
Advances in computational materials science have enabled the accurate prediction of novel materials possessing exceptional properties. Remarkably, these computational advancements have facilitated the successful experimental synthesis of materials that exhibit the anticipated properties. Some predicted materials, such as near-room-temperature superconductors, have been successfully synthesized under high-pressure conditions, with their superconducting temperatures in accordance with density functional theory (DFT) calculations1,2. To achieve accurate predictions, a priori knowledge of plausible molecular and crystal structures play a vital role in both theoretical and experimental studies. Several algorithms, such as evolutionary algorithms, swarm particle optimization, random sampling method, and etc., have been employed for structure prediction3,4,5. These algorithms rely on identifying local minima on the potential energy landscape obtained from, for example, DFT calculations and machine learning-driven methods6,7,8. In the case of crystal structures, where atoms are arranged in a three-dimensional space with periodic boundaries, additional criteria are necessary to enforce crystal symmetry constraints5.

Recent approach for structure prediction employs denoising diffusion models to perform probabilistic inference. These models sample molecular and crystal structures from a probability distribution of atomic coordinates and types9,10,11,12, bypassing the computationally intensive DFT calculation that tediously determines the potential energy landscape. By leveraging sufficiently large datasets containing various compounds, this method enables the generation of diverse compositions and combinations of elements simultaneously. Furthermore, the models allow for the control of desired physical properties of the generated structures through conditional probability sampling13,14,15. These machine learning-based algorithms also hold promise for solving inverse problem efficiently, resolving structures from experimental characterizations, e.g., x-ray absorption spectroscopy and other techniques, a challenging problem in materials science16,17,18.

There are two primary types of denoising diffusion models: score matching approach and denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM)19,20,21. These two models can denoise (reverse) a normal distribution such that the distribution gradually transforms into the data distribution of interest. The score matching approach estimates the score function of the perturbed data directing the normal distribution toward the data distribution and employing large step sizes of variance. In contrast, DDPM gradually denoises the random noise through a joint distribution of data perturbed at different scales of variance. Both approaches have been utilized for generating molecular structures10,11,12. However, models based on DDPM tend to sample molecules with higher diversity and energy closer to the ground truth than models based on the score matching approach11.

Since atomic positions in crystal structures are periodic and can be invariant under some rotation groups depending on their crystal symmetry, the core neural networks should favourably possess roto-translational equivariance22,23,24. Xie et al.9 has proposed a model for crystal prediction by a combination between variational autoencoder (VAE)25 and the denoising diffusion model, called crystal diffusion VAE (CDVAE). The model employs the score matching approach with (annealed) Langevin dynamics to generate new crystal structures from random coordinates19. The neural networks for an encoder and the diffusion model are roto-translationally equivariant. As a result, CDVAE can generate crystal structures with realistic bond lengths and respect crystal symmetry.

Because of the periodic boundary condition imposed on the unit cell, gradually injecting sufficiently strong noises (in the forward process) to the fractional coordinates can lead to the uniform distribution of atomic positions at late times, the consequence of ergodicity in statistical mechanical sense. Rather than beginning with a Gaussian distribution and denoising it as in the original CDVAE formulation, Jiao et al.26 perturbed and sampled atomic positions beginning with a wrapped normal distribution which satisfies the periodic boundary condition. With this approach, the reconstruction performance has been significantly improved. Other circular (periodic) distributions, e.g., the wrapped normal and von Mises distributions, are not natural for DDPM framework since there is no known analytical method to explicitly incorporate such distributions into the framework. There, one needs to resort to an additional sampling procedure to construct the DDPM27.

