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Paul Weisser, Ph.D.

Editor/Writer/Desktop Publisher

Collaborate in Person or Over the Internet

TV Interview

(510) 710-2249

Paul Weisser attended Cornell University, majoring in literature and philosophy. After briefly studying law at Harvard University, he returned to literary studies and received his Master’s degree in English Language and Literature from the University of Chicago, and then his Ph.D. in Dramatic Art from the University of California at Berkeley.

While at Berkeley he specialized in stage direction and dramatic theory. He was a guest lecturer on comic theory at the American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco, and a director at the San Francisco Playhouse. Later he was a guest director and Visiting Assistant Professor of Drama at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, and then an Assistant Professor of Drama at the University of California at Santa Barbara.

Pursuing his creative interest in comedy and animation, he spent two years in the former Yugoslavia working for Zagreb Film as a writer, director, editor, and associate producer of animated and documentary films, and then moved to London to work as a writer for the Educational Film Centre and as a writer and associate director for Bob Godfrey Films. With the latter, he was a co-author of Great, winner of the Academy Award for animation in 1975.

Upon returning to the United States, he worked briefly in Hollywood as a writer for Wolper Productions before turning to freelance writing and editing. He has taught book editing at the University of California in Berkeley, and is an Adjunct Professor of Literature, Theater, and Creative Writing at Greenwich University in Australia. Most recently, he has completed the authorized stage adaptation of The Clown, a novel by Heinrich Böll, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1972.

Dr. Weisser has edited more than 100 books for academic and commercial publishers, including University of California Press, Stanford University Press, Oxford University Press, Cornell University Press, Sierra Club Books, HarperCollins Publishers, Warner Books, North Atlantic Books, Wadsworth Publishing Company, Lawrence Hall of Science, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California Art Museum, and others.

He also helps individuals, in person or on the internet, with nonfiction books, novels, short stories, children’s stories, screenplays, speeches, poetry collections, doctoral dissertations, master’s theses, articles, papers, proposals, brochures, flyers, letters, resumés, and tutorial instruction.

In addition to editorial and writing assistance, he can provide desktop publishing services, guide you through every step of self-publishing, or refer you to an appropriate publisher, producer, or literary agent.


Books Edited for Publishers  

(identities of private clients are kept confidential)


Walter L. Adamson, Hegemony and Revolution: Antonio Gramsci’s Political and Cultural Theory
William Sims Bainbridge, Satan’s Power: A Deviant Psychotherapy Cult
Roger W. Bowen, Rebellion and Democracy in Meiji Japan
Michael Brecher and Benjamin Geist, Decisions in Crisis: Israel 1967 and 1973
Delmer M. Brown and Ichiro Ishida, The Future and the Past: A Translation and Study of the “Gukansho,” An Interpretative History of Japan Written in 1219
Bruce E. Cain, The Reapportionment Puzzle
Alexander Dallin, Black Box: KAL 007 and the Superpowers
Meir Dan-Cohen, Rights, Persons, and Organizations: A Legal Theory for Bureaucratic Society
Stuart Dempster, The Modern Trombone: A Definition of Its Idioms
Alan Dowty, Middle-East Crisis: U.S. Decision-Making in 1958, 1970, and 1973
Herbert Fingarette and Ann Fingarette Hasse, Mental Disabilities and Criminal Responsibility
Nancy Foner, Jamaica Farewell: Jamaican Migrants in London
Todd Gitlin, The Whole World Is Watching: Mass Media in the Making and Unmaking of the New Left
Maurice Halperin, The Taming of Fidel Castro
Donald L. Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict
Arthur D. Howard, Geologic History of Middle California (California Natural History Guides, No. 43)
Paul Jabber, Not By War Alone: Security and Arms Control in the Middle East
Geoffrey Jukes, Hitler’s Stalingrad Decisions
Hong Yung Lee, The Politics of the Chinese Cultural Revolution
A. Starker Leopold, The California Quail
John Lindow, Swedish Legends and Folktales
Eugene Lunn, Marxism and Modernism: An Historical Study of Lukacs, Brecht, Benjamin, and Adorno
John B. Oakley and Robert S. Thompson, Law Clerks in Judges’ Eyes: Perceptions of the Qualities and Functions of Law Clerks in American Courts
James J. O’Donnell, Cassiodorus
Dunbar H. Ogden, The Italian Baroque Stage (index)
James Olney, The Rhizome and the Flower: The Perennial Philosophy — Yeats and Jung
Pierre Pellegrin, Aristotle’s Classification of Animals
Stewart E. Perry, San Francisco Scavengers
M. Jeanne Peterson, The Medical Profession in Mid-Victorian London
Nicholas Rescher, The Limits of Science
Steven Seidman, Liberalism, Revolution, and Social Theory
Lawrence W. Sherman, Scandal and Reform: Controlling Police Corruption
Avi Shlaim, The United States and the Berlin Blockade, 1948–1949
Milton Silverman et al., Pills and the Public Purse: The Routes to National Drug Insurance
Wallace J. Thies, When Governments Collide: Coercion and Diplomacy in the Vietnam Conflict, 1964–1968
Arthur E. Wise, Legislated Learning: The Bureaucratization of the American Classroom
Robert Wuthnow, Experimentation in American Religion
Mark Wyman, Hard Rock Epic: Western Miners and the Industrial Revolution, 1860–1910

