latest 5G mobile devices (Grassi and Chen, 2021). Over the years, it has become evident that the baseband often suffers from inadequate security engineering, showcasing memory corruption vulnerabilities (Zeng et al., 2012; Golde and Komaromy, 2016; Hernandez et al., 2022; Maier et al., 2020) and non-compliance with cellular specifications (Kim et al., 2021; Hussain et al., 2021). Simultaneously, high-privileged malware on a device can inject malicious requests into the baseband, activating security-sensitive functions. These exploitation pathways pose a serious risk, allowing malicious actors to compromise the device and jeopardize the user’s security and privacy.

Current approaches involve scrutinizing baseband firmware implementations through reverse engineering (RE) to identify and address undesired behaviors and vulnerabilities in basebands. As of now, only a few tools have been developed for baseband RE, encompassing both static analysis (Kim et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2024) and dynamic analysis (Hussain et al., 2021), with some utilizing emulation methods (Hernandez et al., 2022; Maier et al., 2020). However, these tools come with several limitations, often relying on manual analysis and heuristics, and thus do not generalize well (Kim et al., 2021; Maier et al., 2020). Indeed, baseband RE is an exceedingly difficult task due to various factors such as undisclosed implementation details, diverse architectures, and the absence of debugging symbols.

This paper presents a novel approach, BaseMirror, which unveils baseband security issues from a new perspective. Instead of directly analyzing the baseband firmware, BaseMirror reverse-engineers vendor-specific baseband commands from the Radio Interface Layer (RIL) (Android, 2022), which effectively serves as a mirror of the baseband interfaces. This “mirror-based” perspective has been successfully applied in previous research to uncover security vulnerabilities in automotive and IoT devices (Wen et al., 2020c, a, b; Wang et al., 2019). In this work, our key insight is rooted in the generic architecture of Android mobile devices, where all communication between the Application Processor (AP) and Cellular Processor (CP) is processed and mediated by the RIL—a hardware abstraction layer between the radio hardware and the operating system. The critical commands implemented in the RIL thus expose exploitable attack surfaces targeting the AP and CP. As the RIL logic is typically integrated into a standalone shared library by the baseband hardware vendor (e.g., Samsung and Qualcomm), we consequently formulate it as a reverse engineering task to uncover vendor-specific baseband commands from the RIL binary code.

Nonetheless, developing such a static analysis pipeline poses three technical challenges. First, it requires a generic algorithm to comprehensively identify desired program paths generating these baseband commands so that they can be applied to various baseband versions and models without human intervention. Second, the inter-procedural call graph of the RIL binary needs to be recovered but it is challenging due to the massive use of virtual function calls (Erinfolami and Prakash, 2020; Bacon and Sweeney, 1996) that could not be resolved by off-the-shelf reverse engineering tools by default (NSA, 2024; Rays, 2024; Shoshitaishvili et al., 2016). Third, it needs to accurately filter out commands not dedicated to the baseband, as the RIL binaries are still relatively complex, typically involving over 15K functions, and not all contribute to baseband communication.

We have addressed the above challenges and implemented a prototype of BaseMirror as an automatic static binary code analysis tool to reveal vendor-proprietary baseband commands from the Android RIL. It employs a bidirectional taint analysis algorithm to comprehensively track the data flow from fundamental system APIs invoked for baseband interactions. To facilitate this analysis, BaseMirror recovers the indirect function calls (especially virtual calls) by employing a lightweight and efficient algorithm to resolve the virtual call target and function. Subsequently, it discards commands not intended for the baseband, based on the system path associated with the corresponding command channels.

To evaluate BaseMirror, we have tested it with 28 vendor RIL libraries extracted from real Android firmware images, covering a wide range of Samsung smartphone models with the proprietary Exynos baseband. BaseMirror successfully extracted 873 unique vendor-specific commands. We further developed a dynamic validation framework on a real device to verify the correctness of 179 commands that do not involve external parameters, which shows no false positive. To assess the security implications of our results, we developed an automatic attack payload discovery tool that derives 8 new exploitable commands on a Samsung Galaxy A53. We demonstrate that these attack commands can be leveraged to trigger service disruption and denial-of-service attacks on the CP, including three new attacks that require re-flashing the baseband to recover. We also discover a new vulnerability enabling arbitrary access to the AP’s file system. This vulnerability has been patched in the latest RIL firmware and a bug bounty was awarded.

In summary, we make the following contributions:

  • We present a new approach to unveil security issues in basebands from the Radio Interface Layer, by reverse engineering vendor-specific baseband commands.

  • We developed BaseMirror, a static binary analysis tool, and used that to extract 873 unique baseband commands from 28 different Samsung Exynos smartphones’ firmware.

  • We identified 8 zero-day vulnerabilities that exploit baseband commands to trigger denial-of-service attacks on the CP and arbitrary file accesses on the AP.

  • We have released a proof-of-concept implementation of
    BaseMirror at https://github.com/OSUSecLab/BaseMirror.

2. Background and Motivation

Radio Interface Layer. In modern wireless systems, the Radio Interface Layer (RIL), a crucial element of the Android architecture (Android, 2022), serves as the bridge between software and radio hardware. Initially specific to Android (Android, 2022), RIL now broadly represents similar concepts in the hardware abstraction layer (HAL) (Kröll et al., 2021). As a vital interface, RIL enables seamless communication between the operating system and the radio modem, or baseband, essential for data transmission and reception over wireless networks. By abstracting radio hardware complexities, RIL provides a standardized interface that allows higher-level software, especially telephony applications, to interact with the radio module effectively. Its importance extends beyond basic functionality, enhancing interoperability, streamlining communication protocols, and optimizing resource use in mobile devices. For a comprehensive understanding, we outline the RIL architecture within a typical Android system in Figure 1 and elaborate on the primary RIL components subsequently.

Refer to caption
Figure 1. RIL architecture within an Android mobile device.


The RIL Daemon (RILD) serves as the intermediary between the higher-level Android framework layer and the remaining RIL components (Android, 2022). More specifically, the RILD initializes the vendor RIL and LibRIL during system start-up. The initialization will bridge the communication between vendor RIL and LibRIL as the RILD will register the vendor RIL’s communication interfaces (e.g., a RIL_RadioFunctions structure) to the LibRIL so that they can be invoked in the future. After the initialization, the RILD processes all communication events from the Android telephony service (via the RIL Java, or RILJ layer through Android’s Inter-process communication mechanisms (Android, 2024a)) and further dispatches requests.


The LibRIL is a generic Android shared library (.so) that interacts with the vendor RIL through standard interfaces defined in the Android RIL source code (Android, 2022). To monitor the events and responses, LibRIL maintains an event loop thread that constantly listens to a series of file descriptors of interest. Once the LibRIL is notified of events from either the RILJ or the baseband, it triggers the corresponding handler functions to respond to the events. For instance, LibRIL will invoke the vendor RIL through its onRequest interface after receiving events from the upper framework layer. The Android Open Source Project (AOSP) (Android, 2024b) has defined a set of standard RIL commands to ensure basic cellular functionality, such as dialing and SMS.

Vendor RIL and the Reverse Engineering Opportunities

The Android platform, while maintaining generic components like RILD and LibRIL for standard RIL communication, also enables hardware vendors to craft their customized logic and protocols within a shared vendor RIL library (Android, 2022). This flexibility is vital due to the diversity of baseband chipsets used by different manufacturers, necessitating a vendor RIL that is adeptly tailored to the unique characteristics and functionalities of each chipset. These vendor-specific implementations are integrated into a shared library (.so). For instance, AOSP provides a reference vendor RIL implementation utilizing the Hayes AT command set (Android, 2024b; Tian et al., 2018). Notably, while vendor RILs are permitted to employ various protocols for baseband communication, they must adhere to the standardized RIL interfaces to ensure compatibility with the generic RIL layer.

In this paper, our primary focus is on these vendor RILs, which present a unique and standard interface, offering a strategic vantage point for reverse engineering the proprietary baseband interfaces. By design, these vendor RIL libraries encompass many undisclosed commands and protocols with the baseband, which are not only critical in understanding the complicated workings of the baseband but also helpful in identifying potential security and privacy vulnerabilities inherent in these systems. Therefore, by dissecting and analyzing the vendor RIL, we can unveil hidden aspects of the baseband, thereby contributing to the broader understanding of its security posture and operational dynamics.

3. Overview

3.1. Objectives and Assumptions

Objectives. Our objective is to reverse engineer the vendor implemented RIL libraries to identify proprietary baseband commands used for communication between AP and CP. To this end, we define two types of such command types based on the direction: (1) Solicited commands issued by the AP to instruct the CP for dedicated functions and (2) Unsolicited commands used by the CP to proactively interact with the AP via notification mechanisms. These proprietary commands are fundamentally exchanged via standard communication interfaces at the RIL. Essentially, our goal is to comprehensively identify these proprietary command payloads and demonstrate their security impacts.


Considering the availability of RIL firmware and open architecture, this paper focuses on Android RIL (Android, 2022). We assume the smartphone vendors have followed the official RIL architecture, which allows us to identify and extract the proprietary vendor RIL libraries from the phone’s factory images. We assume our targeted vendor RIL libraries can be disassembled and decompiled, and they are stripped and not obfuscated (which is true at this time of writing). As RIL resides at the native layer of Android, the associated libraries are developed with C++ language for ARM architecture that is widely adopted by most commodity smartphones.

Refer to caption
Figure 2. A simplified running example of a solicited command to query call list from the baseband.
Refer to caption
Figure 3. Illustration of the key components of BaseMirror.