In this work, we introduce a crystal generation framework called diffusion probabilistic CDVAE (DP-CDVAE). Similar to the original CDVAE, our model consists of two parts: the VAE part and the diffusion part. The purpose of the VAE part is to predict the lattice parameters and the number of atoms in the unit cell of crystal structures. On the other hand, the diffusion part utilizes the diffusion probabilistic approach to denoise fractional coordinates and predict atomic coordinates. By employing the DDPM instead of the score matching approach, the DP-CDVAE model shows reconstruction and generation task performances that are statistically comparable to those obtained from original CDVAE. Importantly, we demonstrate the significantly higher ground-state generation performance of DP-CDVAE, through the distance comparison between generated structures and those optimized using the DFT method. We also analyze the changes in energy and volume after relaxation to gain further insights into models’ capabilities.

Figure 1
figure 1

The schematic summarizing the architecture for training the DP-CDVAE model. Multiple sub-networks are trained to minimize the total loss function. The encoder (\(G_{\phi }(\textbf{L}\textbf{r}_f, Z, N_a)\)) compresses input pristine crystal structures into the latent feature (\(\textbf{z}\)). The predicted lattice parameters (\(\textbf{L}_\textbf{z}\)), the predicted number of atoms (\(N_\textbf{z}\)), and \(\textbf{A}_\textbf{z}\) are decoded from \(\textbf{z}\). Here, \(\textbf{A}_\textbf{z}\) enables the sampling of atomic types (\(Z_t\)), and all the decoded features enable the reconstruction of crystal structures. The input fractional coordinates \(\textbf{r}_f\) undergo perturbation (dash-dotted line) at time step t and then are transformed by \(\varvec{\pi }(\cdot )\) to satisfy the periodic boundary condition (dotted line), serving as the coordinates for the reconstructed crystal structures. These reconstructed structures, \(\left( \mathbf {L_z r}_{f_t}, Z_t, \textbf{z},t \right)\), are subsequently fed into the diffusion network (\(D_{\theta }(\textbf{L}_\textbf{z}\textbf{r}_{f_t}, \textbf{f}_{t})\)), where \(\textbf{f}_t\) is a node feature composing of \(Z_t\), \(\textbf{z}\), and t. The diffusion network predicts the noise added to the fractional coordinates (\(\varvec{\epsilon }_{\theta }\)) as well as the one-hot vector of atomic types (\(\textbf{A}_{\theta }\)). Dashed-line boxes represent the unit cells of the crystal structures.


The performances of DP-CDVAE models are herein presented. There are four DP-CDVAE models, differed by the choice of the encoder (see Fig. S1 in Supplemental Information (SI)). DimeNet\(^{++}\) has been employed for the main encoder for every DP-CDVAE models28. We then modify the encoder of DP-CDVAE to encode the crystal structure by two additional neural networks: a multilayer perceptron that takes the number of atoms in the unit cell (\(N_a\)) as an input, and a graph isomorphism network (GINE)29. Their latent features are combined with the latent features from DimeNet\(^{++}\) through another multilayer perceptron. The \(N_a\) is encoded such that the model can decode the \(N_a\) accurately, and GINE encoder is inspired by GeoDiff11 whose model is a combination of SchNet30 and GINE which yields better performance.

Three datasets, Perov-531,32, Carbon-2433, and MP-2034, were selected to evaluate the performance of the model. The Perov-5 dataset consists of perovskite materials with cubic structures, but with variations in the combinations of elements within the structures. The Carbon-24 dataset comprises carbon materials, where the data consists of carbon element with various crystal systems obtained from ab initio random structure searching algorithm at pressure of 10 GPa33. The MP-20 dataset encompasses a wide range of compounds and structure types.

Reconstruction performance

The reconstruction performance is determined by the similarity between reconstructed and ground-truth structures. The similarity can be evaluated using StructureMatcher algorithm from pymatgen library35. The algorithm takes a pair of crystal structures and performs Niggli reduction to reduce their cells36,37. They are then compared by determining an average displacement between the two structures. If it falls within the error tolerence, the two structures are matched. The reconstructed and ground-truth structures are similar if they pass the criteria of StructureMatcher which are stol=0.5, angle_tol=10, ltol=0.3. Match rate is the percentage of those structures passed the criteria. If the reconstructed and ground-truth structures are similar under the criteria, the root-mean-square distance between their atomic positions is computed and then normalized by \(\root 3 \of {V/N_a}\), where V is the unit-cell volume, and \(N_a\) is the number of atoms in the unit cell. An average of the distances of every pair of structures (\(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\)), computed using the StructureMatcher algorithm, is used as the performance metric.

