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Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Learning: Teaching AI with Minimal Data

Sahin Ahmed, Data Scientist
10 min readJun 21, 2024



Imagine teaching a machine to recognize an object with just a few pictures, or even without any examples at all. While this may seem impossible, it’s becoming a reality in machine learning through techniques known as few-shot and zero-shot learning.

Few-shot learning enables AI models to learn from a small number of examples, similar to a quick learner mastering a new skill with minimal practice. Meanwhile, zero-shot learning allows models to make accurate predictions without seeing specific instances, akin to understanding a concept based solely on related knowledge.

These techniques are transforming machine learning, especially in situations where collecting large datasets is impractical. From medical imaging to natural language processing, few-shot and zero-shot learning are unlocking new possibilities. This article will delve into how these techniques work, their mechanisms, and the innovative applications they’re advancing. Prepare to discover the intriguing world of teaching AI with minimal data!

Understanding Few-Shot Learning


Few-shot learning is a machine learning subfield in which models learn and make accurate predictions using only a small number of training examples. Traditional machine learning models usually need large amounts of labeled data to perform well. This requirement can be a significant bottleneck because collecting and labeling data requires time and resources. On the other hand, few-shot learning aims to replicate human-like learning, where a few examples are enough to understand and generalize new concepts.

Few shot learning example, Source: Paperspace


Few-shot learning leverages several advanced techniques to achieve robust performance with minimal data. Here are some key approaches:

  1. Meta-Learning Meta-learning, or “learning to learn,” involves training models to adapt quickly to new tasks with minimal data. The model is first trained on a variety of tasks to learn a general strategy for solving problems. When presented with a new task, it can rapidly adjust using the knowledge gained from previous tasks. This approach helps the model generalize better from a few examples.
  2. Transfer Learning Transfer learning involves pre-training a model on a large, diverse dataset and then fine-tuning it on a smaller, task-specific dataset. The pre-trained model retains general knowledge that can be transferred to new tasks, reducing the amount of data needed for the fine-tuning phase. This technique is widely used in computer vision and natural language processing.
  3. Siamese Networks Siamese networks consist of two identical neural networks that process two different input samples and compare their outputs. During training, the network learns to differentiate between similar and dissimilar pairs. For few-shot learning, this allows the model to recognize new classes by comparing the similarity of new examples to known ones.
  4. Prototypical Networks Prototypical networks create a prototype representation for each class based on a small number of examples. When a new example is introduced, the model calculates its distance to each class prototype and assigns it to the class with the nearest prototype. This approach is simple yet effective for few-shot classification tasks.
  5. Matching Networks Matching networks use a combination of attention mechanisms and memory networks to compare new examples directly with a support set of labeled examples. The model computes a similarity score for each pair and makes predictions based on these scores. This technique allows the model to adapt to new tasks by referencing a small set of examples.

Few-shot learning techniques are rapidly advancing, making it possible to build powerful models that can learn efficiently from limited data. By leveraging these methods, we can overcome the data scarcity challenge and unlock new applications across various fields.

Real-World Example of Few-Shot Learning in Action

Few-Shot Learning for Medical Image Recognition

Imagine a scenario in the medical field where a rare disease needs to be diagnosed using medical images, but only a few labeled images of the disease are available. Traditional machine learning models would struggle to achieve high accuracy due to the scarcity of labeled data. However, few-shot learning can address this challenge effectively.

Let’s consider a real-world example involving the diagnosis of rare skin conditions using dermatological images. Here’s how few-shot learning can be applied:

Problem Statement: Dermatologists need to identify and diagnose a rare skin condition based on images, but only a few annotated images of this condition exist in the medical database.


  • Data Collection: Gather a small set of labeled images of the rare skin condition along with a larger set of labeled images of common skin conditions.
  • Meta-Learning Framework: Use a meta-learning approach to train a model on various skin condition classification tasks. The model learns to adapt quickly to new conditions by developing a general strategy for distinguishing between different skin conditions.
  • Prototypical Networks: Implement prototypical networks to create a prototype representation for each skin condition, including the rare condition. Each prototype is an average embedding of the few available examples of that condition.
  • Training: Train the model using the large set of common skin condition images to develop a robust feature extractor. Fine-tune the model with the few examples of the rare condition to refine its ability to recognize it.


  • When a new patient image is presented, the model extracts features from the image and compares them to the prototypes of known conditions.
  • The model calculates the distance between the new image and each prototype, assigning the image to the condition with the nearest prototype.

