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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2004, Vol. 20 Issue (9): 1-4    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2004.09.01
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One of  DL  Developing Trends——A Service-orientated Digital Library
Yang Zongying  Zheng Qiaoying
(Shanghai Jiaotong University Library,Shanghai 200030, China)
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An architecture, functions and relative technology of a service-orientated DL are discussed in this article. Years of research and development of some key techniques and related technologies of digital library have established an important technical foundation for developing a practical digital library. A dozen of digital Libraries can be summarized in three main types as the following: a DL of special collection; a service-orientated DL; a DL with commercial database.  Architecture of a service-orientated DL: It is based on an electronically resources which are accessed through a unique interface. Patrons are consulted on Virtual Reference Desk if you have any questions.

Key wordsDigital library      Resources sharing      VRS      Reference      Heterogeneous data retrieval     
Received: 08 April 2004      Published: 25 September 2004


Corresponding Authors: Yang Zongying     E-mail: zyyang@mail.sjtu.edu.cn
About author:: Yang Zongying,Zheng Qiaoying

Cite this article:

Yang Zongying,Zheng Qiaoying. One of  DL  Developing Trends——A Service-orientated Digital Library. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2004, 20(9): 1-4.


https://manu44.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_infotech_wk3/EN/10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2004.09.01     OR     https://manu44.magtech.com.cn/Jwk_infotech_wk3/EN/Y2004/V20/I9/1

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