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Go4customer Blog

How Can You Tackle the Stress in Call Center Jobs?

Posted by Vaishnavi Verma

Having a rough day at work is quite normal, till the time it becomes a daily headache, commonly known as ‘Work-Related Stress’.

All we know is call center jobs to require a great deal of endurance and patience while delivering the call center services to the customer over a phone call.

The job role is challenging as well as hectic swaddled along with call center stress, making a tough atmosphere for carrying the chores with calm.

Call Center Stress Syndrome– Common Causes of Call Center Stress:

Corporate job holders often complain about stress and anxiety issues, disrupting the normal course of daily life.

Similarly, agents dealing with call center stress syndrome can be usually seen holding the packet of emotions at the bottleneck, ready to burst at any moment.

But what are the most likely cause of call center job stress?

  • Incapability to match the call center metrics.
  • Unable to generate positive customer feedback for offered support.
  • Personal and work-life imbalance.
  • Job role ambiguity.
  • Lack of resources.
  • Surplus of tasks and pressure etc…

How to Handle Call Center Stress?

Too much stress can disrupt your daily life routine and health cycle, as well.

Continuous exposure to stress can lead to the formulation of crankiness, fluctuation in blood pressure, heart rate, tensed muscles, less blood supply to the brain and many more…

To avoid deadly circumstances, it is vital to keep personal and work-life untwined of each other.

Following are few call center stress relief tips that can be taken under consideration if you are looking forward to avoid the stress-like situation at the work:

·       Optimistic Approach to Work-Place:

The workplace is the place, where you live most of your day falling around 8-9 hours/day.

Keeping an optimistic approach to work helps in descaling the stress cycle of your mind.

If you are dealing with call center stress and looking forward to the methods to combat the same, having an optimistic approach to the same is must, as you are the sailor of your boat.

Organizing your work station with small indoor plants such as snake plant, chamomile plant and bonsai plant makes an easy deal as call center stress relievers.

Try to give a positive outlook to your working space.

The more you will create an aura, the more will be the chances of having a stress-free working atmosphere.

Also, sort the stuff on your work desk by making it clutter-free and life easier.

·       Bring Exercise and Yoga in Daily Practice:

No doubt, call center agents deals with a stressful job and daunting tasks by balancing out their dialled, connected and answered calls along with successful delivery of resolutions.

Bringing the healthy practices in daily life routine will set up your mood acting as an antidote for stress-free working surrounding.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle by practicing exercise and yoga along with dietary food habits.

Even the Human Resource department can conduct activities related to stress management for call center employees.

Following up such steps can help in tackling the stress of work and its imbalance in your personal life.

·       Keep Work at Work and Home at Home:

The moment when you begin to mix up the duo altogether, it will simultaneously gift you unwanted stress only, nothing else.

Everyone has their set of problems either it's work-related or something personal.

Therefore, one should stop mingling the duo with each other.

Bringing the chores of home to the office can disrupt the office operations, which will also affect the problem-solving attitude toward the customer in the call center job.

Similarly, fetching the office tensions to home can be a reason for dis-harmonious behaviour for residers at home rooting the seed of stress, contagious-mentally in nature.

·       Schedule the Day to Wrap up Daily Tasks:

If we talk specifically about jobs in the call center, all sort of perks and benefits falls around the successful delivery of calls to customers as per standard call center metrics.

Managing call center metrics such as first call resolution, call abandonment rate, average handling time etc. can help you in tracking the record of daily in and out at the workplace.

It is highly advisable to wrap up your daily life task rather than keeping it for the next day. Closing up daily task bolster in reducing the gap between work to be done and goals to be achieved.

Therefore, making a schedule and a quick calendar for office chores can help in diminishing the effect of stress on your mental health.

·       Combat with Call Center Stress Triggers:

Stress is nothing but the twisted tail of anxiety and fear, mostly resultant due to unusual happenstance of triggers.

Thus, avoiding the occurrence of triggers and some like situation can bolster in combat the stress like situation harnessing the regular flow of daily life chores.

These triggers can be boldly faced through the strategies of call center stress management witnessing the successful statistics via laughing more and worrying less.

Also, can discuss out bothering issues with their loved and trusted ones, as it may help in having the apt resolution for getting the clearance over stress and anxiety related to work at call centers.

In conclusion:

Working at the call center is a stressful job. Therefore, it's foremost important to maintain the balance between odds and even to avoid unnecessary challenges and invitation to stress.

By following the above mentioned points, call center agents can easily tackle the unwanted stress at work.

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