
I have integrated Azure AD with Auth0 using Enterprise connectors, and it is working fine as well. But I am not getting user roles from Azure AD when I am trying to test my connection. I tried setting up the Authorization Extention as well but when I enabled merge roles and Groups, it did not give roles and groups information, but it also stopped giving basic user information (not sure if I missed anything from article though I followed it step by step).

From Azure AD: I have added roles and enabled permissions to read the data, from auth0 as well, I have enabled permissions to read extended data.

Can someone please help me if I am missing something here?

Here is what I have enabled while configuring Authorization Extension:

  1. In “Authorization information in the user object in Rules”
  • I have enabled - Groups and Roles
  1. In “You might have users that receive groups from the IdP” and " Persistence" as well, I have enabled Groups and Roles.

Here is the screenshot of the configuration as well: