How to Choose Your GenAI Prompting Strategy: Zero-shot vs. One-shot vs. Few-shot Prompting in Generative AI

How to Choose Your GenAI Prompting Strategy: Zero-shot vs. One-shot vs. Few-shot Prompting in Generative AI

Generative AI models, like GPT-3 and GPT-4, have revolutionized the way we interact with technology. These models can perform a wide array of tasks, from language translation to creative writing, by understanding and generating human-like text.

One of the key factors that determine the quality of these outputs is how we prompt these models.

Three important techniques in this regard are zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot prompting. In this article, we will explore these techniques in detail, explaining how they work and when to use them effectively.

What is Prompting?

Prompting involves giving an AI model specific instructions or examples to guide its response. The effectiveness of an AI model in generating accurate and relevant responses heavily depends on the quality and clarity of the prompt. Prompting can be done in various ways, but three main approaches are widely recognized:

  1. Zero-shot Prompting
  2. One-shot Prompting
  3. Few-shot Prompting

Zero-shot Prompting


Zero-shot prompting refers to the process of instructing an AI model to perform a task without providing any prior examples. The model relies solely on its pre-existing knowledge acquired during training to generate a response.

How it Works

In zero-shot prompting, the AI model interprets the task based on the prompt alone. This requires the model to have a broad understanding of language and concepts, as it has to infer the desired output without any specific examples to guide it.


Prompt: "Translate the following English sentence to French: 'How are you?'"

Explanation: The AI model uses its knowledge of English and French to generate the translation without any examples provided in the prompt.

When to Use Zero-shot Prompting

Zero-shot prompting is useful when:

  • The task is straightforward and the model has sufficient knowledge from its training data.
  • You want to test the model's general understanding and capabilities.
  • Providing examples is impractical or unnecessary.

Advantages and Limitations


  • Simplicity: Requires minimal effort in constructing prompts.
  • Efficiency: No need to gather or provide examples.


  • Unpredictability: The model's response might be less accurate or relevant without examples.
  • Dependence on Training Data: The model's performance is highly dependent on the breadth and depth of its training.

One-shot Prompting


One-shot prompting involves providing the AI model with one example to guide its response. This example helps the model understand the task better and produce a more accurate output.

How it Works

In one-shot prompting, the single example serves as a reference point for the AI model. The model uses this example to infer the structure, style, and nature of the desired output.


Prompt: "Translate the following English sentence to French: 'Good morning.' Example: 'Good morning' translates to 'Bonjour'. Now translate: 'How are you?'"

Explanation: The provided example ('Good morning' to 'Bonjour') helps the AI model understand that it needs to translate the given sentence to French, guiding it to produce the correct translation for 'How are you?'.

When to Use One-shot Prompting

One-shot prompting is useful when:

  • The task is moderately complex and a single example can clarify the expected output.
  • You want to guide the model's response without overwhelming it with too much information.
  • The model's performance needs slight improvement with minimal examples.

Advantages and Limitations


  • Clarity: The example provides a clear reference, improving the model's understanding.
  • Balance: Offers a good balance between simplicity and guidance.


  • Limited Guidance: One example might not be sufficient for very complex tasks.
  • Dependency: The quality of the output depends on the relevance and accuracy of the provided example.

Few-shot Prompting


Few-shot prompting involves providing the AI model with a few examples to guide its response. This technique offers more comprehensive guidance, helping the model understand the task better.

How it Works

In few-shot prompting, multiple examples are used to illustrate the task. The AI model uses these examples to learn the patterns, styles, and expectations for the desired output.


Prompt: "Translate the following English sentences to French: 'Good morning.' Example: 'Good morning' translates to 'Bonjour'. 'Good night.' Example: 'Good night' translates to 'Bonne nuit'. Now translate: 'How are you?'"

Explanation: The multiple examples ('Good morning' to 'Bonjour' and 'Good night' to 'Bonne nuit') provide the AI model with a clearer understanding of the translation task, leading to a more accurate translation of 'How are you?'.

When to Use Few-shot Prompting

Few-shot prompting is useful when:

  • The task is complex and requires more detailed guidance.
  • You need to improve the model's performance significantly.
  • The output requires adherence to specific patterns or styles.

Advantages and Limitations


  • Enhanced Guidance: Multiple examples offer a richer context, improving accuracy and relevance.
  • Flexibility: Allows for more complex and nuanced tasks to be addressed effectively.


  • Effort: Requires more effort to gather and provide multiple examples.
  • Length: Longer prompts might be cumbersome to construct and use.

Comparing Zero-shot, One-shot, and Few-shot Prompting

Use Cases

  • Zero-shot Prompting: Best for simple, straightforward tasks or when testing the model's general capabilities without specific examples.
  • One-shot Prompting: Suitable for tasks where a single example can provide sufficient guidance to improve the model's performance.
  • Few-shot Prompting: Ideal for complex tasks that require detailed guidance and multiple examples to ensure accurate and relevant responses.

Performance and Complexity

  • Zero-shot Prompting: Least complex but potentially less accurate.
  • One-shot Prompting: Moderately complex with improved accuracy compared to zero-shot.
  • Few-shot Prompting: Most complex but provides the highest accuracy and relevance.

Practical Considerations

When choosing the appropriate prompting technique, consider the task's complexity, the desired accuracy, and the effort you are willing to invest in creating the prompt. For simple tasks, zero-shot prompting might suffice. For more complex tasks, providing one or a few examples can significantly enhance the model's performance.


Understanding and utilizing zero-shot, one-shot, and few-shot prompting techniques can greatly improve the effectiveness of generative AI models. By choosing the right prompting strategy based on the task at hand, you can guide the AI to produce more accurate, relevant, and high-quality outputs. Whether you need a simple translation, a detailed explanation, or a creative story, mastering these prompting techniques will enable you to harness the full potential of AI tools.

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