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Data-flow analysis: identifying loops

A LOOP L IN A CONTROL FLOW GRAPH G is a subgraph satisfying the following properties.

A loop that contains no other loop is called an inner loop. To identify loops we need the following two notions.

IN A CONTROL FLOW GRAPH G, A DOMINATOR for a node n is a node d such that any path from the entry of the CFG to n goes through d. In this case we also say that d dominates n.

Algorithm 2  

\begin{minipage}{10 cm}
\item[{\bf Input:}] $G$\ a CF...
...cap}_{ \ p \in N \ \mid \ (p,n) \in E} \ D(p)$\ \\

Observe that the header h of a loop L dominates all other nodes of L. Otherwise it cannot be the only entry point.

A BACK EDGE IN A CFG G is an edge (p, d ) of G such that d dominates p. To each back edge one can associate a loop as follows.

THE NATURAL LOOP OF A BACK EDGE (n, d ) is a loop of its CFG computed by the following algorithm.

Algorithm 3  

\begin{minipage}{10 cm}
\item[{\bf Input:}] $G$\ a CF...
...\sf push}($p,stack$) \\
\> {\bf return} $N_L$\ \\

Example 3   Consider the following TAC fragment.

L1: t1 := a-b
ifz t1 goto L2
t2 := i*4
s := s+t2
goto L3
L2: s := s+i
L3: i := i+1
t3 := n-i
ifnz t3 goto L1
t4 := a-b

Its control flow graph is shown on Figure 2. There is one back edge: (B5, B2). Its natural loop consists of the nodes B2, B3, B4, B5.

Figure 2: A control flow graph with two loops.
Occasionally it is difficult to determine when a loop is nested.


To do so, we need a basic block in which we insert such code

REDUCIBLE CONTROL FLOW GRAPHS. A control flow graph G is said to be reducible if the removal of its back edges leads to an acyclic graph where each node can be reached from the initial node of G. In this case, all the edges of this acyclic graph are called forward edges.

Figure 3: A control flow graph which is not reducible.
Figure 3 shows a control flow graph which is not reducible. Indeed it has no loops (in the sense of the above definition) and it is not acyclic.

Figure 4 sketches a simple algorithm for determining whether a control flow graph is non-reducible. When no more reductions are possible, the initial CFG is reducible if and only if the reduced CFG consists only of a single node.

Figure 4: Determining whether a control flow graph is reducible or not.
In the first situation, one can contract the nodes 1 and 2 since it is allowed to arrive at 2 only from 1. In the second case, one is allowed to remove the loop (in the sense of graph theory) around the node.

One can show the following properties about reducible CFG

Figure 5 sketches a technique of node-splitting for dealing with the improper regions of non-reducible graphs.
Figure 5: Dealing with improper regions by node-splitting.

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Marc Moreno Maza