Adversarial Dynamic Shapelet Networks
AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (accepted by AAAI), 2020
Self-Supervised Discriminative Network for Time Series Anomaly Detection, the first student author
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (to be submitted), 2020
Feature Distillation: Towards Multi-View Representation Learning
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (to be submitted), 2020
Echo Self-Attention Memory Network, the first student author
IEEE Transactionson Systems, Man and Cybernetics:Systems (submitted to IEEE Trans. on SMC),
The 3rd Prize of College Student Mathematical Competition, National, 2015
The 1st Prize of Lucent Cup Technology Competition (Bonus 3000RMB) , 2017
The 1st Prize of College Student Mathematical Modeling Competition, Provincial, 2017
The 2nd Prize of Mathematical Contest In Modeling (MCM), International, 2018
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Award in Ocean University of China, 2018
Recommendation systems and search engines
Outlier detection
Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Structures and Algorithms
Programming language: Python > C++
Others: Linux, Git, Pytorch, MySQL...