3.2. Running Example

To demonstrate our approach, we use a running example: a solicited command from the AP’s vendor RIL querying information from the baseband. This example shown in Figure 2 uses decompiled code from the libsec-ril.so library, extracted from a Samsung Galaxy A53 with an Exynos chipset. Here, the IpcTxCallGetCallList function constructs the command payload, indicating a request for the call list from the baseband. A virtual function call at line 8 in IpcTxCallGetCallList initiates the command’s journey to the baseband. This call uses a function pointer combined with the this pointer and offsets, directing control to the SendMessage function, where the payload is passed as an argument. For simplification, this example does not explain how the virtual callee is resolved and the explanation is given in §4.2 when we describe how virtual calls are resolved. Following a similar process, the command reaches the IoChannel::Write function through another virtual call and is finally sent to the baseband via the Linux system call API write. This example focuses on a solicited command, but the process for unsolicited commands, like AP polling requests from the CP, is similar. Unsolicited commands are typically retrieved from read-like system calls and processed by appropriate utility functions.

3.3. Challenges and Insights

While the example explains how a specific baseband command is constructed and sent, we need to further generalize these observations to achieve our reverse engineering goals. However, we notice there are three major challenges:

(1) Systematically identifying baseband commands

A mobile device vendor usually defines hundreds of specific baseband commands for various radio functionalities, leading to very complicated implementations. For instance, a vendor RIL library we collected typically occupies a few megabytes of binary code with more than 15K functions. Therefore, manual analysis is extremely inefficient, and thus an automated and systematic approach is highly desired. Such a binary analysis approach should precisely locate the baseband commands and correctly extract their syntax. Simply relying on program heuristics (e.g., function and variable symbols) is not scalable and lacks generality, as it will likely introduce errors when encountering different firmware.

To address this challenge, we observe that the baseband commands within the RIL are issued through standard Linux system calls, such as write and read as in the running example in Figure 2. Therefore, we design a unified static taint analysis approach (Allen, 1970; Yang and Yang, 2012) to precisely track how baseband commands are constructed from these system calls. Note that we favor a static program analysis approach over dynamic analysis due to scalability concerns, as dynamic analysis requires real devices or emulation capabilities. As a static analysis approach, we only require the RIL binary code, which is readily available from the mobile device firmware.

(2) Efficiently recovering virtual function calls

The first critical step of static taint analysis is to construct a complete Inter-Procedural Call Graph (CG) (Ming et al., 2012). An incomplete CG will interrupt the correct program control flow and thus prevent our taint analysis from reaching the desired command locations. In particular, virtual function calls (or vcalls) are the major roadblocks as current off-the-shelf program analysis frameworks (NSA, 2024; Rays, 2024; Shoshitaishvili et al., 2016) cannot resolve vcalls by default during call graph construction. These vcalls are ubiquitous in our problem domain due to the flexibility of programming (e.g., various command handlers invoked from a single statement). For example, in Figure 2, the backward command propagation will break at IoChannel::Write if we miss the desired virtual function call (IpcModem::DoIoChannelRoutingTx to IoChannel::Write) from the function call graph.

There have been a handful of program analysis techniques for analyzing virtual function calls at source code level (Bacon and Sweeney, 1996) and recovering virtual inheritance at binary level (Erinfolami and Prakash, 2020; Pawlowski et al., 2017; Elsabagh et al., 2017). Our challenge differs in that we are directly solving the concrete vcalls instead of the virtual inheritance. More specifically, when encountering a virtual call site during taint analysis, we need to find the possible callees to propagate the control flow. To this end, we devise a lightweight vcall recovery algorithm that combines class type analysis and offset computation to identify the possible vcall targets and extend the program’s control flow.

(3) Accurately filtering undesired commands

After identifying the possible baseband commands using static taint analysis, we still need to filter these results since there could be many false positives. This is due to the generic static analysis sources and sinks (e.g., the write system call function) that are not only used for baseband commands but also other undesired purposes. For instance, we notice that some RIL implementations use read and write over a local file to achieve asynchronous communications. Therefore, we must accurately filter out undesired commands from our results.

Our key insight comes from the general RIL architecture design in §2 that actual interactions between AP and CP are through the Linux-mounted device interfaces, which are distinguished from other types of operations. For example, we notice that both Samsung and Google devices’ RIL implementations leverage the mounted devices under the /dev/ folder. Those devices represent the communication channels to the peripheral devices, including the baseband. Based on this insight, we leverage the command channel represented by the file descriptor (FD) parameters in the read and write system calls to perform filtering. At a high level, we use backward static analysis to track how the channel FD is initialized and further resolve its path in the system.

4. Design and Implementation

This section presents the design and implementation of BaseMirror, a static analysis tool to identify and extract the baseband commands from the vendor RIL library. Its high-level workflow is shown in Figure 3 with four major components. First, taking a vendor-specific Android firmware as input, it automatically unpacks the firmware into multiple partitions and extracts the vendor RIL libraries (§4.1). Second, it disassembles the library and produces a virtual call-aware inter-procedural call graph (§4.2). Third, based on the enhanced CG, it performs bidirectional taint analysis to uncover both solicited and unsolicited commands (§4.3). Lastly, it filters the commands based on their associated communication channels, and those that interact with the baseband are output as results (§4.4).

4.1. Vendor RIL Library Extraction

The initial input of BaseMirror is a batch of Android firmware images implemented by various vendors. BaseMirror uses an automated script to unpack the firmware, examine the partitions, and extract the vendor RIL libraries for later analysis. Specifically, it first extracts the AP image and discards the rest (e.g., CP image), and further divides the AP image into multiple partitions. Due to the diversity of the firmware versions we may handle, it targets three standard Android partitions: system, vendor, and super, which contain system-of-chip (SoC) specific code and libraries. Afterward, each of these partitions will be automatically mounted as file systems for library extraction.

The remaining challenge is to accurately extract the desired vendor RIL libraries of interest. Fortunately, while the naming convention and library path are varied across vendors, we find that there is a systematic way to achieve this goal. Specifically, the build.prop file under each partition defines critical system properties and settings, including an important field vendor.rild.libpath that points to the exact vendor RIL library location. As such, our script easily pinpoints and extracts the vendor RIL library.

4.2. Virtual Call-Aware Call Graph Recovery

Refer to caption
Figure 4. Illustrative example of a virtual function call of our interest in a real vendor RIL library.

Given a vendor RIL library, BaseMirror disassembles it and generates an inter-procedural call graph (CG). We use the default disassembler from the state-of-the-art static analysis framework Ghidra (NSA, 2024). However, as mentioned in the challenges, the produced CG is incomplete and we still need to recover indirect function calls especially Virtual Function Calls. To provide an in-depth explanation, we provide a zoom-in view of the running example (Figure 2) with more details about the Virtual Function Calls.

Figure 4 explains how IpcTxCallGetCallList from the example can invoke a virtual call to IpcModem::SendMessage. Line 4 reveals the structure of a virtual call which constitutes a virtual call target and a virtual call offset. More specifically, a virtual call target indicates the concrete C++ Class of the instance that initiates the call, and a virtual call offset determines the exact virtual function of that Class. In this example, the virtual call target defined by this+0x10 is initialized at the parent constructor function (Line 13 of the IpcProtocol constructor), as IpcProtocol41 inherits from IpcProtocol. Based on the statement, the virtual call target is initialized by param2 which suggests a pointer to an IpcModem instance based on the parameter type. This further indicates that this+0x10 (assigned by param2) also points to an IpcModem instance, and thus the virtual function to be invoked is the IpcModem instance’s address pluses a constant offset 0x30. To resolve this function, we notice that the IpcModem instance initiates its this pointer to the base of its Virtual Call Table. Therefore, we can compute the exact virtual function’s address based on the constant offset, and it is thus resolved as IpcModem::SendMessage. Based on the above example, we present a lightweight virtual call solving algorithm in Algorithm 1. It is broken down into two major tasks to resolve a virtual call as described below.

1 Function vcall_recovery(𝔾𝔾\mathbb{G}blackboard_G)
2       (V,E)𝔾𝑉𝐸𝔾(V,E)\leftarrow\mathbb{G}( italic_V , italic_E ) ← blackboard_G; I𝐼I\leftarrow\emptysetitalic_I ← ∅; S𝑆S\leftarrow\emptysetitalic_S ← ∅
3       foreach instruction iV𝑖𝑉i\in Vitalic_i ∈ italic_V do
4             if opcode(i𝑖iitalic_i) is indirect call then
                   II{i}𝐼𝐼𝑖I\leftarrow I\cup\{i\}italic_I ← italic_I ∪ { italic_i }
                    // Add ins to solved list
6       foreach instruction iI𝑖𝐼i\in Iitalic_i ∈ italic_I do
7             vcsubscript𝑣𝑐absentv_{c}\leftarrowitalic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_c end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← class of i𝑖iitalic_i
8             vtsubscript𝑣𝑡absentv_{t}\leftarrowitalic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← virtual call target expression of operand(i𝑖iitalic_i)
9             vosubscript𝑣𝑜absentv_{o}\leftarrowitalic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← virtual call offset of operand(i𝑖iitalic_i)
10             if (vc,vt,vo)Ssubscript𝑣𝑐subscript𝑣𝑡subscript𝑣𝑜𝑆(v_{c},v_{t},v_{o})\in S( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_c end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) ∈ italic_S then
                    // vcall already solved
12            F𝐹absentF\leftarrowitalic_F ← {vcsubscript𝑣𝑐v_{c}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_c end_POSTSUBSCRIPT’s constructors} \cup {vcsubscript𝑣𝑐v_{c}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_c end_POSTSUBSCRIPT’s class member functions}
13             foreach function fF𝑓𝐹f\in Fitalic_f ∈ italic_F do
14                   c𝑐absentc\leftarrowitalic_c ← class_inference(vtsubscript𝑣𝑡v_{t}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, f𝑓fitalic_f)
15                   if c𝑐citalic_c is not null then
16                         break
18            cvtsubscript𝑐𝑣𝑡absentc_{vt}\leftarrowitalic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← c𝑐citalic_c’s virtual function table’s base
19             cvfcvt+vosubscript𝑐𝑣𝑓subscript𝑐𝑣𝑡subscript𝑣𝑜c_{vf}\leftarrow c_{vt}+v_{o}italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v italic_f end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT + italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT
             SS{(vc,vt,vo)}𝑆𝑆subscript𝑣𝑐subscript𝑣𝑡subscript𝑣𝑜S\leftarrow S\cup\{(v_{c},v_{t},v_{o})\}italic_S ← italic_S ∪ { ( italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_c end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) }
              // Add to solved list
             EE{(fi,cvf)}𝐸𝐸subscript𝑓𝑖subscript𝑐𝑣𝑓E\leftarrow E\cup\{(f_{i},c_{vf})\}italic_E ← italic_E ∪ { ( italic_f start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v italic_f end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) }
              // Add vcall to CG
21Function class_inference(vtsubscript𝑣𝑡v_{t}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, f𝑓fitalic_f)
22       d𝑑absentd\leftarrowitalic_d ← data definition of vtsubscript𝑣𝑡v_{t}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT in f𝑓fitalic_f
23       if d𝑑ditalic_d is a parameter then
24             return parameter’s class
26      else if d𝑑ditalic_d is a return variable then
27             return return variable type
29      else if d𝑑ditalic_d is a stack variable then
30             return class_inference(d𝑑ditalic_d, f𝑓fitalic_f)
Algorithm 1 Virtual Function Call Recovery.

(I) Identifying Virtual Call Instructions

Algorithm 1 takes the control flow graph 𝔾=(V,E)𝔾𝑉𝐸\mathbb{G}=(V,E)blackboard_G = ( italic_V , italic_E ) of the vendor RIL library as input, and expands the set of edge E𝐸Eitalic_E with virtual calls. Since our analysis involves taint analysis that may traverse 𝔾𝔾\mathbb{G}blackboard_G in a backward order, E𝐸Eitalic_E must be complete to ensure the coverage of analysis (while in forward taint analysis, we can solve only encountered virtual calls). Line 1 to Line 1 describes the initial steps to identify virtual call instructions of our interest. Fundamentally, virtual calls in disassembly code are of similar structures as indirect calls (Lu and Hu, 2019; Van Der Veen et al., 2016; Pawlowski et al., 2017), as shown in the Figure 4 example. Based on this observation, the algorithm traverses the instructions of each basic block in V𝑉Vitalic_V. It leverages the Ghidra’s P-Code Intermediate Representation (IR) lifter to convert the disassembly into unified P-Code IR syntax as the binaries of interest are cross-architecture (Ghidra, 2024). Based on the P-Code instruction syntax, we consider each instruction i𝑖iitalic_i represents a potential virtual function call if it is an indirect call instruction (i.e., with CALLIND opcode in P-Code (Ghidra, 2024)), and if so we add it to the list I𝐼Iitalic_I.

(II) Resolving Virtual Call Function Target

Line 1 to Line 1 illustrates the steps to resolve the virtual calls for each shortlisted instruction i𝑖iitalic_i. First, it obtains the corresponding P-Code representation of the vcall. In our running example Figure 4, the vcall at line 4 of the IpcTxCallGetCallList function is represented by ((this+0x10)+0x30)), which is described by an abstract syntax tree (AST) structure in P-Code (Ghidra, 2024). It then parses this representation to extract the vcall table base vtsubscript𝑣𝑡v_{t}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT (e.g., (this+0x10) and the vcall table offset vosubscript𝑣𝑜v_{o}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT (e.g., 0x30). Since we notice that a Class may reuse its vcalls, we maintain a set S𝑆Sitalic_S to store and query all vcalls that have already been resolved. To uniquely identify a vcall as a query key, we construct a tuple (vcsubscript𝑣𝑐v_{c}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_c end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, vtsubscript𝑣𝑡v_{t}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, vosubscript𝑣𝑜v_{o}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT) using the concrete Class and vcall representation through the following two steps:

  • Virtual Table Analysis. The first step in our analysis is to identify the concrete Class for a virtual call (vcall) target, determining its virtual table base. This task is challenging in C++ due to difficulties in locating the Class member variable’s data definition, which may not be in the same function using the variable. Fortunately, we find that this problem can be solved by limiting the search scope to a list of search functions (F𝐹Fitalic_F) including all (parent) constructors as well as member functions of the current Class vcsubscript𝑣𝑐v_{c}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_c end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, which may initialize the target through the shard this pointer. For example, in Figure 4, the list F𝐹Fitalic_F includes the parent constructor IpcProtocol of the current Class IpcProtocol41, which involves the exact definition of this+0x10. To implement this searching procedure, we use the abstract syntax tree (AST) representation for P-Code variables (Ghidra, 2024). It allows us to find the corresponding data definition by matching the AST representations (e.g., this+0x10). Based on the data definition, a class_inference procedure (Line 1-Line 1) is introduced to further infer the concrete Class c𝑐citalic_c. Particularly, if the data definition is a function parameter, the corresponding parameter type will be used as the Class type, such as this+0x10 in Figure 4 is assigned an IpcModem type of param2. Due to the virtual inheritance in C++, such a Class type can indicate all child Classes (e.g., all Classes that inherit from IpcModem). Therefore, it considers the Class hierarchy and returns all possible Classes, which can be inferred from constructors (Fokin et al., 2011).

  • Virtual Function Computation. Based on the inferred Class of the vcall target, the corresponding virtual function table cvtsubscript𝑐𝑣𝑡c_{vt}italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT can be looked up from the static memory region, which includes a list of virtual functions within that Class. By adding the base address of the virtual table cvtsubscript𝑐𝑣𝑡c_{vt}italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v italic_t end_POSTSUBSCRIPT with the previously resolved offset vosubscript𝑣𝑜v_{o}italic_v start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_o end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, the concrete vcall function cvfsubscript𝑐𝑣𝑓c_{vf}italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v italic_f end_POSTSUBSCRIPT is resolved. Ultimately, the vcall represented by (i,cvf)𝑖subscript𝑐𝑣𝑓(i,c_{vf})( italic_i , italic_c start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_v italic_f end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ) is added to the control flow E𝐸Eitalic_E.

Analysis Task API Parameter Types Tainted
Arg Index
Backward Taint Analysis write int, void*, size_t 0, 1, 2
ioctl int, unsigned long 1
sendto int, void*, size_t, int, … 1, 2
__write_chk int, void*, size_t, size_t 0, 1, 2
Forward Taint Analysis read int, void*, size_t 0, 1, 2
__read_chk int, void*, size_t, size_t 0, 1, 2
Command Filtering open char*, int 1
__open_2 char*, int 1
fopen char*, char* 0
pipe int * 0
Table 1. Linux system call APIs for BaseMirror’s analysis.

4.3. Bidirectional Command Identification

After BaseMirror recovers a virtual call-enhanced call graph, it performs static taint analysis to identify and extract the concrete command values. Since the commands between AP and CP are either solicited or unsolicited, we employ a bidirectional taint analysis to uncover both commands with different sources and sinks. Based on our observation that the communication between AP and CP must be done via Linux system call APIs, we use these APIs as the sources of taint analysis, as shown in Table 1. In the following, we provide details about our bidirectional analysis.

Backward Taint Analysis

As shown in our previous running example in Figure 2, solicited baseband commands are delivered by system call APIs such as write from user space to the kernel space. These Write-related APIs are thus the boundary of the data flow that we can trace within the vendor RIL library. Other APIs that represent similar write semantics are also included in Table 1, such as ioctl that manipulates device-specific operations. Therefore, the backward taint analysis algorithm starts from these APIs as sources and traces the data flow or the desired API arguments (e.g., the buffer that carries the command payload). Figure 2 highlights the inter-procedural data flow for such an example starting from the write API. During the backward control flow transfer across functions, it will query the CG to return both the direct and virtual function calls, to ensure the completeness of our results. To define the ending criterion for the backward taint analysis, we consider the command payload to be either a constant value (for ioctl related functions) or a byte array (for Read and Write-related functions) based on our focused APIs in Table 1. The command shown in Figure 2 is a byte array local variable, which is stored on the function’s stack frame. To handle this case, the algorithm emulates the function’s execution to recover the stack frame values, thereby obtaining the command value based on its length.

Refer to caption
Figure 5. Illustrative example of a forward taint analysis path for an unsolicited baseband command.

Forward Taint Analysis

In contrast to backward taint analysis, unsolicited commands originating from the CP requires forward taint analysis. To explain this problem, we provide a motivating example in Figure 5, in which the AP processes the unsolicited baseband command and invokes different handlers according to the command syntax. Similar to the solicited commands, the unsolicited commands are acquired from the system call API read. They are then stored in a buffer and passed along various processing functions. Eventually, they reach a dispatcher function Nv::ProcessRfsPacket that invokes different handler functions based on the command value. From the descriptions, unsolicited commands are propagated forward after they are read by the vendor RIL. Hence, we define the taint sources to be corresponding Read-related system calls, and the sinks to be comparison instructions (e.g., INT_EQUAL in P-Code) that represent different branches to dispatch the command. The forward data flow propagation also considers the virtual function calls recovered in the previous step.

4.4. Channel-Based Command Filtering

Before describing the overall command filtering approach, we explain why it is necessary with a motivating example Figure 6. If BaseMirror simply performs taint analysis on all API call sites, the result represents a superset of the solicited and unsolicited baseband commands, i.e., it includes false positive results which are commands not dedicated to the baseband. The counterexample in Figure 6 shows such a case obtained from backward taint analysis from the write system call but turns out to be an undesired command. As shown, the buffer of the write function backward propagates to the function argument of StoreStringToFile, which is invoked to write a string true to a file descriptor (FD). Following the __fd argument, we can pinpoint its definition from the open system call. It is actually an opened file descriptor for a system file at /efs/imei/selective. This example inspires us to use the command channel represented by the file descriptor to filter out false positive results. More specifically, the communication with the baseband is typically conducted through peripheral devices mounted at /dev/, such as USB, audio, and the baseband. Therefore, the system path associated with the file descriptor indicates the communication channel of the system calls. Meanwhile, we assume the vendor RIL library solely handles the baseband communication without engaging with other hardware due to its design, and thus we do not further filter the concrete device names under the /dev/ system path.

Refer to caption
Figure 6. Motivating example of file descriptor-based filtering, showing a write call irrelevant to CP communication.

Next, we describe the detailed algorithm to perform channel-based filtering in Algorithm 2. Before the taint analysis (§4.3), it first iterates all targeted system API call sites to filter out those not dedicated to the baseband (Line 2-Line 2). To this end, it performs a backward taint analysis to recursively trace the data definition of the file descriptor argument in the targeted system call (e.g., read and write). Since a file descriptor is returned from certain system calls such as open as shown in Figure 6, the taint analysis ends when it reaches a CALL instruction (in P-Code IR (Ghidra, 2024)) that returns the FD. We further classify this function call into three categories. If it is a pipe system call function, we discard it. If it is a custom function (e.g., a wrapper function of open), it recursively traces the return value in that function. Otherwise, it is an open system call and we switch the analysis target to the file system path argument and perform another backward taint analysis. There could be various system call APIs related to open as we have listed in Table 1. Finally, the path associated with the FD is solved, and the algorithm uses a regular expression to check whether it is a valid path starting with /dev/. It thus filters out those that do not match this criterion and provides feedback to guide the command identification step. Line 2-Line 2 describes the bidirectional taint analysis procedure that occurs after the system API call site targets an FD that potentially communicates with the baseband.

1 Function command_filtering(𝔾𝔾\mathbb{G}blackboard_G)
       \mathbb{C}\leftarrow\emptysetblackboard_C ← ∅
        // Final command set
2       foreach target system API call site s𝑠sitalic_s do
             // Filter commands with fd analysis result
3             ifsubscript𝑖𝑓absenti_{f}\leftarrowitalic_i start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_f end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← argument index of fd in s𝑠sitalic_s
             f𝑓absentf\leftarrowitalic_f ← taint_analysis(𝔾𝔾\mathbb{G}blackboard_G, s𝑠sitalic_s, ifsubscript𝑖𝑓i_{f}italic_i start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_f end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, 0)
              // Backward
4             if opcode(f𝑓fitalic_f) is not CALL then
5                   continue
7            if operand(f𝑓fitalic_f) is open then
8                   ifsubscript𝑖𝑓absenti_{f}\leftarrowitalic_i start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_f end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← file system path arg index
9                   p𝑝absentp\leftarrowitalic_p ← taint_analysis(𝔾𝔾\mathbb{G}blackboard_G, f𝑓fitalic_f, issubscript𝑖𝑠i_{s}italic_i start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_s end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, 0)
10                   if not match(p𝑝pitalic_p, “\wedge/dev/([\wedge/ ]*)+(/[\wedge/ ]*)*?$”) then
                          // Discard command
12            else if operand(f𝑓fitalic_f) is pipe then
                    // Discard command
14            else
15                   Recursively find fd source
             // Run taint analysis to extract commands
17             ibsubscript𝑖𝑏absenti_{b}\leftarrowitalic_i start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← argument indices of cmd buffer in s𝑠sitalic_s
18             dbsubscript𝑑𝑏absentd_{b}\leftarrowitalic_d start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← taint analysis direction for s𝑠sitalic_s
19             c𝑐absentc\leftarrowitalic_c ← taint_analysis(𝔾𝔾\mathbb{G}blackboard_G, s𝑠sitalic_s, ibsubscript𝑖𝑏i_{b}italic_i start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT, dbsubscript𝑑𝑏d_{b}italic_d start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_b end_POSTSUBSCRIPT)
             {c}𝑐\mathbb{C}\leftarrow\mathbb{C}\cup\{c\}blackboard_C ← blackboard_C ∪ { italic_c }
              // Add command
21      return \mathbb{C}blackboard_C
Algorithm 2 Channel-Based Command Filtering.
Firmware Metadata Evaluation Statistics and Commands per API
Device Name Device Model Firmware Region OS Ver. Ipc41 Ipc41X #VCall #Write #Read #Ioctl #Sendto
Samsung Galaxy Note10+ SM-N975F N975FXXU1ASHE Egypt 9 2,828 478 49 41 2
Samsung Galaxy J6 SM-J600FN J600FNXXU5BSH1 UK 9 2,476 427 53 40 2
Samsung Galaxy S6 SM-G920F G920FXXS6ETI6_G920FEVR6ETK1_EVR UK 7 3,057 570 67 45 1
Samsung Galaxy S7 SM-G930F G930FXXU8EUE1_G930FOXA8EUE1_BTU UK & IRE 8 2,736 433 53 45 2
Samsung Galaxy S9 SM-G960F G960FXXUHFVB4_G960FOXMHFVC2_TNZ New Zealand 10 3,020 493 55 44 2
Samsung Galaxy S8 SM-G950F G950FXXU5DSFB Romania 9 2,552 445 53 37 2
Samsung Galaxy Note8 SM-N950F N950FXXUFDUG5_N950FUWEFDUG4_IUS Mexico 9 2,551 429 53 39 2
Samsung Galaxy Note9 SM-N9600 N9600ZHU9FVB3_N9600OWC9FVB3_IUS Mexico 10 3,517 493 55 62 2
Samsung Galaxy A20 SM-A205F A205FXXSACVC2_A205FOLMACUI2_MM1 SINGAPORE 11 3,300 505 204 42 2
Samsung Galaxy A30 SM-A305F A305FDDU6CUI3_A305FOLM6CUJ1_MM1 SINGAPORE 11 3,301 505 204 42 2
Samsung Galaxy A40 SM-A405FN A405FNXXU4CVD1_A405FNOXM4CVD1_EUR SPAIN 11 3,302 505 204 42 2
Samsung Galaxy A41 SM-A415F A415FXXS1CVC1_A415FOXM1CVA3_MEO Hungary 11 3,296 505 204 45 2
Samsung Galaxy A50 SM-A505F A505FDDU9CVC2_A505FOJM9CVC2_LYS UAE 11 3,304 505 204 42 2
Samsung Galaxy A60 SM-A606Y A606YXXU2CVA1_A606YOLO2CVA1_BRI Taiwan 11 4,549 505 204 59 2
Samsung Galaxy A70 SM-A705F A705FXXU5DVC1_A705FOLM5DVB2_XXV VIETNAM 11 4,550 505 204 59 2
Samsung Galaxy A80 SM-A805F A805FXXS6DVD1_A805FOWC6DUJ1_UNE Mexico 11 4,549 505 204 59 2
Samsung Galaxy S20 5G SM-G981B G981BXXUDFVC7_G981BOXMDFVC7_XSA Croatia 12 3,327 525 205 42 2
Samsung Galaxy S21 5G SM-G991B G991BXXS4CVCG_G991BOWO4CVB9_IUS Mexico 12 3,327 525 205 42 2
Samsung Galaxy Note20 5G SM-N981B N981BXXS3FVC8_N981BOXM3FVC5_NZC UK & IRE 12 3,327 525 205 42 2
Samsung Galaxy A42 5G SM-A426B A426BXXU3DVC2_A426BOXM3DVC2_MM1 ITV 12 4,580 525 204 59 2
Samsung Galaxy A52 5G SM-A526B A526BXXS1CVD1_A526BOLM1CVB6_XSA Australia 12 4,580 525 204 59 2
Samsung Galaxy A72 SM-A725F A725FXXU4BVC1_A725FOJM4BVC1_ILO ISRAEL 12 4,580 525 204 59 2
Samsung Galaxy A90 5G SM-A908B A908BXXU5EVD2_A908BOXM5EVD2_AUT Switzerland 12 4,578 525 204 59 2
Samsung Galaxy A51 SM-A515F A515FXXU5FVD2_A515FOLM5FVD2_MM1 SINGAPORE 12 3,323 526 189 36 2
Samsung Galaxy A51 5G SM-A516B A516BXXU5DVC2_A516BOXM5DVC2_AUT SPAIN 12 3,323 526 189 36 2
Samsung Galaxy S10 SM-G973F G973FXXUEHVC6_G973FOWCEHVC6_IUS Mexico 12 3,320 526 189 36 2
Samsung Galaxy S10 5G SM-G977B G977BXXSBHVD1_G977BOXMBHVC6_BTU UK & IRE 12 3,325 526 189 36 2
Samsung Galaxy A53 5G SM-A536E A536EXXS4AVJ3_A536EOWO4AVI2_ARO Argentina 12 3,327 526 189 36 2
Table 2. Metadata of the Android firmware and their evaluation statistics ( indicates the firmware belongs to that category).

5. Evaluation

We have implemented a prototype of BaseMirror with over 4K lines of Java code based on Ghidra (NSA, 2024). In support of open science, we have released its implementation on GitHub. In this section, we present our evaluation results. Specifically, we aim to answer the following research questions:

  • RQ1: How many commands were identified for each firmware?

  • RQ2: How to verify the accuracy of the reverse engineered commands and what is their accuracy?

  • RQ3: What are the semantics of the reverse-engineered commands and how they are distributed?

  • RQ4: How did the commands evolve over time?

5.1. Experiment Setup

Firmware Collection. Our evaluation with BaseMirror necessitated a comprehensive firmware analysis. To achieve this, we present an extensive examination of 28 Samsung firmware images. Samsung was selected due to its status as one of the most popular and extensively used Android smartphone brands and its firmware is readily available (e.g., from third-party repositories such as SamMobile (SAMMOBILE, 2024)). However, BaseMirror’s analysis methodology is generic and adaptable to other RIL vendors, as discussed in a later section (§7). The collected firmware samples were chosen to cover a wide range of models, regions, and operating system versions. This is to ensure a broad and detailed understanding of the vendor RIL libraries across a spectrum of mobile devices and firmware variations. The firmware metadata is detailed in Table 2. For brevity, we will refer to the vendor RIL libraries using the associated device model names in the table (e.g., G920 for Galaxy S6).

Experiment Environment

Our evaluation involves 28 firmware images, which were rigorously tested on a Ubuntu 20.04 laptop equipped with an Intel i7-10710U processor and 16GB of RAM. BaseMirror ran on top of Ghidra 9.2.2 and OpenJDK 11.0.2, providing a stable and efficient environment for our analysis. This setup was carefully chosen to optimize the performance and accuracy of our firmware evaluation process. With respect to the running time, it took BaseMirror 4.2 hours to complete the analysis for the firmware we analyzed. Note that we enabled three threads so that it can process three binaries in parallel, and ensure optimal memory utilization efficiency. On average, it took BaseMirror nine minutes to finish analyzing a single binary.

5.2. Command Quantity (RQ1)

Classification. Before presenting the statistics, we first discuss the firmware classification methodology. As shown in Table 2, the 28 firmware falls into two categories based on their RIL communication protocols, including 8 firmware using the legacy Ipc41 protocol and 20 firmware using the latest Ipc41X protocol. We were able to identify these firmware attributes based on the program symbols that could not be stripped. For older firmware, where all commands are uniformly implemented under the Class IpcProtocol41 without further detailed differentiation of functional modules. In contrast, newer firmware exhibits a more detailed segmentation of vendor RIL layer functionalities, such as IpcProtocol41Call for Phone Call related functions and IpcProtocol41Sms for Short Message Service related functions. Consequently, we have unified these diverse implementations under Ipc41 and Ipc41X. This classification approach facilitates later discussion regarding the categorization of different baseband command semantics.


Based on the concrete command values, we eventually obtained 873 unique baseband commands from the 28 firmware. These statistics indicate that Samsung heavily reuses these protocol-specific commands among the devices to implement communication between AP and CP. However, we also notice diversified discrepancies among the firmware we have evaluated, which are discussed later in §A in the Appendix. In Table 2, we break down the command statistics according to the taint sources defined in Table 1. Note that we have aggregated the results of __write_chk with write as they are both considered the write system call, which is also applied to __read_chk and read. The table indicates that write and read significantly contribute to the commands compared to Ioctl and Sendto. Among these two major categories, BaseMirror discovers more Write-related baseband commands than Read-related ones, indicating the developers tend to integrate more diverse functionalities for AP to CP communication than the opposite direction.

5.3. Command Accuracy (RQ2)

BaseMirror has extracted hundreds of commands between AP and CP. However, verifying the accuracy of these results is necessary and a matter of concern. Despite the challenge of lacking control over the CP both locally and remotely, the correctness of commands sent from CP to AP is relatively easy to confirm due to the partially open-source nature of the AP-side code. Additionally, the community has provided numerous tools for debugging the AP-side code and tracing data. In contrast, the CP-side operates as a complete black box, with limited knowledge and lacking tools for tracking its runtime behavior. Therefore, this section primarily introduces our testing methodologies for the commands from AP to CP.

Refer to caption
Figure 7. RIL command formats for Samsung Galaxy devices.

To validate the commands, we first classify them into two categories: Static Commands and Hybrid Commands, as shown in Figure 7. The distinction between the two lies in the fact that hybrid commands include dynamic parameters from the upper layers such as applications, whereas static commands consist of constant values without any parameters. We choose static commands as the dataset for validating the correctness of BaseMirror methodologies because of their parameter-free nature, ensuring the accuracy of the results. However, hybrid commands obtained through static analysis lack runtime parameter information from external sources, and thus cannot be directly validated.

Since these proprietary commands and protocols are not publicly available, it is impossible to compare extracted commands with a ground truth database. To validate the static commands identified, a major challenge is to acquire the command execution results in the modem from the AP side. We observed that after executing the commands, CP sends a response to AP, notifying the execution result. As such, we use a dynamic analysis approach to trigger real commands and intercept and decode response values to determine the correctness of the uncovered commands. More specifically, we developed a testing framework to automate the sending of static commands through the /dev/umts_ipcX interface to CP, triggering a variety of behaviors on a Samsung Galaxy A53 device. Meanwhile, to capture the feedback of command execution, we use Frida (Ravnås, 2024) to hook the response handling APIs in RIL (e.g., SecRilProxy::OnUnsolicitedResponse), and check if the response code is in the valid set and whether a non-NULL response has been built. With this approach, we validated 34%percent3434\%34 % of AP to CP commands on the Samsung Galaxy A53, totaling 179 static commands, with no false positives. For the remaining 66%percent6666\%66 % commands, we further discuss the feasible methodology to validate them in §7.

5.4. Command Semantics (RQ3)

Interestingly, our analysis found that there exist semantic symbols in the RIL binaries, though they are not required by BaseMirror to perform the analysis. These symbols actually come from the .dynsym section and thus cannot be stripped due to dynamic linking purposes. To make use of these symbols for command comprehension, we extract the root node function of the taint analysis chain and extract the function name semantics to understand the corresponding command. The intuition is that the root node function that generates the command typically provides the corresponding semantic associated with the command introduced by the developers. As illustrated in Figure 2, the root node function in this taint analysis chain, namely IpcTxCallGetCallList, suggests its functionality is to transmit a request to retrieve the list of phone calls. However, other functions along the taint analysis chain, such as DoIoChannelRoutingTx, do not exhibit a direct relationship with the command’s functionality.

Write-related Commands Read-related Commands
Protocol Module # % Semantics Protocol Module # % Semantics
Ipc41 Domestic 332 8.81% Domestic Ipc41 Nv 152 34.70% Non-Volatile
Cfg 256 6.79% Configuration Net 17 3.88% Network
Net 240 6.37% Network Sms 17 3.88% Short Message Service
Call 213 5.65% Call Qmi 16 3.65% Qualcomm MSM Interface
Ss 146 3.87% Supplementary Services Ss 15 3.42% Supplementary Services
Snd 110 2.92% Sound Call 9 2.05% Call
Ims 102 2.71% IP Multimedia Subsystem Cdma 9 2.05% Code Division Multiple Access
Factory 91 2.42% Factory Disp 9 2.05% Display
Qmi 82 2.18% Qualcomm MSM Interface Embms 9 2.05% Evolved Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service
LTE 68 1.80% Long-Term Evolution Factory 9 2.05% Factory
Ipc41X Domestic 860 8.31% Domestic Ipc41X Cfg 660 16.47% Configuration
Net 740 7.15% Network Domestic 580 14.47% Domestic
Cfg 700 6.77% Configuration Nv 380 9.48% Non-Volatile
Call 420 4.06% Call Call 265 6.61% Call
Ss 300 2.90% Supplementary Services Sec 160 3.99% Security
Snd 260 2.51% Sound Net 140 3.49% Network
Factory 260 2.51% Factory Sap 120 2.99% SIM Access Profile
Qmi 220 2.13% Qualcomm MSM Interface Sat 120 2.99% Serving and Tracking Area
Ims 212 2.05% IP Multimedia Subsystem Ss 120 2.99% Supplementary Services
Sim 180 1.74% Subscriber Identity Module Sim 100 2.50% Subscriber Identity Module
Table 3. Baseband command semantics categorized by top-10 modules for different protocols.

Based on the root node function names, we developed an automatic tool for analyzing the command semantics. First, we employ a well-known tokenization technique in Natural Language Processing (NLP), which breaks the function names into meaningful semantic tokens. Next, we perform a classification step to aggregate the command semantics in order to obtain a high-level view. To this end, building upon the generated tokens, we filter out the prefix tokens and verbs, such as Ipc that do not indicate useful command-wise semantics. The first non-filterable word encountered, typically a noun, is then assigned as the functional category. For example, the tokens of the function IpcTxCallGetCallList shown in Figure 2, are first filtered to exclude Ipc, Tx, and Get. Ultimately, the function is classified as belonging to the Call category. We call each distinctive category a module in the below discussion.