Table 1 presents the reconstruction performance of different models for three different datasets: Perov-5, Carbon-24, and MP-20. Note that Fourier-transformed crystal properties (FTCP) model is presented as a baseline model, which is based on VAE. It encodes and decodes both the real-space and reciprocal-space features of crystal structures38. For the Perov-5 dataset, the DP-CDVAE model achieves a match rate of 90.04%, indicating its ability to reconstruct a significant portion of the ground-truth structures. This performance is 7.48% lower than the CDVAE model but still demonstrates the effectiveness of our model. In terms of \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\), the DP-CDVAE model achieves a value of 0.0212, comparable to the FTCP model38, but slightly higher than the CDVAE model. Similarly, for the Carbon-24 and MP-20 datasets, the DP-CDVAE model performs well in terms of both match rate and \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\). It achieves match rates of 45.57% and 32.42% for Carbon-24 and MP-20, respectively. The corresponding \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\) values for Carbon-24 and MP-20 are 0.1513 and 0.0383, respectively, comparable to the CDVAE model.

Regarding the DP-CDVAE+\(N_a\) model, the additional encoding of \(N_a\) into the model leads to improved match rates for all datasets, with an increase of 2–5%. This enhancement can be attributed to the accurate prediction of \(N_a\). However, in terms of \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\), only the Perov-5 dataset shows an improvement, with a value of 0.0149. On the other hand, for the Carbon-24 and MP-20 datasets, the \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\) values are higher compared to the DP-CDVAE model.

For the DP-CDVAE+GINE and DP-CDVAE+\(N_a\)+GINE models, the additional encoding of GINE into the models leads to a substantial drop in match rates compared to the DP-CDVAE model, particularly for the Perov-5 and Carbon-24 datasets. In contrast, there is a moderate increase in the match rates for the MP-20 dataset. The \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\) values for the Perov-5 and Carbon-24 datasets are comparable to those of the DP-CDVAE model. However, for the MP-20 dataset, the \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\) is noticeably higher in the models with GINE encoder compared to the DP-CDVAE model.

Overall, while the reconstruction performance of the DP-CDVAE model may be lower than the CDVAE model in terms of match rate, it still demonstrates competitive performance with relatively low \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\). The match rate can be enhanced by additionally encoding the \(N_a\), but the performance is traded off by the increase in \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\).

Table 1 Reconstruction performance.

Generation performance

We follow the CDVAE model that used three metrics to determine the generation performance of the models9. The first metric is the Validity percentage, which encompasses two sub-metrics: Structural Validity (Struc.) with a criterion that ensures the distances between every pair of atoms are larger than 0.5 Å, and Compositional Validity (Comp.) with a criterion that maintains a neutral total charge in the unit cell. The second metric is called coverage (COV), which utilizes structure and composition fingerprints to evaluate the similarity between the generated and ground-truth structures. COV-R (Recall) represents the percentage of ground-truth structures covered by the generated structures. COV-P (Precision) represents the percentage of generated structures that are similar to the ground-truth structures, indicating the quality of the generation. The third metric is the Wasserstein distance between property distributions of generated and ground-truth structures. Three property statistics are density (\(\rho\)), which is total atomic mass per volume (unit g/cm\(^3\)), formation energy (\(E_{form}\), unit eV/atom), and the number of elements in the unit cell (# elem.). A separated and pre-trained neural network is employed to predict E of the structures where the detail of the pre-training can be found in Ref.9. The first and second metrics are computed over 10,240 generated structures, and 1000 structures are randomly chosen from the generated structures that pass the validity tests to compute the third metric. The ground-truth structures used to evaluate the generation performance are from the test set.

In Table 2, the DP-CDVAE model achieves a validity rate of 100% for the Perov-5 dataset and close to 100% for the Carbon-24 and MP-20 datasets in terms of structure. The validity rate for composition is comparable to that of the CDVAE model. The DP-CDVAE model also demonstrates comparable COV-R values to the CDVAE model across all three datasets. Furthermore, the DP-CDVAE models with \(N_a\) and/or GINE encoders exhibit similar Validity and COV-R metrics to those of the DP-CDVAE model. However, for COV-P, all DP-CDVAE models yield lower values compared to CDVAE.

On the other hand, our models show significant improvements in property statistics. In the case of the MP-20 dataset, the DP-CDVAE models, particularly those with the GINE encoder, yield substantially smaller Wasserstein distances for \(\rho\), \(E_{form}\), and the number of elements compared to other models. For the Carbon-24 dataset, our models also exhibit a smaller Wasserstein distance for \(\rho\) compared to the CDVAE model.

Ground-state performance

Another objective of the structure generator is to generate novel structures that also are close to the ground state. To verify that, the generated structures are relaxed using the DFT calculation where the relaxed structures exhibit balanced internal stresses with external pressures and reside in local energy minima. These relaxed structures are then compared with the generated structures to evaluate their similarity. In this study, we have chosen a set of 100 generated structures from each of CDVAE, CDVAE+Fourier, and DP-CDVAE models for relaxation where CDVAE+Fourier model is CDVAE model with Fourier embedding features of the perturbed coordinates. However, relaxation procedures for multi-element compounds can be computationally intensive. To address this, we have specifically selected materials composed solely of carbon atoms, using the model trained on Carbon-24 dataset. This selection ensures a convergence of the self-consistent field in DFT calculation. Moreover, in the relaxation, we consider the ground state of the relaxed structures at a temperature of 0 K and a pressure of 10 GPa since the carbon structures in the training set are stable at 10 GPa33.

We here introduce a ground-state performance presented in Table 3. The StructureMatcher with the same criteria as in the reconstruction performance is used to evaluate the similarity between the generated and relaxed structures. The relaxed structure was used as a based structure to determine if the generated structure can be matched. Four metrics used to determine the similarity are 1) match rate, 2) \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\), 3) \(\Delta V_{\text {rms}}\) and 4) \(\Delta E_{\text {rms}}\). The \(\Delta V_{\text {rms}}\) and \(\Delta E_{\text {rms}}\) represent the root mean square differences in volume and energy, respectively, between the generated structures and the relaxed structures in the dataset.

In Table 3, the DP-CDVAE model achieves the highest match rate and the lowest \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\) and \(\Delta E_{\text {rms}}\). Although the CDVAE+Fourier model achieves the lowest \(\Delta V_{\text {rms}}\), the DP-CDVAE model demonstrates the \(\Delta V_{\text {rms}}\) that is comparable to that of the CDVAE+Fourier model.

Table 2 Generation performance.
Table 3 Ground-state performance.


The DP-CDVAE models significantly enhance the generation performance, particularly in terms of property statistics, while maintaining comparable COVs to those of CDVAE. Specifically, for Carbon-24 and MP-20 datasets, the density distributions between the generated and ground-truth structures from DP-CDVAE models exhibit substantially smaller Wasserstein distance compared those of the CDVAE model (see Table 2). The \(\Delta V_{\text {rms}}\) of the DP-CDVAE model presented in Table 3 is significantly lower than that of the original CDVAE. This is corresponding to smaller Wasserstein distance of \(\rho\) shown in Table 2. The DP-CDVAE model also demonstrates significantly smaller \(\langle \delta _{\text {rms}}\rangle\) than the original CDVAE. These suggest that our lattice generation closely approximates the relaxed lattice, while also achieving atomic positions that closely resemble the ground-state configuration. This could be an attribute of the DP approach that gradually learns perturbed coordinates, which in turn enhances the quality of sampled coordinates during the reverse process, much like its successful applications in image and molecular structure generation11,21,39. Additionally, the distribution of the number of elements in the unit cells is relatively similar to that of the data in the test set, particularly in the results from the models with GINE encoder. This could be attributed to the capability of GINE to search for graph isomorphism40. For the MP-20 dataset, the Wasserstein distances of the \(E_{form}\) values generated by our models are notably lower. This suggests that the crystal structures we generate are more likely to have \(E_{form}\) values within the specific range we are interested in. Hence, by selecting an appropriate training set, we can concentrate on structures with \(E_{form}\) values falling within the synthesizable candidate range.

Moreover, \(\Delta E\) is the energy difference between the generated structures and their corresponding relaxed structures. The ground-state energy represents a local minimum that the generated structure is relaxed towards. A value of \(\Delta E\) close to zero indicates that the generated structure is in close proximity to the ground state. In Table 3, it can be observed that our model achieves the \(\Delta E_{\text {rms}}\) value of 400.7 meV/atom which is about 68.1 meV/atom lower than the \(\Delta E_{\text {rms}}\) of CDVAE. The mode of \(\Delta E\) of our model is 64–128 meV/atom, which is lower than its root-mean-square value (see Fig. S2 in SI). Nevertheless, both the \(\Delta E_{\text {rms}}\) and the mode of \(\Delta E\) exhibit relatively high values. In many cases, the formation energy of synthesized compounds is reported to be above the convex hull less than 36 meV/atom41,42,43. To obviate the need for time-consuming DFT relaxation, it is essential for the generated structures to be even closer to the ground state. Therefore, achieving lower \(\Delta E_{\text {rms}}\) values remains a milestone for future work.


Diffusion probabilistic model

In the diffusion probabilistic model, the data distribution is gradually perturbed by noise in the forward process until it becomes a normal distribution at late times. In this study, the distribution of the fractional coordinate (\(\textbf{r}_f\)) is considered since their values of every crystal structures distribute over the same range ,i.e., \(\textbf{r}_f \in [0, 1)^3\). The Markov process is assumed for the forward diffusion such that the joint distribution is a product of the conditional distributions conditioned on the knowledge of the fractional coordinate at the previous time step:

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} q(\textbf{r}_{1:T}|\textbf{r}_0)&= \prod _{t=1}^T q(\textbf{r}_t|\textbf{r}_{t-1}), \\ q(\textbf{r}_t|\textbf{r}_{t-1})&= \mathcal {N}(\textbf{r}_t; \sqrt{\alpha _t}\textbf{r}_{t-1}, (1-\alpha _t)\textbf{I}), \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

where \(\textbf{r}_0 \sim q(\textbf{r}_f)\) the data distribution of the fractional coordinate, t is the discretized diffusion time step, T is the final diffusion time, \(\alpha _t\) is a noise schedule with a sigmoid scheduler44, and the conditional \(q(\cdot | \cdot )\) is a Gaussian kernel due to the Markov diffusion process assumption. Then \(\textbf{r}_t\) can be expressed in the Langevin’s form through the reparameterization trick as

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{r}_t = \sqrt{\bar{\alpha }_t}\textbf{r}_0 + \sqrt{1 - \bar{\alpha }_t}\varvec{\epsilon }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varvec{\epsilon } \sim \mathcal {N}(0,\textbf{I})\), and \(\bar{\alpha }_t = \prod _{i=1}^t\alpha _i\). This update rule does not necessitate \(\textbf{r}_t\) to remain in \([0,1)^3\); however, we can impose the periodic boundary condition for the fractional coordinate so that

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{r}_{f_t} = \varvec{\pi }(\textbf{r}_t) :=\textbf{r}_t - \lfloor \textbf{r}_t \rfloor . \end{aligned}$$

Then, \(\textbf{r}_{f_t} \in [0, 1)^3\).

In the reverse diffusion process, if the consecutive discretized time step is small compared to the diffusion timescale, the reverse coordinate trajectories can be approximately sampled also from the product of Gaussian diffusion kernels as

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} p_{\theta }(\textbf{r}_{0:T})&= p(\textbf{r}_T)\prod _{t=1}^Tp_{\theta }(\textbf{r}_{t-1}|\textbf{r}_t), \\ p_{\theta }(\textbf{r}_{t-1}|\textbf{r}_t)&= \mathcal {N}(\textbf{r}_{t-1};\varvec{\mu }_{\theta },\sigma ^2_t\textbf{I}), \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \varvec{\mu }_{\theta }&= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha _t}}\Big (\textbf{r}_t -\frac{1-\alpha _t}{\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha }_t}}\varvec{\epsilon }_{\theta }\Big ), \\ \sigma _t^2&= \frac{(1 - \bar{\alpha }_{t-1})(1 - \alpha _t)}{1 - \bar{\alpha }_t}. \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

The reverse conditional distribution can be trained by minimizing the Kullback-Leibler divergence between \(p_{\theta }(\textbf{r}_{t-1}|\textbf{r}_t)\) and \(q(\textbf{r}_{t-1}| \textbf{r}_t, \textbf{r}_0)\), the posterior of the corresponding forward process21. We use GemNetT for the diffusion network to train the parametrized noise \(\varvec{\epsilon }_{\theta }\)45. Then, the coordinate in the earlier time can be sampled from \(\textbf{r}_{t-1} \sim p_{\theta }(\textbf{r}_{t-1}|\textbf{r}_t)\), whose corresponding reverse Langevin’s dynamics reads

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{r}_{t-1} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha _t}}\Big (\textbf{r}_t -\frac{1-\alpha _t}{\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha }_t}}\varvec{\epsilon }_{\theta }\Big ) + \sigma _t\varvec{\epsilon }^{\prime }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varvec{\epsilon }^{\prime } \sim \mathcal {N}(0,\textbf{I})\). Crucially, we empirically found that the final reconstruction performance is considerably improved when we impose the periodic boundary condition on the fractional coordinate at every time step such that \(\textbf{r}_{t-1} \sim p_{\theta }(\textbf{r}_{t-1}|\textbf{r}_{f_t})\) and \(\alpha _t\) in the first term of Eq. (6) is replaced by \(\bar{\alpha }_t\). Namely, in our modified reverse process, the coordinate is sampled from

$$\begin{aligned} \begin{aligned} \textbf{r}_{t-1}&= \frac{1}{\sqrt{\bar{\alpha _t}}}\Big (\textbf{r}_{f_t} -\sqrt{1-\bar{\alpha }_t}\varvec{\epsilon }_{\theta }\Big ) + \sigma _t\varvec{\epsilon }^{\prime }, \\ \textbf{r}_{f_{t}}&= \varvec{\pi }(\textbf{r}_{t}). \end{aligned} \end{aligned}$$

An illustration of denoising atomic coordinates with Eq. (7) is demonstrated in Fig. 2. The model performance using Eq. (6) is shown in Table S1 in SI, whereas the performance using Eq. (7) is shown in Table 1.

Figure 2
figure 2

The schematic depicting the reverse diffusion process of the DP-CDVAE model. Initially, atomic coordinates are sampled from a normal distribution and subsequently mapped into the unit cell (dashed-line box) using the periodic boundary-imposing function \(\varvec{\pi }(\cdot )\). White circles outside the unit cell depict the atomic coordinates prior to the periodic boundary condition is imposed, while colored circles represent atoms that are inside the unit cell of interest. The action of \(\varvec{\pi }(\cdot )\) on the atoms outside the unit cell is represented by an arrow that translates the white circles into colored circles in the unit cell. Left to right show the reverse direction of the arrow of time, depicting the reverse diffusion process.

Graph neural networks

Graph neural networks architecture facilitate machine learning of crystal graphs \(\mathcal {G} =(\mathcal {V},\mathcal {E})\), graph representations of crystal structures. \(\mathcal {V}\) and \(\mathcal {E}\) are sets of nodes and edges, respectively, defined as

$$\begin{aligned}&\mathcal {V} = \{(\textbf{f}_{n}, \textbf{r}_{c_{n}}) \; | \; \textbf{f}_{n} \in \mathbb {R}^{M}, \; \textbf{r}_{c_{n}} = \textbf{L}\textbf{r}_{f_{n}} \in \mathbb {R}^{3} \}, \\&\mathcal {E} = \{\Delta \textbf{r}_{c_{mn}}^{(\textbf{T})} \; | \; \Delta \textbf{r}_{c_{mn}}^{(\textbf{T})} = \textbf{r}_{c_{m}} - \textbf{r}_{c_{n}} + \textbf{T}; \ \textbf{r}_{c_{m}}, \textbf{r}_{c_{n}} \in \mathbb {R}^{3} \}, \end{aligned}$$

where n and m are indices of atoms in a crystal structure, \(\textbf{f}_n\) is a vector of M features of an atom in the unit cell, \(\textbf{T}\) is a translation vector, and \(\textbf{L}\) is a lattice matrix that converts a fractional coordinate \(\textbf{r}_{f_n}\) into its atomic Cartesian coordinate \(\textbf{r}_{c_n}\). The atomic features, fractional coordinates, and atomic Cartesian coordinates of the crystal structure are vectorized (concatenated) as \(\textbf{f} = (\textbf{f}_1, \dots , \textbf{f}_{N_a}) \in \mathbb {R}^{N_a\times M}\), \(\textbf{r}_f = (\textbf{r}_{f_1}, \dots , \textbf{r}_{f_{N_a}}) \in \mathbb {R}^{N_a\times 3}\), and \(\textbf{r}_c = (\textbf{r}_{c_1}, \dots , \textbf{r}_{c_{N_a}}) \in \mathbb {R}^{N_a\times 3}\). Three graph neural networks implemented in this work are DimeNet\(^{++}\)28, GINE29, and GemNetT45. DimeNet\(^{++}\) and GINE are employed for encoders, and GemNetT is used for a diffusion network. DimeNet\(^{++}\) and GemNetT, whose based architecture concerns geometry of the graphs, are rotationally equivariant. GemNetT has been devised by incorporating the polar angles between four atoms into DimeNet\(^{++}\). This development grants GemNetT a higher degree of expressive power compared to DimeNet\(^{++}\)46. Furthermore, GINE has been developed to distinguish a graph isomorphism, but not graph geometry nor the distance between nodes, which is important for our study. Thus we supplement the edge attributes into GINE with the distances between atoms, i.e. \(\mathcal {E} = \{||\Delta \textbf{r}_{c_{mn}}^{(\textbf{T})}|| \}\).

DP-CDVAE’s architecture

The forward process of DP-CDVAE model is illustrated in Fig. 1. The model is a combination of two generative models, which are VAE and diffusion probabilistic model. The pristine crystal structures consist of the fractional coordinate (\(\textbf{r}_f\)), the lattice matrix (\(\textbf{L}\)), ground-truth atomic type (Z), and the number of atoms in a unit cell (\(N_a\)). For crystal graphs of the encoders, their node features are \(\textbf{f}=Z\). The number of atoms in a unit cell \(N_a\) is encoded through multilayer perceptron before concatenated with the latent features from other graph encoders. They are encoded to train \(\varvec{\mu }_{\phi }\) and \(logvar_{\phi }\) where \(\phi\) is a learnable parameter of the encoders. The latent variables (\(\textbf{z}\)) can be obtained by

$$\begin{aligned} \textbf{z} = \varvec{\mu }_{\phi } + e^{logvar_{\phi }}\varvec{\epsilon }^{\prime \prime }, \end{aligned}$$

where \(\varvec{\epsilon }^{\prime \prime } \sim \mathcal {N}(0,\textbf{I})\). Then, \(\textbf{z}\) will be decoded to compute the lattice lengths and angles, which then yield the lattice matrix (\(\textbf{L}_\textbf{z}\)), \(N_a\), and \(\textbf{A}_\textbf{z}\). In the original CDVAE, \(\textbf{A}_\textbf{z}\) is the probability vector indicating the fraction of each atomic type in the compound and is used to perturb Z by

