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Building Your Own Real-Time Object Detection App: Roboflow(YOLOv8) and Streamlit (Part 4)

How to add video and webcam in your Streamlit App

Eduardo Padron
11 min readAug 15, 2023

In our previous part, we learned about using the YOLOv8 model to detect objects and creating a Streamlit app for it. However, real-world applications often demand more than just object detection. Think about scenarios like surveillance or self-driving cars — it’s not only about pinpointing objects, but also about keeping a watchful eye on their movements over time. This is where the concept of object tracking steps in.

In this part of the series, we’re going into the fundamentals of object tracking. We’ll explore how to integrate object tracking into our existing object detection app, powered by the versatile OpenCV library. And the exciting part: We’re introducing the ability to work with videos and even webcam feeds.

By the time we wrap up this tutorial, you’ll have all the tools you need to build a complete, real-time object detection and tracking app. This app will be primed and ready for various applications, from surveillance scenarios to interactive experiences.

Implementing Object Tracking with YOLOv8 Architectures

We know that object tracking is like keeping an eye on something as it moves in a video or pictures. YOLOv8, offers a straightforward implementation of the tracking algorithm with two different architectures:

  • BoT-SORT and
  • ByteTrack

BoT-SORT and ByteTrack each bring their own unique strengths to the table. BoT-SORT is a dependable default option, known for its robust performance and reliability in tracking objects. On the other hand, ByteTrack offers an alternative approach, providing efficiency and flexibility for those who prioritize those aspects. In essence, BoT-SORT leans towards tried-and-true effectiveness, while ByteTrack offers a balance of efficiency and adaptability, allowing you to choose based on your specific project needs and preferences.

Getting Started With YoloV8 Tracking

In the code, you need to specify the path to the pre-trained YOLOv8 model we create in the previous part the file best.pt and the path to the input video. I downloaded one from Youtube with live long and prosper signs and then put it into a folder called videos. You can then adjust the confidence and tracking options. Finally, you can specify whether to persist the tracking results, show the tracking output in a window, or save it to a file.

Once you run this script, you will see that the tracking algorithm is applied on each frame of the video and the video is displayed in an OpenCV window. This can be a great starting point for building more complex object-tracking applications using YOLOv8.

Implementing the Object-Tracking In Our Streamlit App

In order to display the frames with object tracking in the Streamlit app, we need to take a slightly different approach. Rather than processing an entire video as we did in the previous implementation, we will instead pass individual frames one by one to the YOLOv8 model, and then display them inside an empty Streamlit frame within our app.

This method allows us to easily integrate the YOLOv8 tracking algorithm with our Streamlit app, giving us real-time updates on the objects being tracked. We used a similar approach in Part 3 of this series and will build upon that implementation here in Part 4.

In the virtual environment you have to install pytube that is necessary to run the video object tracking with Youtube video.

pip install pytube

But we have to do a small change in the library pytube in out virtual enviroment we have to go to the folder env from this project and follow the next path


Then open the file cipher.py and change the line number 30 for:var_regex = re.compile(r"^\w+\W") to var_regex = re.compile(r"^$*\w+\W"). With this change we can run the option Youtube in our app.

For this implementation, we will create three files with names settings.py, app.py, and helper.py. Let’s first write the code for settings.py file. It does not need the image variables.

from pathlib import Path
import sys

# Get the absolute path of the current file
file_path = Path(__file__).resolve()

# Get the parent directory of the current file
root_path = file_path.parent

# Add the root path to the sys.path list if it is not already there
if root_path not in sys.path:

# Get the relative path of the root directory with respect to the current working directory
ROOT = root_path.relative_to(Path.cwd())

# Sources
IMAGE = 'Image'
VIDEO = 'Video'
WEBCAM = 'Webcam'
YOUTUBE = 'YouTube'


# Images config
IMAGES_DIR = ROOT / 'images'
DEFAULT_IMAGE = IMAGES_DIR / 'office_4.jpg'
DEFAULT_DETECT_IMAGE = IMAGES_DIR / 'office_4_detected.jpg'

# Videos config
VIDEO_DIR = ROOT / 'videos'
VIDEO_1_PATH = VIDEO_DIR / 'video_1.mp4'
'video_1': VIDEO_1_PATH

# ML Model config
MODEL_DIR = ROOT / 'weights'

# Webcam

In our implementation, the settings.py file plays an important role. This file contains the configuration settings for the videos and machine learning models that we will be using. With the help of the pathlib and sys libraries, the settings.py file allows us to set the path for the current file and its parent directory, add the root path to the sys.path list, and define the relative path of the root directory with respect to the current working directory.

Additionally, this file defines the sources and videos we will be using, as well as the location of our machine learning models. Now let’s write the code for theapp.py file.