Results: Despite the limited number of labeled images of the rare condition, the few-shot learning model can accurately identify the condition by leveraging the general knowledge it has acquired from the larger dataset of common conditions.

Understanding Zero-Shot Learning


Zero-shot learning (ZSL) is a machine learning method where models can accurately predict classes or tasks that were not present during training. This differs from traditional methods, which require extensive labeled examples for each class. Zero-shot learning allows models to recognize and classify unseen categories by using information from related tasks or external knowledge sources. This capability to generalize to new, unseen classes is especially helpful in situations where it’s impractical or impossible to obtain labeled data for every possible category.

Image source: Analytics Vidya


Zero-shot learning employs several key techniques to achieve its goals:

  1. Semantic Embeddings
  • Concept: Semantic embeddings map both seen and unseen classes into a shared semantic space. This space can be defined by attributes, word vectors, or other meaningful representations.
  • Implementation: During training, the model learns to associate visual features of seen classes with their corresponding semantic embeddings. For unseen classes, predictions are made by mapping new instances to the closest semantic embeddings in this shared space.
  • Example: Using word embeddings like Word2Vec or GloVe to represent class labels in a continuous vector space, allowing the model to relate new instances to these embeddings.

2. Attribute-Based Classification

  • Concept: This technique involves defining classes by a set of human-defined attributes. These attributes are shared across both seen and unseen classes.
  • Implementation: During training, the model learns to predict these attributes from the input data. For unseen classes, the model uses the learned attributes to infer the class label.
  • Example: In animal recognition, attributes like “has stripes,” “is large,” and “has hooves” can help the model classify a new animal like a zebra without having seen any zebra images during training.

3. Transfer Learning from Related Tasks

  • Concept: Transfer learning leverages knowledge gained from related tasks to make predictions in zero-shot scenarios.
  • Implementation: The model is pre-trained on a large, diverse dataset (e.g., ImageNet) to learn general visual features. This pre-trained model is then adapted to perform zero-shot learning by mapping these features to the semantic representations of unseen classes.
  • Example: A model pre-trained on object recognition tasks can be fine-tuned to map its learned features to semantic embeddings of unseen objects, enabling it to classify new categories.

4. Leveraging External Knowledge Bases

  • Concept: External knowledge bases (e.g., Wikipedia, ConceptNet) provide rich, structured information about classes that can be used to facilitate zero-shot learning.
  • Implementation: The model incorporates information from these knowledge bases to create semantic representations for unseen classes. This additional context helps the model make more accurate predictions.
  • Example: Using textual descriptions from Wikipedia articles to generate embeddings for unseen classes, which the model can then use to classify new instances.

Real-World Applications

Zero-shot learning has numerous applications across various domains:

  • Image Recognition: Classifying objects or animals that were not included in the training set by using their semantic descriptions.
  • Natural Language Processing: Translating sentences into languages for which there is no direct training data by leveraging semantic similarities with known languages.
  • Medical Diagnosis: Identifying rare diseases based on textual descriptions and attributes, even when no images or examples of the disease are available in the training data.
  • Recommendation Systems: Recommending new products or content types that have not been previously encountered by the system, based on their attributes and relationships to known items.

By harnessing these techniques, zero-shot learning extends the capabilities of machine learning models, enabling them to operate effectively even in data-scarce environments.

Comparison of Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Learning


  1. Transfer Learning: Both approaches leverage transfer learning to enhance model performance by pre-training on large datasets and fine-tuning on specific tasks.
  2. Robust Feature Extraction: A strong feature extractor is crucial for both, as it helps generalize well to new tasks or classes with limited data.
  3. Meta-Learning: Both utilize meta-learning techniques, training on various tasks to quickly adapt to new ones.
  4. Generalization: Both aim to generalize beyond seen classes or tasks, enabling the models to handle new, unseen scenarios effectively.


  1. Data Requirements
  • Few-Shot Learning: Requires a small number of labeled examples for each new class or task. It relies on having at least a few instances of the new classes to learn from.
  • Zero-Shot Learning: Does not require any labeled examples of the new classes. Instead, it uses semantic information, such as class attributes or descriptions, to make predictions.

2. Applications

  • Few-Shot Learning: Commonly used in scenarios where obtaining a large number of labeled examples is difficult but a few labeled examples are available. Examples include medical diagnosis with rare conditions, personalized recommendations, and specialized image recognition tasks.
  • Zero-Shot Learning: Suited for situations where it is impractical to collect any labeled examples for certain classes. It is used in applications such as image recognition of unseen categories, NLP tasks involving new languages or dialects, and recommendation systems for entirely new products or content types.