Semantic Module Distribution

Utilizing the aforementioned methodology, we categorized distinct commands into corresponding functional modules. Then, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the command frequencies within these modules, with select results presented in Table 3, which delineates the top-10 modules for Write and Read-related commands in Ipc41 and Ipc41X, and provide the respective command counts and percentages within each module. Upon comparing the numerical counts and proportions, it becomes evident that, despite the version discrepancies between Ipc41 and Ipc41X, the fundamental functionalities remain largely consistent, aligning with our expectations.

Semantics-guided Command Analysis

By semantically clustering commands, we can contrast different command values within the same category, thereby gaining insights into specific bytes of command values. For instance, through comparing command values under the Sim and Domestic modules, we observed that the fifth byte, 0x05 and 0x20 respectively, serves as the identifier for their modules. By cross-validating with other modules, we found a consistent pattern where the fifth byte across all commands is utilized to denote the command group. This analysis allows us to reverse engineer the proprietary RIL command format in Figure 7. Such information further provides meaningful guidance for dynamic testing such as attack payload discovery discussed later in §6.1. Additionally, the segmentation of command functionalities facilitates a more streamlined analysis, allowing us to focus on modules characterized by a higher command volume and complex functionalities. It optimizes the identification of vulnerable points and potential security issues. In §6, we will expound upon the security issues and potential attacks discovered in Samsung firmware based on our comprehension of command semantics.

5.5. Command Evolution (RQ4)

To answer our RQ4, we provide two high-level overviews of the command evolution with respect to time and device series.

Refer to caption
Figure 8. Historical view of baseband command evolution.

Historical View

We first visualize the evolution of baseband command quantities in Figure 8, where the devices are ordered chronologically per their release date (ranging from 2015 to 2022). The figure shows a growing trend in the number of commands over time, indicating that Samsung has continuously integrated new features into the baseband. Notably, we notice a substantial increase (over 20%) of command numbers after Note 9 was released since the devices afterward have evolved to the Ipc41X protocol that brings in significant new commands. More specifically, we found that the new Ipc41X protocol splits the original functions in Ipc41 into more subdivided functional areas, such as IpcProtocol41Call and IpcProtocol41Sms. This also implies the architecture of CP firmware is likely to have been refactored. Additionally, 5G device models tend to include more baseband functions than non-5G devices, and there is also one interesting exception (Note 10+) in which BaseMirror only reported less than 600 commands, far less than other devices released in its time frame due to the legacy Ipc41 implementation in the 4G version.

Device Series View

We further provide a different perspective regarding the device series in Figure 9. The figure categorizes the results into three device series, namely series A (15 models), series Note (4 models), and series S (8 models). The J series model is excluded since there is only one such firmware in our dataset. Our visualization suggests obvious discrepancies in the number of commands among these three series. Specifically, series A models tend to involve more commands since all of them have evolved to the latest Ipc41X protocol. In contrast, the Note series and S series involve many legacy models that use the old Ipc41 protocol.

6. Attacks via RIL

To evaluate the security implication of the extracted commands, this section presents how we are able to construct attack payloads and demonstrate attacks based on our results and findings in §5. We present an automatic attack payload discovery framework, followed by examples of attacks initiated from either the AP or CP on a Samsung A53 5G device (model SM-A536E in Table 2).

Refer to caption
Figure 9. Device series view of command statistics.

Threat Model

We consider that the identified commands from the vendor RIL libraries could be exploited in various ways to compromise user security and privacy. First, regarding AP to CP attackers (shown in 10(a)), they could inject malicious solicited baseband commands through RIL to cause substantial impact such as service disruption without the user’s consent. To this end, we consider three distinctive adversary classes with different privileges:

  1. (1)

    Privileged Attackers. Since the command injection through RIL is protected by Android’s permission mechanism by default (Android, 2022), we first consider privileged attackers who have root access or are within the radio group. Such an attacker model may be achieved by examples such as a Remote Access Trojan (RAT) (wishihab, 2018) or malicious system applications (e.g., a dialer app).

  2. (2)

    Unprivileged Attackers Exploiting Unprotected APIs. Interestingly, we found that the interaction with RIL can be achieved by unprivileged attackers. This adversary class involves any unprivileged user-space applications, which can be readily introduced to the victim device through app stores and social engineering. These applications further escalate their privileges by exploiting unprotected Android framework APIs, such as secret menus (Hazarika, 2023), backdoors, and app-accessible system function calls (e.g., invokeOemRilRequestRaw(Shao et al., 2016), which allows the injection of arbitrary RIL payloads to baseband.

  3. (3)

    Unprivileged Attackers Exploiting Unprotected Communication Interfaces. An alternative way for a user-space malicious program to escalate its privilege is through unprotected communication interfaces. One notable example is the unprotected UNIX sockets implemented in Samsung Galaxy devices that allow any applications to interact with the RILD and inject arbitrary RIL messages to the CP (Paleari, 2024).

Regarding CP to AP exploitation (depicted in 10(b)), it requires an adversary with high privilege, e.g., a compromised baseband, kernel, or the OS, that injects malicious RIL commands to the AP through RIL. This could be achieved through existing RCE exploits (Zeng et al., 2012; Golde and Komaromy, 2016; Hernandez et al., 2022; Maier et al., 2020) or supply chain adversaries.

6.1. Attack Payload Discovery

As discussed in §5.3, observing the behavior of commands sent from AP to CP is much more challenging than the opposite direction. Consequently, based on the identified command in §5, we develop an automatic black-box testing framework to discover and validate command payloads exploitable for AP to CP attacks, based on existing debugging tools such as the Android Debug Bridge (ADB). We then applied this framework to a Samsung Galaxy A53 device. In particular, we focus on crash-related attacks, as they can be easily observed with practical security implications.

Refer to caption
(a) Attacks targeting CP.
Refer to caption
(b) Attacks targeting AP.
Figure 10. Workflow of two attacks exploiting the baseband commands from our reverse engineered results.

Our framework extends the testing tool in §5.3 with two additional modules: States Checking Module and Parameters Mutation Module. Specifically, in the States Checking Module, we compare the mobile device’s state before and after command execution, checking if ADB is connectable and if the baseband modem is still in service, to assess the potential malicious exploitation of certain commands. Additionally, inspired by popular fuzzing works (Fioraldi et al., 2020; Böhme et al., 2017; Li et al., 2022; Shi et al., 2024; Li et al., 2021), the Parameters Mutation Module mutates bytes representing run-time parameters within hybrid commands and uses various response values and status as guidance, to identify values triggering anomalies on the device.

States Checking Module

The States Checking Module quires the telephony.registry interface’s return value, specifically mServiceState. This process determines whether the modem is affected by the command, and assesses the extent of impact. After injecting a command to CP, it checks the state of the modem immediately. If the modem recovers shortly after a transient OUT_OF_SERVICE state, it categorizes the command as a Temporary Crash Command, indicating that it could at least disrupt the modem’s service shortly. Subsequently, the device is rebooted, and the modem state is queried again. If the modem has returned to an IN_SERVICE state, the module labels this command as a Recoverable Crash Command, indicating that manual intervention can restore service. However, if the modem remains in an OUT_OF_SERVICE state, indicating that the command has permanently damaged the firmware’s functionality, it is classified as a Permanent Crash Command.

Parameters Mutation Module

For hybrid commands, we port AFL++ ’s seed mutation mechanism (Fioraldi et al., 2020) to mutate their corresponding parameter bytes. Additionally, we utilize response values and modem states as guidance to indicate interesting mutation results.

Crash Type Command Semantics Cmd Type Command Payload (Bytes)
Temporary IpcProtocol41Power::IpcTxResetOemModem Static 07, 00, 00, 00, 01, 03, 05
IpcProtocol41Sap::IpcTxGetSapTransferApdu Hybrid 0e, 01, 00, 00, 12, 04, 02, ...
IpcProtocol41Imei::IpcTxImeiPreconfigSet Hybrid 17, 00, 00, 00, 10, 03, 03, ...
Recoverable IpcProtocol41Power::IpcTxModemPowerOff Static 07, 00, 00, 00, 01, 02, 01
Permanent IpcProtocol41Net::IpcTxSetSystemSelectionChannels Hybrid 20, 00, 00, 00, 08, 07, 03, 01, ff (x8) ...
IpcProtocol41Domestic::IpcTxDomesticSetChannelSettingLte Hybrid 09, 00, 00, 00, 20, 64, 03, ...
IpcProtocol41Domestic::IpcTxDomesticGetNsriDecryptSms Hybrid 99, 00, 00, 00, 20, 91, 02, ...
Table 4. RIL command payloads uncovered by the attack discovery framework and the crash types they could trigger.

6.2. Attacks Targeting CP

Attack Goal and Procedure. As shown in 10(a), the attacker aims at compromising the CP through a malicious AP application via RIL, such as disrupting the cellular service and performing denial-of-service attacks. To begin with, the attacker needs to acquire sufficient knowledge about the attack command payload for the victim device. The desired attack payload could either be static RIL commands that trigger expected outcomes (e.g., power off the baseband), or hybrid commands with malicious parameters (e.g., to set invalid baseband channels). For instance, by running the automated attack payload discovery tool, we show that an attacker can identify 7 exploitable RIL commands (in Table 4) for a Samsung Galaxy A53 model, which takes two weeks to complete. To launch the attack, the attacker implants malicious logic as a privileged or user-space application to be installed on the victim device, which injects the malicious commands to the baseband at run-time.

