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A general framework for lazy functional logic programming with algebraic polymorphic types

Published: 01 March 2001 Publication History


We propose a general framework for first-order functional logic programming, supporting lazy functions, non-determinism and polymorphic datatypes whose data constructors obey a set 𝒞 of equational axioms. On top of a given 𝒞, we specify a program as a set ℛ of 𝒞-based conditional rewriting rules for defined functions. We argue that equational logic does not supply the proper semantics for such programs. Therefore, we present an alternative logic which includes 𝒞-based rewriting calculi and a notion of model. We get soundness and completeness for 𝒞-based rewriting w.r.t. models, existence of free models for all programs, and type preservation results. As operational semantics, we develop a sound and complete procedure for goal solving, which is based on the combination of lazy narrowing with unification modulo 𝒞. Our framework is quite expressive for many purposes, such as solving action and change problems, or realizing the GAMMA computation model.


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  1. A general framework for lazy functional logic programming with algebraic polymorphic types



        Information & Contributors


        Published In

        cover image Theory and Practice of Logic Programming
        Theory and Practice of Logic Programming  Volume 1, Issue 2
        March 2001
        118 pages


        Cambridge University Press

        United States

        Publication History

        Published: 01 March 2001

        Author Tags

        1. algebraic data constructor
        2. functional logic programming
        3. lazy narrowing
        4. polymorphic types


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        • (2005)Constraint Functional Logic Programming RevisitedElectronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ENTCS)10.5555/2773803.2773989117:C(5-50)Online publication date: 20-Jan-2005
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