3. Mechanisms

  • Few-Shot Learning: Utilizes techniques like meta-learning, prototypical networks, Siamese networks, and transfer learning. These methods focus on learning from a few examples by leveraging similarities to previously seen tasks.
  • Zero-Shot Learning: Employs methods like semantic embeddings, attribute-based classification, transfer learning from related tasks, and leveraging external knowledge bases. These techniques enable the model to infer characteristics of unseen classes using semantic or relational information.

4. Prediction Strategy

  • Few-Shot Learning: Makes predictions based on the few available labeled examples, using methods like averaging embeddings to form prototypes or comparing new instances with stored examples.
  • Zero-Shot Learning: Makes predictions by mapping new instances to a semantic space where both seen and unseen classes are represented. The model uses semantic similarity or attribute-based reasoning to classify new instances.

In summary, while both few-shot and zero-shot learning aim to extend the capabilities of machine learning models in data-scarce scenarios, they differ significantly in their data requirements, applications, and underlying mechanisms. Few-shot learning is practical when a small number of examples are available, whereas zero-shot learning excels in scenarios where no specific examples exist but rich semantic information is accessible.

Challenges and Limitations of Few-Shot and Zero-Shot Learning

Few-Shot Learning

Data Quality and Representation:

  • Challenge: The quality and representativeness of the few available examples are crucial. Poor-quality or non-representative examples can significantly degrade model performance.
  • Limitation: Few-shot learning heavily relies on the assumption that the few provided examples are sufficient to capture the variability of the class, which is not always the case.

Generalization to Unseen Tasks:

  • Challenge: Generalizing from a few examples to a broad range of unseen tasks is difficult.
  • Limitation: Models might perform well on tasks similar to those seen during training but struggle with significantly different or more complex tasks.

Computational Complexity:

  • Challenge: Few-shot learning models, especially those using meta-learning, can be computationally intensive due to the need to train on multiple tasks and adapt quickly to new ones.
  • Limitation: High computational requirements can limit the practicality of deploying few-shot learning models in resource-constrained environments.


  • Challenge: With limited training examples, there’s a high risk of overfitting to the few examples provided.
  • Limitation: Regularization techniques can mitigate this, but finding the right balance to ensure good generalization remains challenging

Zero-Shot Learning

Semantic Gap:

  • Challenge: Bridging the semantic gap between visual features and high-level semantic descriptions is difficult.
  • Limitation: Models might misinterpret semantic information or fail to accurately map visual features to semantic spaces, leading to incorrect classifications.

Dependency on External Knowledge:

  • Challenge: Zero-shot learning relies on external knowledge bases or semantic embeddings, which need to be comprehensive and accurate.
  • Limitation: Incomplete or biased external knowledge can impair the model’s ability to make accurate predictions for unseen classes.

Scalability to Complex Tasks:

  • Challenge: Scaling zero-shot learning to complex, real-world tasks involving a large number of classes or intricate relationships is challenging.
  • Limitation: The complexity of semantic relationships and the need for detailed attribute descriptions can limit the model’s scalability and performance.

Evaluation and Benchmarking:

  • Challenge: Evaluating zero-shot learning models can be difficult, as it requires robust benchmarks that accurately reflect real-world scenarios with unseen classes.
  • Limitation: Existing benchmarks might not fully capture the diversity and complexity of potential applications, leading to overestimation of model performance.

Generalization Across Domains:

  • Challenge: Ensuring that models generalize well across different domains (e.g., from text descriptions to images) is complex.
  • Limitation: Domain shift issues can arise, where the model performs well in one domain but poorly in another, limiting its practical applicability.

Both few-shot and zero-shot learning offer promising solutions to data scarcity, but they also come with significant challenges and limitations that need to be addressed to realize their full potential.


Few-shot and zero-shot learning are transforming machine learning by allowing models to perform well with little data. Few-shot learning employs methods like meta-learning and prototypical networks to learn from a few examples. Meanwhile, zero-shot learning uses semantic embeddings and external knowledge bases to classify unseen categories. These techniques tackle issues like data scarcity, generalization, scalability, and overfitting. They are beneficial in areas like healthcare and image recognition. As these methods develop, they hold the potential to democratize AI, making it more accessible and useful in data-limited situations.



Sahin Ahmed, Data Scientist

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