$$\begin{aligned} Z_t \sim \mathcal {M}(\text {softmax}(\textbf{A} + \sigma _t^{\prime }\textbf{A}_\textbf{z})) \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathcal {M}\) is a multinomial distribution, \(\textbf{A}\) is a one-hot vector of ground-truth atomic type Z, and \(\sigma _t^{\prime }\) is the variance for perturbing atomic types at time t, which is distinct from \(\sigma _t\) used for perturbing the atomic coordinates. Similar to the original CDVAE, \(\sigma _t^{\prime }\) is selected from the range of [0.01, 5].

For the diffusion network, the input structures are constructed from \(\textbf{r}_{f_t}\), \(Z_t\), and \(\textbf{L}_\textbf{z}\) where the (Cartesian) atomic coordinates at time t are computed by \(\textbf{r}_{c_t} = \textbf{L}_\textbf{z}\textbf{r}_{f_t}\). These are then utilized by the crystal graphs for the diffusion network, whose node features are \(\textbf{f}_{t} = (Z_t, \textbf{F}_t, \textbf{z}, t)\) where \(\textbf{F}_t\) is a Fourier embedding feature of \(\textbf{r}_t\) (see SI). As proposed by Ho et al.21, we use the simple loss to train the model such that

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_{simple} = \Vert \varvec{\epsilon } - \varvec{\epsilon }_{\theta }(\textbf{r}_{c_t}, \textbf{f}_{t})\Vert ^2. \end{aligned}$$

Since the diffusion model is trained to predict both \(\varvec{\epsilon }\) and \(\textbf{A}\), so the loss of the diffusion network is

$$\begin{aligned} \mathcal {L}_{diff} = \mathcal {L}_{simple} + \lambda \mathcal {L}_{CE}(\textbf{A},\textbf{A}_{\theta }(\textbf{r}_{c_t}, \textbf{f}_{t})), \end{aligned}$$

where \(\mathcal {L}_{CE}\) is the cross entropy loss, \(\lambda\) is a loss scaling factor, and \(t \in \{1, \ldots , T\}\) where \(T=1000\). In this work, t is randomly chosen for each crystal graph and randomly reinitialized for each epoch in the training process. The total loss in the trainig process is shown in Eq. S1 in SI.

In the reverse diffusion process, we measure the model performance of two tasks: reconstruction and generation tasks. For the former task, \(\textbf{z}\) is obtained from Eq. (8) by using the ground-truth structure as an input of the encoders. For the latter task, \(\textbf{z} \sim \mathcal {N}(0, \textbf{I})\), which is then used to predict \(N_a\), \(\textbf{L}_\textbf{z}\), \(\textbf{A}_\textbf{z}\), and concatenate with the node feature of the crystal graph in the diffusion network. At the initial step, \(t=T\), \(Z_T\) is sampled from the highest probability of \(\textbf{A}_\textbf{z}\), and the final-time coordinate is obtained from sampling a Gaussian distribution, i.e. \(\textbf{r}_T \sim \mathcal {N}(0, \textbf{I}).\) The coordinates can be denoised using Eq. (7), and the predicted atomic types are updated in each reversed time step by \(\text {argmax}(\textbf{A}_{\theta })\).

DFT calculations

The Vienna ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) was employed for structural relaxations and energy calculations based on DFT47,48. The calculations were conducted under the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), which is Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange-correlation functional, and the project augmented wave (PAW) method49,50. The thresholds for energy and force convergence were set to \(10^{-5}\) eV and \(10^{-5}\) eV/Å, respectively. The plane-wave energy cutoff was set to 800 eV, and the Brillouin zone integration was carried out on a k-point mesh of \(5 \times 5 \times 5\) created by the Monkhorst-Pack method51,52.