Security Implication

Table 4 summarizes the 7 commands that can be leveraged to compromise a Samsung Galaxy A53 baseband, which leads to different degrees of impact based on our repeated experimentation. Among them, 3 commands can cause Temporary Crashes to the baseband, which recovers after a few seconds. In order to persist the attacks, one can constantly replay these attack payloads to cause service disruption. In addition, we found one command that causes Recoverable Crash, and the victim will have to reboot the device to obtain cellular service. In extreme cases, we found three commands that trigger Permanent Crashes, which requires a complete firmware re-flash to recover the baseband. We provide the exploit details in §B.1 of Appendix.

Root Cause Analysis

We speculate the root causes for the aforementioned attacks are two-fold. First, static RIL commands are essentially abused for malicious purposes as they represent inherent baseband functionalities. For instance, in Table 4, we list the corresponding command semantics extracted from the symbols, including two static commands that reset and power off the baseband. Moreover, for hybrid RIL commands, we speculate that the CP-side parameter checks for command parameters are insufficient, leading to crashes (e.g., segmentation faults) on the CP. Based on the command structures and semantics, these hybrid commands tend to encapsulate complex parameters (e.g., APDU and SMS payloads) that require sophisticated decoding logic to handle them properly.

6.3. Attacks Targeting AP

Attack Goal and Procedure. Based on the analysis of Read-related commands, we have identified that the Nv Module contains a set of functions accessing the file system on the AP, such as ProcessNvWrite and ProcessNVRead. In the presence of a compromised baseband modem, these baseband functionalities can be exploited for unauthorized file system access from the high-privileged CP. To this end, the baseband firmware code may initiate a malicious unsolicited command request to the AP via RIL, by embedding the target file path as the command parameter. Notably, while this vulnerability was first reported in 2014 as a backdoor (K, 2014), it still exists in a widespread of the device firmware we have analyzed. Meanwhile, we discovered an undisclosed vulnerability in Nv::ProcessOpenFile due to the absence of symbolic link checking, which further allows arbitrary file access on the AP.

Security Implication

Typically, due to the invocation of vendor RIL libraries by the RILD process, which possesses high system privileges, read and write operations are granted to the attacker on the majority of files. In an existing exploit demonstration by the Replicant project (K, 2014), it is shown that an attacker can inject malicious logic to the modem kernel driver (equivalent to an attacker CP), which is capable of opening and reading a user file located under the AP’s /data/ folder. To exploit this vulnerability further, our new finding shows that a malicious symbolic link could be provided as input to enable arbitrary file access on the AP. We provide additional details about this vulnerability in §B.2 of Appendix.

Root Cause Analysis

The unsolicited commands within the Nv module are possibly designed for the CP to read and write certain logs to the AP’s file system, such as dumping the baseband logs. However, since the command allows to specify the file paths within the AP, it enables arbitrary file system access from a malicious CP. Moreover, we also explored the possibility of using ../ for directory traversal attacks (to escape the prefix paths) and found that the firmware has eliminated them with corresponding sanitizer logic.

7. Discussion

Coverage of Validated Commands

As discussed in §5.3, a substantial portion (66%percent6666\%66 %) of the baseband commands discovered involve parameters from external sources, which cannot be directly validated via our framework. Examples of such include heterogeneous inputs from user-space applications, file systems, and networks, such as SMS, configuration files, as well as APDU payloads. These hybrid commands would be useful for further security analysis. For instance, the structural information of these parameter values is useful for dynamic analysis, such as the attack payload discovery process discussed in §6.1, thereby enabling us to identify more exploitable commands. Further, a grey-box fuzzing tool could be developed with parameter-aware mutation mechanisms. However, it is challenging to construct these command payloads with valid parameters. In the following, we categorize them into three types and discuss feasible ways to validate them in future work and show the corresponding examples in  Appendix C.

  1. (1)

    Direct Input Parameter. Figure 13 shows an example of a parameter directly from an external input to configure the baseband. These parameters are typically of primitive types (e.g., boolean and integer) and are easy to handle, as they directly contribute to the command payload through simple operations (e.g., concatenation). We have extended BaseMirror and our fuzzer to support this type of hybrid command by marking payload bytes as static or dynamic during taint analysis and validated an additional 16%percent1616\%16 % of AP to CP commands on the Samsung Galaxy A53.

  2. (2)

    Derived Parameter. As shown in Figure 14, a derived parameter needs to be transformed (e.g., through splitting, reassembly, or conditional evaluation) before it is used as part of the command payload. As these parameters involve computation and are condition-dependent, we consider using symbolic execution (Shoshitaishvili et al., 2016) to track each byte of the parameter and determine its constraints. Once the constraints are identified, fuzzing can be employed to explore the correct commands.

  3. (3)

    Structured Parameter. We also found that many parameters are constructed as certain data structures. An example in Figure 15 shows a JSON payload involving network scanning information to be transmitted to the baseband. Due to the complexity of these data structures and lack of constraint conditions in JSON files, direct exploration using fuzzing would be highly challenging. Therefore, a more feasible way is to first obtain input seeds for the fuzzer, such as dynamically intercepting valid command payloads from normal traffic via Frida. However, such an approach needs to properly trigger these interactions, which still remains a challenge.

Generality of Methodology

While in this paper we focus on Samsung’s RIL libraries, BaseMirror’s methodology is generic and could be applied to other Android RIL vendors such as Qualcomm and MediaTek. This is due to the standard RIL architecture in Android as presented in Figure 1 (Android, 2022), where the vendor RIL libraries must rely on universal Linux system calls (e.g., read and write) to interact with the baseband regardless of the vendors. We consider extending BaseMirror for other device vendors as an important future work to unveil additional security issues across a diverse range of devices on the market.

Responsible Disclosure

We have reported our findings to Samsung Security, providing the exploit prerequisites and Proof of Concept (PoC). As of this writing, Samsung has confirmed our findings and patched the vulnerabilities, and awarded us a bug bounty for the lack of symbolic link checking bug within their RIL implementation.

8. Related Work

Baseband Security. The baseband, managing vital cellular functions yet being closed-source and complex, holds significant security interest for both attackers and researchers. There have been several remote code execution (RCE) exploits due to baseband memory corruption (Grassi et al., 2018; Grassi and Chen, 2021; Weinmann, 2012), accompanied by guides on analyzing and debugging baseband code (Golde and Komaromy, 2016; Berard and Fargues, 2020). Recently, automated static analysis has been used to detect deviations in baseband code from cellular standards (Kim et al., 2023, 2021; Hernandez and Butler, 2019), uncovering memory bugs. Furthermore, advancements in dynamic firmware analysis and rehosting have facilitated baseband fuzzing (Maier et al., 2020; Hernandez et al., 2022; Hussain et al., 2021). However, research on the RIL remains limited. Previous studies mainly leveraged RIL for cellular traffic monitoring (Vallina-Rodriguez et al., 2013; Li et al., 2016) and attack mitigation (Wen et al., 2023). ARIstoteles represents a closely related work that scrutinizes Apple’s baseband interfaces and uses fuzzing to identify security flaws (Kröll et al., 2021). However, our research targets Android RIL, a completely different ecosystem that allows baseband vendor-specific implementations.

Mobile Security

Orthogonal to our work, other prior research has delved into various critical components of the mobile system firmware. A few studies target the pre-installed applications in Android OS firmware, uncovering privilege escalation (Elsabagh et al., 2020) and over-the-air update vulnerabilities (Blázquez et al., 2021). Some extract proprietary AT commands and use fuzzing to understand their security implications (Tian et al., 2018; Karim et al., 2019). Note that the commands we reverse engineered are not AT commands as they do not have the prefix AT (Karim et al., 2019). In addition, vendor-specific private APIs (El-Rewini and Aafer, 2021) and access policies (Hernandez et al., 2020) have been identified and raised concerns regarding access control vulnerabilities. To comprehensively measure the Android firmware security, some large-scale longitudinal studies were conducted (Hou et al., 2022; Possemato et al., 2021).

C++ Binary Analysis

Binary analysis of C++ has been challenging due to various sophisticated mechanisms. Previous work mainly tackles class hierarchy reconstruction (Pawlowski et al., 2017; Erinfolami and Prakash, 2019), class and object recovery (Schwartz et al., 2018; Jin et al., 2014), and employing static analysis to uncover bugs and vulnerabilities (Schubert et al., 2019; Wen and Lin, 2023). In particular, virtual inheritance is a unique challenge in object-oriented languages such as C++. There are techniques to recover virtual inheritance (Erinfolami and Prakash, 2020) and defenses to protect the control flow integrity of virtual function calls (Pawlowski et al., 2019; Elsabagh et al., 2017). BaseMirror addresses the challenge of recovering virtual function calls and employs static taint analysis for command extraction.

9. Conclusion

This paper presents a novel approach to unveil security vulnerabilities of basebands from the Radio Interface Layer in the Android ecosystem. Based on this insight, we develop BaseMirror, an automatic tool employing static binary code analysis to reverse engineer vendor-proprietary baseband commands from the vendor RIL binaries. It addresses multiple technical challenges of binary analysis including the recovery of C++ virtual function calls as well as the comprehensive identification and accurate filtering of baseband commands. We have applied BaseMirror to 28 vendor RIL libraries for Samsung mobile devices, and identified 873 unique baseband commands. To evaluate the security implications of our results, we further demonstrated 8 exploitable attacks with the discovered commands on a Samsung Galaxy A53 device, which can interfere with the baseband’s cellular service and allow arbitrary access to the AP’s file system.

We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive feedback. This research was supported in part by ARO award W911NF2110081, DARPA award N6600120C4020, and NSF awards CNS-2112471 and ITE-2326882. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of the ARO, DARPA and NSF.


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Appendix A Comparative Analysis

Based on the commands identified by BaseMirror, we executed a comparative analysis to pinpoint command discrepancies across devices, with results detailed in Table 5. For this, we selected firmware from two specific models as baselines. As shown in Table 5, the sections above and below the horizontal line represent class Ipc41 and Ipc41X respectively, with N975 and A536 firmware serving as baselines. Our baseline selection aimed to ensure balanced representation in the comparative data. We introduce two terms for this analysis: Base Unique (BaseUni), indicating commands present in the baseline but missing in the current firmware; and Current Unique (CurUni), denoting commands in the current firmware but absent in the baseline. Notably, the semantics of extracted commands can also be understood from the semantic symbols from the .dynsym section described in §5.4, and thus we also make use of these related semantics in the remaining discussion.

  • \bullet

    Discrepancies in Ipc41 Firmware. Our analysis reveals significant variation among the Ipc41 firmware. In terms of Write-related commands, each firmware had 12 to 179 unique commands compared to the baseline. Many of these commands relate to Call and Domestic configurations, differing across devices. Notably, the G920 firmware displayed the most variance, with 179 unique commands, due to an additional IpcProtocol40 not present in other versions. This difference is linked to the Galaxy S6, the oldest device in our study, using Android 7. For Read-related commands, we observed less variation, with 5 to 22 unique commands per firmware.

  • \bullet

    Discrepancies among Ipc41 firmware. The comparative analysis results exhibit a notable degree of heterogeneity among the Ipc41 firmware. Regarding Write-related commands, each firmware presents 12 to 179 exclusive commands from the baseline. Among these unique commands, we found they are associated with semantic keywords indicating Call and Domestic configurations which vary across devices. It is noteworthy that the G920 firmware stands out by incorporating a substantial divergence, featuring as many as 179 unique commands not found in other variants. This discrepancy arises due to the implementation of an additional protocol, IpcProtocol40, within the G920 firmware, a feature absent in other firmware. We link the exceptional phenomenon to the corresponding device Galaxy S6 in Table 2, noteworthy for being the sole and oldest device using Android 7. Regarding Read-related commands, we found each firmware differs in possessing 5 to 22 commands unique to the baseline firmware, representing less heterogeneity compared to Write.

  • \bullet

    Discrepancies in Ipc41X Firmware. In contrast to Ipc41, the Ipc41X firmware showed reduced disparity in Write commands and more concentrated differences. Here, the primary unique command was SetNrModeConfig, used for 5G New Radio (NR) configurations in newer models. This indicates a stabilization in Samsung’s Write-related baseband functions in recent devices. However, for Read commands, there was a noticeable increase in unique commands, with up to 20 new ones, mostly related to Call and Display functions.

Model Write Read
Cmds BaseUni CurUni Cmds BaseUni CurUni
N975 478 / / 49 / /
J600 427 63 12 53 0 5
G920 570 87 179 67 5 22
G930 433 67 22 53 0 5
G960 493 10 25 55 0 6
G950 445 48 15 53 0 5
N950 429 63 14 53 0 5
N960 493 10 25 55 0 6
A205 505 22 1 204 5 20
A305 505 22 1 204 5 20
A405 505 22 1 204 5 20
A415 505 22 1 204 5 20
A505 505 22 1 204 5 20
A606 505 22 1 204 5 20
A705 505 22 1 204 5 20
A805 505 22 1 204 5 20
G981 525 1 0 205 2 18
G991 525 1 0 205 2 18
N981 525 1 0 205 2 18
A426 525 1 0 204 2 17
A526 525 1 0 204 2 17
A725 525 1 0 204 2 17
A908 525 1 0 204 2 17
A515 526 0 0 189 0 0
A516 526 0 0 189 0 0
G973 526 0 0 189 0 0
G977 526 0 0 189 0 0
A536 526 / / 189 / /
Table 5. Discrepancy in Write and Read related commands between each firmware and the Baseline resident in Ipc41 (Upper) and Ipc41X (Lower) separately.

Appendix B Vulnerability and Exploit Details

Based on the result of BaseMirror, we conducted an analysis of the commands between AP and CP. Consequently, we identified potential security risks for both AP and CP. In the following sections, we will elaborate on these vulnerabilities and potential attacks.

B.1. Attacks Targeting CP

As depicted in 1, we automate the procedure of command testing and payload replay on the Android side via the ADB interface from the host machine. Furthermore, as described in §6.1, we query the modem status at different points in time to provide feedback on command execution. The command injection tool, test_cmd, as illustrated in 2, is utilized for simulating command launches from AP to CP. With this tool, we format the payloads related to write commands obtained from automated reverse engineering of RIL and then transmitted them to the /dev/umts_ipcX interface. If using the attack payload, shown in Table 4, they will result in various levels of modem crash, notably the OUT_OF_SERVICE state from the state query response. This can also be observed visually from the Android OS’s status bar as depicted in Figure 11.

Refer to caption
Figure 11. A screenshot indicating a crashed baseband of a Samsung Galaxy A53 after attack command injection.
1# auto_attack.py
2test_cmd = ["adb shell su -c /data/local/tmp/test_cmd"]
3dump_cmd = ["dumpsys telephony.registry"]
5def dump_sys():
6 stdout = su_exec_adb_command(dump_cmd)
7 lines = stdout.splitlines()
8 for line in lines:
9 if "mServiceState" in line:
10 return contain_bad_state(line)
12payload_files = get_files_absolute_paths("./payload")
13crashed = False
14for payload in payload_files:
15 dump_alert = dump_sys()
16 if crashed:
17 if dump_alert:
18 print("Permanent Crash at previous cmd")
19 exit(-1)
20 else:
21 print("Recoverable Crash at previous cmd")
22 crashed = False
23 push_command = [’push’, payload, ’/data/local/tmp/’]
24 exec_adb_command(push_command)
25 change_payload_name(payload, "attack_payload.txt")
26 test_process = subprocess.Popen(test_cmd)
27 test_process.wait()
28 dump_crash = dump_sys()
29 if dump_crash:
30 crashed = True
31 print("Temporary Modem Crash")
32 root_cmd = [’reboot’]
33 exec_adb_command(root_cmd)
Listing 1: Automatic attack script.
1// test_cmd.c
2#define MAX_BYTE_DATA_SIZE 2048
3int main() {
4 FILE *hex_file = fopen("attack_payload.txt", "r");
5 char hex_string[MAX_BYTE_DATA_SIZE];
6 fgets(hex_string, sizeof(hex_string), hex_file);
7 fclose(hex_file);
8 unsigned char byte_data[MAX_BYTE_DATA_SIZE / 2];
9 char *token;
10 int counter = 0;
11 token = strtok(hex_string, ", ");
12 while (token != NULL) {
13 sscanf(token, "%hhx", &byte_data[counter++]);
14 token = strtok(NULL, ", ");
15 }
16 int fd;
17 char filename[] = "/dev/umts_ipc0";
18 fd = open(filename, O_WRONLY, 0666);
19 write(fd, byte_data, sizeof(byte_data));
20 close(fd);
21 printf("Attack send to modem successfully.\n");
22 return 0;
Listing 2: Attack payload testing script.

B.2. Attacks Targeting AP

In addition to identifying potential security risks of commands from AP to CP through automation, we manually discovered vulnerabilities in CP’s access to the AP-side file system through RIL by understanding the semantics of the reverse-engineered commands.

The Vendor RIL offers the Nv class for CP to manipulate the AP’s file system via commands. Within the Nv::MakeRfsDirectoryName function called by Nv::ProcessOpenFile, there exists a check for the string ”..” as shown in Figure 12, which could be exploited in directory traversal attacks. However, there is no verification for whether the incoming path is a symbolic link. An attacker, controlling both the CP and cooperative AP-side symbolic links, could execute arbitrary file read and write operations.

Refer to caption
Figure 12. Soft link check absence in NV Open File.

Appendix C Hybrid Baseband Commands

In addition to the descriptions in §7, we provide more details about the three types of hybrid baseband commands with examples to illustrate how they are constructed and used in the RIL.

Refer to caption
Figure 13. Example of a direct input parameter for configuring the baseband.
Refer to caption
Figure 14. Example of a derived parameter setting priority.
Refer to caption
Figure 15. Example of a structured parameter of JSON format for starting network scan.

Direct Input Parameter

Figure 13 shows a baseband command for the RIL to adjust the CDMA configurations in the baseband. The command payload is constructed by concatenating a byte variable (param1) from the function parameter with a constant hex payload. This hybrid command depends on a variable param1 that is essentially an input from external sources such as a user-space application. It can also be inferred from the payload size (8 bytes in total) that the parameter occupies one single byte in total, possibly indicating a boolean variable.

Derived Parameter

Similar to the previous example, the baseband command shown in Figure 14 is also initialized with a constant hex payload prefix. However, it depends on a parameter of string type, as indicated in line 4 since the parameter is taken by a strlen function to obtain its length. Next, the function performs a truncation that limits the parameter size to 255 (i.e., 0xff) at maximum. The parameter string is to indicate the band priority. Without prior information, e.g., a valid seed input, it is thus hard for a fuzzer to generate feasible test cases for this command payload.

Structured Parameter

Figure 15 presents an example of a command parameter constructed as a complex data structure. Based on the function semantics, the command is to instruct the baseband the start network scanning. To this end, the function first converts the network scanning information to a JSON object, by using the provided input param1, and then further builds the command payload as a JSON packet. For simplicity, we do not show the actual implementation of the two utility functions, as their functionality is already suggested by the function names.