Serge Gruzinski, Man-Gods in the Mexican Highlands
Christopher Mitchell, ed., Windows on Latin America
Peter Weiler, British Labour and the Cold War
Christopher Alexander, Production of Houses
Jeffrey A. Hart, Rival Capitalists: International Competitiveness in the United States, Japan, and Western Europe
INSTITUTE OF EAST ASIAN STUDIES (University of California, Berkeley)
Robert E. Bedeski, State-Building in Modern China: The Kuomintang in the Prewar Period
James Cahill, Sakaki Hyakusen and Early Nanga Painting
David C. Cole et al., The Korean Economy — Issues of Development
Bong Duck Chun et al., Traditional Korean Legal Attitudes
Conference Papers from a U.S.-Thailand Bilateral Forum
The Japanese Challenge and the American Response (conference papers)
Pyong-ho Pak et al., Modernization and Its Impact upon Korean Law
Quee-Young Kim, The Fall of Syngman Rhee
R. Sean Randolph, Thailand and the U.S., 1950–1985
Charles Fracchia, Living Together Alone
Paul L. Holmer, The Grammar of Faith
Terry G. Jordan and Lester Rowntree, The Human Mosaic: A Thematic Introduction to Cultural Geography, 2nd edition
D. B. Lockerbie, A Man Under Orders
Roger Miller, Economics Today, 3rd edition
R. J. Neuhaus, Freedom for Ministry
George E. Sweazey, The Church As Evangelist
Chin-Ning Chu, Thick Face, Black Heart: The Path to Thriving, Winning, and Succeeding

Richard Grossinger, The Night Sky
Sim Van der Ryn and Peter Calthorpe, Sustainable Communities: New Design Synthesis for Cities, Suburbs, and Towns
John Conger, Jung and Reich: The Body as Shadow
Dana Ullman, Homeopathy: Medicine for the 21st Century
Ria Elena Dewing, Heritage of the Wooded Hills: A Belmont History
Joseph S. Johnson and Kenneth K. Jones, Modern Radio Station Practices, 2nd edition
Steve Lawlor, Basic [the computer language]

LAWRENCE HALL OF SCIENCE (University of California, Berkeley)

Health Activities Projects for Elementary  Schools

James Cahill et al., Shadows of Mount Huang: Chinese Painting and Printing of the Anhui School

Stage Experience



Samuel Beckett, Endgame (director; production designer)
Friedrich Dürrenmatt, The Visit (actor)
George Farquhar, The Recruiting Officer (assistant director)
Eugène Ionesco, The Lesson (director)
Alfred Jarry, Ubu Roi (lighting designer)
Christopher Marlowe, Faustus (assistant director)
Molière, Don Juan (assistant director; actor)
William Shakespeare, Coriolanus (assistant director)
William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice (assistant lighting designer)
William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet (actor)
August Strindberg, Miss Julie (director)
Tennessee Williams, Camino Real (director)


Steven Rogers, The Madness of Molloy (director; production designer)
Tennessee Williams, An Evening of One-Act Plays (assistant director)


Comedy workshop (co-director with psychiatrist Dr. William Fry)

ANTIOCH AREA THEATRE (Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio)

Fernando Arrabal, Solemn Communion (director; production designer)
Fernando Arrabal, Striptease of Jealousy (director; production designer)
Samuel Beckett, Act Without Words, 1 (director; production designer)
Bertolt Brecht, The Baden Lehrstück (director; production
Tristan Tzara, The Gas Heart (director; production designer)

MIRAMONTE HIGH SCHOOL (Orinda, California)

Dylan Thomas, Under Milkwood (director; production designer)

Film Experience

ZAGREB FILM (Zagreb, Croatia)
A City of Birds in a City of  Men (documentary short feature: screenwriter; assistant director)
A Cricket’s Spring (nature film: screenwriter)
A Dutchman’s Wanderings in Yugoslavia (short feature in co-production with the CINECENTRUM GROEP, Hilversum, Holland: screenwriter)
Eat It! (animated short feature: screenwriter)
An Everyday Occurrence (short nature film: screenwriter)
Far Away I Saw Mist and Mud (animated short feature: English titles)
Gubecziana (documentary short feature: screenwriter)
Johan from Velebit (documentary short feature: English titles)
Laugh! (animated short feature: screenwriter)
Little Wonders of Our Great Nature (live-action nature series in co-production with TCENTRNAUTCHFILM, Moscow: assistant director; screenwriter; writer of promotional material)
Man the Polluter (animated and live-action television special in co-production with the NATIONAL FILM BOARD OF CANADA: screenwriter; associate producer)
Maxi Cat series: “On the Cross,” “The Kiss,” and other animated minifilms (writer of promotional material)
Mid-Day Cowboy (live-action and animated short feature: screenwriter)
My Apartment (live-action short feature; Grand Prix winner at the Cannes Film Festival: English titles)
Napoleon Bene (documentary short feature: screenwriter)
Revenge (live-action short feature: screenwriter)
Special Trains (documentary short feature; Grand Prix winner at the Oberhausen Film Festival: English titles)
Tup-Tup+ (animated short feature; Academy Award nominee, 1972: writer of promotional material)
Z... is for Zagreb (animated and live-action chronicle of the Zagreb ’72 International Animated Film Festival, shown on Moscow television and before an audience of professional animators at the Walt Disney Studios: editor
The Discovery of America (animated television special: screenwriter)

Great (animated feature; Academy Award winner, 1975: screenwriter; associate director)
Breakthrough: The Saga of Jonas Salk (documentary drama—pilot for a television series: researcher; presentation writer)
Christopher: Child of the Snow (television mystery-adventure drama: story editor)
The Detective in Film (television detective series: researcher)
Of Time and the River (television drama based on the novel by Thomas Wolfe: presentation writer)
The Terrorist (television documentary drama: story editor)
The Vanishing American Hobo (television documentary special: story editor)
Where Do We Go from Here? (television action drama: story editor)
You Can’t Go Home Again (television drama based on the novel by Thomas Wolfe: presentation writer)

Who Discovered America? (educational film for third-grade level: screenwriter)
Comparison and Contrast (educational film for fifth-grade level: screenwriter)
Television: The Industry at Work (educational film for high-school level: screenwriter)

Paul Weisser, Ph.D.

Editor/Writer/Desktop Publisher

Collaborate in Person or Over the Internet

TV Interview

(510) 710-2249


Paul’s Personal Statement

Paul writes and edits novels, nonfiction books, screenplays, stories, memoirs, and autobiographies. He also edits doctoral dissertations, master’s theses, articles, personal statements, resumes, and website text.

Paul has also helped many people to craft speeches for memorable occasions, from births to graduations to weddings to funerals. With his background as a stage director, he can also coach the presentation of the speech, and add punch and subtlety to dialogue in any medium.

To summarize, Paul can help you to write, rewrite, or edit a novel, nonfiction book, screenplay, story, memoir, doctoral dissertation, master’s thesis, article, personal statement, resume, or website text. In short, Paul is a writer and editor in a wide variety of fiction and nonfiction genres. He is also a tutor and desktop publisher.

Paul will edit but not write academic papers for clients.

If you have a story, script, screenplay, novel, nonfiction book, or any other kind of creative project, Paul is the wordsmith for you.

Paul is most often cited, in the Acknowledgment pages, as the editor of a book, but occasionally he has been a ghostwriter without credit. This has been especially true if one has a novel, screenplay, story, script, nonfiction book, autobiography, memoir, article, resume, personal statement, or website text.

Paul can edit your fiction or nonfiction book, screenplay, story, speech, doctoral dissertation, master’s thesis, grant proposal, academic or commercial article, paper, or any other kind of writing project you can imagine.

If you are interested in self-publishing, Paul is a professional desktop publisher who can format your book in print format, e-book format, or both.

Let Xlibris and the other self-publishing giants advertise, print, and distribute your book. But forget their editing and formatting offers. They are essentially offering you copyediting privileges, which means punctuation, grammar, spelling, and the other mechanics of writing. You get all of that with me, but at the highest level. More than that, you get an imaginative mind that is needed to turn your great concept into a book that people want to read.

Let’s try this once again. You want to write a dissertation, script, speech, thesis, biography or autobiography, or short story, and you are interested in pursuing desktop publishing. You may also be seeking a tutor. Or you may be seeking a ghostwriter for your biography or autobiography. Desktop publishing is certainly one of the most promising options these days.

As a ghostwriter, I can write your memoirs or edit your fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, novels, and theses.

To recap the big picture, I can write or edit your personal statement, resume, short story, or almost any other literary form. I can also tutor or coach you in various ways. I am a publisher who helps people with self-publishing. That may sound like a contradiction, but today’s author or publisher who ignores the opportunities offered by e-books or self publishing or independent publishing of books or speeches does so at his or her own peril.


Editor/writer/desktop publisher of books, dissertations & screenplays