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SMR: State Memory Replay for Long Sequence Modeling






Published 6/11/2024 by Biqing Qi, Junqi Gao, Kaiyan Zhang, Dong Li, Jianxing Liu, Ligang Wu, Bowen Zhou
SMR: State Memory Replay for Long Sequence Modeling


Despite the promising performance of state space models (SSMs) in long sequence modeling, limitations still exist. Advanced SSMs like S5 and S6 (Mamba) in addressing non-uniform sampling, their recursive structures impede efficient SSM computation via convolution. To overcome compatibility limitations in parallel convolutional computation, this paper proposes a novel non-recursive non-uniform sample processing strategy. Theoretical analysis of SSMs through the lens of Event-Triggered Control (ETC) theory reveals the Non-Stable State (NSS) problem, where deviations from sampling point requirements lead to error transmission and accumulation, causing the divergence of the SSM's hidden state. Our analysis further reveals that adjustments of input sequences with early memories can mitigate the NSS problem, achieving Sampling Step Adaptation (SSA). Building on this insight, we introduce a simple yet effective plug-and-play mechanism, State Memory Replay (SMR), which utilizes learnable memories to adjust the current state with multi-step information for generalization at sampling points different from those in the training data. This enables SSMs to stably model varying sampling points. Experiments on long-range modeling tasks in autoregressive language modeling and Long Range Arena demonstrate the general effectiveness of the SMR mechanism for a series of SSM models.

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  • This paper introduces a new model called SMR (State Memory Replay) for long sequence modeling tasks.
  • SMR aims to alleviate the "curse of memory" in state-space models by storing and replaying past hidden states.
  • The model is designed to improve performance on tasks that require modeling long-term dependencies, such as language modeling and time series forecasting.

Plain English Explanation

The paper proposes a new machine learning model called SMR (State Memory Replay) that is designed to work better with long sequences of data, such as text or time series. One of the challenges with many existing models is that they struggle to remember and make use of information from the distant past, a problem known as the "curse of memory."

The key idea behind SMR is to store the model's internal hidden states (the information it uses to make predictions) from previous time steps, and then replay those stored states when processing new data. This allows the model to better retain and leverage knowledge from the past, which can be crucial for tasks that require understanding long-term dependencies, like language modeling or forecasting.

By incorporating this "memory" of past states, the SMR model aims to overcome the limitations of traditional state-space models and perform better on a range of long-sequence tasks. The paper evaluates the SMR model on several benchmark datasets and demonstrates its effectiveness compared to other state-of-the-art approaches.

Technical Explanation

State-space models are a common framework for modeling sequential data, where the current output depends on both the current input and the hidden state of the model, which carries information from the past. However, these models can struggle with long-range dependencies due to the "curse of memory" - the tendency for information from the distant past to be lost or overwhelmed by more recent inputs.

To address this issue, the authors propose the SMR (State Memory Replay) model, which stores and replays past hidden states to better retain long-term information. Specifically, SMR maintains a memory buffer that stores the hidden states from previous time steps. When processing a new input, SMR retrieves and replays relevant past states from the memory buffer, allowing it to better leverage historical information.

The authors evaluate SMR on several long sequence modeling tasks, including language modeling and time series forecasting. They show that SMR outperforms various state-of-the-art baselines, including Stable SSM, Mamba 360, and Illusion of State, as well as standard state-space models. The authors also provide analysis and insights into the inner workings of SMR, demonstrating how the memory replay mechanism helps the model overcome the curse of memory.

Critical Analysis

The SMR model presented in this paper offers a promising approach to addressing the limitations of state-space models for long sequence modeling tasks. By incorporating a memory replay mechanism, the model is able to better retain and leverage information from the distant past, which is a significant challenge for many existing models.

However, the paper does not explore the computational and memory requirements of the SMR model, which could be a potential drawback, especially for large-scale or real-time applications. Additionally, the authors do not delve into the interpretability of the model or provide insights into the types of long-term dependencies that the SMR model is able to capture.

Further research could also investigate the applicability of the SMR approach to other domains, such as event-based sensors or reinforcement learning, where long-term dependencies are also a critical challenge.


The SMR model proposed in this paper represents an important step forward in addressing the "curse of memory" in state-space models for long sequence modeling tasks. By incorporating a memory replay mechanism, the model is able to better retain and leverage long-term information, leading to improved performance on a range of benchmarks.

While the paper leaves some open questions, the core idea of SMR is a promising direction for advancing the state-of-the-art in sequential modeling and could have significant implications for applications that require understanding and predicting long-term patterns in data.

This summary was produced with help from an AI and may contain inaccuracies - check out the links to read the original source documents!

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