The app.py is designed to be integrated with a Streamlit web application, which provides a simple and intuitive user interface. The code loads the pre-trained YOLOv8 model and the settings module to configure the machine learning model and to choose the source type, such as image, video, webcam, or YouTube video. If an image is chosen, users can upload it using the file uploader.

Based on the user’s selection of task and confidence level, the script selects either the detection or segmentation model and then proceeds to load the model.

The streamlit interface and real-time detection make this application a valuable tool for various scenarios. When a media source is uploaded, the code uses the YOLOv8 model to predict and highlight objects. Detected bounding boxes are displayed, along with a plotted image. For video sources (stored, webcam, or YouTube), corresponding functions from the helper module are called to display the video feed with real-time object detection.

# Python In-built packages
from pathlib import Path
import PIL

# External packages
import streamlit as st

# Local Modules
import settings
import helper

# Setting page layout
page_title="Object Detection using YOLOv8",

# Main page heading
st.title("Object Detection")
st.caption('Updload a photo with this :blue[hand signals]: :+1:, :hand:, :i_love_you_hand_sign:, and :spock-hand:.')
st.caption('Then click the :blue[Detect Objects] button and check the result.')

# Sidebar
st.sidebar.header("ML Model Config")

# Model Options
model_type = st.sidebar.radio(
"Select Task", ['Detection', 'Segmentation'])

confidence = float(st.sidebar.slider(
"Select Model Confidence", 25, 100, 40)) / 100

# Selecting Detection Or Segmentation
if model_type == 'Detection':
model_path = Path(settings.DETECTION_MODEL)
elif model_type == 'Segmentation':
model_path = Path(settings.SEGMENTATION_MODEL)

# Load Pre-trained ML Model
model = helper.load_model(model_path)
except Exception as ex:
st.error(f"Unable to load model. Check the specified path: {model_path}")

st.sidebar.header("Image/Video Config")
source_radio = st.sidebar.radio(
"Select Source", settings.SOURCES_LIST)

source_img = None
# If image is selected
if source_radio == settings.IMAGE:
source_img = st.sidebar.file_uploader(
"Choose an image...", type=("jpg", "jpeg", "png", 'bmp', 'webp'))

col1, col2 = st.columns(2)

with col1:
if source_img:
uploaded_image = PIL.Image.open(source_img)
st.image(source_img, caption="Uploaded Image",
except Exception as ex:
st.error("Error occurred while opening the image.")

with col2:
if st.sidebar.button('Detect Objects'):
res = model.predict(uploaded_image,
boxes = res[0].boxes
res_plotted = res[0].plot()[:, :, ::-1]
st.image(res_plotted, caption='Detected Image',
with st.expander("Detection Results"):
for box in boxes:
except Exception as ex:
# st.write(ex)
st.write("No image is uploaded yet!")

elif source_radio == settings.VIDEO:
helper.play_stored_video(confidence, model)

elif source_radio == settings.WEBCAM:
helper.play_webcam(confidence, model)

elif source_radio == settings.YOUTUBE:
helper.play_youtube_video(confidence, model)

st.error("Please select a valid source type!")

The helper.py file contains functions that are called from the app.py file. This file uses OpenCV and pytube (for YouTube video handling) libraries to read and process the video and Streamlit to display the video and detected objects.

The load_model() function initializes the YOLOv8 object detection model by loading it from the specified model path.

The display_tracker_options() function offers users the choice to enable object tracking. Users can select how to display tracking results and select a tracking algorithm (e.g., bytetrack.yaml or botsort.yaml). The _display_detected_frames() function displays video frames with detected objects. It resizes the image and calls the appropriate tracking or prediction methods based on user preferences.

The play_youtube_video() function enables users to input a YouTube video URL. It processes the video, performs real-time object detection, and displays the results on the web page. The play_webcam() function captures the webcam feed, processes frames, and displays real-time object detection and tracking results.

from ultralytics import YOLO
import streamlit as st
import cv2
from pytube import YouTube

import settings

def load_model(model_path):
Loads a YOLO object detection model from the specified model_path.

model_path (str): The path to the YOLO model file.

A YOLO object detection model.
model = YOLO(model_path)
return model

def display_tracker_options():
display_tracker = st.radio("Display Tracker", ('Yes', 'No'))
is_display_tracker = True if display_tracker == 'Yes' else False
if is_display_tracker:
tracker_type = st.radio("Tracker", ("bytetrack.yaml", "botsort.yaml"))
return is_display_tracker, tracker_type
return is_display_tracker, None

def _display_detected_frames(conf, model, st_frame, image, is_display_tracking=None, tracker=None):
Display the detected objects on a video frame using the YOLOv8 model.

- conf (float): Confidence threshold for object detection.
- model (YoloV8): A YOLOv8 object detection model.
- st_frame (Streamlit object): A Streamlit object to display the detected video.
- image (numpy array): A numpy array representing the video frame.
- is_display_tracking (bool): A flag indicating whether to display object tracking (default=None).


# Resize the image to a standard size
image = cv2.resize(image, (720, int(720*(9/16))))

# Display object tracking, if specified
if is_display_tracking:
res = model.track(image, conf=conf, persist=True, tracker=tracker)
# Predict the objects in the image using the YOLOv8 model
res = model.predict(image, conf=conf)

# # Plot the detected objects on the video frame
res_plotted = res[0].plot()
caption='Detected Video',

def play_youtube_video(conf, model):
Plays a webcam stream. Detects Objects in real-time using the YOLOv8 object detection model.

conf: Confidence of YOLOv8 model.
model: An instance of the `YOLOv8` class containing the YOLOv8 model.


source_youtube = st.sidebar.text_input("YouTube Video url")

is_display_tracker, tracker = display_tracker_options()

if st.sidebar.button('Detect Objects'):
yt = YouTube(source_youtube)
stream = yt.streams.filter(file_extension="mp4", res=720).first()
vid_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(stream.url)

st_frame = st.empty()
while (vid_cap.isOpened()):
success, image = vid_cap.read()
if success:
except Exception as e:
st.sidebar.error("Error loading video: " + str(e))

def play_webcam(conf, model):
Plays a webcam stream. Detects Objects in real-time using the YOLOv8 object detection model.

conf: Confidence of YOLOv8 model.
model: An instance of the `YOLOv8` class containing the YOLOv8 model.


source_webcam = settings.WEBCAM_PATH
is_display_tracker, tracker = display_tracker_options()
if st.sidebar.button('Detect Objects'):
vid_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(source_webcam)
st_frame = st.empty()
while (vid_cap.isOpened()):
success, image = vid_cap.read()
if success:
except Exception as e:
st.sidebar.error("Error loading video: " + str(e))

def play_stored_video(conf, model):
Plays a stored video file. Tracks and detects objects in real-time using the YOLOv8 object detection model.

conf: Confidence of YOLOv8 model.
model: An instance of the `YOLOv8` class containing the YOLOv8 model.


source_vid = st.sidebar.selectbox(
"Choose a video...", settings.VIDEOS_DICT.keys())

is_display_tracker, tracker = display_tracker_options()

with open(settings.VIDEOS_DICT.get(source_vid), 'rb') as video_file:
video_bytes = video_file.read()
if video_bytes:

if st.sidebar.button('Detect Video Objects'):
vid_cap = cv2.VideoCapture(
st_frame = st.empty()
while (vid_cap.isOpened()):
success, image = vid_cap.read()
if success:
except Exception as e:
st.sidebar.error("Error loading video: " + str(e))

One last thing from the previous images above, you can see the unique identifiers of the detected objects, in this case, hands. These IDs are assigned by the object detection model to each detected object. This allows the model to keep track of the same object across multiple frames of the video or image sequence, which is useful for applications like object tracking. The IDs can also be used to label and annotate the detected objects for further analysis or processing.

In the options if you choose No Tracking, the image below you can see our application is no longer displaying the object IDs.

If you select the video source as YouTube, you can paste the URL of the YouTube video in the text box provided below. On pressing the ‘Detect Objects’ button, you will be able to view the frames of the video along with the detected objects, based on the options selected is slow but it works fine (I’ll do my research to optimize speed).

If you have followed the first 4 parts of this series, your object detection application should be working as described above and now you can deploy it locally but if you want to deploy it in share.streamlit.io go to the part 5 and final to follow the steps described.

GitHub Repository

To access the source codes used in this project, refer to my GitHub repository. Check how the folder is and all the files and folders do the same to deploy it locally.


In this part of the guide, we’ve integrated our app object tracking in real-time. As we were introduced to YOLOv8’s versatile tracking architectures — BoT-SORT and ByteTrack — demonstrating their prowess in video-based object tracking, including YouTube URLs.

Plus, we’ve added a neat feature: you can now apply these techniques not only to images you have but also to local videos , YouTube URLs and your webcam. This guide has simplified the process of building object detection and tracking systems.

If you find errors following this or feedback about this guide let me know in the comments. I encourage you to keep reading part 9 to run this app in Raspberry Pi. Also recommend you part 5 to deploy this app in Streamlit Share. To upgrade your model I recommend you part 6 to Enhancing Active Learning and improve your model with new data. In case you want to use the app in Raspberry Pi check parts 7, and part 8. Thank you for following this post. Good luck with your projects.

